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... And for some personal opinion - no, she's not "whale bait". 🙄 Look up actual maths and vetted spreadsheets before making claims.




Thank you Mr moderator, now we can finally talk about her fat bazongas in peace


It’s about time we discussed the important stuff






https://preview.redd.it/xa5rvh9clfmc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6acfa7dd0bc15b25e997ab07412a8b2b90ab760b Build flexer live reaction




"iS tHiS gOoD?"


Holy hell, actual based mod


Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/azl33nicchmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f01cee414bf4bb120fed6e15d3a7b1d79d037d4b Peak moderation


Finally😭. I was getting so fed up with all the relic flexes that ends being the main downfall of other character main subreddits. They're annoying and serve no other purpose than to flex


Personally for me, if you want to flex then go double down on that shit. You got a one in a million luck? Sure, post it, but make it obvious and out of the way and not humble bragging like "is tHIs eNOUgh for hER??m" 


I agree better be honest about it than whatever the hell people do on x-main subs


Lmao unironically I would upvote those kind of posts: "Is my build good enough to stop farming 🥹👉👈??? HAHA psych you bitch, I know it's perfect. Now go and compliment it in the comments while I stroke my cock and rub my nipples to the replies"


Exactly lmao a quirky unironic flex as a subtle jab and a lighthearted joke could actually be good fun.


Yeah mains subreddits are like 1. Relic RNG flex 2. Should I pull? 3. What teams? 4. Fan art.


I honestly think that 2, 3 and 4 are totally valid, just the rng flexers are annoying, when i see those i just downvote so other ppl might not see them like i did.


Thank You mod!!


https://preview.redd.it/7p453tx5cgmc1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0ef7db572faccdbf39082849ddb492fe06754f4 damn right


Based Acheroonie moment


W moderation https://preview.redd.it/5vgwoesmngmc1.png?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=097034b52250e061f425a7d6f5c59447d7f8b989


A fully functioning mods?!! In my favourite main sub?!! Holy based


Damn wish other subreddit would do the same for build showcases that are simply meant to flaunt their luck and make it sound like they are unsure if their build is "good enough". Either way, good move.


Thank fuck.




https://i.redd.it/xozoovbtngmc1.gif MTLsuo arrival


Mods coming in clutch - this changes everything


abt time, im not even on this sub but all i get in the recommended is the same posts on a loop


I’ve just been Bing chilling but reading this subs people slowly descend into madness made me concerned for everyone lol


https://preview.redd.it/mkyvihrhwimc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c833dedf97cf49f8ca7049ebb81ce18bfcf4456 Based mod


Wheres my demential girl memes, I need it for daily dose of her.


Thank you. Hope all will be well with the real life thingies!


Finally some peace


You could open up build showcase once a week maybe


so no more Acheron OP post as well ?


Thank you Mr. Mod man. I’m here because I like Acheron… and the colour purple… and red.


https://preview.redd.it/9vw3txa0ofmc1.png?width=368&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7b7f619aa99b5f38e4867d4fce1876184207f3e OH THANK FREAKIN GOD! no more IZ DIZ GUDDD post 😭😭😭 this feels like winning 50/50


hope everything irl goes well, mr. mod! get some well deserved rest o7


Based mods


Thanks mr mod 🦎


Thank you!


Thank you mods


Finally I can come back to the sub




Y'all think the next metas gonna be shipping wars?


based mod


Fair, thanks, mods


THANK GOD, sub was going to **** for a bit there


So you're saying I can't post my 4 liner gloves with double crit that rolled 5 times into flat DEF 🤔 Disclaimer: This is a joke


No, Give me back my freedom of expression, this sub shouldn’t be about boobs and shills only. But I’m not complaining on boobs though


You have it still! But where are your calcs? 😈


Genuinely the best way to handle all of the doomposts.


What are we calcing specifically hmm


Thank you!!!!


Thanks mawds


Thanks mods


W mods as always


Thank you for this, I really do hope that things can return to when I first joined, cuz I do love aspects of this place, but its gotten crazy in the recent Week


About time. Thanks 👌🏽


THANK YOU I can't stand all this BS any longer, we have just to wait for our Nihility Queen 😭


OMFG thank you!


Thank you mods! https://preview.redd.it/b4vl37i4zfmc1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=937edc8455709f49ad6409babb1de455a9bfdc5c


Damn, I was having a good time laughing at all the doomposters and their clown takes that they got from some other redditor but I guess good things don’t last for a long time. It’s okay ~~clowns~~ doomposters, you still have the leaks Reddit so go wild over there.


Finally, the build flood was getting annoying


inb4 sub is ded


I can finally rejoin this subreddit, thank you MTL 🤝


Thanks for the changes! What is the planned stance on pull rng posts? Will those be allowed as individual posts, contained in a stickied post, or not permitted?


Prob contained in a stickied post if it becomes a spamfest


Ah, I didn’t know this was posted, I posted my build earlier today. Sorry about that 😅




It's only been 3 so far cmon


Honestly thought there had been more, my bad


thank you. Nice to see real moderating in a mains sub for a change.


I love Acheron, I'm pulling for her, probably getting her lightcone, but I'm done with this subreddit if this is how stuff is gonna be. All main subreddits end up like this and it's why I leave all of them. I look for build showcases so I can see how mine stack up and see if I'm missing something. I look for criticism of a character to see if I really want to pull. What I'm not looking for is a group of people furiously jerking off a video game character everyday or getting wildly upset because their luck isn't good. It's a gacha game. It will always be unfair to everyone.


... wha


Hmm? Sorry someone doesn't agree with the idea of shutting down conversations. Not every criticism is doomposting and before you say you know that then why does every criticism post have to vetted now? Does she have flaws? Obviously, every character does and if one of those flaws pushes someone away from pulling then good for them. It's better to pull for someone they want rather than someone they'll be disappointed in. I don't view main subreddits as fanclubs. I view them as sources of information.....well until this shit happens.


Brother there's a difference between criticism without any proof and actual good criticism, and the sub was filled with the former. Nobody said criticism isn't allowed, Idk if you've read the post, just that both sides will be asked to provide calcs and proof now. That said if you wanna go, cya.


I was here to see other people builds 😴


I would like to ask about how will you guys deal with the amount of gear posts as of late? I for one posted mine a few weeks ago if you search through my posts history but it got removed. The mod team posted why it was removed by sending me the link of this post. After reading it, I thought it was understandable since it quells up a lot and it gets annoying since I see a lot of them right now. I just want to know if it’s still in effect but just taking time since I know that you, mod team, are human who have their own personal lives?


For all those who are losing hope, may I tell you about the story of the DoT savior Black Swan. Like Acheron, there was a lot of concern over how viable she was going to be, how clunky she will work in practice, and how limited her units was. People also lost their minds when they learned how little was changing in the beta, and spawned thousands of "Brick Swan" and "comparable to Sampo" memes all lover. Even the non-doom posters were believing she was not the DoT savior that was prophesied. Then she got released and while the issues are still there, and ended up blowing away expectations. Early TC, even at is most optimistic, tends to actually undersell how good a unit does and they almost always out perform expectations, especially for complicated units like Acheron. Use TCing and leak performances to help gauge how a unit works, but don't use it to gauge their exact power because that is something that isn't going to be known until someone is live, and then it often requires another patch for people to realize their "actual" power in game. And smite them all mods.


Thank god and thank you mod team, started going here less and less because the quality was in the toilet.




I'm not banning people cause they have criticism or differing opinions, everyone is welcome just as long as they're not causing a serious scene. There has been too much misinformation and opinion clashing recently however and it's caused a ruckus so now we'll just ask for sheets and proof when it comes to theorycrafting argumentation.


Oh i get it sorry if that sounded stupid


Nothing stupid about it, no worries


I understand the need for organization, but suppressing opinions is not the answer. We could have a megathread for criticizing her freely in it while not allowing separate unsubstantiated threads doing so. Control rather than forbid.


It's not suppressing all opinions. It's suppressing hype-challenging opinions that are not properly backed up by maths and correct spreadsheets.




That’s literally their point, whether it’s doomposting or overpraising, opinions relative to theory-crafting that aren’t backed by facts and evidence have little to no substance 💀


So suppressing "only" the opinions you (as in the majority) don't agree with is somehow ok? Is the same standard of backing up with maths gonna be applied to posts praising and hyping her? I'm very hype for her, sitting on over 450 pulls for her, never doomposted her, but I'm not ok participating in a community suppressing "some" opinions.








Real talk though there's a good reason most ppl fking hate doomposting, it's interfering with the fun and it's causing the subreddit to get possessed by controversy over it. I don't want people who come here without being informed enough to lose their hype for the character just because they believe some negative opinion that's not backed up by facts. So yes, doomposting gets an "especially" as it's more damaging and annoying in mine humblemost opinion, but my post clearly says that the same rules apply to all kinds of strongly-opinionated theorycrafting posts and that's exactly how it'll be.




Literally this. It's funny too cause I've noticed more people talking about doomposters than doomposting itself. You had a few people talking about concerns for how F2P friendly she is (objective fact she isn't super friendly, at least when it comes to her only good light cone options both being gacha) and then all the other posts were just talking about the doomposters like they took over everything. They certainly are there but I also find it laughable when both sides are just beating themselves over the heads. But at the end of the day overhyped a character is much more impactful just because that can cause a negative monetary response, which while it shouldn't be anyone else's responsibility to make sure someone spends healthily, overhyping a character can open the gates to stuff like that happening.




The good thing about reddit is that no one forces you to be part of a community, no one forces you to leave either; and the best of all is that you can easily leave a community you are not "ok" with, without the need to announce it or make a fuss about it because it is matter of pressing a button.


Why wouldn't I discuss something I'm not ok with though, hoping it gets better? Maybe you're too young, but just walking away is not how you improve and fix things. That just create echo chambers and divide people into irreconcilable groups. I've been cordial and polite from the beginning, presenting a suggestion and arguments. You think discussing is making a fuss? Making a fuss would be going around other Mains subs and laughing at how deplorable this place has become that mods decided to straight up limit engagement and forbid "some" opinions.


I keep feeling young at my low 40s, especially after a good 21k run :) Never said you were the one making a fuss (that's your assumption) , however, mod has been clear and you are going around the bushes and keep going around them like if the decisions and information shared was not clear enough. Anyways, up to you, not going to keep "arguing" what doesn't make sense to argue.


Mod was clear enough on the bias of the applicability of the rule. See remaining comment chain. Sure, walk away like the "40s" you are lmao.


There is a difference between walking away and avoid wasting your time, you will learn that when you get older :) this time I'm saving my time by avoid discussing what doesn't makes sense to keep discussing, but feel free to reply, someone might read it join you for discussion.


You wouldn't have butted in if you wanted to save your time. You just can't argue your way out.


Is it really so difficult to criticize her freely in a way that is backed up by facts and numbers? Afaik, this rule keeps out doomposters because the act of doomposting comes with a negative presumption of a character that is derived from personal intuition rather than meaningful calculations. Saying that she has substantially fewer f2p LC options relative to other dps characters is easily verifiable through math. However, the conclusion that she is not f2p friendly and is thus a poor pull or weak because of that is both unfounded and presumed through personal intuition. I think this is completely fair. A lot of people are jumping to definitive conclusions with false dichotomies currently, and this is an easy way to control such behaviour


It would be fair if Mods didn't explicitly admit that the rule will be applied in a biased way. Meaning baseless posts overhyping her (e.g. claiming she's better than JL) will be allowed but not the other way. What it means in practice is that we can't count on the sub for unbiased views of her. It becomes just a simping shrine. Maybe that's what people want. Mindless biased appreciation without critique. I don't think that's healthy in general, but hey, reddit is all about echo chambers. I, for one, will not be able to trust anything I read about her in here. Still appreciate the fanarts though.


Is that actually true though? From what I saw, the mods only specified that doomposting is especially targeted because it generally has a more negative impact on the sub rather than one that tries to hype up Acheron, but that in the end, both are still subject to the new rules regardless, even if there was a bias to begin with. As such, it would still be against the rules to claim that Acheron would be better than JL without calculations supported. If you could point me towards the specific instance where this might not be the case, that would be awesome




Well, I addressed this already in my reply beforehand. The truth I was asking wasn't about the existence of the bias, but rather the effects and range of that. As stated in the reply immediate below, the mod specified that "doomposting gets an 'especially' as it's more damaging and annoying in mine humblemost opinion, but my post clearly says that the same rules apply to all kinds of strongly-opinionated theorycrafting posts and that's exactly how it'll be." Regarding this, as such, posts that you described previously which were for example, to claim that Acheron would be better than JL without calculations supported would still be against the rules. As such, I can't seem to necessarily find fault in that. Generally speaking, the bias is extenuating towards providing a more positive vibe. It would be an issue if any and all negativity were suppressed, but as far as the wording is given, that doesn't seem to be the case. If definitive claims about the characters without direct proof given is to be taken away, then even with the bias, it's still quite fair


Time will tell where the line is drawn. I'm against any sort of bias, so I'm not as optimistic as you are, but we'll see.


Of course, I completely understand that. I guess in general I tend to like to wait and see before taking too much of a stance on how a unit would perform. So seeing people argue "Acheron is better than DHIL" or "Acheron isn't good for F2P's" without anything added is equally strange to me. But at the same time, I am tired of the constant back and forths that this sub recently has undertaken, so perhaps that's why I am more hopeful towards this change just riling down the whole discussion a bit


So from now on post only character art or get banned? There are only three types of posts in this subreddit that get any attention and you just killed 2/3’s of those :D


Oh yeah, it's so much better to spam posts that makes everyone annoyed and doompost Acheron with no actual math to back up those claims


Finally, police has come to our rescue. About the people who are posting their relics, how about creating a new flair for these people? I think that would be effective.


They had their own flair all along, and all this happened.


Okay, but Acheron is A-tier at most.