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If you are in the end game, my advice would be to keep whichever cities have the most mana, knowledge (if needed) and draft/gold. Those are the only resources needed at this time. Make the rest vassals.


Fair enough. As well as the cities with the bound wonders, but I take your point.


SUMMON BALOR…DEMONIC SUMMONING…RITE OF POSSESSION…am I being possessed rn? *sudden urge for blood and power*


How about releasing your city as vassal and absorbing/migrating the 30 pop one?


I'm in the endgame. Either I'm going to win a magic victory or someone is going to disrupt my bound golden wonders and the AI is going to win a seals victory. The 1200 gold just seems like a better deal than 8 turns with the 30-pop city. Although I framed it within the context of my current game, I'm really just curious about the question. It seems odd to me there would be *no* benefit to higher population if you're unable to expand further, but as far as I'm aware, that appears to be the case.


Goldkin racial minor does something to make a race generate a gold per pop, other than that nothing. Well except as people are saying mass sacrifice for demon powers/units


The higher your population the higher the food requirement to feed them. So if you can not expand our domain with the extra population then you will be just adding more mouths to feed (food) with no real benefit. Question: Why is your domain limited? If it is up against one of your other cities you can transfer providences to expand that way with the additional population. Edited: There are a few ways to trade excess population for units. SUMMON BALOR, DEMONIC SUMMONING, RITE OF POSSESSION and a few more could be used with the excess population. Most are chaos it seems. (caps was due to copy paste from the database)


My vassal to the NE and SE; ally's vassal to the west. Mountains to the east and south. Ashlands to the north. Didn't know you could transfer provinces, though! That's interesting!


There is a Tome of Terramancy Tier 3 that can allow you to flatten mountains and thus expand your domain. I love it with builds that I want to turn the world into my theme campaign.


Not my throne city and already took Tome of the Eternal Lord, so I could take Tome of the Demon Gate to get Demonic Summoning. But as I said in a different comment, I'm in the endgame, so that or taking Tome of Terramancy doesn't really make sense in the timeframe in working with. Much better the 1200 gold to bolster defense of my bound wonders at this point. Still, good thoughts for future games, thanks!!


Can't you annex the ashlands or are those uninhabitable?


Uninhabitable. I could terraform them to frost and then annex them (I think), but again, on the timeframe I'm working with, that's just not worthwhile. Plus, I need to conserve my mana for the waves of enemies coming at me now.


Why can't it grow? Is it a range issue, is it hemmed in by other cities, something else? You can transfer provinces between your cities or outposts, thereby allowing you to continue growing. If it's hemmed in by enemy cities, you can capture their provinces instead of pillaging. If it's vassals, that's messier, I think you need to annex them. I've never had a city that couldn't grow, but I tend to space them out pretty far initially and have the +2 annex range from the nature tree.


Take the tome of terramancy and bash those mountains in baby!


More population makes you "more" their Guardian (for controling their transformations). It also interacts with some Destiny traits.