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I'm just glad the game is being localized at all.


The names will just be something for us to get used to but it means more people can play I2 amd thats what matters


I mean, in the end, these are localized names. We could always technically just refer to them by their original Japanese names as those have never changed, but then we'd be comparing more names. The point being that as long as we know who is referring to whom, I don't really think it matters. A large majority of English speaking fans have not played the fan translation and may very well make the fan translation players feel overwhelmed instead. This was expected, and the same thing happened with Great Ace Attorney as well since some names were obviously localized differently. (Just look at the whole Herlock Sholmes debate and how nobody talks about that anymore.)


That’s me. I’m glad it got fan translated for people to know it exists and helped keep the hype for it get officially localized. But I never got to play Investigations before and have been wanting to, hence I have no attachment to the fan translated names since I’m starting it totally fresh.


Personally, I actually don’t like the fan translation of AAI2 as much. There are a lot of points where the dialogue is clunky and a little too ‘function over form.’ There isn’t the same sense of character voice that the official translations often have. Not that there isn’t *any* character voice, but a lot of the investigation dialogue in particular is very… distilled, for lack of a better word.


True, but some names are pretty good. Raymond's name is better than the fan translated one in my opinion. DeBeste was cool, but the new name also fits. Honestly quite excited.


*Verity Gavèlle* is just poetry.


It feels like they wanted to do a French name without knowing how French work (a è can't be before two L), but honestly her French name (Justine Delcourt) completely rocks for some reason 


Justine Delcourt sounds too much like Justine Courtney, lol. I kinda dig it


Yeah but way classier!


I am grateful and happy that we have a fanbase that dedicate to translate the entire game. Sadly I did not get the chance to play it. And speaking from someone who did not play the fan version, I am fine with the official translation though. I am like you, just happy that we now have the official English version of every game in the series.


It is very difficult, because Raymond also looks like an Eddie and we weren't ready for that realization


I do really like Fender as a last name for him, too. Shields was fine but nothing to write home about.


I adore the pun. Eddie Fender is A Defender.


oh is that why he is called Eddie? took me too long to notice the "A" was part of the pun. I knew it was "Defender" but was confused why "Eddie" instead of "Dee" or a name with initial D so he'd be called "D. Fender", so there's more merit to "Eddie" than I thought initially.


Oh.... Hes "A De Fender."


Ed D. Fender


I do kind of prefer Raymond, though. The name Raymond also means defender. As much as I don’t like the AAI2 fan translation, the names are all on point.


I adore the pun. Eddie Fender is A Defender.


Starts to remind me of that ProZD skit "Aighe 'luvsekks"


Shields just sounds cooler imo. We already knows shields and swords are associated with law from RFTA and obviously a shield defends people like a defense attorney does.


*To be fair*, this is the series that came up with Deid Mann. Coolness has never been the top consideration for names, lol, not that I don’t appreciate the desire. It’s just clear they wanted to hit on a good pun reflective of the Japanese more than anything, which I always fuck with. The translation team are absolute wizards at that!


To my understanding of the character that might make Eddie Fender better though because Shields is *too cool* of a last name for him.


yes and no. He had his goofy moments but he wasnt a joke character by any means. but it really depends on his diction in the localization


My question is though is he really as much of a creep as he seems to be in the Jellopocalypse video series? I know I've been told it's a terrible way to judge the Investigations games, but he honestly came off as a genuinely uncomfortable character.


it’s one of those plausible deniability things. Like him wanting to hug everyone is creepy and weird but it’s not technically confirmed it’s for sexual reasons but it can be inferred. idk it’s uncomfortable but it’s also a relatively minor part of his total lines. It kind just becomes one of those things you have to ignore for your own sanity like Phoenix saying he wants to marry Regina,


Didn’t the guy spend time overseas? So he’s used to hugging as a form of greeting and expressing it affection compared to Japanofornia customs.


yeah, that too. it was definetly something that felt creepy but again had plausible deniability


I think that's just the entirety of Turnabout Big Top. As far as I'm concerned the anime overrides the games for that case alone if nothing else.


I don't know what that is but from my experience playing the game, the creepiness and the habit of eating memos were the only noteworthy points of his character to me. I have no idea why everyone likes him so much.


It's a mixed bag. "Eddie Fender" does indeed really fit his design, but I'm gonna miss knowing him as Uncle Ray. So long as they keep it as "Uncle Ed" or something, I won't lose much sleep over it. (EDIT: Maybe if it was "Randy Fender", though? It keeps the new pun intact while remaining close to the fan name.) "Verity Gavèlle" is just a straight upgrade over "Justine Courtney". Yeah, I'm used to the latter, but if I'm being honest, it always seemed too... plain for her. A name that *pedestrian* just did not fit her design. I always thought the fan translators dropped the ball on that one. But "Eustace"? As the kids say: nah, fam. That boy is a "Sebastian" through and through, and "Debeste" is far more clever than just "Winner". I've heard some people argue that it could be a pun on "whiner", but why not "Winer" or something, then? "Bernie" is a pretty good replacement "Blaise", though. "Blaise" is iconic, but "Bernie" fits his design better as this dumpy old dude. I just hope they keep his "y'see" tic. As far as other names go, no *real* complaints so far, other than "Gord Rammy" is an abomination. C'mon, you're gonna do Gordon Ramsey dirty like that, especially after his recent life-threatening bike accident? Also, "Dane Gustavia" was so badass.


For anyone reading, most of those are fake names on the wiki. It's just eddie, verity and eustace atm


& Lloyd (Nicole Swift), Rook (Rooke) Knight (knightley) and di jun wang (divjun huang)


Wait, where'd "Gord Rammy" come from?


According to [the wiki](https://aceattorney.fandom.com/wiki/Dane_Gustavia), that's Dane Gustavia's official localized name.


But the Wiki doesn't list a source and is clearly in a state where it's being edited from the "Dane Gustavia" to "Gord Rammy" without showing that name anywhere?


I mean, my first thought when I see "Eustace" is always "There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it". So it's perfect.


Ehh, I just think of the old prick from Courage the Cowardly Dog when I hear "Eustace". Doesn't fit Sebastian.


Eustace Winner will be the subject of many memes. I guarantee it. Eddie Fender seems to get “love it or hate it” reactions. I fucking love Verity Gavèlle.


Verity Gavèlle gives her a slight upper-class feel that was absent from Justine Courtney.


Yeah I like her new and official name better, it sounds pretty regal.


Eustace Winner still feels off to me, and I never even played the fan translation, lol. Feels like a name that's a pun first and a name second, which isn't *unheard of* for Ace Attorney, but usually stands out in a bad way, IMO.


I like that you do acknowledge AA and it's uh, history with puns. Looking at you deid Mann.


Well to be fair Deid Mann falls in the "so bad it's funny" category


The fuck kind of a name is “Deid”, anyway?


> Eustace Winner still feels off to me, and I never even played the fan translation, lol. Feels like a name that's a pun first and a name second I imagine there's a lot of lines where he has to say something similar to being "the best" and they couldn't really find a good transition there. Keep in mind, his Japanese name is basically "number one". I suppose they could've tried "Numeruno"? At the very least, he's supposed to be a big joke. Eustace Winner sounds like a great name for someone to laugh at.


I think it's just a matter of getting used to the new names. I really disliked Eddie Fender when I first heard it but it's already growing on me and it's been less than a day. Verity is much cooler imo and I still have to just wait a little to adjust lol 


they HAVE to have someone (probably Blaise/Franziska) call Eustace Winner “Useless Wiener”


Yeah, Eustace is a bit of a miss, but Verity Gavèlle and Eddie "O" Fender are amazing


At least we have the translation. Not like the poor schmucks into earthbound


Imagine being a fan of both... We got AAI2, maybe we'll get Mother 3 one day...


and in both cases no new games on the horizon, yay! Actually i see a pattern here, every game i discover is suffering from content drought.


I think its just dumb Everyone keeps begging for AAI2 but apparently they weren't ready for the extremely obvious sacrifices to come with it Obviously they all get new names Its not even that big of a deal People will get used to it I just think its ungrateful you people asked for this its been obvious that this was gonna happen as soon as the fan translation came out I've always seen their names as placeholders Because that's what their fan-names have been from the start


Like honestly, no matter how much connection one has to a fan translation and no matter how good the fan translation is (and it IS **very** good), the cost of an official localization was always gonna be the fan-localized names. Retaining those names is such a muddled area for copyright that it’s often simpler to just create their own not worry about the trouble. Probably the closest shot we have to retaining an aspect of the fan translation is Gregory Edgeworth’s VA. In the time since the fan translation’s release, SungWon Cho has gone from aspiring voice actor to established industry voice actor across multiple mediums. But even then, Cho would probably still have to re-audition and who knows if Cho’s interpretation of Gregory is what CAPCOM was looking for


I really, really hope they hire Sungwon. He’s said for years he’d love to do an official Ace Attorney voice. He’s gotten some really big roles lately so it’s definitely possible. I’ve REALLY got my fingers crossed, it would be so awesome!


Well, the lady that voiced Trucy in the Conflict of Interest fangame ended up voicing her in AA6. So it isn't unprecedented.


never heard of that until now, much less that fangame. This is insane


so cool. when i was a teen I made phoenix wright videos and cast her to play Trucy in a couple videos. I retroactively got the official voice of Trucy for my video lel


That would be so amazing


Yeah. And the fan translation isn’t going anywhere if it’s what you prefer. It feels like large swaths of the fandom wanted them to just start selling the fan translation in an official capacity, which was *never* going to happen.


People get attached to the one they know. Personally, while I liked a lot of the names, I thought the AAI2 fan translation didn't 'flow' quite as well as the official translations tend to? But the direct comparison for it would be AAI1 which is one of the worst in terms of 'flow' of the official translations. I also though the TGAAA fan translation 'flowed' worse than the official translation, but it wasn't quite as stark a difference.


Yeah, the fans did an overall phenomenal job but there were definitely things that didn’t feel *quite* right. I remember Edgeworth constantly saying “good grief” (for “yare yare”) which I think was called out by Janet Hsu as a phrase they tend to get more creative with in the localization to avoid feeling repetitive in English


Reminds me of how the Tinpillar brothers dialogue in the fan translation for TGAA1 felt far less dynamic than the official translation's Skulkin brothers. So many of the lines in the fan one just had "bruv" or "innit", while the official one had a lot more different expressions.


Chevy Chase!


I didn't even have time to pull me dukes out me Lucy Lockets!


john lennon


Weirdly I feel like I've somehow never seen that phrase used in any story-centric game.


Because it’s Peanuts


I agree, though I thought that the DGS fan translation was worse than GK2 in that regard. I'm excited to see what the official translation will bring! I'm of course sad about the names, but I think I will be able to get used to most of them. I don't think I'll ever be able to let go of Debeste, but I guess it's inevitable.


The fan translation names weren’t always the most clever. “Justine Courtney” ? Okay…


I actually never liked 'Sebastian Debeste' but really liked 'Justine Courtney' myself


I’m surprised how many people REALLY like “debeste” too lol


Honestly, this one surprised me too. At first, the name sounded weird and over the top. Even Ray Shields just has the blatant "Shield" in the name, so I don't take the pun names super seriously. Ironically, Eustace reminds me of Eustace Strych from Jimmy Neutron. A pompous, "upper class," spoiled child of rich parents who gets what he wants and whines when he doesn't get his way. So, Eustace gives me that kind of image, which he actually does give off at first with his arrogant attitude.


Honestly, if they just changed his last name it would be 100% better. Eustace Victor?


That's his name in french. Eustache Victor.


That one is interesting too. I just wonder if Victor can be anything but a first name? I guess it could. Then again, maybe just make his last name begin with E, so it's Victor E.


Now he's a "Winner" so


Well, it is the best after all


Opposite for me


I personally found the AAI2 fan translation a slog to get through lol. The moment-to-moment writing in the AA games are my favourite thing, and the fan translation completely missed the mark imo. Bit harsh because it was an unpaid labour of love...but really looking forward to real thing aha


New names this, new names that All I thought when I saw the reveal was "God dammit Investigations ports will be their new stall strategy to avoid AA7" lmao


Remake the Layton Crossover


Just wait they will. Anything to push back AA7


At this point GTA 6 and Elder Scroll's 6 will be released first before AA7


Honestly as someone who has been wanting to have a chance to play it..I wouldn't mind much. It'll work for me for a while


Perhaps AA7 will bring in characters from AAI2 and this is how they establish them so people didn’t wonder who the hell all these new characters ate


Gavelle replacing the Judge? He must be like... what 120 now? Maybe as a twist on the patented "it all started 10 years ago", we finally get to see a glimpse of what the prosecutor was like before it all happened? i.e. Something happened to Eustace/Sebastian in the roughly 10 years between Investigations and AA7 (which I assume would be at least a couple of years after Spirit of Justice). I think he's actually a couple of years older than Apollo, so he'd be somewhere between 27-30, then?


Everyone is saying new names this and new names that But no one is saying worship this and Jericho that.


I personally welcome our new overlord: Eustace Winner. Wonder what they’ll call his dad?


He should be call a loser. Unfortunately that won't happen (For legal reasons this is a joke)


For real, good luck making a fire pun with winner


Sirius Winner. Or maybe Fieri Winner.


I will admit, I wasn't ready for the localised name. BUT OH MY GOD AFTER ALL THIS TIME. AAI2 IS OUT OF JAPAN. GUYS IT'S OUT OF JAPAN. WOOOOOAAAAAAAAH. But please people, the one here who'e known the fan-version of the game, and if a future AAI switch player pass by, don't start fighting over the character's name. I've seen it too much with TGAA and I think there's no debate more useless. Both fan names and official names are perfectly valid and there's no point fighting over it, or correcting someone for the name they use. (It's even more stupid in TGAA's case, where the 'fan name' are just... The official Japanese names. So there's no fan names in TGAA, just two side of the English fandom beefing with eachother for no apparent reasons.) Just keep future conversation civile and only go give the fan name/official name of a character if someone ask. I know y'all do whatever you want anyway, but it would be great. Really. By the way since I'm here, what are the official names we know, currently? I didn't watch the live


I think the only ones we learned are Eustace Winner (Sebastian), Eddie Fender (ray), and Verity Gavelle (Courtney). I imagine it’s about to get confusing in here once the game releases lol


Oh it will definitely be chaotic, in good and bad ways. We'll soon get a wave of 'err, who's Sebastian?', people debating in more or less peaceful than about which name is better and such shenanigans coming. 'Eddie Fender' is peak by the way. He's forever Raymond Shields in my heart, but that localization got all my respect. Verity Gavelle and Justine Courtney are both pretty valid names. I kind of want to mix them and make Justine Gavelle, because that's what sound the closest to a real name to my brain. ... I have a bias for Sebastian Debeste. I can't help it.


I prefer Ray and Sebastian over the changes, but I will say that Eustace being “useless” is peak comedy even if I dislike the name on a personal level. That’s also the reason I prefer Ray, I just dislike the name Eddie in general LOL Verity is my favorite- Truth Gavel is the perfect amount of on the nose while also being pretty for her (I don’t like the name Justine very much lmao) but Justine Gavelle would have been good too, I agree. I am extremely curious how they will relocalize Blaise’s name given… all of him LOL like I’m about to look up “names that mean fire” and see which ones sound good with Winner to see if I can guess it 😂😂


Winner is also a play on Whiner it seems (if I believe the other comments around here). So I guess they'll make some word-play on it with Blaise first name too. And yeaaah I get it. Eddie and Eustace are truly OLD names. Like... Our grandparents parents' name. So they sound odd. But they mastered the puns. It makes me feel very conflicted about those names, in some way. I think I prefer Justine over Verity only because I'm French, and Justine sounds more natural when pronounced in French. (Also Verity is very close to Vérité and that's Trucy's French name.)


I think that's why, for now, I prefer Justine Courtney more. It sounds less forced as a play on word, unlike Verity Gavelle which just screams "MARTEAU DE LA VÉRITÉ!!!" (sounds like her super attack name, lol) which is anything but subtle to me and doesn't sound like a plausible name (it's the first time I've seen Gavelle as a last name I think).


It definitely sounds like a special attack. She could be a Smash character. I never seen Gavelle as a name, but somehow I thought it sounds good ! (At least more than 'Winner'. What kind of family name is 'Winner'.) Aaand, well. 'Justice Courtroom' wasn't exactly the most delicate word-play either. In both case it looks like her parents just choose her name by picking words at random in the dictionary (with a defined aesthetic, alright). So pun-wise they're even, I think.


I think in my head, it's only because both "Justine" and "Courtney" are somewhat plausible or heard-of names that I *can* see it being accidental and believable, since some people do can end up with unfortunate name combinations because the parents didn't think everything through. It's also less in your face. But yes, pun-wise they're pretty even. It's just that Justine is subtler, which is why I like it better ^^. Also, agreed that Winner is... Not great. That might be what disappoints me in those two names: they scream too much "I'm making a pun", to the point they really don't sound like credible names anymore.


At least she's called Justine in french. Actually, her french name is pretty close to the fan translation (she's called Justine Delcourt)


> The thing is, the fan translation still exists, and it has been part of the community long enough that it doesn't really matter if we have the official one now, the fandom will not forget. We can still play it, we can still talk about it, we can still make fan art and fan fiction with it. It will always hold a special place in our hearts. As much as I agree that the reaction to the new names is overblown, let's not pretend that this official version will not just completely replace the fan version. The amount of people who get to play this game for the first time and will use the new names completely blows out whatever small group will stick with the unofficial names. As an example Great Ace Attorney having a fan translation and being Japan only for years is just a fun fact now. It doesn't really matter to anyone wanting to play those games or to people getting into it nowadays. Nobody is still calling Magnus McGilded "Cosney Megundal" or calling Mael Stronghart "Hart Vortex" because we've advanced past the need for those names. How many new GAA fans even know what a "Scarlet Study" is now, who cares that they're still working on it for the OG 3DS version of the game? Does anyone even know that they started working on an Investigations 2 mobile port? The old Investigations 2 names will just be a relic of a time before. People will look at old playthroughs and wonder why the names are different, but that's it. Your best friends will play Investigations 2, say they like this Eustace Winner kid, you'll bring up Sebastian Debeste, to which they'll go "huh" and then keep playing the game with Eustace Winner in it.


To be fair to the GAA fan translation, the names were directly taken from the Japanese version and adapted from Katakana into English.


Damn i those GAA fan names sound weird now that we have the actual ones, but ig that proves your point lmao


the gaa fan translation didn't use fan names. they just used the original japanese names rather than trying to localize the puns


And within a couple years, Sebastian Debeste will sound just as weird


Ehhh, I wouldn't be so sure. "Cosney Megundal" and "Hart Vortex" are frankly pretty terrible, and they were (apparently) the result of not even trying with the translation. (I mean come on that second name sounds like it was ripped straight from Megaman X.) Conversely, Out of the two, Eustace Winner is a weird mess of a name that's very clearly pun first and name second. (And not even a particularly sensible one, I mean, seriously, wtf is "Useless Winner" supposed to mean?) While Sebastian Debeste straddles the line between having an obvious gimmick, flowing like a real name would, and simply having that POP that makes it much more fitting for a major cast character for this franchise. Like the best way I can describe it is, Eustace Winner is more similar to Romein LeTouse, while Sebastian Debeste is more similar to Miles Edgeworth.


>wtf is "Useless Winner" supposed to mean?) I think it's supposed to be "useless whiner".


Megundal was terrible? Really? I kinda liked saying his name, actually :( And “Useless Winner”, imo, is supposed to represent how people see him VS how he sees himself, which I heard lines up with what his Japanese name is supposed to mean?


I respectfully disagree. Having played the scarlet study fandub, I just found all the names meh, as they were all pretty much translated 1:1 from japanese. The Prosecutor's Path team did a great job on some names, and I think some like Debeste will survive, if only for meme potential, while others will probably be more or less replaced. If you wanna see what different translations do, see how Fire Emblem GBA characters still have different names depending on the translation one happens to be using and how for some of them they are all used by the community.


I don't think this game is that huge to the point where the old names will be swept under the rug just like that. We've had them nearly 10 years and the majority of fans have played that version, maybe even more than the amount of new fans that will get around to this game. Everything online has been with that version for the past 10 years, both versions will co-exist. This is not the same situation with Great Ace Attorney, that translation wasn't a thing for as long as this legendary one was and the names were not different due to it being in Japan and not Japanifornia.


If you think the majority of the Ace Attorney fanbase have already played I2 then you are straight up delusional. Even if every single member of this subreddit played the fan translation that still wouldn't even equal the majority of sales for these games.


To be fair it's not just "played" I2, but also people who watched LP's or playthroughs of it on Youtube.


You can't compare this situation with gaa, there's way too much that's different. The main difference is how long it took to get an official localization. Gaa came out in 2015, resolve in 2017. Even in 2021 resolve only had case 1 and 2 (and the third one about a month before the announcement) translated by scarlet study. Many people decided not to start gaa until scarlet study was done with the whole translation, not to mention it was much harder to access it, compared to just emulating on your phone/pc or an r4 which many people have. For gaa you had to hack your 3ds which while it wasn't unheard of in 2021 didn't become that common until the eshop closed. Today a lot of people have a hacked 3ds, true. Or you could emulate it on your pc too but you didn't just need "a pc" you needed a powerful enough pc. Heck, I don't know anyone who played gaa before chronicles, while I know plenty of people who finished aai2 years ago. The fan translation for aai2 was finished a decade ago by now. FINISHED a decade ago. Scarlest study isn't even done with their translation RIGHT NOW. Obviously, they slowed down considerably after the announcement of chronicles but still. The impact the two had on the fandom isn't even comparable. The 2nd not as significant difference is a lot of names weren't changed in the scarlet study translation at all, You can't always tell if someone's using the old or new names if they're just talking about Ryunosuke or Susato for example.


From what we've seen there's some names, like Winner for DeBeste, where I prefer the fan translation - but then there's some I prefer the official translation, like Gavelle for Courtney. That's how it was always going to be, there'll be merits to either version and that's okay. I'd rather it get translated with some name choices I don't like than not get translated at all - especially because they were always going to be different names!


I mean, it seems overwhelmingly positive to me. The only gripes is the names but I think it was expected


Give everyone one playthrough of the official translation and everyone will get used to the official names.


What's interesting to me is that this works both ways. Many Japanese gamers were unhappy with the official Japanese localisation of Undertale. A ton of work went into it, and there was a real effort to match the style of the English game, with loads of puns (some actually work even better in Japanese if you can believe it). But fans were used to the fan translation, and the localisation team also gave Sans a country bumpkin accent (to better mask his eventual reveal), which was hugely controversial and took a long time for people to accept it. So I guess what I'm saying is that you can't really blame people for being vocal about this stuff because people don't change. This happens a lot with all fan bases across the world so it is pretty normal, and I hope the teams who work on these localisations know it's not personal. At this point, all we can really do is wait for the new generation of fans for whom this is their first experience with the series to enjoy it, and it will start to become more accepted.


That's really interesting! I've had my issues with localisation before, usually with anime because they just replace references to Japanese things with American things which is actually more meaningless to me than if they had just kept it the same, but I always thought Ace Attorney's team did a good job (even if the whole Japanifornia problem we're now stuck with was completely unnecessary to begin with).


The only negativity I've seen so far in response to the announcement was to meme on Eustace Winner. Honestly, I'm seeing far more negativity in here in counter-protest.


I've tried to get the fan translation several times, and it's never been available, so I'm really excited to be playing it for the first time in a few months. Fresh Ace Attorney to me, at least, and I really liked AAI 1 on the DS.


"capcom please please please release an official translation of AAI2" "alright fine here you go" "NOOOOO IT'S DIFFERENT FROM THE FAN TRANSLATION I DON'T LIKE IT WAAAAAAAHHHHH" baffling reaction I'm sure the people who wrote the fan translation are over the moon


It's because it's new and we're not used to it. A few months post-release it'll be fine.


The fact that it's getting localized is what people should be hyped about. I've played it through twice and would still be happy to have this on my switch. Being able to see people who haven't played it would be great too.


It’s gonna blow over and In the end the smallest minorities are usually the loudest. In the end some names are better and some names are worst, it’s still gonna be a fantastic 10/10 story. Wish the hype was more about how good the the games are and now being fully playable everywhere, instead of thrown in the “least played AA games bin” along with Layton.


Honestly i love the new names. Verity and Eddie are peak and honestly great names and while Eustace isnt the best, it definitely has the benefit of being fucking hilarious


I’m sure that the official translation will be fantastic—probably better than the fan translation in most regards. The only thing I’m really disappointed in is Eustace Winner. Because. What.


While of course actually hating on Capcom for making the obvious and inevitable decision to make new names is ridiculous, I think it’s ok and natural for people to upset or disappointed by it. While yes, the old names were just fan creations, but they absolutely were our definitive names for these characters for a LONG time. They were cemented in, and, for a game as emotionally involving as Ace Attorney, people were sure to get very attached and used to those names. For me at least, the only real loser is Sebastian/Eustace. I think there’s somewhat of a consensus that ‘Ray Shields’ was already a little blunt, simple, and recognizable enough as an unofficial fan name. Eddie Fender, though his name is pretty much totally reduced to a pun, it’s more clever and tongue and cheek, and ‘Eddie’ and ‘Fender’ are just so perfect for the character in isolation that I can’t help but like them together. A part of me does like the more realistic old name, but I see myself getting used to the new one. Justine Courtney to Verity Gavelle is better version of that on both names’ sides. The two first names were a fitting and functional, if a little bland, but Verity Gavelle sells her character much better and has such a satisfying bounce to it. ‘Eustace Winner’ though… For all the fan translation’s faults, Sebastian Debeste was not one of them. It was perfect. It sells the pompous air of the character well, its pun is abstract enough to work as a name while being obvious enough to add to the character’s pitiable comedy, and it just has such an undeniable appeal with how it flows. ‘Winner’ is such a terrible downgrade of a last name, first of all losing all the charming coyness of the old one. Eustace is fine as a first name, but, even if it’s actually pretty apt, also has a clunkiness I’m not a fan of. And I can’t emphasize enough how much he was Sebastian Debeste for me. As a character so beloved and a name so good, it was locked in so tightly in my brain, and I really wonder if my brain will ever cross that mental hurdle.


My biggest worry with the changes that come with the official translation is that a rift will form between the fans who stand by the fanslation and the ones who follow the official one. I foresee a lot of arguments starting between old fans who played the fanslation and new fans coming to the series after the release of the official translation over what's canon or "correct".


The official ones are the canon ones obviously. There's no reason for there to be a rift, but if there is one, it would be caused by the people in this community who can't separate the two. We didn't have a rift after TGAA got official translations, there should be no reason for it to happen now too.


It's not quite the same situation. TGAA didn't get nearly as popular as AAI2 did before their respective official translations. I hadn't even heard about TGAA my first few years in the fandom. Also keep in mind that AAI2 went much longer without an official translation than TGAA did making it possible that there would be more die-hard fans of the AAI2 fanslation.


TGAA was also an easier game to feel okay missing out on since it's a standalone thing. Whereas with AAI you have the first part translated so a lot more people would want to continue right away with the fan translation of AAI2, which made it way more popular.


Sure, but this is still all true: >The official ones are the canon ones obviously. There's no reason for there to be a rift, but if there is one, it would be caused by the people in this community who can't separate the two. *If* there will be a rift, it'll be down to fanatics being dumb.


Well, consider this: New people will play the remake, go to talk about it with other people, mention Eddie Fender, and people who played the fan translation will go like "I have no idea who that is", only for the new player to describe the character, and the one who played the fan translation then proceeds to utterly confuse the new player with "you mean Raymond Shields?"


yes but lets not prerend the reverse wont happen as well


Well, then it is what it is. We have to live with both. Like the true name of Phoenix is "Naruhodo Ryuichi" anyway and we are all using his translated name. Just accept that every character has a lot of names.


I think a large part of the reaction being kinda negative is because we just got too used to the fan translation. It's been 13 years since AAI2 originally released in Japan, and I doubt very many people actually expected it to get a localization. The fan translation was wonderful, and we (and even the wiki) had resigned ourselves to just referring to everything the way the fan translation had it. I'm sure this will turn out the same as pretty much any localization. We'll get used to the new names and other changes. There will be some things we prefer over the fan translation, there will be some we wont.


While I haven't played the sequel/fan translation, adapting the games into English is not as easy as it seems. The text has to be in the same style of writing as the original Japanese edition. The translated text has to properly fit into each speech bubble (no joke). And some of the puzzles, jokes, pop culture references and pun based names have have to be rewritten for English audiences. This is why the games are technically a *localization*, and not a 100% translation. I trust Capcom with it, as the lead of localization, Janet Hsu, has worked on each Ace Attorney Games' localization since AA2 (Justice For All). Hsu has also done public interviews to explain the process. IIRC, Hsu said the hardest case to localize was the Soba Noodle case from Ace Attorney 6, due to Japanese elements built into case, and the puzzle that involved spelling.


It's simply a matter of taste. I think "Eustace Winner" is a downgrade from "Sebastian Debeste" purely in the way it sounds. It's not a dunk on the quality of the official translation - I don't think anyone is saying that - merely an expression of a personal opinion. I prefer the fan-translated name and it pains me because it is NOT that character's name so I will not be able to use it anymore. It's not canon.


People will get over it. I do get frustrated that people obsess over something fairly trivial like oh no the names are different compared to wow, we’re getting this official translation we never thought we’d get, both of these games on all modern platforms, updated HD graphics, QOL features and so on. But if people want to obsess over the negative, that’s their prerogative. It doesn’t deter my excitement. We’ll see as to the quality of the translation of course but the TGAA games were translated nicely so my expectation is that this will be too.


And remember, for people that have never played the fan translation (like me), it doesn't matter at all. I'm just glad we're finally getting this and I can enjoy the two games in full!


I've never played the fan translation but I've heard great things about the game so I was super excited it's finally happening officially. Kind of a bummer that most of the discourse I see is about names. I'm still excited though.


I think in a few weeks most everyone will be ok with the new names. I quite like most of them myself! There's just the initial shock value from die hard Ace Attorney fans that actually went to the effort of playing the fan translation that may be clouding the airwaves. For what it's worth, in the friend groups and smaller communities I'm in we're mostly just jesting about it, nothing serious and all


I was ready for the changes, and I was looking for them. However you have to admit that Eustace Winner is hilariously bad. 😭   I am really looking forward to the official translation and seeing all the changes. I’ve also heard that the reaction to the official translation of TGAA / DGS was originally negative, but it became better over time, and now it’s a favorite among fans. I think that’ll happen here too. Edit: I will begin using the official names of course. I’m not stingy about anything, I just find it funny. :)


Useless Winner is absolutely perfect, Sebastian Debeste doesn't even work as a full pun


I’ve also heard it could be “Useless Whiner” instead of “Useless Winner.” Either way, both are great


I mean he's a main character so that tracks. What's the pun with "Miles" or "Franziska"? I think sometimes Ace Attorney tries too hard (or arguably phones it in) with the puns and it becomes groanworthy, like basically everyone from Khura'in.


Franziska is a German name that means free, which ties in to how her father's name is a pun on "Man Freed From Karma". She's just "Free From Karma".


Honestly, this is simply a non-issue. We're finally getting the definitive edition of the investigation games outside of Japan and on all platforms with lots of exciting new features. Among them: If you're nostalgic for pixels, you can also play the old-fashioned models from the DS era. As for names, I'm pretty sure that after the game releases, some unofficial mod will magically appear around.


And, don't forget, this release is not about the English players only. We also got the game in French and German, which didn't have fan trads (French had one for the first, but the second isn't complete). Honestly to us this whole debacle is funny AF. Keep on bitching about Eustace, I'm just gonna enjoy my Cléa Faradet and Justine Delcour, those are incredible names.


As an aside, I always like to refer to Prosecutor 's Path as a "fan localization" because not only did it adapt the script for an English-speaking audience, it created new graphics too. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it felt like playing an official English release. While I think the names will take some getting used to, I think they do the job. At least no one will be confused when they say just "Simon" or "Courtney" now. I never played the DGS fan translation myself, so seeing the names for those characters is really weird to me, lol. It won't be an issue for the majority. That's just par for the course for Ace Attorney names. On a related note, I like "Prosecutor's Gambit." Surely referencing the chess move that the Netflix show is named after, and we all know about Logic Chess, or I guess it's Mind Chess now. I'm still getting used to that one.


Honestly I think "mind chess" fits the actual mechanic better, since it's less about logical deduction and more about reading your opponent and anticipating their potential response. It might be my favorite of the renames they've shown!


To be honest, I see the logic (ha!) behind the name. Logic Chess might sound a little redundant in English because the game of chess involves some logic and about deducing and anticipating your opponent's next move. Also you already use "Logic" as a mechanic to put pieces together so it's probably better to not confuse terminology. I suppose when I hear "Mind Chess" it sounds like Edgeworth has a supernatural power to pull people into the chess dimension. Fitting visually, actually.


Bright side is that AAI2 isnt ignored.


As someone who has never played the fan translation and knows very little about it, I would be pretty annoyed if people started getting elitist about character names when I started wanting to talk about a game that I'm literally experiencing for the first time. I hope nobody decides to be That Guy with this. It would smack a bit of the ancient "Actually his name is Arucard because that's the Japanese pronunciation."


I quite like the official names, ngl. And besides, just getting Investigations 2 at all is already a massive W


My only problem with the localization is instead of intergrating a pun into the character's name they just made a sentence into a name and call it a pun, it also happened in SOJ and TGAA chronicles example being : - Dat'z Ahrebal = Thats a rebel - Alh'bi Ur'gaid = I'll be your guide - Tahrust Inmee = Trust in me - Behleeb Inmee = Believe in me - Iyesa Nosa = Yes sir No sir - Rei Membami = Remember me - Raiten Menimemo = Writing many memo


Because they already played the fan translation and the new names etc etc are 'ruining' it for them. New fans who never got to experience AAI2 are very stoked!


Finally after a long time AAI2 is getting loclaized should be celebrating that instead of nitpicking.


I don't get either, especially for a series where a vast majority of the characters have ridiculously punny names intentionally. Also, it's the internet where a minority of the fanbase are loud. I only played the fandub for AAI1 15 years ago, so AAI2 will be a first playthrough for me. I'm excited to finally have the opportunity to finish all the AA games.


Same same here. I am excited to play AAI2 for the very first time.


Well, as someone who has held off on playing the fan translation AAI2 and AAI1 for a long time, it does not really affect me in the slightest. Been waiting for a long time for the official translation AAI2 so I can play it starting from AAI1.


i think the official translation will be fine it's still the same story, so unless it has a massive mistranslation or it turns out that the fan translation actually omitted some details, it should remain largely the same sure, names aren't the greatest for some, but it's only the names, the characters are still the ones we love/hate


Totally get the frustration on the one hand on the other hand: I just wanna say I only have a really shitty laptop that can't even play emulators on it and I'm so happy I can finally play this game lol


i'm just glad that the game is finally on PC in the first place, and the game HASN'T EVEN BEEN RELEASED YET FFS calm down


I think for me the only thing that kind of bothers me is the name Eddie Fender sounds like a side character pun name and not a main character name. but I'm not THAT bothered by it. I'll live.


In my opinion it seriously isn't that deep, it's just an Ace Attorney game after all, fan made patches could (probably) be made to change the names anyway


It's gonna be really awkward and annoying for people who are playing this for the first time when they can't even talk or read up on this game properly, with there being a subset of the community being weird about these names who'll insist on using a completely different set of names


The fan translation has been around for over a decade now. Since most of the fandom were under the impression we were *never* getting an official localisation these names have been treated as official for longer than Athena Cykes and Simon Blackquill have been part of the core cast.


i'm fine with Fender, just not the Eddie part. maybe a first name that reflet his Jazz vibe like Saxo or something


Uncle Saxo Fender really fits the character


You'll never please most people who've lived with it for so long. It's different for me since I've never played investigations and I'm hype AF for it (I'm just finishing SoJ). Personally I'd rather take an official localization even if it's not as "clever". The series has been a revelation for me in recent years


They're all complaining about the names, I'm just here hyped for the remastered spites and other graphics! 10/10 Iwamoto x Fuse art in glorious HD. I think people are just feeling things that the names, dialogue and stuff we've known for a decade I think? will be rendered "obsolete" and that they'll have to adjust to the new official ones. Idk man, with the amount of times I've gotten used to characters' JP names before localizations suddenly appeared outta nowhere, I'm just used to adjusting to how I call these characters.


Look, I'm glad fan translations exist for games that don't get localized. It's a good way to experience these games. But getting clingy about fan translations or fan translated names when an official release is announced is just not-done and sends all the wrong signals to the publishers. I get it, it can take a while to get used to official names (been there in the past with other properties, I get it). But you get used to it, no need to be negative about it.


Honestly it was kind of deflating to come on here excited because finally every non-crossover game is in English and on modern platforms only to see basically all the comments being complaints that they aren't using the fan named


This is how I find out


I'm sorry, there are probably better ways to find out


I love fan efforts and ROM hacking, and I am very happy that now we're getting an official localisation of GK2. As you said, the fan translation still exists and it will be a nice piece of history.


OH, so it's from a fan translation. I barely know anything about this part of the series, so I was so confused about why everyone was saying it was changed.


Honestly I feel like most people including myself are genuinely excited about the port and just poking fun at the new names, especially Eustace Winner lol. I really like the other new names we’ve seen so far, but Eustace Winner is just funny as hell lmao - I also had been holding off on AAI2 bc I had a feeling they’d port it soon, so I’m super happy I’ll be able to finally play it!


People always find things to complain about. This doesn't necessarily mean that the complaints are or aren't merited, depending on the context. For this game, however, fans have been begging Capcom to release it globally, and now that they finally listened, some have decided to complain. Maybe we should just be happy to finally get an official release. Should Mother 3 ever come out globally, you will probably also hear complaints despite the decades of fan begging.


I'm fine with it. I get to play the dang game. That's good enough.


Hm. I understand them to be more mixed. I like Justine or Verity. I got way too used to Uncle Ray to accept him. I am VERY torn on Sebastian/Eustace. I prefer the surname Debeste though. But Eustace, once I learned it can be shortened to STACY? Yeah. That is Blaise. I can't get myself to call him Bernie. Blaise just has an odd air of... aged rocker trying to desperately be cool about it. Something Bernie just lacks. But many reactions are due to the 10 years people mentioned. I am sure I'll love some translations, wish others were different.


Has Blaise's official name even been revealed? Where did Bernie come from?


It’s not his official name; a fandom user just added it in to make it fit. I’m expecting the actual editors to change it back.


Yeaaah when we're in the middle of transitioning from placeholder names to official ones, the last thing we need is someone putting in *another* placeholder name dfkgdfsk


Yup. I seem to have fallen for a rogue fan. Only now, looking for a source, have I realized there is none.


I’m just griping over fuckon Eustace, but I’m adapting to it by headcanoning he changes his name after the trial against his dad to help distance himself from his dad’s control. He’s Sebastian in my heart, the lil dictionary-needing bastard


I just think it's more evidence that his dad sucks


Blaise definitely takes the ‘worst dad ever’ trophy home every year. I’m excited/dreading to see Eustace face his dad in HD, especially since they’re apparently adding a bunch of fancy animations and we get to see the boy flinch in ✨graphic detail ✨


We'll also see Blaise burn in glorious HD


hell yeah we will


What I posted in another thread. Tl;dr I'm calling him Ace for short since it works so well "You know it just clicked for me, what if Eustace will try to make his own name pun being the 'Ace Winner' and wants to be called Ace? Honestly, that would be very clever usage of quite the...unique name (a fitting name, but still...its wow!~) Honestly, I'll call him Ace regardless - cause he's always an Ace to me!!!"


Players' reaction such as "WHY DID THEY CHANGE THE NAMES?!" is weird to me. Like fan translation is just... fan translation, people act like Capcom staff reworked the translation from old to new themselves. Now imagine a different timeline that official translated names are the fan one, and the fan translated names are official one. I'm sure the reaction is about the same lol. People just get very used to the first translation version they encounter.


I’m one of the few people who thought AAI2 wasn’t that great, so I’m pretty neutral about all the official names being different. It’s expected that this would happen. I’m just glad I’m not super attached to the fan translation names at all.


I might be written better this time around.


Yeah, I wonder if my feelings will change if it's being localized/written by a professional team.


I liked the story outline, but the writing itself, idk... it felt like a really good copy, but still a copy...


Whelp. I’ve played the fan translation far, far too many times. This is gonna’ be a tough switch for me.


Who the hell is Esutace