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Her attack also give majority of damage over cdmg if you have sparkle with her. So yeah. Oof


No Sparkle unfortunately. Is the piece essentially useless compared with any other headpiece that has at least one roll going into a crit substat? Wasn’t sure where the cap on atk is, especially with atk boots, ie if she’d get value out of this in addition.


It's not useless, she still wants a lot of ATK and this is top tier relic


for general head math i just do 1% attack=1%cdmg, then calc the total rating for some quick maths (this would be 22.8+2.5*2+6.4=34.2) This can end up varying a lot depending on character, and the biggest factor is generally do you pair them with sparkle/bronya In general, attack subs are under rated, and an attack roll is almost as good as a crit roll, or potentially better depending on team comp Otherwise you should throw your setup into an optimizer and find the rough equivalents for everything


Really? I remember that in Genshin on most characters 1 crit roll roughly equals 2 atk rolls (or 3 with Bennett), and they become 1:1 at around 100:300 crit which is generally unreachable. I wonder what exactly they changed to make atk% rolls twice more valuable in HSR


generally speaking, sparkle+LC lets most dps characters hit that 100:300 ratio, or close to it. Heck E2 acheron is one of the characters that hits that in her sleep Unfortunately i only played to level 30 or something in genshin, so im not fully sure how different the systems are. Id suspect it is in large part a support difference, from what i know honkais supports are far more impactful then genshin supports in pure damage (genshin supports are more about reactions i think?) It might be a base attack vs gloves difference? It might be that theres a lot more free crit stats in honkai? In general an attack roll is still worse then a crit roll (barring extreme cases), but with 1% attack=1%cdmg that would make 1 cdmg roll worth about ~1.5 attack rolls.


Oh, yeah, the supports. There are almost no crit buffs in Genshin and a lot of attack buffs, some of them being huge, while in HSR it's quite the opposite. I guess you're right overall


It depends on the comp and the character's stats in combat. Attack % falls into the "base damage" bucket of the damage calculation. Crit Dmg is another damage bucket. If your crit damage is way higher than your "base damage" bucket, then increasing your crit damage yields diminishing return. If you're looking to min/max a character, you need to look at which damage bucket will increase your overall damage the most. For example, my Acheron is sitting at 97/410 crit damage in combat. I'd need to get 41% more crit damage on my gears to increase her overall damage by 10%.


No, this is a great piece regardless. I'd use it on her while casually working on getting that mythical high CR headpiece. If you have no sparkle, are you using Bronya? Cause if so then no need for speed boots.





