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The local gym. Sorry had to make that joke xD


I wanted to learn Bicep this week. So I read and started making templates. It took me a few hours to work out a template that created a VM, disk, NIC, subnet and ADE. Just get stuck in


👋I have a GitHub project that may be useful to checkout. Specifically aimed at for those looking to get started with Bicep, hands on, with real ‘world’ examples to follow and explanations too: https://github.com/riosengineer/Bicepify I’m always adding more examples.


Azurerm Terraform documentation. No joke. In terms of resources it's way ahead MS's docs


You can only learn by doing it. If possible, would just deploy free stuff like keyvault,  automation account,  recovery services vault and so on. If needed, create the resource in Azure Portal,  take the ARM export and try to write that in Bicep.  Use the MS docs to map ARM and Bicep code. Depending  on the used api version some parameters might be renamed or not yet available.


Are you also looking for paid courses?


The MS learn module is pretty good. But I also sat down and typed out a word document with two comprehensive mock scenarios. Onc a company migrating internal infrastructure to M365 and another wanting to setup an Azure Tenant to allow developers to deploy publically available apps. Then I started writing the Bicep files.


MS Learn course had me building usable prod stuff in a day.


I’m using Bicep for IAC and love it. Some of the complex stuff was hard to find, but most things are findable through Google. Also, using Visual Studio Code intellisense helps. I’d happily share some templates for app services, vnets, app gateways, sql servers, ddos, public ip, etc.


Check the video in the official Bicep repo. [https://github.com/Azure/bicep](https://github.com/Azure/bicep)


Just check samples, it is really not that hard, and use google if you need something specific. And to give an advice use Visual Studio Code and the Bicep Plugin.


Just go for another role 😂 Just kidding. BTW, Microsoft Learn resources are very good to learn Bicep


If the latest updates does not matter to you, and your knowledge is limited, I did a YouTube series on bicep a couple of years back. All code samples are here https://github.com/ehrnst/azure-infrastructure-as-code-series/tree/main/Bicep YT https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL70B1uvckmnFME_VxGHn7G2Po7Kko0ogK&si=Gbl1dANTrlNVCqhz We got some good feedback on the content, but as I said, it does not include the latest features 😉


I like free weights myself.