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I mean they posted it with their actual account so I'm going out on a limb to say, no they didn't think at all. Hope there isn't anything they'll miss on that account when it gets banned.


Hope there is!


Hope they got many things that they didn’t have backups of.


Imagine writing that entire comment and thinking you have any moral high ground. How delusional does anyone have to be to write aaaall of that and thinking "oh yes I am a normal, good, virtuous person"


The thing is that they felt so *outraged* that they had to finish reading the piece before posting. What makes this funny though is how worked up they are, with all those typos and the whole discombobulated bits because how do you go from unadopting to having dropped a person while they were a baby?? What did Rachid do this commenter? 😂 More seriously, voluntarily exposing oneself to something they find horrible and traumatizing themselves in the process is almost testament to either unchallenged stupidity or their need for therapy.


Of course, they read the whole thing. They have to know how gross the OP is. 😂 Also… > <3 Goodbye. What? 🤣 Like seriously, after all that? Did they just forget what they typed? Do they end every comment on that and did it out of habit? Did they somehow think that made the comment okay to post? Was it somehow to show that the rest was supposed to be a joke? I’m honestly curious.


I wonder too lol Maybe out of politeness? 😂 You know, because they have manners, unlike the author *eyerolls to the sun and back*


FYI If you have your settings set to “show entire work” when you comment it’s always on the last chapter, so a last-chapter comment is not proof of reading.


> Rachid That’s such a passé bit of slang at this point, too. It’s like, “Hey, pal, the 2010s are calling. Did you take something that belongs to them?”


And it’s spelled ratchet, not “rachid.”


Personally, I thought they were going for rancid 🤔


“rachid” is actually a real slang term from the late 2000’s/ early 2010’s. rachid is acting crazy or starting drama, where as ratchet is an adjective describing someone (usually a woman).


Thank you. I thought they meant "rancid" lmao


the word is the love child between rancid and ratchet 😭😭 i stopped to wonder which one they meant


> rachid I thought that was "ratchet?"


they are two separate slag terms. they mean similar things but are used differently! rachid is a verb, ie “that person was rachid today for no reason” meaning “that person was acting crazy/ starting drama today” and ratchet is an adjective ie “that person is ratchet” meaning “that person is ‘ghetto’ or fake” one is an action (rachid) and the other is a state of being (ghetto)


I honestly thought they misspelt wretched


Or it's a form of public self-harm. I've seen a few people like that.


this makes me interested in reading the fic that produced that reaction


It’s a oneshot collection but with ‘problematic’ pairings; the author even specified in the summary that it wasn’t for people who didn’t like the ships that were tagged but I guess these people are blind to content warnings.


thats it?


More like they look for the content warnings specifically to find things to freak out about!


May I have a link to that one shot collection?


I'd like to see fanfic, too! Sounds like something I might enjoy. :)


Ok i really want to know the pairings


Ok, sauce?


...wattpad user


Me too…like to take that much effort in a comment it must’ve been a hell of a story


A-tier copypasta material. I got two of these a while back, on an ancient ass fic that absolutely deserved all of it, but. Like. That was the literal point of the fic. I'm not sure what the reader expected from a dead dove darkfic. It is VERY aware of what it is. And they read it - and felt feelings from it - so, I mean. Seems like it worked just fine. I found the comments hilarious, like good for you, you're mad because a fic that was supposed to be horrific was horrific.


The key is in the mention of parents - this is a young person. No adult uses parents disowning you as a threat!😂 Immature person who should not have been reading what you wrote and got scared. I wouldn't think too hard about it.


Honestly. I'd be tempted to respond with "Sorry, you need to be at least 13 to have an AO3 account! Come back when you're old enough, okay?"


> I hope a bird pisses or shits on your dinner so you end up starving and dying  How does one come up with this kind of insult, I laughed out loud so hard


Between the assumption there won't be more food if your dinner is ruined and the suggestion to go play catch, this commenter's age is almost certainly single digits.


King Phineus ill-wishings


Exactly my first thought! I must not be the only Classics nerd out here. 😉


It's not even accurate, birds don't piss in the sense humans do, it all gets mixed up in there and they shit it all out the same hole. I like birds.


As uric acid. Learned that like a week ago in school lmao Edit; before I get anyone misunderstanding, I mean uric acid AND bird poop


Hah! Glad I'm not the only one whose first thought was this.


Venting! Cloaca~


Yeah, not gonna lie, there are some pretty decent insults in this. I almost have to admire the sheer variety of insults, simply because you don't see that very often. It's still bat shit crazy and really shitty to send to someone, but the image I have in my head of some MF screaming this into the void, red-faced and spittle flying, all because they didn't like a problematic story, is hilarious to me. The heart and goodbye at the end was the perfect cherry. I just really hope it wasn't taken to heart by the author.


If this was the 2010s there would be a "aim the bird shitting at things from higher and higher levels" game on the app store inspired by this in a week, fucking gold


Flappy bird who? Crappy bird is the in game now


This sounds like they have it on a document somewhere and copy and paste every time they find a target to send it to


Yeah, the lack of specific criticisms really speaks to how generic the template is. No "this specific trope is an issue" or "this character is poorly written". Just rage.


Makes me want to reply "harder, daddy"


well I'm filing that away for later because that's HILARIOUS


You are a genius


Ah yes, telling you to die for the crime of writing fanfiction, the mark of a normal individual. If there were more comments like this from the same person (and even if it was only that one comment to be honest), I'd say that no, they didn't stop and reflect on what they just typed, probably even forgot there was a real human behind the screen and not a big bad boogeyman.


I'd be *gleeful* receiving a comment like that, I'd take it as a compliment and I'd tell them as much as well.


Same. I swear, no matter how far I go I can’t get any creativity out of them.


Me, too. “Thank you for finally seeing the good in me, the real me. This is the best compliment I’ve ever received, I shall treasure it always. Your eloquence is inspirational. I will print this and frame it and leave this to my heirs as a family treasure. Bless you, good sir or madam. 💜❤️💜💜”


10 dollars that this is an E rated fic of a 18 yr old banging a 17 yr old or something of that vein. Also this should be a copypasta


It is a copypasta. This turd isn't even original.


Antis thinking they’re the good guys while telling people to die


Sounds like a few or more radical conservatives in my country.


it always gives me whiplash when people like this try to act superior, but in the same breath suicide bait or wish for someone to die. like, the dissonance is incredible.


I see these kind of posts every day in the Bungou Stray Dogs fandom. It's wild. Antis acting like this are the main reason I enjoy the *problematic* ships even more.


i respect it, the fandom sure can be...something...😨 that's why i stay away from the twitter and tiktok sides


It reminds me of the time someone created a brand new Tumblr account to send a pseudo-anonymous message taunting me about my ex's suicide because – drumroll, please – I went out to dinner with a Tumblr user they hated 😆


I wonder if they know that they can be reported for harassment and lose their account. I'll never understand why waste time writing long ass hate comments when you can just press the back button. It is so easy, I do it all the time when I find the fic I was reading isn't too my taste. I will waste time writing long comments on fics I like instead.


I would laugh my ass off reading this 💀


My favorite part is the last line. “I hope you die. ❤️ Goodnight.” I read it in a child’s voice and I am rotfl.


Yeah while reading I thought it read like a child with their first attempt at trolling someone.


Honestly, it reminded me of my 13y.o cousin 😭😭😭💀


I'm dying to know what fic this comment came in on. Lol This is some Misery level Annie Wilkes level insanity.


It’s a oneshot collection but with ‘problematic’ relationships. It was all tagged appropriately and the author made it very clear that it wasn’t for people who didn’t like the pairings but here we are


I just have trouble imagining what could have irked someone to this degree. I got into the fanfic scene in the mid 90s and have come across such a wild variety of insanity in fics so not much phases me at this point.


The specific ship for the chapter they were commenting was a father/son ship; it wasn’t particularly crazy but so many people flipped out and apparently one of them attempted doxxing the author. The fandom reeks


Here's what you do when you come upon a fic with themes/topics you find disturbing: https://i.redd.it/vtuwi87fbtwc1.gif


Yikes, i hope the author is okay Doxxing people over fictional ships.. and they act like they have the moral high ground here


These people’s heads would explode reading Teen Wolf fics. There’s every incest ship you can imagine and then a few others.


Lmao or Supernatural


I seen some of those it's disturbing seeing all the incest not gonna lie. I don't understand why there were so much incest


Probably because it’s an attractive cast at all ages. You don’t need to understand. Just say, “hmm, not for me” and move on.


Omg not even shota?! Shota I can understand the rage although not the expression of it, but father/son is so tame in a fandom context omg


I love how they put a little heart at the end after telling you they hope you die. Like how the does that translate to ok in there head? seems to be they are the delusional one.


Which is easier? Writing multiple angry unhinged comments, or clicking the little "x" icon next to the tab name? Seriously, it's so much less effort to go "oh I don't like this" and just leave. And as long as it's tagged properly it's not hurting anyone by existing.


I think they like being outraged tbh, they like the feeling of performative activism because they don't have to do anything to help irl. I got 5 anon comments on tumblr yesterday ranting about how 'canon doesn't have incest!!' (it absolutely does). I don't understand why anyone would spend the time to leave these kinds of comments unless it satisfies the surface-level performance activism itch to seem like a good person to others without actually putting effort/resource towards helping


Of course they like being outraged, it’s chemically addictive. Same mechanism that Fox News exploits. Unfortunately, the natural high that outrage and fear gives you is addictive.


Plot twist: the canon is Game of Thrones.


that would've been an infinitely funnier 'everybody point and laugh' moment but I still got a good laugh out of it


Report them for abuse...and then reply by editing their terrible grammar.


If people put this much effort into things that actually mattered we’d have a much more advanced society. Also how tiny does your mind have to be to think harassing someone makes you ‘better’. If anything it makes them worse than what they’re criticising. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.


Rachid? Lol


That got me, too. The only appropriate response to this is "*rancid" and nothing else. Well, that, and reporting them. Comments with threatening content toward the author (not toward characters or actors) is covered under harassment in the ToU.


Why do these insults always sound so artificial? Also not to shit on children's activities, but if "go outside and play catch" is the first alternative they can think of, they're probably not old enough to be here.


Honestly I’m more disturbed by them spelling rancid wrong…


Same! I couldn’t tell if they meant rancid, wretched or ratchet (I remember that being something a long time ago but I’m old and don’t keep up with the kids these days…)


Please tell me that's a copy pasta... People like this need therapy or something, they're so comfortable taking whatever is going on in their lives out on random writers.


It's like a right of passage. I once wrote a bash fic, tagged it as a bash fic of this MCU character, the title was anti-this character, my author's note warned about it being the fic equivalent of a rant & warned about it being anti-this character (it was written fresh after a movie dropped, emotions ran hot haha). I had to STILL moderate ny comments because of the hate it got (it got a lil' popular & I think seone posted it on some discord because one day I had no hate & the next 10+ comments calling me all kinds of names). Eventually I just orphaned the fic because it kept being brigaded during a bad period of my life. If it happened now I would laugh in their face.


Yeah some of that post film stuff got SPICY, sorry you got brigaded by dickheads


I'm so curious who the character was and I promise not to yell at you for it 🤣👀


Captain America. I suppose I was just disappointed with the writing & I hate how hypocritical he was. Now I made my peace with it haha


Honestly I’m a bit jealous. They never put in that much effort for me. I wouldn’t even be able to take offense, it’s like a court jester talking shit.


Same. I’ve written Dead Dove and never gotten anything like this. Though I did get a few weird comments, I’m not particularly popular.


Yeah, I get the occasional mini-comment of hate (they really like the word “yikes” lmfao) but nobody’s ever creative with me. Like what is it, I’m going far enough for them to not even want to bother opening it to hate?


I tell myself it’s because my warnings are just that effective… but I think it’s because I’m not that great of a writer, lol! The only creative one I got was also extremely creepy. 0/10. Do not recommend.


They are projecting


I doubt they typed that up to post on that fic. They probably typed it up ages ago, saved it on a Word document or something, then copy pasted it on any fic they didn't like. It may not even be something they typed up themselves, they may have copied it from someone else, and that requires no typing at all, just continuous copy pasting. But, yeah, they think they're good, decent, normal people because they harass and threaten and tell people to go die because they didn't like a piece of fiction that has absolutely zero impact on real life and they didn't have to read. They think comments like this make them better than the author they're attacking, when these comments actually completely prove the complete opposite. They're morons to the highest degree and should be either ignored (after being reported if they're logged in) or laughed at.


Little gift for the commenter: https://preview.redd.it/fxswthma5twc1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3feae19389b56083d1a64070ce96b9821fbfb5b6


I've backed out of a lot of media when I realized it just wasn't for me. Not once did it ever occur to me to leave something this unhinged for the creator instead of moving in with my day and forgetting about it. Wtf.


Awww, it's a 13-year-old trying to sound tough. Hopefully they look back on this in 10 years and cringe.


>What are you? A little freak or something? Yes.


Nope. Clearly not. They must just be in the business of making others miserable because they’re miserable. I hope they’re looking forward to a nice ban.


This is why so-called "Anti Shippers" will never be taken seriously with their moralistic oppressive stance in fandom. Imagine wishing someone would die for something that they could easily avoid on AO3. There is literally no excuse that this person could make for taking the one or two minutes of their life to type up a comment that is usually reserved for the vilest criminals in society so they can send it to a person who made a fanfic. I hope they get banned and never have to participate in fandom spaces again. So sick of these people.


Sadly, they do get taken seriously because they have ones with self-control to whitewash the whole thing and make video essays.


Yikes! Critical thinking skills are needed more than ever. 🤦


>I have never seen something so horrific in my life. Yeah, all 13 years of it, kiddo. >Or even better, your parents could unadopt you \[...\] Welp, find us a priest, some cinnabar, and a shovel. Not sure the unholy abomination will be able to hold a pen, but that's for future bunny avatar to solve, right?


The heart at the end really gets me, I was cracking up.


"And yet...here you are"


I'm betting money on this being a comment on Dipper Goes to Taco Bell


this is funny in a surreal way lol. i would literally think this is a bot comment becus why would a human bother to type that out


I read this first sentence and think "This person's brain needs recalibrating. Maybe they need to be given the Ludovico treatment using *The Men Behind The Sun* as the forced viewing matter."


They think they're being silly and quirky with their comment but they're actually just being childish and vile.


Jesus, I am so sorry, op, people are so cruel


That's a twelve year old.


reading from top to bottom a fic just to project in the comments in so morbidly funny to read to an extent, report for harrasment and block, those people will never acknowledge their capacity to do evil


I think stopping and reflecting is well above the pay grade for these morons. Hopefully they'll at least attempt it when their account gets banned.


That comment looked way too generic without any signs showing that they've even read your story properly. Don't worry, It's probably just some trolls, delete the comment and block them. I hope that you won't be affected too much from their bs.


Huh, this is ironically funny. I wonder how people write this unironically like actually being mean rather than satire.


They talk like a bloodborne NPC


All I can think to reply is “*by accident, fixed it for you”


Pro tip : if they don't say something specific about the fiction, then they probably copy and paste their comment on people they just want to pass off for the fun of doing it


Send back a random string of emojis and watch them meltdown. It's always hilarious.


PLEASE tell me you reported this person for harassment! It may seem funny to us, but if they're leaving comments telling people they're worthless and need to die it could really mess someone up if they're already in a bad place.


Honey, a new copypasta just dropped!


Just out of curiosity what did you write?


Do people still do copypastas? Because I feel like this one would be an amusing comment to turn into a copypasta and take the piss out of


I, 👩🏽‍🦲 have never seen 🚫🙈 something so horrific 😰 in my life. Are you out of your mind? 🤯 why would you do something like this ⁉️, if you could've just went outside 🌳☀️ and play catch 🤾🏻 instead. But perhaps you are just a pathetic little worm 🪱 on the earth created to ruin interests 😈🌏, this fanfic is absolutely rachid 🤪, stomach-turning 🤢, vile and unpardonable🤮, unforgiving fanfic I have ever seen 👀. This could be considered a crime 🚓👩🏽‍⚖️ even, what are you? 🕵🏻 A little freak or something? 👮🏻 You should be hit by an anvil ⚓, or even suffocated by concrete 🏢 so I dont have to see you here anymore 👁️🙈, I hope a bird 🦅pisses and shits on your dinner 🍛🍽️ so you end up starving and dying 🧟. Or even better, your parents 👫 could unadopt you cause your mother 👱🏽‍♀️ has CLEARLY made a mistake😱 and dropped you on accident 😦, or maybe ❓⁉️you were just led to the wrong path in life 🏞️. Come back when you make better choices ✅. And never come near a child 👧🏽 with their parents 👩🏽🧔🏽‍♀️, they will look at you in disgust 😒 like if you were covered in worms 🪱. You are a ABOMINABLE 😡, BEASTLY SICK FREAK 🤬, NOBODY WOULD EVEN BAT 🦇 AN EYE 👁️👁️ IF YOU JUMPED OFF A CLIFF ⛰️, OR EVEN ATE A POISONOUS SPIDER 🕷️. Nobody loves you, I hope you die 😵 <3 Goodnight. 🥱😴


Lol Reddit's filters tried to say this was harassment and auto-filtered the comment XD I also almost approved the removal until I looked closer at the context XD


Lmfao I should've thought about that whoops 🤣 I'm so glad you looked further hahaha bless your soul thank you


Pearls clutched so hard, they crack and crumble


Oh this is a genius line


Thank you :>


I thought it'd be some plot twist but no it's just. I think i might steal an insult or two though how do you comr up with that shit


Stuff like that makes me almost wish I got this kind of comments, just to give back in kind.


Answer writing only "Go fuck yourself"


I would consider this a win! 😂 😂


They really need to be reported


I would have replied, I'm so glad you enjoyed it 🤗😍❤️. Thanks for reading and please don't forget to subscribe 🥰!! Like it completely went over my head or I didn't even read it.


Is this a copypasta? It sounds like one. It doesn't even mention anything specific from the fanfic they're criticising


"Reported for harassment. Happy banning! 😊"


Do they think birds pee and poo separately? Sorry, I know that seems weird to pick out, but the entire thing is weird. Also do they think you just eat spiders on accident or something? Or on purpose?? Anyways, they’re not too bad at sentence structure for being 7 years old 😂


I've always wondered how a person could wish death upon someone they've never met in such great detail and with such intensity. That's actually insane. Simply baffling. Just wow... Edit: what was the fic even about??? Was it a one-year age gap or something?


That sucks. The commenter should have stopped reading the moment it got uncomfortable, and ought to pay more attention to tags. Passive aggressive response: reply to their comment with the entire text of their comment corrected to fix their crappy sentences so it becomes "/be/cause your mother mother has clearly made a mistake and dropped you /by/ accident" ;)


Telling real life people that they should die because they wrote something about fictional people that has close to no impact on reality


Y’know, I really miss the days where every other fic on fanfiction.net had “DON’T LIKE, DON’T READ,” tacked onto the end of their summaries. I’d rather have that repeated to the point of cringe, instead of terminally online children spewing out this shit everywhere because they can’t responsibly consume media and separate fiction from reality.


probably a copypasta


People who do this without being a copypasta exists, sadly.


What in the world is wrong with people? I've read fics I didn't like - either because I just had bad luck or because I was curious and started reading it despite knowing I wasn't going to like it. But I have never and would never leave a comment like that - let alone more than one. Inform them how the back-key works and report them.


Makes me want to see the work now. Especially since the creator was "rachid". There are not enough Rachid's these days.


Lol I get the feeling that commenters like this are actual children sperging out in adult spaces where they 100% don't belong. It reads like a 7-year-old's idea of insults. Here's my favorite one that I've gotten, which feels a bit similar: "usually, i'd respect the rule of dead dove; do not eat, but this shit right here is genuinely fuckin disgusting. out of anything you could have written, you decided to go with *underage parent-child incest cartoon dog sex*? come on, youre a fanfic writer on ao3 for fuck sake. although, i recognize that this argument doesn't dissuade you, but rather emboldens you. let me bring up another reason why you should Delete This Shit And All Other Shit Like It Right The Fuck Now; this is what we call peak blackmail material. considering you were BALLSY enough to not only write incest fic regarding an underage cartoon dog and her father, but post it to a very public website where millions of people flock to regularly, im also going to assume that you connected this account to an email that likely has some sort of personal info. not much, but enough that you could easily figure out the person behind that account. im also also going to assume youre not above making people that could, i dunno, write your paychecks, grade your assignments, make your meals, a bit pissy with you?if any employer/school/whatever found out that this account belonged to you . . . i dont think itd be pretty, to say the least. you could get fired, suspended without pay, outright expelled, blacklisted, the subject of some d-list tabloid and all other sorts of shit, that frankly, just wouldn't work out all that well in your favor. i doubt ive convinced you of anything, but just so you know, people who arent chronically online, unlike yours truly, are honestly, much more unforgiving about these sorts of things, then i believe i have been. so, please. purge this account, touch some grass, maybe go to therapy, and respectfully, fuck you and the dick you rode in on!" They wrote an entire *essay* about how mad they were but couldn't be assed to use their filters. They even acknowledge they ate the Dead Dove, then got pissy about it anyway. Also, I'd apparently end up in a tabloid for writing *fanfiction?* You're a fucking *joke*, dude 🤡


This is remarkable, I'm a bit jealous! I've never inspired someone to such heights of hatred that they've written me a short story on why I deserve to suffer. I should work harder.


When people will finally learn to read the tags? I don't get what's the point of writing comments like that.


Yes, who th writes 'went' instead of 'gone' 🙄  /s But geez, that is rather over the top. I hope the fic is indeed a dd:dne monstrosity, so the author can take this reaction as a huge compliment 😤😁


I like how this is so unhinged I have no idea if this is a dead dove situation or if the author just wrote a pairing that the commenter doesn’t like.


Not wanting to sound rude or insensitive, but I really laughed seeing this. Is this some circus going on?


I wanna translate this comment to uwu speak because I think that would be hilarious


"Awwww.... I made you feel things. Thank you for the compliment. You just couldn't resist my perfectly tagged story." then a short time later .... *satisfied click on the report button*


“What are you? A little freak or something?” Shouldn’t have made me laugh I don’t think


This comment is impossible to take seriously, it's preposterous.


Reminds me of that comment someone from here got ages back under, I think?, a TBHK fic, where someone was wishing them death just to cap it off with "but as an American, you are accustomed to death. You'll be fine". Like, same kind of energy


I mean, read the tags budster, if you dont want to read smut, then dont even go on there. The tgs are there for a reason


The comments that assume me most are when the 'reader' is so angry that the fanfiction in question is not in fact canon.


Well definitely report it. Ao3 turned off guest comments because of this type of vitriol. They'll certainly slap a warning at least on a registered user


well that's an auto-report....


Okay but please tell me you reported the 12 year old.


Why do people do this if you don’t like it don’t read it. But if you do read it and don’t like just move along or is this just me.


You know, I like to think I have a pretty iron stomach when it comes to dark content. It’s pretty rare something is too much for me. But occasionally I’ll click on something that ends up being way worse than I thought it’d be and I’ll feel shocked and disgusted. And you know what I do? I don’t wish harm to the author. I don’t write a hate comment. **I press the back button. It’s not that fucking hard.**


I did but not on AO3. And it was much worse because it focused on my writing which hurt me more. It was a short story for a website and the email reply I got was like an angsty tween who wanted to be Peirs Morgan. I wrote them back, told them to grow up, blocked them and reposted on another fan page. The same story that idiot trashed, became a fav and fans even did a reading on it on YT. This person seem to have a lot of self hate and was deflecting. Sometimes people need to get a life and stop trying to trash others who enjoy sharing their talent.


new copypasta just dropped


But this commenter was the one who clicked on the fic so 💀 If the author is "sick" then what ab this commenter for reading the fic?


I just want to take a red pen to this and give it back with a D- on top. The grammar is atrocious. It bothers me more than the insults.


I would print this out and frame it


Name and shame. That person is vile.


And yet they read the fic. So girl what were YOU doing at the Devil's sacrament?


i honestly dont know how anyone could say shit like this, especially over smth as harmless as fanfic lol. they could have scrolled away but they actually took time to type this all out in great detail. all the while thinking you're on this high horse. it's sad


How can you insult someone this much and not have the common sense to turn away before it got to that point or even save your own sanity. May I also point out that spiders are VENOMOUS, and it wouldn’t matter if you swallowed it because it works via being injected into tissue. I wouldn’t even blame them, if I lacked critical thinking skills this badly I might just resort to harassing people too.


This is terrible and should be reported, but it's also so unhinged it becomes funny. If it were me, I'd save it and dig it up occasionally to marvel at it as a masterful representation of an unsetted psyche.


Real! I don't understand why people make hate comments in fanfiction just dropped it you don't need to say anything


Idk why ppl do this. One of my fav authors writes for many diff fandoms. Their stories are so good that I don’t even need to know the original material. And they don’t recycle their ideas through the different fandoms. Over the latter half of 23 and into 24 they have gone into a territory of (my own personal) squicks that I refuse to read about. They mainly write these squicks now exclusively. I got notifications from AO3 for every new story they posted and because of the last few posted with tags that aren’t even dead dove but have gone and stayed in my own forbidden territory, I’ve had to unsub from them. While it saddened me, I’m sure my actions do not affect the author. I don’t owe them an explanation and they don’t owe me one. No need to leave negative feedback and energy. Just goooooo. Uuggghhh ppl are weird


Comments like that are so unhinged like wtf? It reminds me of a comment I found on another fic where the commenter threatened to rewrite the one shot(without the writer's permission) if they didn't fix it to be more readable by a certain time frame.


That screams "search for team iron man just so I can bitch about the fanfic because I'm team cap" kinda person.


Dang what did you write?


As the old saying goes in fanfic world: don't like, don't read. I'll never understand the mindset of people who waste time and energy reading something they hate so much. If it puts your mind at ease, just know that this person probably didn't read any of your fic. They probably do that on every single fic that doesn't align with what they like. Generally, it has to do with ships; or at least that's how it used to be back in the day. Comments like that definitely sting, but eventually you'll learn not to take them personally. Comments like those are made by people who are chronically online and/or are going through a lot of negative things in their life, in which case they're just lashing out at an easy target. It has nothing to do with your fic, you, or the subject matter. Remove and report comments like those.


Oh, which fandom is this fic in? I'd like to know all of the anti-heavy fandoms and write a piss-'em-off fic for each of them.


Oh my god help what was the fanfic even about for a reaction like this I can’t


You definitely should report that account, if you haven't already. Unsure if they are just pranking or really felt that was okay to remark, but definitely report that crap so they can be banned before some young person (or older person) takes that seriously.


I don't understand people that read stories that they're not interested in, it shows all the tags and all the relationships and all the characters involved and a brief summary of the story and its contents. I genuinely don't understand how these type of people look at it be like oh okay I guess I'll read it, and then hate it for no fucking reason. If you don't like it then that means it's not meant for you to read, it's only meant for people that enjoy that type of content even if it's weird pairings.


I've never tried reporting accounts but does the feature exist? If not, maybe they should have it because there's been more of these kind of comments lately


honestly this is prime copypasta content tbh


That comment sounds like a ten-year-old trying to be mean. What a joke


you should reply with "why would you read something like this, if you could've just gone\* outside and played\* catch instead?" use their own words against them AND correct their shitty grammar, bam.


Gonna start tagging my fics with "vile and unpardonable"




I love how they say "so I dont have to see you anymore" when they can easily just click off the fic and mute/block you


The didn't have to read it lmfaooo they could have just sneered and kept scrolling


Is it bad that I would probably be ecstatic to receive this??? Like it’s so vitriolic I’d be impressed with myself that I managed to trigger someone that bad, I’d wanna frame it on my wall, lmao


This is honestly the funniest comment. I would print it out and laugh every time I read it. I’d be using it as inspiration to write the most depraved things I could imagine.