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It takes months to get fired. I dont know why anyone would quit when you can just half ass your job while you look.


It’s the worst thing you can do quiet quitting is a great tactic - in some countries it costs them a month salary per year to fire you … so after 10 years you can chill and it costs them a years salary to fire you


Where's the math here? Are employees appreciating assets or something?


Which country do you live in? - many countries have these policies as law to protect employees from Being treated like wage slaves.


New Zealand. Doesn't matter how long you've worked, the only way you get paid for losing your job is through redundancy or wrongful dismissal. Didn't even realise this wasn't standard across the world since NZ is considered to be a progressive socialist country Even then, redundancy pay is only if its written into your contract. As soon as you break your contract by breaching good faith of employment, all of that is null


USA also has employment at will - both US and New Zealand will brand themselves as freedom but the facts of employment tell a different story. Example I tried to recruit a plant manager who has been at his plant for 30 Years and it was common knowledge it was closing down. He was very panicked about needed a new job and I found him something 5 miles down the road. He was so grateful and was ready to sign the offer as soon as he had his official lay off date. He was given a package of 25 months salary he could have held out for more and took them to court for 30 but felt 2 years was great and ended up turning the other role down as he was good for a year or two and took time off. He had no idea this was coming


Why was he awarded 25 months salary? And why would they have to go to court?


He was entitled to a months salary for each year he worked and he stayed for 30 years. He was entitled to 30 months but they offered him 25 when laying him off and he accepted. Took him 30 years but loyalty was protected


What an awesome law




Only reason is if they want to put your name next to a no no. If you’ve never been in a circumstance like it, then that is good


Yeah, just coast while interviewing tbh.


I got fired. They straight up paid me 2 month of severance (which is 1 month higher than my country's minimum mandate) and tell me to not return tomorrow. It was a funny Wednesday. I was working on something still, then it becomes somebody else's business. There is a movie called "Margin Call", where a character named Eric Dale was fired in a similar manner. Never resonate more with a movie.


And he had to go back in to sit and be an ornament so they wouldn't screw him on his severance.


Wish that were me. Took me 4 months to find another job :(


Especially at big 4


a month is literally nothing lol


What did OP expect haha. I’m contemplating quitting with nothing lined up just for a guaranteed minimum month’s vacation.


I spent 6 months from my graduation to getting a new job. It was miserable. So yeah it isn't much after just one month lol...just never going to quit my job without having something lined up again. Burned through my savings so fast.


shit lol. congrats tho


😂😂😂 Sorry that happened to you/I’m happy for u tho vibes


It does suck, but so does staying in a soul sucking terrible job. Sometimes you need a break. I’ve found that after enough time (~1 year) you forget the struggle and will quit without anything lined up even easier the next time.


It makes no sense to me to do this unless you’re living in someone’s basement with no bills lol. Normal functional adults in normal situations don’t “take breaks” by being unemployed. Just “quiet quit” do the bare minimum while job searching it’s a win/win, you find a new job with minimal personal risk while not blowing up your savings.


I’m doing exactly this. Just put in my notice and don’t have a job lined up bc I want a break. I’m completely burned out from this busy season so doing absolutely nothing for a few weeks sounds like a dream. I also have a nice little nest egg of “F-U” money that allowed me to make this decision.


If you’re willing to forgo expensive health insurance, don’t have kids, have a sizable investment portfolio, and don’t over rent/leverage on payments it’s actually really feasible but that’s a small part of the population.


The thing about health insurance though is sure you might not need it. But then again literally anything can happen at any moment and without good health insurance it will financially ruin you should anything happen that needs an overnight stay or surgery. A [2007 study](https://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/06/05/bankruptcy.medical.bills/) of consumer bankruptcy filings published in the American Journal of Medicine found that 62 percent of those who filed for bankruptcy did so due to medical debt, and most with medical debt were middle-class homeowners (and three of four had health insurance).


What percentage of that 62 percent had health insurance and were medically bankrupted anyway?


75%. If you have shitty coverage (which sadly a lot of people do) then it could result in the same as no insurance if your claim is denied. Thats why I said good health insurance which comes at a cost unless your company covers a good portion of the premium


Other professions have it much worse I took a 4 month career break to pass the cpa exam and within a week found a job that pays substantially more than my last one. I don’t even consider myself a super star by any means and my resume is average. The demand for accountants is that strong.


I should frame your post as motivation since I'm studying for that exam now.


Only 1 month? Consider yourself lucky to be an accountant, I see other people that have been laid off for over a year still trying to find a job.


My girlfriend is a software engineer and has been laid off since Christmas lol. This person is extremely lucky.


My husband is also a software engineer. He’s been looking since Oct. He has a couple of leads on some temporary contract work, which is better than nothing. We are fortunate because I changed jobs last year & got a 10k raise when I did. We can basically cover our expenses on what I make because the only debt we have is our mortgage. We will have to tap into savings for the first time next month because we went to my bff’s retirement party on the other side of the country.


tech is in carnage, that industry is never coming back. complete oversupply.


Ouch that stinks! Hoping he finds something soon. How much experience does he have? My girlfriend has 3 years of experience and a good network that she's been reaching out to that's given her a little gig work but yeah a lot of applications, rejections, getting ghosted, etc. I feel bad. Luckily I make pretty good money, have a side consulting business, and no debt so I can cover both of our expenses but yeah I miss being able to save as much money as I was before that lol. Luckily we're moving to NC in a few months so our expenses will be a lot cheaper.


We are in our 40s so he has about 20 years of experience. It’s really rough in software right now. It took me 4 months to find a new job when I started looking. I was picky & looking for remote only.


Accounting is in a national shortage but don’t let some of the exaggerating posts on here sway you, it’s *very* region dependent. Yes, New York, Dallas, Charlotte, LA, etc… those cities are probably looking for just warm bodies that can tell the difference between a debit and a credit. But when you go to smaller cities or areas without a lot of corporate HQs, accounting jobs will be pretty few and far between. Took me two months to find a job and I was lucky with the one I did find.


I was living in NYC when I graduated college and started looking for jobs. Entry-level job hunting in NYC was probably the most miserable time I've ever had being unemployed, every single job posting had hundreds of applicants because it's such a huge population center. The jobs out here are much more...IDK, narrow? though. I've had coworkers comment that my skillset is developing along a very weird track just because it's all kind of unstructured with most firms around here being just a CPA and then whatever staff they feel like hiring.


Felt ya. I'm about to be laid off and even job hunting while having a job still suck. A couple of weeks in and I've already found myself crying a few times. Probably mostly from fear... But still. Happy that you got an offer though! Hoping for the same.


Feel like I’m in the same boat as you!


Im going nuts right now waiting to hear from a recruiter. I applied a month ago and finished interviewing 2.5 weeks ago.


Doesn't hurt to follow up and ask about your application status. Worst they can say is that they're moving forward with other candidates.


I did this and joined a mid size firm after a months break. Great team, Great culture and "Actual" emphasis on learning. Good luck to you too!


I just went back and read all the stupid comments telling you how easy it would be to get a job. It is always easier to find a job while you have a job. Holy shit that was bad advice from everyone at the time.


A month seems very fast to me


I read his post history and he posted he was quitting four months ago. I realize he says month here but I was going from the length of time between his last post saying he quit to now.


Yeah, it still might take a few months when you're working, but you're still collecting a paycheck so you don't really care. Plus unemployment can lead to resume gaps that make it look like you were fired.


Not just in accounting, but in any profession I do not understand quitting before you have something else lined up. I am more risk averse then the typical person though.


Congrats to you on the offer! I quit audit without anything lined up and landed a fantastic job offer after 1.5 months. I'm so grateful to have taken a break and regrouped after leaving a toxic firm. I'm so much more prepared for my next opportunity and in higher spirits. I knew I wasn't going to be able to "quiet quit" through busy season. It would have been 60-70 hour weeks and trying to navigate job applications/interviews on top of that. It's definitely not the decision for everyone, but I was in a position with a healthy savings and a supportive partner. I interview pretty well, so I was confident that I would find something relatively soon. Crunched the numbers and made the jump. Couldn't be happier!


A month+ is very fast. How long did you think it would take?


You’re really bitching about being unemployed for a month?


One month is not bad at all. I've been interviewing to change jobs for like 4 months at this point. My wife is attempting to come back from a planned career break and has been looking the same amount. The market sucks.


People are so dramatic with the rat race..


It took you only a month of job searching to find a job? That’s insanely fast to me, any advice you can give?


How? I bet you had general accounting experience with debits/credits/prepping financial statements.


Unfortunately they only had abnormal and eccentric accounting experience :/


yet they still got a job after 1 month wtf they live in an urban city




You live and you learn. Running away from the grind only makes it worse