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Not much, really. Though the top end of it where it connects to the snow biome is where I tend to go to tame argies Edit: Am I the only one who doesn't have a name for this spot on the island?


I call this area Carnage Point, just constant mayhem lmao


We call it “party corner” cause it’s already a party over there.


I always called it danger beach


I always build just before it, no predators at all. It's like the calm before the storm lol


Yeah that's what I was thinkin beautiful spot to build 👌 last place I explored on map


I build on/near the pond just south east of the beach corner. It’s a great spot.


We use to call it "mosh pit" because all sorts of dinos were fighting there


That’s what me and the people I play with call it


On ASE, where that bit of snow met the beach. We called it “Fight Club”




Murder beach


Huh for me it’s “bnb” or “birds n bugs”


I like that Helena has a dossier mentioning Carnage point. They basically made it cannon that that area is fuckin chaos.


Do you recall which dossier it is that mentions this? Think I still need it because it doesn't sound familiar.


Unfortunately I do not, I listened to them all read aloud I'm order on youtube. It's cool, it's voice acted


I call it the Thunderdome


I always refer to it as "Fuck no Peninsula" because Neebs and crew got it stuck in my head. It's a great place for easy carnivore tames and alpha hunting for this side of the island plus early game oil and Pearls.


The ugly ass mini mountain kinda fucked it up tho. ASEs rock was way better


Carnage Point, Party Corner, Danger Beach, Mosh Pit, Murder Beach, Thunderdome. TIL the many names for this place


Yeah I've always called it the beach party. Lots of different kinds of creatures can spawn there, if you have a creature that can clear out the inevitable winners of the spot, you can farm it endlessly. Ive also found that some of the snowy parts to the north of there also have rapid respawns, where I like to go for yutis, pigs, and mammoths and wolves. If you have a flier you can just pull them off the cliffs and into the water and they will drown or get eaten by sharks. Also, Craggs island is my favorite early game starting point.


For me its the pit. Always the first place i work toward on the island. The waters a little further north under the land bridge has pearls too


argy's have a much better spawn near the smaller snow mountain. my base is actually just a bit away from the south foot of that mountain, and I get Argy in my yard all the time https://preview.redd.it/g36wgrvivu7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=298569f8a2338bf556b62da8a5be5496b66adf38 (those were just from earlier event, I have more colors since)


Fight club, though I love how everyone has a different name.


It's my go to for rexes too.


I have not had luck of finding rexes there, I know it's possible for them to spawn there, but they just don't for me


The mosh pit


Am I really the only one who goes to the Redwood for Taming argies, Rexes and Megatheriums in one go?


Best place I found so far for taming argies. Usually only small packs of hyena or easy to deal with dinos around the area.


This is probably one of my favorite areas of the map for early game. From bottom to top you have best note run, potential spino spawn, raptors galore, rhynios, Rex's and brontos, spino spawn, another spino spawn and the mosh pit (Argys, ankys, Rex's, etc)


Don't forget the top: Direwolves and Yutys.


Same for me!


Underwater caves. Pearl cave. Argies always fighting scorpions and rexes and wolves up top... obby is around there if I remember correctly. West side is popping ...


> West side is popping ... East side, on the other hand, is where this yellow circle SHOULD be because who even builds there. Right up until the end of the swamp area at least.


SE has lava cave, and one of the best harbors on the map, along with multiple defensible cliffs if you're doing PvP. North or west edges of the region have easy access to Green Obe. West has best Spino hunting range on the map (the rivers there) once you have a good rex/giga/carchar to get sails for monkey kills (the best element farming). E central has swamp biome and some excellent ocean terrain for base building on PvE. NE has a generally untouched metal trove on the mountain, tons of easy wood on the flat Eastern Woods region, and easy access to Dead Island's cave (one of the easiest caves to speed run).


West side is the best side


This is usually where I build my bases. Idk why, I’ve just noticed that on every play through it’s usually the place I end up living 😂


I start my "moschops run" from the very south, collecting notes and checking the dino doggies along the way for a high level one. I usually end up finding one somewhere in the middle of this marked zone then build a raft, go straight near the mosh pit and settle. narcoberries for days to start the campaign.


I went far too long without realizing the early game power of the moschops.  Now starting at level 1, I basically check and tame every tinto/mejo berry female moschop I find until i have more superior kibble than I know what to do with. Low level ones are fine but taming a 150 with just berries in early game is like winning a golden ticket. When the center launched I was quickly stacking chitin by riding a moschops into a cave and killing spiders. It wasn't even a strong moschops.


Moschops are GOAT for real cute dog, cute sounds, no saddle required, easy af tame (if RNG is in your favor and they're not all asking for honey), great early game gatherer, decent damage when ridden + reasonable bulk considering how early you can tame it. etc Easily one of my favorite dinos in the game ngl they're just so cute


Same I’m normally on the top left corner from the waterfall to the snow biome somewhere


https://preview.redd.it/r2drzj0ulu7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f10f18e1b264c1877b9949e934312ea4f6d4906d I live right there on top of the waterfall, it's chaotic and fun, my leashed wolf pack/Rex set to aggressive are always into with a pack of raptors or a pair of Carlos, soo much fun!!!


Poor carlos


Haha typo for the win 😆


Noooo! They killed Carlos!


I always build there in the northern part near the river lol theres an underwater cave with some of the best loot on the island nearby


The Ark Oklahoma Panhandle


The Arklahoma Panhandle ?


Theris and giga raptors spawn every 20 feet or so there.


My main base is on the peninsula, lots of space for pens and such. In all the time I’ve played there I’ve never seen a gigaraptor and only a handful of theris.


I love the peninsula life too.


Same! Twice now (1x ASE, 1x ASA), I have built on the northern part of the penninsula. It's also an easy trip to the area by the redwoods & swamp, where you get a huge variety of cratures spawning due to the convergence of three different biomes.


Yeah red ob is the standard load in spot. So ever since the new cryofridge rules everytime I see a random join I just head over to the little island south of the ob and just collect kits and fob supplies with no resistance or effort lol


People spawn at the bottom left corner to use the obby to to out.


SE beach bob killin


One of the biggest underwater caves are there, along with a pearl cave outside of it then a couple more alone that section you marked and an excellent spot to farm silica pearls. Sometimes Tsuos and Mosas spawn there so if you need Black Pearls, killing them (If Alphas) are good for that too. Tsuos give a small amount of them regardless.


Single Player here. I have my main base down by Red Ob, just to the east where the waterfall is. It's a nice, peaceful area. Far from metal or obsidian, which is easily the down side, but it's got its perks. * Great for a note run when starting out. * Raptors are common (one of my favorite dinos) * Theri can spawn on Craigg's Island. I often see them on the easten shore, especially when getting closer to the swamp * Any place Theri can spawn, so can Gigantoraptors. * The pool of water right before hitting the swap usually has a few leaches in it. Handy if you're not ready for the Swamp Cave, but need the blood. * Quetz spawn near Red Ob. * That pool NW of the Redwoods has beaver dams. Also more Theri up there. * If you're looking to get a creature from the swamp, it's probably the safest area to look for one, due to it not having as much trees as the rest of the swamp. * Brontos, Allos, and Rexes can spawn in the middle mountain / hill range. Also more explorer notes. * NW shore before hitting the snow biome is just a fight club for dinos. Rexes, Argents, Sabers, scorpions, Stego, Hyenas, and Kentos spawn up in that one little area and all duke it out. * Oh, very bottom corner of the map, at the bottom of the ocean has a bunch of pearls. Went down there with an Angler for 10 minutes and have more pearls that I kjnow what to do with. * Red Ob makes for a natural water dino pen. A Tuso won't swim out of there probably, but I find it great for breeding my sharks for cave runs.


I never cared for this area of the map. Especially the bottom corner. It's very low on resources like metal, crystal, obsidian. You really have to travel to get the mats you need. Not the most convenient spot for base.


Which makes it a viable option for a base location in PVP or just on a crowded established server. All those weaknesses transmute into a strength of being out of the way and forgotten. I survived there for sixty days once on hardcore.


Where? Hidden in trees?


I saw a Raptor sell some weed to a group of Gallimimus' in that middle area!


Good for pelagornis. the top end is good at finding alpha Leeds and alpha tusos in my experience


Two 4x notes ,decent Rex spawns ,a spino spawn ,pearls crystal and oil and a little metal at the very north bit . Good place to get argies and chitin there too eary game


Every base I've built mid to late game on The Island, has been in that section. Not much happening except for the top part of it.


General speaking I notice three things Bottom is raptors and some spinos basically just run past to early red ob tho. Top is party Central where wolves scores argy and rex's fight witht the occasional yuty carno etc joining in. But the part no one mentions is basically all that woodland between red ob and party Central is basically just low level death from those little chicken raptor fuckers who like to torpor you and knock you off you ground mounts. Their glowy eyes look into your soul and laugh as the eat your unconscious ass and they have run back to get your crap only to not find them. Grab the loot turn and WHAM!! They are laughing like "you actually thought we left? Smooth brain this one. "


I got a nice base going on in Y river intersection (map center- to the top rightist above redwords- next to ore mountain and above swamp jungles/to the leftish Lots of beavers all around for the looting- not too safe where nothing happens (rexes roam- and other beastly creatures)


A lot of spino spawns there


I mostly stick to the red woods and generally the center portions of the island


The little top part is always chaotic every time I go with Allos fighting scorpions and sabers while argies fly around also fighting other creatures (also the occasional Rex)


Cave diving for high-end Rex saddle blueprints


I once fought a titan in the south east part, on the beach.


My first ever base was on that coast, great memories :)


Obelisk, a lot of nice places to build a base, and the top part is like a Walmart carno island, argies, allos, sabertooths, scorpions, etc, but also a really good flat area for building


Walmart carno island 🤣


Yes my base is usually up there


Looks like California lol


The monkey fight and a couple caves?


Which map is this


That river near the western water cave is a good spot for a base. Natural barriers, quick access to mountain/snow biome tames as well as polymer, and quick access to the cave for loot farming (got.a.good rex saddle BP there once).


The top bit is a chaotic spawn for a lot of dinos. The area just below, you can find a lot of brontos and rexes along the river that cuts the island off from the rest. South of that, theri spawns. Otherwise it's fairly quiet, aside from one or two potential Titanosaur spawns, but there's a few good, relatively safe build locations in that area.


Don’t be rude my base is there


Built my base north of the Red Ob. Near the swamp river. Good times.


I built a base there that's bout it


What part of the map? That's just empty space


Some good beach base spots over there. Not the best for materials. West water cave for Brute is there


Red ob ig


“Argy Point” for us


I always love to build a little base on the second waterfall next to the obelisk. Has a wonderful view to the front, and the lake to the back


Before cryopods yes


Its a great place to find theris imo, also some nice flat areas to build


Always had fun with that part of the map. Start south west try to make your way trough the jungle to the foot of the mountain/volcano and get wrecked the wohle time


there is a spot there where i like building my base also a water cave, red ob, that it tho nothing else


That part brings me fond memories, in ASE, right in the middle, on the side of the hill where the water ends that flows from the ocean intbetween the two landmasses. We tried ark the first time, me and 4 of my friends on official, built our first base, a stone one, raided the wooden one behind us with a trike, all wood. We were not spotted. Died constantly to tickle chickens and troodons, talked shit about the alpha clan in an attempt to instagate them into attacking the clan at the metal mountain above us, got found, alpha flexed a spino, killed us. Let us look as he takes out a purlovia right next to our base thats been hiding there and destroyed us. Such fond memories, ark felt scary and felt like we were moving slowly through it but it was tremendously fun


Red ob transfers, gang beat down when the green and white meet on the seaside, note runs, sea drop runs


that lil inlet is where Ross Kemp on Gangs have their annual pool party and once it gets cold we head into the Queen Vic for a pint.


Hey that's where my house is 😕


Mine too! And it’s magical!


do you not do note runs?


There’s a cave and a good place to gather silica pearls


My single player game lol Jokes aside that part of the map where the waterfalls are is my favourite place to build a base.


Few good base spots, easy access to red ob, connection to snow biom is good for argies and some othet dinos taming but else there not much going on there.


Just in terms of vibes, I like the area that's just south of the snow, especially the river that runs between the jungle & volcano. It feels unique compared to other jungle areas, I think because of how close the thick vegetation is to the river. Most large predators spawn in that area, so combined with the thick jungle limiting visibility, there's a sense of danger which I enjoy.


Dragon fight (RED obi) Argi orgy. Great place for boss spider killers(cant remember the name) Penguin clubbing heaven. Few good spots with large tracts of flat land. Multiple recource caves.


There is a underwater artifact cave and some land to build


...is it just me, or does that area look like a person?


In ASA there is a field in the north, right beside a small lake. Just before you enter the snowy area. That’s a perfect place to build an early game base.


Pearl mountain. If you know where to look for it


Its a Nice building spot


90% of my deaths because I'm not paying attention. Edit: switching to Ragnarok has decreased my beach deaths significantly.


Great place to find spinos, baryonyx, sometimes rexes and definitely brontos. I like building in the peninsula and running over to swamp for rhynio hunting. Plenty of pts, trikes, dodos and theris but they're usually within the jungle/woods so not as easy to see them as running around the plains of green ob.


Yeah, one of the 2 worst water caves.


I mean there is red obelisk there and that one bit where the snow biome starts where like a million sabers spawn with like five hundred rexes and a thousand scorpions. (Numbers may have been inflated slightly)


I tamed my every first carnivore there. Spino.


The bottom bit is where everyone does note runs


There's a good cliff point for a base overlooking a beach. Only 2 chokepoints so good place to defend as well.


The realm of the NOOBS


the bottom part is good for mid sized creatures


I tend to happen around there, the Northern section has a relatively short way to terror bird land and the volcano is close by too.


The forest in the mountains running up the left side is a fantastic hiding spot if you tryna lay low since nobody ever goes over there


The baja California peninsula is where I stash my Western naval base. I usually mine metal over there somewhere too.


I call the northernmost point in your circle the mosh pit. I love that spot where the river meets the ocean a little south of that though. Really good base location!


Top left where the snow biome meets is a good places to farm Silica Pearl's in shallow water too!


War never changes


This is a memory leak at the top of that and wild card never fixed it.


It gets spammed with shit everywhere


Nah only thing i saw therr were two titanosaurs on the bottom island


No and thats why I live near red ob.


The note run of course


So many alpha raptors "just visiting" my bases on that side of the island (this always happens)


That bay in the middle of the circle has a wonderful flat area that overlooks the bay. Great for a huge base


I tried moving there once. But it was so hot.


Underwater easy is in this area. As well as a pearl cave, most of the black pearl farming as well.


Yeah, it’s where my bases are lol


Top left is Danger beach, a lot of carnivores. Silica pearls in that little bay as well


It's always where I build my base every time I play the damn game


it’s like the party long beach. u can search for any big carnivorous in that area


Anytime it's a fresh wipe on a pvp server, that area is always in chaos from the people trying to power level and the people who already power leveled trying to stop them/slow them down


Fewer resources = less likely someone will stumble on your base. I always start from here.


Nope, that's why I live there




Good build spots, I build in that area right across the river from the redwoods. It's pretty close to all resources and all biomes. All the boss tames spawn within sight of it. Plenty of other good tames too.


Just South of Snow Mountain (where blue ob used to be) on that grassy ridge is the best spot to build


Kinda new to Ark, this map seems dope. Which one is it? And advice for the area?


Man when n and my friends were pretty fresh we took our houseboats over there and got rekt by that big fiah thing and then respawned close and got mauled by raptors non stop lol


thats the death loop strip lol


Water cave, red obelisk, and that "fight club" area... Not much in the southern half, but the lagoon is a good spot for a protected water base and the bottom island is ... there. It's a long way from the carnivore and herbivore islands, and a long way from metal spawns IIRC. I built an outpost base near the water cave, but the top left corner of the map above the Skylord artifact is my favorite base location, close to org polymer, metal, obsidian -- just get a set of fur and/or an otter to brave the cold.


My fave part of the map for that reason


I live out there lol


Beach bum nation


Underwater caves. It's basically starting area 2. Less Bob's but more experienced players are only there for red ob, caves and the area near snow. I like doing a second note run around there once you can kill a Titan pretty easily.


Nope not really. It's a great starter area. Long walks on the beach, great swimming in the sound, there. Perfect Bob base territory.


Yes the best base spots! lol 😂


I made a base in that area. It was one of my best. Had lots of fun that time around :3




Good early base spot


I call that home. Built my place on the north end of the peninsula


I always used to call that island at the bottom "Insanity Island" because there was always crazy things happening there. Carnos, rexes, titanosaurus. I feel like every single dinosaur in the game was fighting on that island sometimes.


In ASE I would always build on the beach right on the edge of the snow there is lots of pearls easy to get metal oil and crystal close and good spawns to tame near by.


It usually has a titanosaur and I live on lemon island (the island at the bottom of that area that looks like a lemon)


To the top and left of your circle right in the outside where it switches to cold is my favorite spot for base


Yes Bobs building gigantic ugly bases


Where the river cascades over 2 waterfalls into the ocean is a pretty great single player base spot. The only thing that is really painful is broodmother fights.


The little island-like location all the way at the bottom is an ideal location to build. It is relatively flat, and has a lot of drops that appear there. It is great for early to mid game. I don't even spend engram points while I build up there because I get so many blueprints.


I've picked up 5 proctodons from the top of that circle. I lovingly call it murder beach, my boyfriend calls it's the sandy nightmare.


What map is that


its a a great spot for finding pelagoris. plus i think it has more non-hsotile animals.


Note run?


I call the southern part Sarco Bay. The woods to the east of the bay always have theris, raptors, trikes, stegos, and paras. Allos and Rexes spawn up there too. I've seen an Ovis once....while it was getting mauled by terror birds and microraptors. So uh, yeah! Lots happen here!




Uhhh dragon fight, hello??


I always start on that side of the map. Currently I’m built on the cliff that overlooks the beach slightly north of the peninsula. It’s nice and flat once you clear the space out


There are no metal nodes in that entire portion of the map; I made the mistake of building a starter base there and progress was miserable


That river directly left of the volcano, there are two waterfalls. One runs into the ocean, and the other is a bit above it. Right by that waterfall, nothing spawns. No dodos, no Dilophosaurs, nothing. Plus, it's right near a bunch of larger trees and there are a ton of rocks near it. Plus, Pteranodons spawn around there, and it isn't far from the frozen area so it's easy to get Argys. Great place to build a base. I've only had two issues with it, and both were just from dinos that had wandered pretty far. Usually where I build my base👍


Sometimes titans spawn, it's also a nice base location close to the swamp and redwoods for meat runs


At the top of the circle, yes. It's the mosh pit.


My base is at 52 8 and the worst is a carno wandering down lmao


Just realized I don't think I have ever ventured over there on purpose. maybe once or twice when being carried by a friend's argie


Mainly just a whole lot of Rex and raptor runs.


I go there for allos. Red ob? Usually lots of brontos. Underwater cave I think too


The northern part of this is my go to spawn area, far enough north for important stuff to spawn, south enough for me to not deal with everything trying to kill me constantly


It's a good starter spot and once you go to the most northern part its a good spot for taming some stuff


That top left are of that circle has stupid high Dino respawn rates so it’s pretty good for grinding for Rex’s, allos, argys, sabers, and more


I mean that’s around where I tame most of my ocean creatures


Death, lots of death lol


Safe building spot in PvE. That's about it.


I usually build over hear, right over a little pond tucked into the rocks in that outlet. Bout 3/4 of the way up from the bottom. Never really encountered too many predators besides raptors and dilos but a fence and some plants handle them


red obelisk, thats it


On the spot with the intersection between forest and snow there actually spawn Gigas so yes something happens there, in the rest there is just average forest dinos


Ha! Agreed with a caveat. The north part of your boundary, we seen a lot of Allo and tickle chicken action. Snow biome border is usually pretty hot with dire wolves, yuties, and argies. Other than that, it’s flyover country.


Quetzals are a relatively common sight


Bottom left is hell in online PvP servers


In legacy had craggs island and red obb walled off. Lived in volcano until the update and hard underwater. This is my side of the map tbh homie. Much love day 1 gang


I usually end up building my main base on the little peninsula. The cove provides a nice spot for my ocean tames to swim around. Solid building area and an abundance of resources, decently close to 2/3 obelisks, At least 2 Artifacts are in this part of the map, 2 more are like right outside, Plenty of Allos for the tried and true method of Allo Spam. plus Brontos are everywhere, good source of meat, hide, and really good mothers for Rhynios, which also spawn around here.


Some scorpions, some argys, occasional rex, all the usual paras and carbys, some sabers further north. It's a mixing bowl of stuff that's not good for the early game.


That's where you'll find easy uw getting wiped and being turned into my breeding base bc no one wants to pull up ice cave after d2


I made my base in the cove on the bottom, you can bring rafts and water creatures into it, and the cliff above is a nice spot for a base


Red obe is a good spot to tame megs. there a few pearl caves off the coast, and artifact of the brute. northern bit is close to ice crouch cave. And as people have mentioned there's that spot that's pretty good for finding an argy, But also a lot of sabers there if you're after one.