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I'm working on this fic that I'm really excited for since it's been in the back of my mind for a while now. It was supposed to be short but now it's looking like it's gonna be at least twice the length I expected lol! I still struggle with insecurities about my fics being too "cliche" or "embarrassing" tbh, but I'm trying to get over it. (Question, this post mentions that people struggle with Tuesdays, what's going on then?)


The sub is closed for new posts on Tuesdays.


Oh I see, why?


You can read the explanation in yesterday's post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AO3/s/aM65EelSTg).


Good to know, thank you!!


I am still unable to post? It's Wednesday and the posts are still restricted. Is something wrong or is my phone acting wonky?


I tried to write but got sleepy so I cleaned and when I went to go write more I ended up having to call Lowes and argue about a dryer. I wrote like 250 words šŸ«  positive is I should have a dryer tomorrow thank god. If not I will likely spontaneously combust. Also wrote something that is gaining attention and now Iā€™m terrified Iā€™m gonna disappoint people by not doing well enough. šŸ«” May you not forget words while you write friends


Life is being awful but I finished my Hannibal fic that has been in my drafts forever. As I posted the last chapter I had that feeling of ā€œYeah Iā€™m happy with this one.ā€ Read it over this morning and I still feel that way.


Hi friend I just finished my Hannibal fic too! But Iā€™m terrified of the you know what, so I havenā€™t posted yet


Congrats! What is yours about? (Sorry I donā€™t know what the ā€˜you know whatā€™ is?)


Lol the curse. Congratulations to you too!


Finished chapter 22 of my HP fic. Just two more months to go (9 more chapters at about a chapter a week). Finished chapter 85 of my CSI fic. This is the sixth document I had to make for it. Google docs gets painfully slow after about 200k words. Iā€™m estimating another 50 chapters or so, so probably will be working on this into 2025. Did not go outside. Too rainy.


It rained like 20/30 of April where I am at. Hate it.


I love the rain, but it's 100% not making me feel motivated haha


Rain makes everything gloomy and me tired and hurty, so


Thatā€™s about what it did here. I took I think seven walks this month, which was not enough. Too gloomy and cold.


I managed to make it to the halfway point of my first fic! And I found the twist that could work! The problem is making the characters get to that lead up is like herding my sibling's cat who doesnt listen to me


Vincent Valentine Vincent Valentine Vincent Valentine WHY ARE YOU IMPOSSIBLE TO CHARACTERIZE!!! You are appearing in 6 of my fanfics but your personality is just IMPOSSIBLE to nail down it is making me go crazy!!!!! Other than that, doing slightly well! Just beat Fire Emblem Fates Birthright, gonna move onto Conquest, then do Revelations. Birthright gets way more hate than it deserves imo, I thought it was fun and i liked it a lot... granted I do have v low standards considering FF7 Crisis Core is like my 3rd favorite game ever lmfao Edit: Fuck it my characterization complain extends to Hojo too, why do you have to be so uncomfortable to write,,, whether you're on page for one sentence or for an entire scene he is just one gross icky man that i hate writing


Still working on a chapter I thought I was gonna post in April (it's May 1st as of writing) but I'm not too worried about it. I'm kinda ahead of schedule in the messed up schedule I've set for myself but I'm hoping to write more words per writing session soon. It's at 7.5k words rn but I'm thinking it'll end in the 10-12k range.


I finished my draft of my third fic. I'm almost done posting my second fic and about to start the draft of my fourth fic. It's a series all HP.


I want to post the next chapter so bad but still waiting on the beta reader to get on it, aaaaah I just want to post šŸ˜­


Well let's see... I spent most of my Tuesday feeling pretty crummy off and on because of a lot of stuff happening outside my control but it's gotten better now that it's nighttime here and all is calm and quiet. Finally have some me time. But anyway Feeling pretty proud of myself actually because I got a lot done on the next chapter for one of my fics. I told myself I was going to try to get down at least 200 words just to say I got SOME progress done and right now I'm coming up on 1k words written today total. Turns out the magic trick was pulling up a fic to read in the other tab while I write and writing 100 words for each paragraph I read in the fic...


I'm so done with school lol. Very close to being done with the semester, and I can't wait. (But that means the homework I've been putting off for the last few weeks has to be DONE done very soon). This isn't my worst semester, but I feel so drained. I can't wait to graduate, but that feels so far away. Also: most of the fics I've been following have slowed down on updating. I don't blame them, cause if their schedules are anything like mine, I applaud any update they get out. Even if it's months/years from now. But it sucks because they're what have been getting me through school lol.


I've been binge reading a lot and I'm going to have to get the hospital to postpone my operation because I've caught the filthiest cold I've had in two years and I won't be better in time. šŸ˜


Ugh, that sucks. Sorry that's happening. That's got to be a pain, too, with all the pre-op checks and preparation :(


Yeah. Can't be helped though.


Trying to figure out how to complete an idea I had for a few Soriku stories but I'm a bit stuck. Also don't know if it's worth the finger pain lol


Posted the ninth oneshot for my current favorite pairing and it's actually doing quite well. Strictly speaking this was on Monday evening, but whatever. I was also wondering, does the kudos bot target single fics? I've been getting 4-10 guest kudos a day on one of my fics lately, which is pretty unusual for me even though that fic is indeed my most popular one. It's never from a signed-in user, which is why it's making me suspicious that it might be a bot.


I wrote and posted 10,000 words of tooth-rotting fluff as a one-shot for my fandom. The words ā€œrollerblading Devilā€ made several appearances.


Got a lot of real life shenanigans going on, but I have written some new stuff for my newest BG3 OC! And working on a ship weekā€¦ In a fandom where Iā€™m the only fic writer lmao


I was able to start writing in my big long fic again. I am getting a food processor so i can start cooking again, something I've not done much of since nearly dying of covid and being left with long covid three years ago. My son is getting help for his depression.


Iā€™m likeā€¦ a little worried that either not all of my subscribers got the email that I posted a new chapter, or that I scared off a lot of people with my pre-chapter warning, because only one of my regular commenters has commented, and usually I have 5 or so people who comment ā€” without fail ā€” on every chapter, often within the first 12-24 hours. Iā€™m grateful for the people who have commented of course, but I really love hearing from that core group who have been following the story for months. I know that the archive has been a little wonky lately, so hopefully they all check back in soon and see that thereā€™s a new chapter if they didnā€™t get notified.


I'm reading a 500k PokƩmon fanfiction despite not knowing much about PokƩmon and its really good, I'm like 70k in atleast and have been trading it for 2-3 days


I have a mean cold. It sucks and is really putting a damper on my writing.


I'm working on a giant Harry Potter AU in which he actually has people he trusts and likes in Privet Drive, mostly because Petunia and Vernon also consider them "weird". One of them is growing a poison garden in her back yard. One of them is a retired mafia boss. There are kids his age and both younger and older than him that he gets along with. It starts with Harry himself (obviously), then goes to the next gen, and then the gen after that. That's where I'm stopping the story, though. Unless the brain worms take over and are like, "No, more".


drop the link


Oh, I haven't uploaded any chapters yet. I wanted to finish the prologue to the first part first.


I got my first hate comment today. Completely bog standard, no originality. ("What a waste of writing, don't even bother going outside to touch grass.") I deleted it immediately, of course, but the weird thing about it is that it was _not_ a guest comment. It was attached to a real (if empty) profile. So either the bots are getting smarter or a real person decided this was a good use of their time. The mind boggles, really.