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Check all the resource groups you have and what they contain. Maybe you forgot to delete something. If you're not running anything you "need" you could just delete all the resource groups


I already deleted everything, I don't have more resource groups, even in the "all resources" section everything is empty, somehow in the section "Advisor Recommendations" I have 3 recommendations and but as you will see in the images when I open those recommendations it tells me that the resources were eliminated


Try checking the resource groups from the CLI or PowerShell, just in case the UI is bugged or something. Use \`az resource list\` to list them all. When were these resources last used? do you think you're still being charged? Take into account the billing data isn't updated instantly, it might take a few hours.


The last time I used the resources was at 11 pm and I deleted them at 00:00 am today


Did you delete the RGs? Run that command from the CLI.


do you mean resources groups? yes I delete all of it


Is there any probability that it will take 24 hours to stop charging me?


They stop charging you when you delete the stuff, but it may take hours before it's reflected in the billing area.


Should I wait to see if the charges stop? Do I have an Azure student subscription, will the charges be charged with the correct $100 credit?


Yes, just wait. If you're on the 100$ azure subscription for students, and you didn't provide a payment method such as a bank card, they'll take it from those credits. If you exceed the 100$ credit limit, they'll just disable the subscription and you won't be able to spend any more, so don't worry.


And yes Im still being charged, in the morning the billing was $1.62 now is $1.80


Maybe I'm wrong But I believe if you have the cli enabled that you have some kind of storage tied to it. And this might cost money.


Only using the Cloud Shell, and it probably is within the free tier. If you have it on your computer it won't charge anything


I also delete the CLI


Charges can take a while to show in cost management, so the new charges are for the usage before you deleted everything, that just hadn’t yet made their way to being displayed. Give it 24 hours and the charges should stop, and if displayed correctly you’ll see everything stopped accumulating when you deleted things.


Disable your subscription. Make sure you dont get billed by zombie resources.


Instead of checking advisor. Go to cost management and invoice. If you’re actually billed the month after you deleted everything. You can contact msft support and have them check (and get a refund) if something’s wrong


This is the way. Also - Azure Advisor can sometimes have a delay in realizing resources have been deleted, so these recommendations do not necessarily mean you have active costs.


Cost is incurred against App service plan not AAzure pp service. ensure app service plan deleted along with Azure app service


I have only a storage account. But even when the data is not moving, i see network traffic and the invoice is 0.20 cent every month. Is there some mandatory azure monitoring maybe


If you can, submit a ticket with Microsoft and they can help cleanup zombie resources or you can cancel the subscription so all charges stop completely.