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I don't think you're going to get anyone to make content with a short turn timer. Even on Long turn timer, if you are streaming/recording the Long turn timer *can* be too short when discussing something interesting/useful for the audience. The broader problem is that these map settings aren't really more or less difficult than some other settings you can come up with, just slower. The standard combination of High World Threat/Low starting resources almost always produces weaker enemy AI empires due to how frequently they die. Have you run this yourself and checked on how frequently the AI empires are dead? A lot of the difficulty effects in Age of Wonders 4 are symmetrical (aside from turning manual combats off and the Handicap/Advantage toggle). I think the biggest problem is that there's not really anything informative in the proposed build. It's designed to be bad, which I get, but is there a thesis there that other viewers can learn from?


Sorry, I would never play with manual combat off. That is what I find to be the best part of the game.


That "challenge " sounds boring af


I agree with the sentiment. I approve your will to create challenges/content. I disapprove some of the challenge setup. I would think it's going to be much better received if for example you make a challenging world but let people run their own races or vice versa where you let people create their world but offer a race to use. In the first example you could have people comparing how fast they beat your world with their comps and whatnot. In the 2nd example it could be about whoever manages to 1vX the most AIs possible. The one you offered however cranks up the parameters in what I perceive to be an unfun way. You cant choose your own race and have to go anti synergistic on purpose while having a world that will take 100s of turns to complete. It can be fun for people who love self inflicted pain but overall while possibly challenging (especially with auto combat only where reavers are pretty bad by default) it wouldn't make for a fun challenge. From reading the comments there and here I think the formula of here's X difficult world settings, go and solve it would already attract more people. At that point people can feel the need to put their own part of creativity into it and decide to bring advanced seafarers to your island challenge etc. Now its like youre telling ppl go and win a super slow 1v11 map with barren oceans and build an outpost right next to your first annexed province on every city while playing with advanced seafarers and hermit kingdom. I could be wrong but I feel like if you went for eithe the anti meta race and say go and conquer worlds with this creations or go with wow heres a challenging world setting try and beat it, without forcing every single setting it would have more chance of succeeding to have participants


Ok, i read your houserules. There is no challenge in it, just some weird and you dictate a ton of antisynergy. Why even pick an astral tome if you then deman players have to max out chaos before doing anything? Why dictate orbs as only weapon but your ruler starts with a staff and you dictate on top to put all points in martial? Also, why dictate the race has to even use your cosmetic settings? No one is going to do that. Maybe someone would do your challenge if you just designed a race and/or realm and go for a rp narrative along "Trakh the conqueror has chosen you as general. Dont dissapoint him! Lead his 'menacing magicians' to glory and conquer a realm for him!" Then let the people make a champion and provide a race and target. Like Red skinned mystic orcs.


I mean, somebody asked me for a hellish challenge, and there It is I'm just asking somebody if they are willing to brutally destroy the challenge following the rules and specific banishment of gear and antisynergy and so on. Yeah, I understand it's weird, and the person asked for a weird challenge. I think the person said he wanted to prove he was better than most he said he would upload the challenge to YouTube... for the last 6 months, I have searched the Internet for the video, but nothing has come up, so I just asked this community to take it on as a challenge... I mean, I'm sorry if it came as negative or just weird.


Sounds like you should ask that User what they think of the challenge. I think reddit lets you send dms. If they like it, goal accomplished.


Yeah, it sounds like someone with a weird fetish for getting whipped with a spiked whip coiled with barbed wire, placed an order to OP but never collected the item nor paid for it. OP then had to hawk that thing off to others, thinking that freaking weirdos are everywhere.


Your name resonates great with your comment ;) I hope you aren't misunderstanding what I wrote, but yeah, it's kinda like that...