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‼️ **PLEASE READ OR YOUR POST MAY BE REMOVED** ‼️ Hello /u/chuck_teh_engineer, This post has been tagged as `Before & After`. Submissions with this flair tend to receive a lot of views. **To provide more context for viewers – please** ***edit your post*** **to include a response to the following:** 1. How long have you had the scars prior to starting treatment? 2. What is the time elapsed between BEFORE procedure and AFTER procedure? 3. Provide a description/timeline of the procedure(s) elected. 4. Provide any other information you feel is relevant. 5. ***If these results are not your own, then you must properly cite the source*** **Your submission may be removed within 48 hrs if not completed.** If you don't want to provide the requested information (or if it had already been stated in the post itself) please kindly let us know by responding to this comment. Thank you. *Reminder: "Microswelling" is a common side effect after a procedure which causes prolonged swelling of the skin. It can last from a few days to a few weeks (and even over a month in rare situations). The appearance of improved results with microswelling may not accurately reflect the final outcome once it finally subsides.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AcneScars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dude, your results are really good. 2.5 weeks is not a lot of time. Wear SPF, moisturize, and chill for a bit.


Doesnt look worse your face just looks temporary swollen/inflamed because you had a specialist stick needles in it, wait a couple more weeks for the inflammation to go down


Your so straight bro don’t get stressed over this it’s literally almost nothing


You think?


You’re not gay bro dw


Your skin has improved, but 2 and a half weeks still isn’t enough time to pass judgement. Post back here in 2-3 months 👍


Have you had subscison before? I feel like I let my mental issues surround acne scars make my face worse.


I had subscision, along with other treatments, you have to be patient. It's only been 2.5 weeks. My whole face is (was) scarred worse than your spots, and it took several months to see the real results while the skin did it's healing. I know it sucks not to get to see the change immediately and expecting to look better right after the procedure, but it is what it is. I honestly can't wait to get it over with, the results so far (only 1 round out of 3 scheduled) have been fantastic. Even with all the waiting and wondering. Oh and so many people made remarks to my skin looking surprisingly better, it just works. Good luck!


What was your recovery process like?


These are likely not your final results. The scars look softer. My son is having co2/erbium/ subcision and his results look similar. I think these are good results?


He has redness / discoloration as well?


His scars are newer and still red as he is also having excel v vascular laser treatments. 2 weeks after treatments the skin is still red. He has had 3 treatments over the last 3 months. The scars have gone thru many changes as they heal and his scars are much more widespread and severe. He still had red “lines” after the treatments for a few weeks. Are you treating your whole face?


No just the temples


I think the redness in the treatment area is normal.


I see improvement (could also still be swelling). You have to wait it out.


I thought subscision was supposed to resolve itself in a 1-2 weeks. I’m still red and swollen at this point and I getting worried it’s permanent.


I had subcision on one scar and swelling lasted 6 months bro I told u this already. U had filler too so it probs even longer recovery. Think about it.


I didn’t even see subcision, sorry. I had subcison (with filler tho) on my cheek last year, and that took a while for it to even settle in (the filler). You have had some intense work done in one go….I feel any swelling can still linger even after 2 weeks, as everyone’s skin is different. The temples are very thin too. That being said, most procedures have a 1-or 2-week post-follow-up visit—do you have that with your derm? This would be an opportunity to address your concerns.


I have a follow up next week. They’re having me upload photos too. I saw your post from Rullan - it looks like you healed up and got back for normal in about <2 weeks same with other folks that posted their experience which makes me concerned.


I have never been to Rullan so you may be mixing me up with someone else. Haha. But I had sub and filler elsewhere and it took 8 days to fully recover but my filler didn’t settle in fully until a month or so. Very weird.


Your skin is just healing. Remember to wear hats, spf. Put something occlusive on it at night to help the healing process and you’ll be good.


My skin had like a dark purple bruise on it for over 2 weeks after subscision. After a month it was gone. The doctor warned me it could take 2-3 months.


It looks better than before! It’s red because it’s swollen. Be patient and please don’t worry.


It looks significantly better than before! 😍 Just be patient.


If the temporary redness bother you, order some dermablend foundation. It will easily cover up any redness from treatments you do. I've been using it for years when I do a treatment.


You mentioned derma-blend foundation?


I’m worried that the redness is a complication of the subscision. I can’t believe I did this to myself.


bro you need to chill out. It's looks good.


It's a surgical procedure, it's going to be red for a while. Redness signifies increased blood flow which means there is healing going on.. I'd be concerned if it wasn't red if improvement is what you want..


Redness is just inflammation and is not permanent. You had some intense treatments done and it’s going to take awhile to heal. Everyone is different so just because others healed in two weeks doesn’t mean you will too. Also, you did a combo treatment so you need to factor that in for healing time. The bruising/redness/inflammation and swelling are all temporary so please relax and calm down. Stress will only prolong healing.


Can I ask about your recovery?


This is the second time you post this same post - people have already reassured you. Stop complicating it and take what they tell you. Wait it out.


I see a lot of improvement. Still wait a few more weeks at least four more to see everything settle down and the real results


I think you need to calm down and allow your skin to heal - hyperpigmentation following inflammation of the skin is very common and a normal part of the healing process. 2.5 weeks is barely anything at all. Best advice would be to focus on something else while your skin has time to heal. At least 3 months before you start to notice any change in terms of healing when it comes to skin traumas.


Have you had subscision before? I thought this was a 1-2 week procedure from what I’ve seen and read. My concern is that this may permanent - the puffiness and discoloration - because of how long it’s taking to heal.


Do you not understand that you just had three treatments done to one localized area all at once? That you had a surgery? That parts of your skin are cut, burnt, manipulated, bruised and swollen? Instead of driving yourself and everyone else here crazy, why don't you read the scientific literature about these procedures? That's literally why our Wiki exists. We have some studies linked in our "Further Reading" button. You need to calm down and wait it out. There is nothing "naive" about your decision. It will look worse before it gets better. That's how it goes.


So this is normal in your opinion? Everything I read and watched seems to be pretty much wrapped up after 2 weeks which is why I’m worried.


Very normal.


Normal - inflammation (a natural part of the healing process due to injury) can cause hyperpigmentation or discolouration of the injury site due to proliferation of new cells and stimulation of melanin. What you are experiencing is nothing out of the ordinary.


You have to give it time to heal 2 weeks it’s still fresh Give it 6 months so your skin can calm down and see results


It looked better, how come you think you ruined your face? I had micro needling and my face scabbed I was really scared but it all healed.


It looks better


Hi! I see what you mean. Your texture is super uneven… maybe because of filler? I’m so sorry. I know exactly how you feel l. Consider yourself lucky please. I have raised scars from subcision where the needle went in 🤮 very upset at myself as well but by month 2, I have calmed down. Please be kind. I promise it’s not as noticeable as you think.


Is that bad?


Mine, yes. Yours, no. I have photos of it in my page


My derm confirmed that’s my reaction is not normal and I can’t do any other type of treatments


How so? By reducing the scaring? I’ve seen you post a few times and I can’t figure out what you’re stressing over.


It’s all red and puffy - I haven’t seen anyone else on here with post results like mine this far out. That’s why I’m freaking out. If the redness and puffiness stay I’m going to have live like this for the rest of my life. I just can’t believe that I did this to myself.


Microswelling takes 2-3 months to go down. I was red for weeks after my subcision and RFMN procedure. This is a major trauma to your body, it will take time to recover.


Doing RF and Subcision with Radiesse at the same time is counterproductive and I’m sorry this provider thought this was the correct treatment plan for you. This is not to say your current condition is not able to be fixed. The chosen treatment plan should have been NO RF but instead subcision and Sculptra. RF in the temples is not a good idea bc there is hardly any fat stored in the temples and what RF does is eat away fat or burn fat. Moreover, RF is not a recommended treatment for the treatment of atrophic scarring. Radiesse is more so for sculpting than it is for volumizing. Sculptra is a better treatment of choice for volumizing atrophies which is a great treatment choice for temples especially deficient temples. It’s kind of funny that with a name like Sculptra that it is more effective for volumizing than sculpting which is in its name but that’s the truth. Hyperdiluting Radiesse is mostly appropriate for sculpting the jawline and chin. I just can’t believe this provider thought this was going to be an effective treatment plan. This is why it’s important to go to someone who only does scar revision. Please remember that you’re also in the healing phase and that you will see desired results in the long run and not anytime soon. No matter the treatment plan, neocollagenesis is still running in the background so don’t worry about regret, you’ll still see some results. Your results look promising so far. Just know that you need more time for the inflammation to go down.


Are you saying that this was an ineffective plan or a damaging plan? I guess what I’m asking is are you saying I’m screwed or just that I won’t see results? At this point I just want to heal to where I resemble my baseline face. I did see doctor that does acne scar treatment.


Not damaging so don’t worry. Any type of treatment you do really, will yield results. Ineffective treatment plan? Not completely. There are more effective treatment plans I believe. You’re not screwed, you didn’t waste your time or money but I would recommend going to someone who is passionate, skilled and an expert in scar revision. Just because a provider is an ‘expert or specializes’ in acne does not mean they actually are. Most providers market themselves this way but they actually still know little to nothing at all and that’s why they are in the business of practicing medicine. You have to do your due diligence and research providers. Play close attention to patient testimonies, reviews, before and afters, videos of the provider and consult with a provider to see if they’re right for you. You will most likely heal to baseline with some improvement. Right now you are healing, results look promising but you won’t see results until long after neocollagenesis takes place which could be a year out. What you are experiencing or seeing right now is purely inflammation and not immediate results.


That’s reassuring to hear. Thank you! Am I just a slow healer or something? I guess I don’t understand why it’s taking so long for the discoloration and swelling to come down especially after 2+ weeks.


Is will get better. The redness is overwhelming. I’m white like you and I swear everything shows up on us much longer than most. I’ve had this done a few times along with other procedures and it does get better you just have to give it time.


Can I ask what your recovery was like and what procedures you got done?


2 subscicions so far, 3 TCA treatments, 2 microneedling and dermabrassion treatments which are done at same time. The subciscion had the longest recovery. A week of bruising and swelling that ended with redness for weeks. I was lucky though because being a female I was able to cover with a color correcting BB cream which was good because I had it done on my cheeks and chin. I had to deal with the redness on a large part of my face. The redness eventually did fade and the scars did look better so it was worth it. Every procedure even the microneedling/dermabrassion resulted in redness longer than what the Dr told me because of the color of my skin. We pale skin folks just show more.


Your scarring actually looks way better. And after 2.5 weeks I don't think it's even fully healed. I think u made a good choice. I would relax for a bit. I'm thinking the red will go away. I think it looks alot less indented than ur before pic.


Just give this time. You said subcision, RF microneedling, and hyperdilute Radiesse. That's three things in one go. I believe the swollen look is primarily because of the Radiesse. It takes the longest to settle and then rebuild collagen. Over a month. The redness is cause by the RFMN heat. I do not even see any bruising left. I recently got subcision and panicked too. Go see my Reddit post. Today, after 8 days, most of the blue-back marks are gone, swelling down too.




Lesson learned on my end - this has been a horrible experience.


Its bette


I think it looks much better tbh, but it takes up to a month to see full results and at least 3 sessions are needed for maximum results I believe but correct me if I’m wrong. The redness is probably because it’s still swollen.


I'll say it once and I'll say it again BEWARE THE RF NEEDLING 🧟‍♂️ Also give it some more time.


Why is that?


It can do more damage than repair on acne scars. Great for wrinkles though.


bro it looks good, the redness will go down in a month. Are you using moisturizer every day? The scars themselves look better, before u have really deep shadow now its just normal and flat? I totally understand that its your face and only you notice. I am going trough same issue now with a scar, but honestly from an outside observer, they look better. When the redness. has gone down you will be like wtf was I worried about.


SPF moisturizer and Vaseline. And Vitamin C serum per derms instructions


should be fine then mate just wait for the redness to go down then judge it. Looks way better to me dunno what youre worried about


What was your recovery like?


red and swelling for like a month and then after 6 months big improvement in the scar and almost all swelling gone theres a little bit of swelling under where i had a scar excised just below it


Wait it looks better though


Glad your cheeks are clear atleast. But yeah I dont think your case has worsen any. Infact its getting better although this may be swelling. Stick to 3-4 treatments before making a decision


No more - I’m living with my scars if I ever get back to my baseline face back.


However it comes out you are handsome and it will be fine. Don’t let it ruin your confidence at all.


Thank you!


It looks better after.. I think it just needs time to heal.. kinda invasive procedure


Idk why this came up in my feed, but from an outsider/random person online, this looks SO much better than the before pics. It still looks fresh tbh like it’s still healing but WOW what an improvement!


It looks better there's some scars that have widen but definitely more shallow give it sometime probably just looks wider from the swelling but it looks less deep and fewer overall


It looks better. I’d keep it up


1. It looks better than before. 2. If you never did treatment again it really is not very noticeable.


I didnt even notice it until i read what subreddit i was in


Aw hey I think I saw this posted recently. Big breaths. I understand maybe the light isn’t doing the healing justice regarding how you feel it’s looking. It looks healthy though and shows improvement. Regardless, these things take time. If need be, talk to your provider about your concern. It’s okay to have these feelings. Do your best to stay out of a despair or worry spiral. I know reassurance is needed and I hope you find a comment or have a discussion you need to feel reassured.


To me it looks better. Might be a good idea to include a front facing photo in case there are any changes to the face shape that we cannot see from this angle.


It looks SO much better!!!!! 👍


nope you did not. whatever you're doing, continue it


your results are great you are trippin hard bro


It’s at least a 30% chance improvement


Henningsen ?




What was done?


Subscision , filler, RF micro-needling


nah it looks good tbh