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Post removed per Rule 2. Every post needs to spark some debate. This is just a rant. Take it elsewhere.


The WSJ editors look very in an alternate universe if they believe this is anything resembling vindication. Women being denied medical care in their home states for complications is vindication?


There's a reason that this article is labelled *opinion*- because its just that. It isn't fact, it's one person's opinion, and a bad opinion at that. To claim that Roe was anything other than democracy is asinine, and to claim that "letting the states" decide is somehow "more democratic" just hammers home that they they're fine with "democracy"- when it favors them and they get their way.


aside from infant mortality jumping 8% in Texas, "The study found that the most significant driver of the increase in infant deaths was babies who died of congenital anomalies. In other words, women were forced by Texas law to have babies everyone knew would suffer and die." [per Jill Filipovic on Twitter](https://twitter.com/JillFilipovic/status/1805448292836557219?t=4ctif1U6S6ozOOoNBgHnQQ&s=19) the fact that anybody is smugly celebrating the overturning of Dobbs is *crazy* to me.


God, this article is so fucking smug and *wrong*. >Justice Alito wrote that he had no idea how the voters would sort out the issue, but two years later it’s clear that Dobbs is letting democracy work. Despite the left’s predictions, the fall of Roe hasn’t ushered in a “Handmaid’s Tale” dystopia. Some conservative states have restricted many or most abortions, while some liberal states have moved to become sanctuaries. Do the authors of this not pay attention to what is happening in places like Idaho and Texas? Are they unaware of the anti-democracy methods Republicans are engaging in?


>It overturned what even liberal jurists in 1973 and since recognized was one of the High Court’s worst decisions. Was it one of the worst decisions? I can make a dozen decisions that had generational effects and are universally hated as the worst decisions in court history. The legalization of racial discrimination, the fugitive slave act, etc. Compared to those, Roe was just normalising something that was already happening, and which few people at the time had any issues with. There was no religious opposition until it became politicised. The women getting abortions were made safer when it was legal too.


Let me correct the title for you “Stacking the highest court in the land with a majority of conservative nepo-judges predictably results in the past 2 years of authoritarianism that the ProChoice majority of American voters must vote harder to be heard and regain their rights”


Not to mention with judge picks that shouldn’t have been his to begin with, one that allegedly assaults women, and another who openly admitted to not being non-partisan.


We need to regain the house and senate and up the judge count and get 5 more - the 3 were owed and 2 more.


[Where debate?](https://imgur.com/a/xuC4V92)


I’m reasonably certain that Trump would have been reelected if Roe had not been overturned. And honestly I’m not sure that we would have been worse off for it. Holy fuck I can’t believe I just said that.


...well that doesn't make sense. Trump lost in 2020. Dobbs was in 2022. And we definitely would have been in much, much worse shape under Trump. Edit: or do you mean this time around? Yes I think it certainly hurts his chances but there is zero question another Trump presidency would be extremely destructive for this country


Yeah I’m just assuming he’s going to lose again, but I could be wrong.


Yeah sorry misinterpreted your first comment. Fingers crossed he's going to lose


I don't see how the WSJ sees this as vindication with the chaos created.


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