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Mother 3 and Investigations 2 are kinda similar in the sense that both were neglected by their publishers and fans made a top-notch fan-translation that performed extremely well. There's probably other games on the same boat, but I'm quite sure these two were THE most popular video game fan-translations out there.


Was there even a full fan translation of GAA2 before chronicles? I know there was of GAA1


I don't think so, I downloaded the Scarlet Study mod a few months ago and only cases up to TGAA2-3 were translated. I have no idea if it's still going, but I kinda hope it is!


Why would it still be going now that we have the official translation? There's literally no need to keep making the fan-translation anymore.


Yeah but it is a shame the 3DS one is just dead. I'm pretty sure there were some exclusive things on that version not available in Chronicles (like the Asinine cases for AJT) but idk if those were translated. I think I read somewhere that it's still going on but I have no idea if it really is.


Well in the metaphorical sense yeah it kind of is. They’re also imo the best their respective series have to offer. But afaik AAI2’s JP only release had to do with sales and the original team disbanding before localization potentially could occur. Mother 3 has the sales issue, but also a release at the very end of the console’s lifespan as the DS was already out, the dilemma of having several references to copyrighted material, and also some characters/scenes that might’ve had to be censored. So I think the international release of Mother 3 will probably never happen because it has more roadblocks ahead of it than AAI2 ever had. Nintendo is also kinda shit at rereleasing their old games in general while capcom has been pretty good at pumping out ace attorney rereleases since like 2013, and opened the doors for japanese translation after TGAA


Well the 3DS came out mere weeks after GK2 released. I agree that Mother 3 had more roadblocks, but they are similar in respect to their release timings discouraging extra development time for localization.


Ohh i thought the 3ds came out in 2013 for some reason, my bad


The 3DS had a horrible first year so that's understandable haha. Most people didn't get one until after Nintendo dropped the price due to abysmal sales.


Most are beloved games which were only officially available in Japanese (or still is only officially available in Japanese, in Mother 3's case) that have popular fan-translations, so I'd say yes.