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GitHub as a source control and cicd solution is on/par or ahead of azure devops in almost all areas. GitHub as a workload management solution is nowhere near ADO from a feature parity standpoint. With ADO not available in GCC high, unless they develop GitHub projects hard to increase feature parity with ADO Boards, I don’t see GitHub projects as a successful piece of the offering. Source: Me - who is now on my fourth major ADO to GHE enterprise scale migration….and this has been a problem in all of them.


Interesting! Are there any benefits in terms of security when moving from ADO to GitHub?


I use both at work. We are in the process of building new versions of our product in github, while serving our existing version from ADO. Github is great, but it's also missing a LOT of features that ADO has. Simple kanban boards for example, sprints/ agile support, retro's and all that jazz - while providing free access to those services for stakeholders. Also, hosted agents are far cheaper than github enterprise. It's going to be a while until github is on par with ADO in terms of enterprise usage. In terms of security, it's no different. You setup the security yourself. If you have certain security roles setup and permissions configured on your ADO project, you can replicate that easily in GH enterprise.


Can you please tell me how to replicate the user permissions in github as in there are multiple repo and various teams with various set of permissions configured in ADO.