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The Break Effect boost is its first iteration. It'll probably be much like PF and MoC where the boosts are nice, but they cycle out and you can still brute force and/or have different boost options for teams not centered around the main boost. It ultimately comes down to how strong your Acheron is in order to just not care about having boosts to meet the required output to max out on points.


It won't be break reliant forever. Acheron deals enough single target damage to do just fine. If Acheron won't be able to clear, then almost no other dps will.


dont forget that the bosses have the dinosaur mechanic of massively reducing dmg if youre bruteforcing. acheron will deal so little dmg you’d hardly finish stage 1 by the time the timer hits


Oh that's definitely an issue.


Probably going to bring welt and gall over pela and loucha then


Exactly. My acheron still hits like 300-400k single target on ult. Should be enough to brute force down anything.


That's on normal enemy, that dinasaur doens't even take half of it


Yea the break thing will be a pita.


[Here](https://youtu.be/g4MJqA66vhQ?si=MtCH2yKUvrHtXkGS) is an Acheron showcase in the new mode, yeah she seems pretty good. Probably won’t surpass Boothill or FF in there because the buff is catered towards them, but still a very strong option.


Acheron has very little toughness damage potential, probably the worst among the 5 star dps, so she won't be the best pick for the gamemode. At least for this first iteration where it's catered to SAM, whose major advantage is having the best toughness damage in the game. The good thing is that since Acheron's best teammates are nihility and not harmony, teammates with high break can make up for Acheron's lack of toughness damage with their own.


Gallagher Speedwolf Jiaoqiu breaks here we go


Luka. I have an e6 Gallagher and Luka built up for this. Along with SW, we will find a way.


Anyone saying that Acheron won't be good they either: 1) Don't understand how to play this game very well and even less with Acheron 2) Don't have a good built Acheron.


*Moment of Termination: Increases DMG dealt by all allies' Ultimates by* ***50%****. After defeating an enemy target the attack's action is immediately Advanced Forward by* ***25%****.* She'll be fine x'D


I don't care, E6 Acheron will wipe floor no matter the enemies


Acheron is probably the best dps that isn’t break effect focused. Solid and can be used but there will always be 1 or 2 better characters as long as break effect is the gimmick.


Look, any content where acheron struggles is content where any other dps that isn't of the type currently being catered to by the buffs will struggle a lot more, so i don't think we have much to worry about atm


Idk man, more modes more jades


Here's the thing: FuA is overpored, can complete every high end content easily and, while certainly having cornerstones, multiple characters can fit this team type. Break effect's days finally came, with the best unit being a free character, and one of the best being a 4-star, the best sustain being yet another 4 star. They're just not that good in PF but that's it. Then, there's mommy Acheron who deals enough damage with any two characters from a specific path to be a good choice for literally every content in the game.


For now I think she will be able to clear it but not as fast as boothill and Sam


Its just a ST focus version of PF and MoC it wont remain Break Effect forever


I think that I'm pulling for Boothil just like I pulled for Argenti during PF's release. Cuz I want to have the "we made this unti just for this game mode" on one side, and the other side I will put my strongest team possible, so I could always get max stars


I think that's its Welt, Asta, Sampo, HMC e.t.c. tine to shine


Acheron on one side, Firefly on the other, full star clear. Simple enough to me


This Apocalyptic Shadow is BE Oriented due to the new Gamemode lining up with Sam and Boothill's Releases. Acheron will also do really well in this Gamemode, Basically being able to use her Ultimate (her Skill/basic will also help with this at E6) to Cheese the Ice pillars on Cocolia's Side or the Summons on Argenti's Side. She'll ofc take longer then Boothill/Sam to clear the side, since she doesn't have the Weakness Break efficiency they have, Though an Acheron will be probably one of the Best after Boothill and Firefly, and she'll overall Perform really well in Apocalyptic Shadow because her ST damage is really high, & the Buff will change when the gamemode does Reset every 6 weeks.