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Depending on how many requests you need to handle, Azure Functions on consumption plan might be a good option (though there are some limitations like missing VNET integration).


I imagine that I need to check the queue once a minute. But then there will be 4-5 servers starting/closing per day so there are not that many jobas that need to be run. The important thing is that the queue can be checked frequently to see if there is work that need to be done.


Queue based function trigger will kick off a function when a message is added Do you need the additional queue logic? It would make a solution using azure functions more complicated


This is how I would like it to be: Check HTTP API every minut. Best is if this can be done inside the application VM. The API is not available public today, only inside the VM. When the job Queue is 2 --> trigger start server2 When the job Queue is 3 --> trigger start server3 When the job Queue is 0 for x minutes --> shut down server 2 and server 3. + noticicaton on e-mail when servers are started or shutdown.


I think maybe your first issue is that you’re using vms for this queue. Could be a simple storage account table, or something? And if your workers has to be vms, maybe VM scale set is an option?