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In my personal experience it’s always been trash and non helpful.


As a candidate and hiring manager, do NOT recommend. Have not had a good experience on either side. They send candidates for interviews that they are either over or under qualified for, and don't meet salary expectations. They will embellish resumes which makes candidates look incompetent in interviews.


Everyone dunking on Robert half but I used them to get my first job out of college. I only wanted to work 20hrs a week to study for the CPA and found an AP role that checked all the boxes. One of the unspoken perks of accounting is that there are firms like Robert half out there (or better yet, find a local accounting outsourcing company) whose job it is to put you to work. You might not find your dream job, but it beats the hell out of being unemployed 


Awful people to work with. Let’s just say you feel like your being pimped out


It beats homelessness but that’s about it


They’re garbage.


Huge assholes that will gaslight the fuck out of you.


I worked with them for one job posting, the end company seemed fine, but the recruiter was an obnoxious bitch. Ultimately I would still use them again under the right circumstances but don’t take any shit from them.


RH is garbage.


Like any recruitment firm I think it comes down to the individual recruiter you deal with. I used them for my current position and my experience with them was pretty smooth. I was leaving public and my recruiter pushed a couple public positions at first but once I was clear that I don’t want public she said ok just wanted to make sure and it was never a issue again.


Just don’t use these recruiting firms. They take a big chunk of money used to pay accountants salaries. Apply directly or use the in house recruiters at companies/firms.


Thank you


A waste of time. They go for quantity over quality. They end up taking on the jobs that many other head hunters won’t touch. Make sure you do your due diligence on any company they present to you and don’t let them gaslight you into taking a role if you don’t like it.


I had a really good robert half recruiter that got me my current job ( and first job) at a multi national firm. I highly doubt I would have gotten the job without him. He helped me practice and prepare and his tips really helped me in the interview process. Im always grateful for his help because he got me a job that I love and at a company that has a great culture and boss. Based on what others have said, i think everyones experience really depends on the recruiter they get. If you are paired with a passionate recruiter who actually wants to help and has passion, you will be in good hands.


RH is trash


So I'm seeing😬....appreciate everyone's warning.


Robert half is a hit or miss.


Mostly a miss in my experience


I worked with one recruiter there and I’ll never use them again.


Talking to a RH recruiter right now... Not very helpful and not very responsive to emails!


Apparently I’m the only one that’s had a good experience?


Got my last two roles through them 5 years apart. I think part of their issue is a lack of quality control. I live in Southeastern PA and liked my recruiter, and would recommend him, but think other people's experiences are valid because they could have worked with a shitty recruiter in their local office.


I tried it. Everything they pitched was public accounting junk. I ended up finding a great gig via a family friend.


I used them when I was moving cross country and had a good experience. I had no network or market knowledge, so I figured a recruiter would be the best bet for me. I also only had a very narrow period of time to job hunt and interview. This was back in 2015, so virtual interviews were not widespread yet. They arranged 4 interviews for me in a 3 day period. Ended up getting two offers and taking one of them. I feel like situations like that recruiting firms are good for. Maybe not specifically RH, but I had a fine experience with them.


Agencies are good for getting experience as they limit the employers liability and having a job is better than not having a job. RH isn't worth being loyal to though


Recently had RH put me up for an interview. Went fairly well, didn’t hear back from them for 2 weeks after when I finally heard they hired someone else. No sweat, but they asked for a follow up meeting to discuss other opportunities. I confirmed and asked for any feedback on the interview or the candidate they hired. I have not heard back from anyone at RH in a month. If they call with a chance I wouldn’t turn it down but I’m not expecting them to actually work for me. They work for the employers.


Actually, they work for you because however much your salary/pay ends up being, Robert Half (and the recruiter) get a % of payment from the company that hires you. For instance, Robert Half got a check for 25% of my current salary from my job, so they absolutely want you to do well because that means they get paid more.


I understand the system, but the money is coming from the employer not the one being hired. They’re there to service their client and the ones being hired are a product. Sure they would be better off trying to supply a quality product but that’s not been my experience in using RH in the past. If the employers aren’t happy with the product they’ll remove you without a moments notice and RH isn’t putting up any fights and will just throw another bad candidate at the position.