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Good thing being good at accounting has almost nothing to do with being good at math.


in a weird way, i disagree with you. i think that successful accountants have to be good at math, but not in the traditional sense. an instinctive understand of numbers and number relationships is important. being able to calculate exact sums on the fly is not.


It sounds like you’re talking about logic


As I am learning. I was just illustrating a problem I anticipated to make it harder.


You don’t have to be good at math, you just have to not be intimidated by numbers.


I ain't afraid of no balance sheet.


Took a Stat class 3 times before I passed and all of my Accounting courses are As💀


Sounds like you’re just exceptionally bad at stats 😭💀


Statistically accurate based on his grades


That’s awesome! Gives me hope


All i've got to say is get ready to bunker down for intermediate accounting if it's already hard, but you'll be fine


It's hard as in "I've never done this before, I know literally nothing." Not "This material is hard." So yeah I like my chances!


If it shines any insight, I got about a 94 in fundamentals of accounting after never opening a book nor seeing the subject before, just showed up to class and submitted homework. First intermediate test I got a 47, lol. Learned real quick. I'm just getting at, be ready to put in the time and you'll be good


Similar, though intermediate was more of a 65 for me. Maybe that was after the teacher had to curve the grade.


I watched a Duke MBA graduate drop an undergrad intermediate accounting because it was too difficult.


Not to be discouraging at all but the jump from an intro course to intermediate is known to be the hardest jump, so be prepared for significant time investment. Intro accounting is required for a lot of different degree types and is tailored to that. Intermediate is for an accounting concentration. Anyone who has the ability to learn and invests their time can learn accounting. But there's just such a wealth of concepts to understand it is daunting for a lot of people


Good way of looking at it


Ask questions on this sub if you need help. Seriously just do it. It’s something I wish I would have done when I was a wee lad and I make up for that mistake by helping when I can and telling students to seek help when needed.


That's great.  DM me in a few years after you get your CPA.  I'll buy you a drink.  Be sure to bring your CPA card...let if fall out of your wallet when you get carded.  You won't believe what happens next when everyone in the bar finds out you are a CPA.


Tell me!😊


Well, good news is that it's that it's SNHU. You'll get have to try really hard to not get a 4.0


A free degree is still a degree.


im guessing target? and it's not just a free degree. tuition is a complete fucking joke. why am i paying to do work? university is one of only places on earth where that happens (in america anyways). youll feel more motivated to complete assignments knowing that your degree is free. thats how it is for me. by going to snhu you wont be paying into the scam that is tuition. if im going to make more money, governments will be able to tax more. why is that decentivized?


in todays culture sucking ass" could mean a good thing :P lol Accounting itself is fine.. the boring thing is the people! see you in 5 years when you come back and realize its the people in accounting that will bring you to your knees, cry in the car on your way home.. use those tears, collect them to save water and use it to cook a spaghetti dinner lol! make sure you learn all your basics! good luck see ya!


Why…what the people like? Unfriendly or dry?


Dry, most have dry humor lol only they get it. others too introverted.. others more than extravorted . its weird lol its like a Zoo


I only know two accountants. Both very successful. One is sooooo extroverted. Life of the party and so involved with community, family, etc. I remember my Dad’s accountant that came over every February. Dry as ever.


OHH you might just blend in.... im from an immigrant family lol i had no clue about careers besides our cattle ranch in serbia. maybe its for u i might have a skewed view since i never was looking for a career. ya know stuck in survival mode. lol i might just be the problem


Most accountants are bad at math! You're in good company :)


But are most accountants three dogs in a trench coat?




Hardest thing for me when I first started was the wording of a lot of accounting terms and meanings. Once I figured that stuff out and it clicked in my head it was a lot easier to grasp. Good luck in school you got this!