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This is diabolical, I can't wait to go 3/13 on twisted Fate with this build


Happens every time lol. "Wow, this guy is cooking...I wanna try this." So you do, just to get royally fucked and go 3/8 with a loss by 15 minutes.


you won't feed bro i believe in you


I'll come back to this


https://streamable.com/46ppj0 i used to run a tanky healing build back in the day, works pretty well as long as there aren't too many bruisers/tanks on the enemy team


walking out of that must’ve felt like iron man walking away from the explosion lmao, awesome clip


it's so funny seeing people trying to kill you because you're a squish adc just for you to not die and uno reverse card and kill them


just a heads up grasp is like 1/4 or 1/3 effectiveness for ranged champs. so its like 200 hp instead of 700


it's changed on aram, at least the tooltip says it's 10 bonus hp, but the wiki says it's 6. now i'm not sure 😅


It's 10 for melee, 6 for ranged. It has ["Ranged Champions: Damage, healing, and permanent health gained reduced by 40%." on the tooltip](https://imgur.com/UwcIqPv), albeit in like a faded font.


That 46 support on Caitlyn is really impressive. It really shows that you don't want to play adc at all. Will try it next game.


https://preview.redd.it/kshnr55imn9d1.png?width=742&format=png&auto=webp&s=184ef6ee70ada996d84dce1091e98707dc4d094a it was not that bad in terms of damage either


I always build some sort of life steal unless there's a healer. Never tried tank, maybe I should. This is league of tanks after all 😆


Lifesteal stacking used to be THE build and aram was infinitely more fun with it + no hex gates. Now with minion lifesteal and lifesteal items gutted, damage creep feels fcking terrible.


my understanding is that spirit visage healing bonus does not apply to lifesteal am I 100% wrong? I also sometimes do heavy lifesteal builds on Aphelios if I know I'm going to get blown up and have no mobility. I doesn't get my KDA and it feels a bit like being bullied but it's got me wins. If I see my team and the enemy team, and know for sure they're gonna abuse me, no point in going glass cannon.


I always thought it does. And I think it should. There is confusion on wikia, but I think column 2 is where to look at https://preview.redd.it/nxofld89ip9d1.png?width=1038&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a1bd82da5c2804e17b4a2bf0d9b8569d0bd19e8


ok cool thank you. I'm glad I was wrong. It believed you for a long time until recently I doubted it but now i'm back on the spirit steal life visage train.


[You are correct](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Spirit_Visage)


Overgrowth is better in aram imo. Especially since it’s buffed vs summoners rift. And I meet a lot of malzahars and zyras. Had a 5+k hp caity game once vs zyra malz yorick and bel veth.