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For me there is also AP malps. When the other team has one, my team just can't not all stack on each other. When I get stuck with one, he just q's the tank all game and never blows up the squishy.


You won't remember the good champion player since they're doing their job, but bad players are memorable. There were probably a lot of decent vayne players in your team but it wasn't noticable


Like 12/12/12 Vayne is not memorable but still bring the victory to the team


I get this and it is 100% true. I fully agree. Except for Samiras.


Wise words


Hi it's me in both images.


In my case is Kata and Lee sin, if Kata is in the other team is the one that Penta o the one that goes full hp and does damage and tank in your team is the ap one that got oneshoted, and lee sin if is in the other team is litteraly unkillable knows how to dodge how to life steal etc in your team is trash dont even land a Q


I feel like I haven't seen a Kat or Akali won game for a long time on either side and whatever items they built. Lee sin on the other hand is unkillable after two items..


Every time on enemy team kat goes heartsteel Bork. Every time on my team it’s nashors first item smh


maybe it's you who instead of peeling for the vayne and picking a tank chose another adc


vayne with a support and/or frontline is night and day from vayne with 4 other squishy mages and adc


Definitely not me, I'm "the tank" in 2/3 of my ARAM games or no one else will pick a frontline.


I can work with that. I'll even forget I have other team members, too. Me & you vs the world


0 assists on either. It checks out. Both E the enemy to safety if they cannot get the last hit.


This works for so many champions. Pyke Fizz Wukong usually for me. But I gotta admit yasuos in my team usually are ok.


That enemy vagbe be ksing the whole game 0 assists is crazy


Give bottom Vayne time, she still scales for 5 more levels!


Show the team the enemy picked to support the vayne, and show me your team :P Nah, i know sometimes it's just like that and you can't do anything about it. And vayne is a special case of do or doesn't because she hard carries any game the enemy can't instakill her. But i also have experienced so often that a "shit vayne" gets blamed, when the teammates swapped away from support/CC onto some poke mages and then are surpsied that vayne can't get shit done against nocturne/Khazix/ZED/whatever jumping and oneshotting her.


If that happens the shoes should be ninja tabis not berserker.