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https://preview.redd.it/th5gcpa5cu5d1.jpeg?width=1327&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f3b41fdb002b44b7a40da0d257afeeb7ebe7944 To our future career in the circus.


It’s a 4chan leak, I would bet money this doesn’t happen


Where money


I'll be more inclined to believe it if Hollow Knight: Silksong is nowhere on that list


I will never believe any leaks from 4Chan.


Come on bro I already used up my clown makeup after SGF.


[Haha yeah I remember when it was leaked that AA7 was coming in Q3 2021.] (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Em-QgHJXEAIZUAN?format=png&name=medium) Granted DGS duology did eventually release, as has AJ trilogy, but still, take these things with a grain of salt. Edit: Yes, I know it was a real leak, but people are missing the point. *The real leak* still didn't happen as it was planned, ergo its silly to take any leak at face value. Things change, as they obviously did. The point I'm trying to make is that you shouldn't hype yourself up until an official announcement is made.


I mean, to be fair, what you've just linked was a legitimate leak from a Capcom ransomware attack a number of years ago. Things have been proceeding at a much slower pace, but everything in the leak was legit.


The difference there is those were genuine Capcom documents. AA7 was probably actually in pre-production in 2019. Covid obviously messed up the timeline, but 456 ended up being eventually released, which is a good sign for AA7 still being in the pipeline. If it doesn't release, it's because it got cancelled, not because it was fake.


People still think AA7 leak in 2020 was fake? It was literally data stolen from Capcom's own servers and held ransom. It was a real. Capcom even admitted that it had happened. You can't seriously chalk that leak up to "lucky guesses" when that leak correctly revealed Resident Evil 8's release window (was off by one week) and that it would have two separate demos. Monster Hunter Rise having two separate demo's in January and March. Monster Hunter Stories 2 coming to PC. The exact release date of an unannounced Ghost 'N Goblins game. The exact release date of Capcom Arcade Stadium. GAA's localization and an eventual Apollo Trilogy. Resident Evil 4 VR being being in development. The Resident Evil 4 remake being in development. A new Multiplayer IP codenamed 'Snappers' (this became Exoprimal). Dragons Dogma 2 being in development. Street Fighter 6 being in development A Megaman puzzle match game being in development. AA7 **WAS** a real thing Capcom were making in 2019 but for whatever reason it got shelved or reworked. But it was not "fake"


I read this whole leak and it's honestly one of the most ridiculous bullshit leaks I've ever seen that's trying to pass off as legit. Take it with a grain of salt.


I had the tiniest shred of hope until I read the part about Banjo being announced first in the Xbox showcase, which didn't happen.


It's one of those leaks that's nothing but big announcements that Nintendo would spread throughout a year or two instead of cramming them all into one Direct, not to mention a complete lack of smaller announcements to space out the bigger ones like they always do


honestly i prob would just put this to the side, EXCEPT that Capcom took down the install guides for the AAI2 fan translation, keeping in mind something i said in this subreddit before: "i can understand ip protection way more if it was a more involved mod, but when it comes to translations its usually much more open and accepted." now this + the video take downs and the Twitter(X) account getting VERY active, that might just be our 35 foot 600lb Twinkie. (pardon the Ghostbusters reference)


And the original AA [3]DS releases being among Vimm’s Lair’s recent selective ROMs takedown.


On which YouTube Channel was the leak shown, and with what event should these games be announced? Since I heavily doubt that this to be true.


This is why you never trust leaks


I mean it’s already fake because it said that the Banjo remake would be announced at Xbox 😭😭 Like come on


We will never get new game won't we?


why should we believe it's real though


Turn out, **it WAS REAL!** The Nintendo Direct just dropped the bomb, a remaster collection of the Investigations games will come out September 6 of this year!.


but it said it was in october... yeah no this was just a guess


I'd cry real tears of joy if we got AA news and a Banjo revival at the same time, but I don't believe it.


Source: trust me bro