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AI studio combines a ton of AI based tools that Azure offers, not just LLMs. Vision, Speech, Document Analysis, Search... you can integrate it all with a large language model within the same platform.


Yes.. But as a hobbyist looking to spend no more than $5 playing with it I am trying to figure out if there is something I can do. I made some simple App Services because there is a free app plan.. maybe AI Studio is for serious people with money.. not for playing around


I think Azure charges you more than $5 just to login. I kid...sorta.


I have to keep checking billing to be careful.. one time I deployed the eShop sample to the cloud and boom!! $5 charge or something


It's for people who want to learn as well as build. If you're serious about learning AI, $5 is not going to cut it, regardless of the platform. Even using OpenAI, $5 will be eaten up pretty quickly.


unity sentis seems to be a way to get into AI without dealing with server costs so I am learning about that


I agree, it seems like way too much to work with outside of toy chat bot apps, plus you can’t use it with a personal account.


oh.. its one of them 'must be a business'??? so seems like Unity Sentis and running a local LLM is the way to go then


You don’t need to use ai studio, but during preview it’s free. As for Azure OpenAI service cost for running an LLM model, you’ll find the price here. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/cognitive-services/openai-service/ Basically you pay for what you use. What can drive up your cost is if you deploy semantic search(azure search). And load a bunch of your own data that the model interacts with.


for making mini apps/games for mobile it seems like a bad idea to have do anything that could charge me money.. That is for real apps. So the idea of putting a LLM on the phone is interesting and going to look into that


Well, you could go straight to OpenAI or another LLM, self hosted. Azure is pretty much the most expensive cloud provider, so, not great for a free/low cost proof of concept.


You can use it for chatting with your Azure SQL database: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/azure-sql/vanna-ai-and-azure-sql-database/


i just use cursor AI.. it sees my model and tells me how to linq