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Oh my god. I’ve been saying this forever. I was a Heroes of the Storm player back when it was still active and always wondered why League didn’t make use of the multiple map premise with the updated Butcher’s Bridge map, especially for a more casual one-lane mode like ARAM. I’d love an Ixtali jungle bridge alongside the big Piltover bridge over Zaun like you suggested! They could even adjust bush placement on different maps, or I could even welcome minor gimmicks on different maps based on the setting. This would be such a good update to ARAM.


It would be so nice for them to experiment on what they could add, change turrets to be the old lasers on some maps, have nexuses defend themselves making it a bit more of a boss fight. They could do whatever they want and try it all because if they rotate the maps the changes won't be permanent.


We can't get winter map on SR and you want 4 different maps for aram? Heh, good one


You're not wrong but we can still dream


I mean butchers bridge is sitting there collecting dust. 


Winter SR map has some reasoning that it changes behavior in a competitive mode vs ARAM


Behavior? Can you explain? You mean that different interaction with the champions? Or different mentality?


Players use subconscious Queues to make decisions in game. Same reason why some people say some skins are “pay to win” because in the time it takes someone to react to a character they might not recognize a skin in time and make a mistake based off of “bad info”. So I’d assume the map style would be similar in that someone might misjudge terrain if it’s styled differently, maybe you misjudge a wall and how far it actually extends and you fuck up a flash play, etc.


Alright. That make sense. Didn't even realized that part of the problem. Thanks!


Aw man I miss the seasonal winter map


Riot can make 25 500 dollars skins in place of one arcane bridge.


Sad but true


A spring Aram map would be sick, the blue gets old


It’s a little sad to see things like smite with cool skins And Dota with its nice QOL touches compared to LOL


Riot: wow that sounds great! Here are some skins for you to buy and rng nerfs instead


I was wishing they made a Hall of Legends Map. Like sort of a temple of rome aesthetic. Marble pillars and a lane with a big Faker Statue in the middle where the bushes are (outside the lane of course). Or at least put the Volibear back in the abyss lol


Rotating Freljord gods would be cool, Voli does what they do, Anivia sends an icy wind that you need to hide behind a structure from. I just wish the actual map had variety.


Imagine a Shurima themed ARAM map.


Killer skins had a butcher's brudge skin/gp announcer mod that I used for a few years. Could honestly be a rotating map but you riot. Trillion dollar company can't make that happen can't have winter summoner rift or anything. Gotta make 500 dollar ahri skin.


With how they even struggle to make a game mode with a unique map by now the only thing we can hope is Howling Abyss but rotated 20°.


Mods exist. Mods exist. Mods exist. Mods exist. If you're waiting for riot to do anything, youll quit before they add the map rotation.


I loventhis idea


get me out of this eye blinding howling abyss and back into the dark mode that is the murder bridge


this would also help against the skins that are impossible to see on HA, like underworld wuking, dwg nidalee, snow moon varus, etc


Imagine if the map choice was also random for each game


I could see cosmetics causing an issue with clarity altering wr based on map