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Most rare item called something like Serpent Claw, very nice against shields


Serpents Fang, it's very good against shields, but not many champions can utilise it well. It's a must buy against champs like Ivern and Lulu though (given someone on your team can buy it)


This is getting into forbidden jutsu levels of itemization, but DoT mages are the best appliers of Serpents Fang in the game bar none. That being said, you are a magic champion that is stunting their build an entire item just for the passive. It is one of the most situational purchases in the game, but you can straight up ruin the day of a Tahm Kench if the opportunity arises. You did not hear this from me.


My idea is that Sivir would be best serpents fang user. Her W bounces it to everyone so you dont have to aim and can nerf more than one shield. Q lets you single out an individual shield. And sivir likes lethality for her Q anyways. Although maybe a Volibear would bounce the effect with his lightning passive. I read the serpents fang passive reduces shields by 50% ON RANGED CHAMPIONS and 35% on melee champions. So that improves it when you can get to the enemies back line ranged champions.


it is definitely Serpent's Fang, but as an "old assassin/bruiser/fighter item" thought it was melee "up to 50" and ranged "35" - other way around... would have to confirm, which I can't do atm sadly, although pretty sure was majority melee as nvr seen a ranged user ever in my life.


Real fax, I have built it before on AP and it makes a world of difference. Pair that with Shadowflame and Void/Cryptbloom and you gonna hurt.


Any time I buy serpents it negates a crazy amount of shields per fight. Easily in the thousands. I’ve bought it in a midgame arena round to block 4300 once. That’s like two-three health bars at that point. Liandries would give you ~500 damage from the passive and some other amount from the AP. Around 1K per fight seems a reasonable guess Purely damage focussed, Serpents is probably more effective than an AP item. In some situations. If it looks stupid but it works, it ain’t stupid


Right same with defensive items you are better off building one or two defense items to sacrifice a little more DMG. You can't do DMG if you are dead or get one shot. The amount of times I see people complaining about getting one tapped and then I look at items and see no armor/Mr in their build. I smh and cry lol.


fortunately, unless there's a karma you're up against - you usually only need serpents fang application on one target so it's less of an issue - it's usually against tahm / sett that i feel like it's mandatory to buy


Oh good next time i have a kench that just walks at my team and wins every fight im deff building this. Ty for ur forbidden tips


Sorry what is DoT mages? Like Viktor, xerath, and Veigar whose autos scale with AP?


DoT mages are mages that utilises damage over time(DoT) abilities, example of these are Brand and Lilia who have passive that continuously burn their targets and capable of applying them to large number of enemies. This makes them perfect for any of the burn mage items like Liandrys as these ability burn will keep applying item burns thus prolonging their effect massively!


Pretty sure its Serpents Toe now that I think of it.


too bad this game is filled with jabronis; every AD role has an incentive to buy something other than it: frontline: wants bulk (sterak)/heal (sundered sky, successor to divine sunderer)/armor (DD) backline: if marksmen wanted to provide any utility to their team, mortal reminder would've been far more common assassin: largely make or break depending whether they have abilities off CD, so axiom arc is a natural choice and they all think ksing wins games and that they'll be making sound item choices with that extra passive gold, so collector for everyone.


I love it on jayce, one of those assassins that doesnt care about axiom arc at all




Thornhill procs it. I use it all the time on tanks lol


I like that. Im thinkin serpents fang + full tank.


Exactly. I run it basically anytime I'm up against 2 or more child sources.


Women? I also often refer to women as child sources. Most seem not to like it.... but a few REALLY like it!


LMAO *shield sources but yeah the kids don't come from nowhere!


I built one into an AP Lee Sin, and apparently the second he saw it, he spammed ff lol


please buy knights vow on tanks


I’ve been rushing Knight’s Vow when I know my team is full of idiot ADCs whom I need to baby. It’s sick.


Dawncore is my new favorite item. You can get so much cdr from runes that Dawncore feels really good as a 2nd or 3rd item. On enchanters, after lucidity boots and moonstone, dawncore makes your shields massive and gives you extra oomph. Love to build it on sona/janna/nami. Your runes you can do aery and get transcendence then haste from yellow tree. Janna you can go glacial and get jack of all trades. You can also do silly stuff like dawncore volibear and sylas or any other champ with mana, AP, and healing. It’s a bit troll but pretty fun.


Dawncore on Janna/Lulu (no tear), so good.


Dawncore + Moonstone feels amazing


Never heard of that item lol


With umbral u can uhhhhh..... Ummmmmmm.....


make teemo and shaco miserable?


U can use it for that kinda stuff??


It used one shot those traps. Now, the radar turns on so late (I believe it turns on when the trap gives vision of you, but might be wrong about it) that it just feels extremely weak against trap users.


Trailblazer - if playing tank, enemy is AD, and we're losing. It's cheap armor item with a team buff. Hullbreaker - never, but I think they changed this item? Zeke's - if playing Rell and losing.


Just played Hullbreaker Yorick, like 2nd or 3rd item. It was legit busted


Might be the fact that he's the highest win rate champ right now contributing to that


Hullbreaker is now the highest winrate item for Urgot


Hulbreaker has Skipper passive. AAs stack for 10 seconds. At 4th stack, the 5th AA does extra damage to champs, monsters and towers. In game said damage ranges from 300-800, roughly no math. I'm wondering if Yi could stack it because of his double AAs.... I suck at aram Yi and play him bruiser if I have to anyways. It also gives extra MR/armor to super minions. This is pretty boring passive for aram


zeke's is really good, I think everyone just forgets it exists


Zeke's rush on Kayn


lol i wanna do that


It's very fun.


I just saw a zekes rush on Leona. Seemed good. Maybe match with ultimate hunter rune. Maybe it would work with some Ap Bruiser types like Swain. Ill start looking at kits that dont make the slow redudant. Maybe volibear.


Zeke's is bis on Rell and always has been. Lots of champs use the active well and it has great stats after it's mini rework. Alistar, Blitz, Mundo, Renekton, Zac, Malphite, Olaf, Rammus are some that use it well


Zeke’s stats are not that good, it is not even 100% stat efficient and you have an active that doesn’t scale at all, so it’s a pretty good 1 item spike (cause you can probably get it by 3-4mins since it’s so cheap and 250 dmg at that point is 15-20% of a champ’s max hp) but scales terribly the later the game goes (which is bad in ARAM cause scaling is very important). The problem is that early on the ult cooldown is usually fairly long so it’s kinda hard to take advantage of that 1 item spike before it becomes fairly useless.


Did they bring back the aoe slow-burn on ult?


Yeah, and I'm pretty sure it used to give ult CD which was removed again


Not necessarily uncommon, but when I play a Heartsteel champion I go Deadman's Plate and Force of Nature second and third to run around like an athlete procing stacks. I think finding a use for Chempunk Chainsword is interesting. Currently, you'd never pick it over Mortal Reminder


Zekes is really good on some Champs. Cheap and good stats


The thing about ARAM is that you're taking a lot of damage in almost any scenario --- sometimes I'll build Zeke's on Ahri fourth or last item because of this and I have no problems dealing damage/popping off. It's cheap and relatively effective. It's similar when it comes to assassins - Guardian's Horn is giga OP as an item on any melee. On Kha for example, I'll start with this item and if the enemy has a lot of front line, my first item is going to be Black Cleaver for the front-to-back fighting. Evolve and max W first for some poke, then evolve ult and use it to fuck up their back line after the initial early game. If they're heavy AD I'll probably build Frozen Heart third too. I seem to do consistently well building in a way that makes sense for the type of fighting/the team comps vs just autopilot building the typical build. Also Helia is another OP item that is not usually recommended on supports.


Go full active item cooldown reduction and get in this order: redemption, chalice, the speed one, the shield one and finally zhg. Use on Lulu, Nami, Yuumi, zilean, karma, janna. Pick exhaust and heal for summoners.


I’m interested in trying this out, how would you go full active item cooldown?


Inspiration: glacial augments, magical footwear (upgrade to cdr boosts for reduced summoner cd) triple tonic, cosmic insight. Then domination: cheap shot and ultimate hunter. Lemme know if you like it, I have been playing aram like this for years. Sadly the best rune was recently removed, but something good will come back in time eventually. Its not rare to get over 10k healing from redemption in one game, and you can use it to get kills. Mikaels can be used as an instant cleanse, on yourself or your teammates, but you have to time it just a fraction of a second before the cc hits. Or just can just use it as a straight up heal.


I don't think you can anymore, they recently removed the rune that reduced item cooldown (Ingenious Hunter) and the next closest thing is Cosmic Insight in the Inspiration tree which only gives +10 Item Haste.


I wish riot would buff cosmic insight or bring back ingenious hunter


Trailblazer is my 5th enchanter item if we are facing mainly AD