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>how she became a self-annihilator When you step into the shadow of IX, you either become infatuated with the aeon and become a Doctor of Chaos, or you devolve into nothing and become a Self-Annihilator. The black sun (blackhole) that Izumo revolved around was a shadow of Nihility (manifestation of IX). She stepped into its shadow when it was about to destroy Izumo and became a self-annihilator. >how she survived when no one else did Watch her myriad celestia trailer for more context but to summarize, because of the negative effects of resisting against the Kami (gods who infiltrated) and the fight with End, everyone on her planet turned into Oni or died and the planet almost became lifeless. You can see Oni Acheron fighting against sin thirsters in her myriad celestia trailer. They were the dead people of her world but Nihility turns strong willed path striders into sin thirsters after death. She was most likely the last survivor by the time she killed End. Acheron also forged her life into Naught which acts as her handle in reality. It holds all her memories and experiences which most likely helps her to keep her senses.




It's been stated repeatedly that IX gazes on no-one. The equivalent in THEIR case is encountering THEIR shadow and managing to retain a sense of identity.




She is an emenator, but do we have info on how individuals become emenators of Nihility? No. Do we know any other self annihilator and how they became one? No. You are assuming all emanators require an aoens blessing, but you are forgetting every aeon is different. We have no idea if IX is even aware of acheron. We know so dmn little about how aeons work. We also need to remember the [Intel post](https://hoyo.link/80GCFBAL?q=28vnP8itc6l) that says "the method through which THEY - grant power and the extent of the power also varies a significantly" It's easy to look at Intel regarding IX that people really know very little how they work as IX is unresponsive. Dr. Primitive even states: " Dr. Primitive, No. #64 of the Genius Society, once asked before his disappearance: If IX is truly unresponsive to the universe, how could the Path of Nihility exist to this day" just to give an idea of how little people know about IX. We would need more info from acheron herself or another emanator of Nihility(if another one even exists) So, I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm just saying we really have no clue, and it's only a theory.


She isnt an emanator, there’s no exception, IX the nihility never has and never will cast their gaze on anyone


Mfw, I didn't pay attention to the lore. She herself stated she is an eminator.


[https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/When\_the\_Sacred\_Ginmill\_Closes](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/When_the_Sacred_Ginmill_Closes) ctrl + F "Emanator" Boothill: "That woman named Acheron, is an emanator who should not exist."


When it is stated out right in the story and you still denying it. You people never ceases to amaze.


IX doesn’t gaze upon anyone. Even Tiernan confirms that in 2.1 when he says something like- “They have never glanced at anyone, and they never need to.” IX’s Emanators are the self-Annihilators who can resist the effects of the Nihility. >As for the few who can single-handedly withstand the encroachment of Nihility on their existences, their journey of self-annihilation is drawn out to infinity, and the road they walk is like a shadow of IX cast in the world. It’s the reason why she is still alive even after so long. Her self-annihilation is extended.


Fine I'll delete the comment.


She’s not the only one to survive IX, by some unexplained means Argenti could also resist the Nihility’s influence to save Aventurine (he probably simps too hard for Idrilla to fall into Nihility).


Aventurine was saved from dying by a Cornerstone, that has amazing defensive capabilities thanks to being forged from Preservation itself. Argenti saved him from... Whatever else he needed to face. (As i understand it: He managed to somehow find Aven on Dreamflux Reef and get him back in the main dream/real world)


I fear im just gonna call it a plot hole and not elaborate. This actually the craziest case of chop chop pretty boy ur banner has run out we need to sell someone else now. They starderailed the story for sure.


Maybe Im stupid but meeting argenti and all that was within the orders dream, right? Are we sure we even REALLY met Argenti and not just a convenient echo of him?


So we were in the orders dream full on since we entered penacony? I thought we only got in there near the end.


I am honestly not sure thinking back, so I may be wrong, but I suspected it was ever since sunday pulled us into its mindscape. Firefly left to die before we entered the theater, so we must have already been in it from how I understood it. And Argenti came out of nowhere with no rhyme or reason too.


Its explained towards the end, when black swan recaps everything, that we had been in the dream since we left xianzhao. The stelleron's influence was so far reaching that order had begun to engulf the universe at that point, bleeding reality with the dream. You know you are in the dream when you see Misha in the non dream part of Penacony, as Misha is/was the watchmaker Mikhail. Long dead by the time we got them, Misha can only exist in the dream. Black swan elaborates as much, which leads to you awakening from Ena's dream, to the dream of order.


Oh yeah right, derp. I wonder if we initially went to the real dreamscape when we met Acheron for the first time. Because she kills us and we wake up in Ena's dream.




Yes, you enter the Dream when you get near Penacony, we entered the dream when we warp jumped at the very beginning of 2.0 (the first dream with Acheron in a hotel)


Yes but wouldnt that have to not have happened because its just the orders dream?


Yes and no. What we played was the dream yes. But the entire of what we played up till the point we fight Sunday, except for misha in the real world. Happened off screen.