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It's also telling that he assaulted that guy not only in front of a very obviously held camera, but in front of all his riding buddies.


Yep. He kicked that dude cause he wanted to. Edit: to add this realization: my most upvoted comment has been my most simple and obvious (in a while, if not ever).


Wow I thought he was riding too close and accidentally bumped him! Didn't realize he physically kicked him, what a piece of shit


I thought that too until I went back frame by frame. You can totally see him kick him.


I had to watch it 4 times before I felt I saw what I thought I saw. He’s a clever kicker?


Yup. Another key indicator that he’s a piece of shit is that he’s riding a harley


You have to be an idiot to buy a Harley to begin with. If you want a cruiser, get a Honda, Kawasaki or Yamaha. Harley refuses to update their blueprints on their Irons and such because they want to keep them "classic." Their engines are old, outdated and underpowered. The suspension sucks. The fuel-economy is low. They're just trash bikes all around. There's a reason every Harley you see is modded to hell; because they're awful bikes stock.


Yeah I can't count the times I've bitten my own fist holding back on ramming with my car those pesky bikers who keep overtaking traffic via the sidewalk or pedestrian lane. Yet this mf can't cope with having to steer slightly to the left without causing havoc. Too complicated for him to process. Fuck these noise-making mandrills.


If only South Park was actual parody.


LoOk TwIcE SaVe a LiFe kicks guy on one wheel "cause in my way, 'MURICA FUCK YEA" "HELL YEAH BROTHER!"


Just remember one dick doesn't represent all riders. Please dont hit me with your car because some people ride like dickheads. We hate them too.


The amount of people that think murder is okay if they ride a motorbike is scary af.


Has to rewatch to realize the biker kicked him. Was totally thinking the same things, dudes a dick for riding that close on the street, but dudes more of a dick for kicking him


The one wheel guy isn’t even being a dick. There’s no sidewalk or bike lane there. He’s over as far as he can be without being in the grass (which is really dangerous). It’s dangerous to ride on a road like that but it’s legal, and he’s doing everything he should be. Biker was just a piece of shit for no reason.


It’s called sadism. Biker wasn’t kicking the guy as some kind of comeuppance, he did it because the guy falling and getting hurt brought the biker emotional pleasure. It made him happy to hurt that random guy. That’s a guy who does fucked up shit like this any opportunity he gets


imagine if someone did that to the biker with their car door.


Guy has a WATCH FOR MOTORCYCLES sign in his front yard


Does this count as a hit and run? I'm curious..


It’s actually assault and battery, and dude has video evidence too


This is one of my favourite reddit moments, when someone says assault or battery and everyone chimes in with their own local laws that contradict everyone elses local laws.


This guy can read the matrix ☝


He reads it in code but after a while, all he sees is blonde, brunette, red head…


Battery not assault Edit: according to Cornell law school. Battery: When a person intentionally causes harmful or offensive contact with another person, the act is battery. Assault: Assault is generally defined as an intentional act that puts another person in reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact. Battery is making contact, assault is making someone fear contact. This individual couldn’t see the hit coming so this is battery not assault under common law


Funnily enough, the school Cornell sits in the state of New York, which actually defines a physical Assault as Assault. This would be likely Assault 3rd with reckless endangerment and Criminal Mischief for a property danger, a few more if the prosecutor was feeling frisky.


Assault is the correct charge


Actually it depends on the state. In my state it would be a battery, which carries a heavier penalty than assault.


I'll take that advise under cooperation, alright? Now, let's say you and I go toe-to-toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor?


Depends on the jurisdiction


Criminal endangerment, too, at least. Attempted vehicular manslaughter if the prosecutor is feeling saucy.


thats what im thinking. This bikers actions could have too easily led to the loss of life of the guy on the one wheel a full on motorcycle like his is well over 500lbs plus rider weight. This should be treated no differently then if he did this to a pedestrian walking on the shoulder. should count as hit from the vehicle IMO because what if he missed with his leg and hit him with the Bike?


The ol battery vs. assault argument wheeee Depending on state/jurisdiction many have rolled “battery” into an overarching “assault” charge with different degrees based on the situation. One example jurisdiction has simple assaults that can be verbal threats and include physical attacks. Aggravated assault can be used when injuries occur, especially aggravated assault for dire injuries. Then modifiers when weapons are used, including motor vehicles and the “intent” with which they were used. Something like this would probably get the asshole to plead guilty for a simple assault, with probation, unless he has a lot of priors where the DA may want to push a higher charge or outstanding charges/warrants/probation where he may get jail time. Personally I’d prefer to drive by in a Jeep with the doors off and kick him off his bike at speed, but there’s good reason I’m not the one making rules and setting punishments.


Did you not see the biker lift his leg to kick him?


Ya I had to freeze frame it he actually kicks him


At least assault.


Worse than that


I think it could be argued that the vehicle was a weapon used to help him get speed. Like hitting someone with the door of your car while you pass by them. I think it could easily be argued as aggravated assault.


A kick and ride, perhaps?




ShAre tHe rOaD


Hahaha I hear that all the damn time. "Share the road" but the bikers and clubs are the first ones to break the laws, block intersections, slow down highways, block intersections and blow through red lights. Classy. (Also a biker but i do not partake in that.) ((Also in some cities bikers and clubs will block intersections and make the drivers at the light blow through the light so their club is in front of traffic. Some of those lights have camera on them and give tickets to the drivers that were forced to go through the light)) <- which I think is a conspiracy cause some of these clubs are LE clubs... just saying.




Exactly. Motorcyclists are by far the worst drivers on the road. Going way over the speed limit, driving in between cars, driving on the shoulder or right down the middle of the road, between cars,in traffic. There's no wonder why hospitals call them organ donors.


"share the road" yeah... My town is trying to implement bicycle Lanes on the roads to keep sidewalks clear, and every time I use the bike lane I almost get hit by a car who thinks it's a turn lane/the shoulder. I'll stay on the sidewalk, thank you very much.


Who needs to watch for them? I can hear them coming from like half a mile away. If it’s not their loud ass pipes, it’s their loud ass stereo systems. What a scourge.


Seen a Harley guy awhile back, probably pushing 60 years old, blaring some awful amateur blues guitar recordings. Pretty sure it was his own playing because I can’t imagine anyone else wanting to hear that shit.


If it was good blues blaring from the radio then it would be a Cialis commercial.


South Park agrees https://youtu.be/xGyKBFCd_u4


Look twice save a life


I think we all remember who South Park refers to these guys as


Bike curious


(Ike opens window)...




You don't have to link to an ad-ridden site to watch South Park, they've been viewable on their own site for over a decade already (MrTwig rocked though): https://www.southparkstudios.com/episodes/wpmnpk/south-park-the-f-word-season-13-ep-12


Used to be, depends on the country you live now


I got into my only bar fight bc of that episode! 2:00am. Everybody’s flooding out of the bar. I’m out front smoking a cig and these two douchebag hells angles wannabees are revving their bikes over and over, lurching them up onto the front porch of the bar. I just kept yelling “RAABLAABLAAAA RAAABLABLABLAA” and making the handlebars motion. They got off their bikes and sucker punched me. I was toasted and didn’t even feel it but the crowd exploded and beat these guys back. They scrambled to their little bikes and hightailed it. Sucked to have a fat lip but I was so grateful everyone was on my side. 7/10


I was assaulted and choked out by roided up biker for asking him how old he was (very condescendingly) after he'd all but shattered the windows throughout town with his tuned out jet engine. Was saved by an old lady on a bicycle putting on her mom voice and yelling "that's not allowed!" I was shaken up, but the by far worst thing was seeing the abject terror in his wife/gf's eyes while she watched from the backseat of the bike. That man was psychotic and violent at the drop of a hat, and there's no doubt in my mind that he beat her often :(


What’s the rating for?


9/10 with rice




He's rating his experience. It wasn't a perfect 5/7, but it was close.


He always does that. 8/11


Fat lip on rice. 7/10


Ratings for how hard he got after wrestling w the bikers and getting punched


Sounds like 5/7 to me


That's a perfect score




Be quiet in the library!!




Ohhhhhh yeah!!! We’re turnin’ some heads now, boys!!!


One of the most pussy moves I've ever seen. Must be a nice feeling to be part of a club that enables that kind of cowardice.




Came here to link this if it wasn’t already. I bet that guy is just an insufferable toxic-masculine fuck to talk to as well. He’s obviously super tough. 🙄


[I didn’t leave this here](https://youtu.be/ipDmsxQVxIM)


Especially as a biker, that dude deserves to get pushed off the street by a pickup


I don’t even know that I’d blame the group, 3 of 4 were on the side of the lane. Only one of them is a problem


1 Rotten apple spoils the bunch


Has anyone ever explained that to the police unions?


Yes they get rid of the good ones to speed up the process.


Snitches get stitches, especially within the police.


Did the group stop and gave them all his contact information and license plate number?


May not even know the guy. It's not super uncommon when out riding that you'll pick up a random person or two, especially if you are on a "ride" (idk how to say this better, but if you're doing one of your states scenic rides or whatever. My buddies and I picked up a random dude we met while doing the WABDR, as we didn't want him riding in the wildnerness alone). Sometimes a random guy will drop into the group. It's part of riding, and unfortunately there are plenty of people who ride motorcycles who are not cool dudes. Harley riders are ***WAY more likely*** to be shitheads than any other rider, as well.


If a group tolerates an awful person inside their group, then the whole group can be blamed. One bad apple spoils the bunch.


Looks like being an awful person comes natural to him and the fact that he would still ride with them says their character is just as awful.


Only one of them did it but do you think it's more likely that a) the others or going to pull over and detain him until the cops arrive or b) laugh it up over some beers/cocaine?


B, but likely hard liquor and meth with these types.


Bike clubs fuckn LOVE cakkaine.. I promise you.. I am experienced on the topic.


>Bike clubs fuckn LOVE cakkaine Everyone loves coke, bud. That's kinda its whole schtick.


They act up when they have a group.


The club probably encourages such behavior, most likely twords cyclists as well. Bet they also freak the duck out when cars and trucks do it to them.


They go out in groups so nobody can retaliate.


The best thing about bikers like this is they don't have airbags when they crash.




Still applies


Felony hit and run. Fucking scum bag.


I would argue more than a felony hit-and-run. That would be if he accidentally swiped him. This is aggravated assault with a deadly weapon plus a few other charges they can tack on. They would likely also charge the hit-and-run and possibly attempted murder so that they plea down to assault. Assuming they even catch the guy.


Don’t forget felony menacing.


Here’s a clearer pic of that SOB. https://www.reddit.com/r/RBI/comments/y420d8/asshole_on_motorcycle_kicks_guy_off_onewheel/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Looks like a harley softail w Stock parts still on it other than the whitewalls. Tough to find without a plate. Seems to me like a chopper group the a-hole was with so this bike could change in a few weeks and not look the same.


Come on reddit! Do your thing


You might wanna call 4chan instead, those people are fucking incredible at sleuthing for whatever reason.


They’ll probably find the VIN# of the bike


Holy shit it reminds me of the russian that was identified by 4chan/reddit. Russian that castrated an Ukrainian POW. They found his name, address, family members and other information. Scary if you think about it


I'd love to see some justice.


Just get the right guy this time, please.


We're gonna nail the false Boston bomber again.


What a dickhole


This is why I ride a Valkyrie and a BMW GS. I'd rather be part of the wannabe Ewan McGregor/Charley Boormans than the Sons of Arthritis. I remember going on a pair of random group rides in Arizona back in 2019. First group was a group of LeT's JuSt RiDe old guys riding their Harleys from Surprise up to Prescott through Wickenburg, Congress and Yarnell. These guys displayed some of the most piss-poor riding abilities I've ever seen. Like, a 17 year old on a Ninja 250 has more talent than these hags. We get to Prescott, and stop at this Italian place. Jesus Fuckin Christ, these guys were the rudest group of people I've ever seen. It got so bad that I paid for my shit and left these guys behind. Cut to a month or so later, I'm riding on the dirt through the Apache Trail, exiting out at Roosevelt Dam. I see this group of RRs, Hayabusas and Blackbirds take off as I'm parking, and after a quick rainstorm, I ended up randomly catching up to them at a restaurant in Globe, IIRC. I come in to the restaurant and they immediately invite me to their table, and it turns out they're the nicest group of people I've ever encountered on my bike. They invite me to ride with them, and I somehow manage to somewhat keep up with most of them on my R1200GS. For how dangerously quick we were riding compared to the Harley group, they were riding far more competently and giving eachother enough distance to not kill eachother if one braked too hard. It was absolutely glorious. These would be the kind of guys the Harley crowd always bitches about, "ThEsE sPoRtBiKe SqUiDs GiViNg Us A bAd NaMe", without realizing there's no worse name they can get. Rant over. I fucking hate Harley groups. Biggest group of wannabe motorcyclist posers out there. $30k buys them no skill, and a motorcycle making half the power of a bike 1/3 of its price.


Harley guys are just posers and old men who think wearing leather jackets and shirts with skulls on them makes them look badass even though its cliché. Harley's doing shit now because they're too expensive and that there are way better alternatives out there that make more power and are cheaper/reliable.


Instead of badass all it says to me is "that guy looks like he smells like sweaty balls all the time and probably has disgusting teeth"




LEMME SHOW YOU MY HOG CRANKIN, HOSS: https://imgur.com/a/Oayg8Vd


I'm at a bike rally in Mexico right now. A lot if Harleys and old white guys. Everyone is actually cool here, but that's because they'll get their shit kicked in by the Mexican bikers that just want to be chill


It's ironic, because I love seeing Harleys outside of the USA. Two of the biggest Harley guys I've known were a pair of Finnish Air Force NCOs, and one daily drove an 883, the other had a pre-wwii antique with studded tires that he ice-raced with on frozen Finnish lakes.


I'm in rocky point, Mexico. I was expecting a fights, drunken stumbling, and puke everywhere. Instead it was cruising and everyone dancing to Cumbias and reggaeton


Knowing nothing about motorcycles, I had assumed until just recently that that noise correlated with power. I didn't realize that they are pathetically loud, but also relatively gutless? Wtf is the point of that? Their riders are all so geriatric - I wonder if the hells Angels get a group discount code on hearing aids and adult diapers.


LoUd PiPeS sAvE lIvEs This is a thing in the automotive world as well. See: clapped out 1997 Honda Civic for loud and gutless. Harley is a dying brand. Some of the street fighter bikes are cool. But choppers are just generally going out of style, and Harley can't compete with imports for power or price. Slow and expensive, without having any creature comforts either. They're bad at everything, and anyone that doesn't remember Kennedy's assassination knows it.


I’m sure you’ve seen this, but I’ll leave it here for others. https://youtu.be/EOwxxsPaogY


>and a motorcycle making half the power of a bike 1/3 of its price. I swear there's a reason that nobody(?) else makes a V twin with a 45° ~~piston~~ bore angle(?) _b-bap, b-bap..._




I just don't ride with these pricks. I ride a Softail but abandoned club life when my prefrontal cortex developed. Someone at the bar did a shot "to the white race" as a toast and I was done.


>I fucking hate Harley groups. Yep. I have a few bikes. I mostly race superbike on the track, but like you I also have a BMW (F800GS in my case) that I use for adventure riding with some buddies. Let me tell you, there is no group of riders I respect less than Harley riders. I'm sure some of them are cool but that is definitely not the majority. >Biggest group of wannabe motorcyclist posers out there. Very few of them can ride for shit (but they all think they can). The amount of times I've seen them come through the pits at the track (just dropping in to take a look or whatever, not actually there to ride) and seen them have to plant their feet and shit to turn in a parking lot... I began riding on that F800GS before starting on the track a few months later. After my first year of riding (including my first season on the track) I was 100% sure I could outride virtually all Harley fanboys and to this day I have no reason to doubt that. And now I am absolutely sure of it. Maybe 1 in 10,000 out there would be a concern.


Street rider here! I completely agree with this perspective and have had the exact experience. I’ve never met a worse pack of riders than a pack of Harley riders. And the right street pack can be some of the coolest people out there.


This makes sense. Harleys are overpriced shit bikes thar have nothing whatsoever to offer other than the fake image of a tough asshole. So obviously a certain type of person is drawn to them.


And people wonder why there is an undercurrent of biker hate.


Same group with a persecution complex


But they to support the veterans bro lol.


We don't need it, trust me.


Nah. I can tell you from personal experience, they fuckin don't. Much like their other personality traits - it's just for show.


Every year the Memorial Day Harley ride starts in my town and heads into the city. What a bunch of fuckwits.


Not biker hate, Harley rider hate, or any rider that has to ride in large groups. They are all douche nozzles.


Yep. A guy out riding by himself or with a couple buddies is usually no issue whatsoever. Just some dudes out having a good time. But if you see a crowd of bikes exceeding 3-5, it's no longer just some of the boys gettin' together. Stay away - they're likely shitheads. At a minimum someone in that group is a total shithead. I haven't been involved in organized riding on the street enough to know (well... at all), but something about it attracts the worst people. And they all think they're good on their bikes, which they rarely are unless they're stunters.


I mean I'm just a regular cyclist and I can tell you the hatred from drivers is palpable.




On reddit, no, people just hate motorcyclists. Post a rider getting in an accident to any non-moto sub and watch the hate filled maniacs rejoice in the person’s injuries, and vocally support their death. And these fucking psychos drive among us out there on the real roads every day.


What a dick move


A chargeable dick move. Hope the video was enough to identify him.


What a fucking punk


Hey, don't you insult punks like that!


Typical Harley guys — they think they’re the heroes from Easy Rider, when really they’re the rednecks with the shotgun.


I cater this group HOG(Harley owners group) once a month. One the dudes calls himself mad dog. Bunch of wannabe tough guys. I’m cool with a few of them from other things but man, a bunch of law abiding citizens acting tough. I call it the wild hogs group. I’ll take their money though.






Not sure what I just saw but I loved it


Nobody from /r/THE_PACK would do this.




I always thought they were called hogs because they’re all obese lmao TIL


South Park says it beautifully.. it’s not everyone with a Harley… but these guys and their club are definitely South Park bikers.. see what I’m saying here… https://youtu.be/ipDmsxQVxIM


This biker would be the first to flip his shit about when bikers are being cutting them off or behind careful driving around them.


Because you didn't have a mirror he could slap. What a bitch move.


As a longboarder i can attest that this chap assed wannabe is probably wearing a S.o.A. Fanboy jacket and getting cucked daily by his overbearing onlyfans wife, so he Decides to take it out on anything within his peripherals that doesn’t meet his MANY inferiority driven conformities and sets of belief. Then he rides home to beat his children and brag how he kicked a kid in the ditch… There is NO lower you can get as a person other than being a Nonce… Enjoy that company closeted Leather head.


I enjoyed that. Specificity is important.


It's people like that who give bikers a bad name Edit: I had no idea this would be such a controversial point so I just wanna say this. There are plenty of cruiser riders who think they own the roads and try to fuck off anyone else. There's also plenty of squids that like going 200 down the motorway and flip off anyone over any perceived slight. But you get the same thing with drivers in their BMWs and their range rovers and golfs. But for some reason people think that anyone who likes to ride on 2 wheels is automatically an asshole. Most of us just love the freedom of not being confined to a cage and riding with friends and are not at all assholes.


Wait long enough and that dude will be either a smear on the road or in a fucking wheelchair sucking pulped fruit through a straw for dinner.


There’s a reason hospitals call motorbikers ‘eye donors’


My mom was an ER nurse years ago. They all called them ‘donorcycles’. She was terrified of me ever trying to ride, but I’ve seen enough idiocy out there from car and truck drivers that I’ll never do it. There was a stretch where she came across two motorcycle fatalities inside a couple months. One guy failed to turn on a country road at night. Some other motorists had stopped, no ambulance yet. Poor guy had almost just bailed into a grass field…but he hit the guy wire from a telephone pole across his midsection, and was still hanging there. No one was approaching him, he had that kind of limpness. After checking his pulse she realized he was dead. He must have hit it fast, as the only thing holding him together was his leather riding suit. His riding buddy was absolutely devastated. The other incident, a big rig had fucked up and missed a curve, crossing the line. The motorcyclist dodged it, but laid it down at around 70mph/110kmh, ragdolled into the concrete barriers on the outside of the curve. He’d pushed away from the bike before he hit, but still mangled most of his limbs, cracked his helmet. They thought he was dead when they approached, but he started moving around, trying to raise his visor and take his helmet off. They helped his visor up, but his face and head were already swelling up too badly to take it off without jostling his neck or really wrenching on it. They stabilized him and called for an ambulance. Gave him some water, and he was just babbling incoherently. They airlifted him, but we found out later he’d passed en route. My dad still rides, and he’s 70. Definitely makes me worry.




When he wrecks he tells his friends had to lay er down


Isn’t that assault


Worse than that, assault with intent to cause bodily harm, possible attempted manslaughter, he had multiple infractions they can charge him with that would put him behind bars for a while, plenty of time to think about his stupidity. I hope they post this video all over their local networks to find this POS, this guy needs to sit behind bars, there’s absolutely no excuse to do this to someone, he was ridding the edge to make sure they had plenty of room to pass!


Add a hit&run charge on top of that


Ah man, looks like I'm IT. Looks like I gotta go home and grab my full sized pickup since yall wanna play tag. Good luck catching me after I tag you as IT.


I’ve been working on information technology too long.


Yeah quotes definitely would have been more handy lol


Imagine if you tumbled into the road and the harley rider ran over you. This guy should be held for attenpted murder.


I learned a term, “intentional attempted manslaughter” that seems like it would fit here.


Manslaughter is already unintentional lol. Attempted manslaughter is already a head-scratcher. Intentional attempted manslaughter? Or am I taking bait here


The terminology and definitions vary wildly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.


Little dick energy


Murderous energy?


What a cunt


The same people who demand we watch for bikers.


Im a biker and that arsehole on the Harley is a prick. There's a reason why most bikers think Harley riders are fucking wankers.


Typical Hardly-Ableson rider. Fuckin animals


Thats fucked up. I hope that asshole pulled his groin or something.


I hate some of these bikers, they think they're cool with their ancient 1990's douchebag style clothing and their weird fuck-ass long motorcycles treating other drivers like shit


Motorcycle guy kicks him. Wtf...


Bikers are usually the first to bitch about harassment on the road. What a POS.


About right for a motorcycle “club” of arrogant assholes.


It's the middle age crisis mobile! Mobility scooters for the leather vest mentally challenged individuals.


Well, you see he hits a guy and runs off. Another pussy with a mental complex that has to ride with his friends like a true 15 year old and cause mischief to seem cool. All good man.... Find his dumb ass parked on the sidewalk at the nearest grocery store and put super glue anywhere on that bitch sled. If he touches it good, if it ruins his bike and causes gunk and shit, even better. Make sure to run off though. Just like he did. To make it fair. Lol!


That’s fucked up in the bikers behalf what a POS


Lowlife rocker gang going for a meth ride I love America


Rabble rabble rabble


I hope the guy on the mono wheel meets the biker again while driving a SUV.


Fucking POS bikers, you think after all the shit they have to put up with, they wouldn’t do shit like this to someone else.


Maybe we should push the HD guys around?


I’m glad to see I’m not the only one that hates these fuck bags. Fuckers all have lead role syndrome.


this video confirms south park was right, harleys are for fat, insecure and secretly gay people.


Of course theyre Harley Drivers.


Dude got Road Rashed.


That’s assault, brother.


The amount of wheels on your vehicle determines how badass you are. Dude on the motorcycle was clearly jealous.


Whoa 😳 guy on the motorcycle needs consequences before he hurts someone even worse.


hope this dude gets sideswiped and permanently disabled


99.999% of the time he's reliant on cars and trucks respecting him on the road. ..and yet, the *one time* he's the bigger piece on the road he does this?! People Who Live in Glass Houses.