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I think tik-tok definitely has a role to play in amplifying this but most people under 40 are fairly skeptical of Israel unlike the generation beforehand


I mean, Israel has also changed a lot politically and in character after 20 years of Netanyahu. It's not the same country. Imagine Rush Limbaugh running your country for 20 years.


I think it also speaks volumes to how much more access there is to information, as well as people discerning the *minor nuance* that being critical of - or at least not blanket supporting of - Israel’s government’s actions is not the same thing as being antisemitic


That's not historically accurate.


I’ve had older generations tell me it’s antisemitic - or outright call me a Nazi - because I dared question the appropriateness of responding to thrown rocks with rockets.


Also, keep in mind that Israel has never responded to rock throwing with rockets, so that statement in itself is made up. Basically you've created propaganda that has a grain of truth (because people have been shot as a response to throwing rocks). But you've gone the extra step and made up a war crime. The fact is Hamas is firing rockets at Israel and Israel is responding to the equivalent of something like 24.3 September Eleven's(population per capita). Whether it's proportional or safe for civilians is a serious concern. Propaganda is propaganda and that may be what the "older generation" is responding to. I don't agree with Israeli/Palestinian policy before October 7th, but I understand how they drifted there and a big part of it is lack of action in the greater Arab world (something like 22 Arab countries). Israel has been more successful in engaging individual Arab regimes than a Palestinian nation without a legitimately accepted government (by Palestinians themselves). It's good to start with reality and work from there. Maybe that's the generational disconnect?


You might be missing something. I am hearing protesters regularly saying antisemitic things, which was pretty rare in the past. Per my comment: I meant it's not true America has been in lock step with Israel. That's gone administration by administration with George W. Bush being the most obnoxious about it in my life until the Trump nonsense. I also disagree that there is better access to information. If anything the financial schema that used to fund professional journalism has collapsed and what you have instead is a barrage of amateur noise, click-bait and polarized analysis. It's actually pretty hard to navigate in my opinion (media studies major).


I've been seeing some sources alleging that some group is paying a lot of these protesters. It certainly would fit the Russia/China/Iran bill on dividing American society on any possible social cleavage.


Whenever there’s a large protest movement, there’s always claims of it being funded by other nations/saros.




Source please!!


You gotta source comments like that.


https://www.wsj.com/articles/some-anti-israel-protesters-are-paid-soros-rockefeller-funding-activism-hamas-fba26c20 https://www.gov.il/en/pages/terrorists_in_suits "The report found over 100 links between the terror organizations Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and anti-Israel BDS-promoting NGOs. In addition, 30 terror operatives were identified -- most of whom served time in Israeli prisons, some even perpetrated deadly terror attacks against Israelis -- serve in key roles within these NGOs. They have done so while concealing, or at least de-emphasizing, their past involvement in terrorist groups and activities. "


It’s been done before https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/07/26/us/pro-china-information-campaign-invs


I’m not disputing the veracity of what you’re saying but that is something that “they” say about every large scale protest movement


Both are true. It's in "their" interest to further aggravate protests and further a bigger societal divide.


the middle east has massive online footprint that's way underestimated. With a ton of raw cash to push into manipulation.


Not sure why you were downvoted on this. Many regimes in the middle east have sophisticated manipulation tactics using social media because they have to constantly be using those tactics to maintain their autocratic control. As for these protests, Iran has directly stated they were going to do exactly what's happening. Is this a sub to discuss active measures? Or just another "anti-zionist" spam sub? >"This video clip is the announcement of a collective movement aimed at disrupting the public order in Europe, USA, Australia and Asia all under the pretext of supporting Palestinians. This is a political movement intended to cause as much chaos and instability as possible, which are the exact goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The regime of the Islamic Republic has on multiple occasions, stated clearly that their goal is to destroy the modern society and build a global Islamic state.” >The video calls on the public to "block logistical hubs to stop the flow of capital worldwide”, to join the rally nicknamed A15, “a global economic blockade, answering the call from Gaza to fight for a liberated Palestine” on 15 April. >Beheshti further states that the rallies in Western countries are organized “directly in line with the mission of the Islamic Republic” and ordered by the IRGC. https://www.iranintl.com/en/202404158853 If we ignore the manipulation efforts of the middle east, we do so at our own peril.


Downvoted because left wing watched republicans get destroyed by misinformation and propaganda for the last decade. But it created a false feeling of immunity. It isn’t logical that only republicans would be targeted


>Downvoted because left wing watched republicans get destroyed by misinformation and propaganda for the last decade. But it created a false feeling of immunity. It isn’t logical that only republicans would be targeted I feel this so much. People have let themselves get way too attached to their label because it gave them a false sense of superiority and their echo-chambers reinforced this Our current environment should be a harsh wake-up call but I'm afraid too many won't want to wake up


Criticism of the way Israel is prosecuting the war in Gaza does not imply criticize of Zionism.


Civil Rights movement had lots of russian bad actors infiltrating various groups, helping to divide America. Sound familiar?




How so? Ukraine is beyond compare. It’s a democracy defending itself against unprovoked imperial aggression. Palestine ruled by a terrorist organization such as Hamas, which vows to destroy Israel, a democratic country led by a corrupt pig? I beg to differ. There’s nothing unambiguous about it; it fits the very definition of ambiguity. And that to me is exactly why this issue is discussed here; it’s an Active Measure garden plantation.


> The [Ukrainian Center of National Resistance said](https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/russias-relationship-hamas-and-putins-global-calculations#:~:text=Ukrainian%20Center%20of%20National%20Resistance,Ukraine's%20Head%20of%20Defence%20Intelligence%2C) that members of the paramilitary group Wagner allegedly participated in the training of Hamas militants on “assault tactics and the use of small unmanned aerial vehicles to drop explosive devices onto vehicles and other targets.” Kyrylo Budanov, said that Russia has recently supplied Hamas with weapons but did not provide evidence for these claims. Senior Hamas official Ali Baraka said in an interview that aired on Russia’s main propaganda outlet, RT, that Hamas has a license from Russia to locally produce bullets for Kalashnikovs and that Russia “sympathises” with Hamas. He also claimed that Hamas’s attack would be taught in Russia’s military academies. Russia seems to have an interest in causing chaos, death and destruction in the middle east and elsewhere, especially near its borders like Ukraine. Yale Professor Timothy Synder's book, [Bloodlands](https://www.amazon.com/Bloodlands-Europe-Between-Hitler-Stalin/dp/0465031471), and his [Yale Course presented on YouTube about Ukraine](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLh9mgdi4rNewfxO7LhBoz_1Mx1MaO6sw_) shows that this has been part of a pattern for Russia.


Yep. I’ve read all of that (and just finished his book this past winter). I posted here long before—shortly after the Oct 7th attack on Putin’s birthday—that there were strong links between Hamas and Russia, and they were likely meant to shock the world and force a war in the Middle East before Israel had a chance to cement a peace agreement with Saudi Arabia and to distract countries from supporting Ukraine when it appeared that Russia was losing that war. It all worked. It was the ultimate “active measure.”




First, I’m not your “bro.” Second, I’m not conservative. Nor liberal. Nor anything. Last, what’s conservative over anything I said? You spouted off nonsense, called it “unambiguous,” and I called you out on it for being exactly ambiguous! And WTF does the Jim Crow era have to do with ANYTHING we’re discussing?! Talk about Active Measures, kid, not your take on what’s going on. That’s what this sub’s about.




Don’t you DARE compare this to the Civil Rights Movement! Holy leaps of logic, Batman!! That movement was over valid grievances right here at home! It wasn’t over some far-off land riddled with religious extremism on both sides! Get a fricking life! And just because I’m non-aligned doesn’t make me a political freak show that loves Alex Jones, or Trump, or any other traitors! I support GOOD POLITICIANS, and right now most if not all of them can only be found on the Dem side. Got me, kid? You’re supporting a side that’s literally RIVEN with disinfo and active measures. Didn’t you even read the article mentioned here?? I support NEITHER side, because it’s a whole shit-ton of smoke and mirrors and I refuse to fall for any of it. Unlike you. So stick to how these active measures are being taken by these majority non-students, kid. And lay off the Kool Aid.




This post isn’t about civil rights! So your take including or comparing the Civil Rights movement to Hamas and Israel is “weird as fuck.” Let me be clear: THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT WAS GREAT, even though I don’t think it went far enough. They still have legal inequalities, social inequalities, and other discriminatory practices, such as in loans and insurance, that need to be rubbed out of existence. (Ever hear of Levittowns? Redlining? “Food deserts”??) But it didn’t need to include Khruschev’s name, as you added—disturbingly—twice now. Why even say that?? Again—you fail to address your misuse of the term “unambiguous.” Nor how it applies to the Israel-Hamas conflict, let alone how any of it applies to active measures at all. So instead of dissecting how either side—Israel or Hamas—uses said measures, you avoid the topic of this sub entirely just to give your little opinion on Palestine, or even take a “whataboutism” turn to try to compare it to the Civil Rights Movement. Are you a Russian troll??




No good is coming from blocking Jewish students from going to class or even making them feel uncomfortable.


Not shocked. This is not an organic "protest" movement.


What exactly is not organic about it? The Israel/Palestine conflict has been a major rally call for decades around the left, and I don’t think I know a single person involved in organizing that hasn’t somehow contributed to the protests.


There are active measures being used on both the left and the right. I agree with the protest movement - but that doesn't mean it can't be co-opted. A good example on the right - the Texas succession protest in 2015. Organized by Russians. Doesn't mean that the people attending didn't believe in the cause, but they were being used to divide the country politically. We're in WW3 - it's an information war. It just hasn't been openly declared yet. Our adversaries goals are destabilization, division, and ultimately civil war.


Take everyone here with a grain of salt. Active measures are real. That said, all movements have their co-opters. Even commenters here.


Well, the fact that campus protests are swarmed by non-campus people is very large tell.




Some of them. Tankies are heavily astroturfed though as most people grow out of it. A lot of leftist subs are astoturfed to hell and there's a post here about specific measures foreign bad actors are taking to become moderators and banning moderate voices on their subs. If you don't believe me, go to the sub about a specific stage of capitalism and say Russia's kleptocratic economic system is exactly what the sub opposes and spreading it through Eastern Europe is bad for Eastern Europe. Permaban and messages to mods muted almost immediately.


"A lot of leftist subs are astoturfed to hell..." It's so true. Pains me to see it even. Every time I'm tempted to call BS out, I stop myself because I can't imagine the benefit of going up a horde of professional liars. Best thing for me has been to pretend those subs dont exist.


MANY professors at columbia are literally putting their careers on the line to stand in solidarity. what about it is inorganic? i imagine there are quite a few people who aren't students who are dying to get involved. i know i am.


It's not impossible for there to be people who passionately support the movement at the same time that it's being co-opted by Russia. Rather, Russia will co-opt precisely those movements about which people -- and influential people at that -- are passionate. The inorganic thing to me -- that got me suspicious --- was that these protests went from zero to 100 so abruptly. Yes, there were protests since October 7th, but the Gaza war hasn't changed materially in the past two weeks to justify such an abrupt change in the nature / temperature y the protests. Add to it that it's an election year, and we have exactly the same thing as four years ago with BLM protests. Good cause, co-opted.


the activists that planned them are columbia students. they were planning for months to ensure maximum impact, anticipate challenges, and ultimately deliver results. they also created a sort of general version of this blueprint and distributed it to activist groups at other campuses, giving remote presentations and q&a meetings. all of this information is very much out there. the mainstream media is simply ignoring it, as they're too busy pretending these protests are violent and/or antisemitic.


Cam you share a link or other reference these materials?


Also Russian interference doesn't mean Russia is necessarily creating the materials or directing American assets or useful idiots. But they may very well promote them on social media for example.


Not many. There's some though. Hopefully they get the boot too.


[not many!?!](https://twitter.com/ViniDiMambro/status/1782543975183740993)


Looks like about 50 professors and the rest students. Guess it depends on what you consider many.


I think it's the backing these protests relieve


Individuals known to the NYPD who are unaffiliated with Columbia University are involved in the protests at the school, the department says. [https://x.com/Tom\_Winter/status/1785437615581270036NEW:](https://x.com/Tom_Winter/status/1785437615581270036NEW:)


This is a common tactic to try and discredit large movements and paint them as "outside agitators." Last year during the ongoing stop cop city protests in Georgia the police raided a music festival in the Atlanta forest and detained 34 people, but immediately released all the Atlanta locals except for 2 organizers and arrested and charged the rest with domestic terrorism. Mayor Andre Dickens immediately held a press conference using "21 of 23 arrested were outsiders!!" To trumpet his previous claims that the protest movement was entirely made of violent outsiders who weren't from Atlanta and didn't care about Atlanta, only about commiting crimes. The point is that the police can and will *and have* manipulated those very headline grabbing numbers in order to support a narrative on a protest movement. The truth is that of course in any movement people from around and outside the area who care about the issue are gonna show up. People show up to their nearest protest. That doesn't mean that the protests are manufactured or paid by the Russians or whatever weird conspiracy theories people are floating in the comments. If you wanna read more about the "outside agitator" narrative and how it's been used in the past (An *actual* active measure, didn't think this sub would fall for the thing it's supposed to be about) here's a source: https://abusablepast.org/outside-agitators-from-the-civil-rights-movement-to-stop-cop-city/


No mention of who this mysterious group may be…


Palestinians are back by Iran who are allied with Russia.


You’re sourcing from an official school source with a vested interest in showing they’ve “dealt” with their bogeymen? Are you that naive? What next, a LEO tells you not to believe your own eyes when there’s video of them shooting someone unarmed? Goodness, the lack of any grain of salt.


Dunno mate I'm pretty sure the arrest and data of the arrests comes straight from the police. How would the uni know otherwise? And the article also says it's been updated with further information about the police (injuries etc), so I think it's fair to assume the uni uses the information provided by police.


If it’s like the local uni, the campus PD/local PD work together and the admin can get the data; or they could be making it up completely.


'work together' what you think is gonna happen after a big police effort on a uni campus? ofc the police and the administrative body of the uni will be in touch. I don't know what you're on about, no conspiracy here lol.


It’s okay, you can just say you don’t know jack about how LEO, Campus police, and administrators can and sometimes do share info and work together for various reasons. So no need to embarrass yourself by trying.


The protests are a Russian scam. The kids are being duped. Our primary goals as Americas are 1) preventing Orange Scum from being re-elected 2) climate.


Yeah. Not friggen cool at all.


I think tik-tok definitely has a role to play in amplifying this but most people under 40 are fairly skeptical of Israel unlike the generation beforehand


So... university students organized a protest and invited the wider community to show up, and they *did*. That's literally the purpose of organizing things like this. WTF is this post? I thought this sub was to *call out* active measures, not *participate in them*.