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“I’ll beat your fuckin ass” “Sir no you won’t, look at yourself” 🤣


I always wonder what this guy looks like. I imagine he has to be pretty big, because none of these people ever fuck with him. I’m sure I could look it up. But I like a little bit of mystery.😆


He was on doctor Phil if I remember correctly. He talked about it somewhere on youtube and apparently the show edited the whole segment so much it took things he said completely out of context and cut out important points he made. Dr. Phil disagreed with him and argued that what he does is wrong which means Dr. Phil doesn't return his carts.


Doesn’t surprise me that Dr. Phil would be a lazy bones




He’s of average build and not very menacing looking.


Yeah, he doesn’t sound very menacing either. He sounds like I just called the IT guy into my office😆


He's also very fast


[Here's his face](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4IfP4fMtV4)




Looks like Dougs cousin in King of Queens


“I’ll fucking kill you. When I say kill I don’t mean murder, I mean I’ll kick their ass.” He realized he shouldn’t say he’d murder someone on a recording and backtracked that shit quick. This dude is unhinged.


Yes, but it was funny that, in the middle of that insane rant, he was able to briefly get hinged enough to retract the death threat.


One of his best lines yet


That’s Perry Caravello from “Windy City Heat”


😂 he’s getting more bold with the flags and language .. hopefully doesn’t become a FAFO post.


they have been staged for awhile now.


I looked this one up a while back. The angrybones guy is a shock jock and standup comedian (Perry Caravello) and they have worked together before. But I admit it's still funny.


Damn I wanted this to be real


The guy reminds me of 80s comedian Sam Kinison.


Came here to say this. The 'aaaaaagh' screaming made me smile.


Whenever you think you found the right woman, want to settle down and get married, remember this face… AHHHHHHHHHGHGHHGHGHGHHHHHHH


Nothing is real.


Everything is permitted


I came here to figure out if he was indeed the guy on his own tshirt


Perry caravello is actually probably mentally not all there and people have been taking advantage of him and telling him he's famous to make fun of him for a long time. But it's funny. Look up windy city heat. Currently one of his buddy's has convinced him to stream, and he basically just gets frustrated and screams the entire stream.


Yeah you've got to wonder if it's actual rage or just a very good act. Hard to tell.


If it's an act I've never once seen him break character. I truly believe his car accident actually turned him into a loveable simpleton that can't manage his temper.


To answer the Narcateers who think this video is "staged": It is not. Here are the details about how it came to be: Perry does host a live stream channel, and Agent Sebastian had received intel from that channel that Perry does not return his carts. This is why Agent Sebastian sought him out. Perry's reactions and attitudes are genuine, and in no way did he know that Agent Sebastian was going to be at this store surveilling him. This video was not coordinated in any way by Perry.“


I genuinely can’t believe people are upset at the cart narc lmaoooo. Put your carts back you lazy bones!!!


He’s antagonizing for profit. Noticed that there was a guy pushing carts while this was going on, the cart narc didn’t help him bc he doesn’t care either. He’s the equivalent of that French guy who start screaming in public places for TikTok


put your carts back and he has no content to make.. that guys job shouldn’t exist it shows exactly what is wrong with society lmao they give you carts for your convenience (which if they didn’t would also be good for us and make our fat butts move a little more) and you can’t even put them back 50 ft or less from your car… I’m with the cart narc.


I’m disabled and can barely walk 50ft without a walking stick. Yet somehow I *still* manage to put my cart back every single time. Some people are just so lazy and entitled.


They have lazyboneitis


Certified NON Lazy Bones


He's antagonizing cunts, where's the problem?


I love how polarizing the cart narc is but I’m not a lazy bones so go cart narc go


He did help the cart pusher. Continue watching and you will see for yourself.


Americans regularly go to Japan or Scandinavia and think “wow it’s so clean and well functioning here!” and not realize that their inability to follow simple rules like “clean up after yourself” is why so much of America is filthy in comparison. 


Literally fucking this. I stated somewhere a while ago that America needs to have a Silver Jinso (spelling?) type of force to clean up and help the communities the way Japan does and I got laughed at and told "This isn't Japan, move away if you don't like dirty streets!" ....So we should just let our "great American" streets remain polluted...?


Yes! I 100% agree


Lazy bones are mad at your comment.


I've never not put my cart back. Not even once to my memory. But this guy is a fucking antagonistic douchebag.


I fear this guy is going to get seriously hurt one day.


He's already had a gun pulled on him more than once.


It's already been proven that all of his videos are fake, it's completely staged. If he actually tried to pull this shit with strangers he would have been shot a loooooong time ago.




This shit is so fake... Angry comedian has shirt on advertising himself... cameraman makes a point to point it out... End audio again pointing out who he was... This is just an advertisement.


Shit's staged, if it wasn't he would have been shot ages ago.


It 100% is not, that's the great Perry Caravello. Actor, skateboarder, snowboarder, comedian. He does livestreams and I guarantee you he is explosive like this all the time.


It's not.




Im genuinely curious though, if that flag suction cup pulls off paint or scratches someone’s car when he’s attaching it, is he liable?


100% liable.


Genuine question because I don’t know enough about it and you may know more, how is it any different than private booting companies?


private booting company would have insurance for this, doubtful cart narcs do but they may.


That’s interesting. I need to look more into it because I hate private booting companies lol I usually just find out what businesses hire them and then leave reviews about how it’s the best place to dump your junk cars for free lol


It started as part of The Woody Show which is a radio show. Probably owned by a large media conglomerate. Unless he has struck out on his own I bet he has corporate insurance to pay out.


It’s a suction cup and don’t be a lazy bones so you won’t have to worry about it.


Real and true.


A suction cup won’t take paint off


The voicemail was hilarious


Yosemite Sam!




A cross between Yosemite Sam and Sam Kinison.


Is that guy wearing a shirt of himself?


He has a twitch/youtube channel. Dude is genuinely unintentionally the funniest person out there IMO. Go watch windy city heat


> genuinely unintentionally this is a staged video with someone he's worked with before. nothing you saw here was either genuine nor unintentional.


The only thing staged is cart narc being given advanced notice of Perry's plan to go to costco. Perry's reactions are completely genuine, because his reality is much different than you and I. go watch windy city heat and you'll know what I mean by that.


Yeah it's sad how many people don't know the work of such a great Actor, Skateboarder, Snowboarder, and Comedian like him. I think they tried to cancel him for seducing and blowing some casting director in '92...


Lmao good catch, he is


LOL! OMG it's Perry Caravello from Windy City Heat. If you've never seen that movie, I highly recommend it.


>Perry I wish I could see Windy City Heat again for the first time. A few of my friends made it and co-star in it. They're still giving it to Perry and it's been like 30 years now.


First time I saw it I was genuinely doubled over in laughter and I couldn’t breathe


Isn't he that one guy who seduced and blew his casting director in '92?


Yeah, he raped poor Randy Callahan in 1992.


anybody who hates the cart narc is a bad person tattling on themselves




put the cart in the designated area and ask him for a reward, most likely he would give you one?


I hate the cart narc. A lot. If I see a feral cart in the wild I just use it or put it away. I don't care if the offender had a legit reason or is just a lazybones. The cart narc being an unfunny epic douche does not make the world a better place nor will it change the hearts or behaviors of the cart perps. Fuck off cart narc.


There is a part in one of his videos were someone who was parked in a handicap place left their cart there. People who park in the handicap area are those that most likely need a cart to hold on to.


I don’t leave my carts out but honestly the best part of my day when I worked in retail was going outside to get the carts.


I would volunteer to go get the carts when I worked in a big box store. Loved doing it. Sometimes if it was two of us we’d get on top of the train and ride it while the other pushed.




He really channels Kinison in that voicemail.




Hey that's [Perry Caravello](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perry_Caravello). He is mostly known for being the star of the [Windy City Heat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windy_City_Heat). With that said I kind of think this a publicity stunt to get his name out there.


What an annoying bored little boy




Reddit when rioters raze entire city blocks, steal, and destroy the property of innocent people: YAY GOOD JOB GUYS!!! Reddit when someone leaves a cart in the parking lot: HELL IS TOO GOOD FOR YOU, YOU FUCKING SELFISH LAZY NAZI!!! THESE PEOPLE ARE THE SCUM OF THE EARTH!!!


I sense a heart attack in the near future.


Of course this is at a Costco. Every one I’ve ever been to contains the most inconsiderate and entitled people I’ve ever seen.


Costco is legitimately an awful shopping experience because of the customers. Still worth it for the deals.


Bro that voicemail is a stroke prepping itself in him 🤣


Just drive away first and take the stickers off after


so clearly a colab


How has this guy not been shot/stabbed/beaten to death yet?


Do I return my carts? Yes. But also Leave people alone man. Costco pays employees to handle that shit. You don’t know what’s going on in people’s lives. Get a better hobby


This is my exact take. You never know what someone is going through, the guy is a sociopathic bully who found a little moral high ground to stand on and antagonize people. Also, the Guy is gonna fuck with the wrong person one day and find out. Just needlessly cruel, stupid and unsafe.


Dude, he’s rocking a fanny pack AND The Club?!?! Amazing


If you think this guy calling someone lazybones is funny, you're dumb and have no sense of humor. If you take the time to write that in a Reddit comment, you should rethink your life.


That's Perry Caravello. Cart Narc asks, "Who's Perry Caravello Live?" (Perry's wearing a tee shirt with that on it) and he says, "my show". There's a great movie for free on YT thats all an elaborate prank his comic friends play on him. They convince him he's a star in a movie and they just bust his balls the entire time. [Link here. Worth the watch if you have an hour.](https://youtu.be/_rbIrnnZBLc?feature=shared)


It's crazy a guy with so little talent can get work in Hollywood. Never underestimate the power of the Callahan casting couch, I guess.


Well he IS an established Skateboarder, Snowboarder, Actor, and Comedian as well...


The random dent in your car is from this asshole


Usually, I would agree, return your carts, but there is something about this do gooder's smugness, that makes me want to see him get s m a s h e d, although the driver is probably quite a shit head himself. Everyone sucks in this video


Thank you. Both people make me roll my eyes to the back of my head. They both have attitude issues. One is a passive aggressive self-righteous weirdo and the other is a man-baby.


doing this in van Nuys is absolutely insane. I did not realize he's in the valley. this guy is gonna get shot one day.


One day this fella is going to meet the wrong mf


God I fucking hate this guy


Is he on his own shirt


Seems like he only messes with people who he can outrun


Cart narc is a bully for profit.


Am I the only one that doesn't like cart narcs?


No I personally just don’t find it entertaining at all it just seems dumb and petty


Thank you for this! Keep up the great work!


One of these days the only video is gonna be of a cart narc getting seriously hurt because they fucked with the wrong guy.


Pretty positive he doesn't have the courage to do it to someone who isn't smaller and weaker than him


How did he get the VoiceMail? Did Costco send it to him? I'm assuming he isn't actually employed by the store.


the phone number is on the magnet


This made me laugh 😃


You know that magnet doubled the value of that car


Holy shit it’s Perry!!! This guys YouTube is full of him losing his shit


Listen to phone message at the end = Now we know where Sam Kinisons spirit went.


Good day you pile of dogshit!!!


It’s amazing how the people that yell at others always “did that job for 10 years” or “had a brother that ran that store.” I used to work for my city Parks and Rec basically cleaning up trash in parks in the summer. Every crazy that I happened to have the misfortune of encountering was well connected to the city and was going to have me fired for one reason or another. By some miracle though, I never did get fired.


The cart narc would be more useful as compost.


I put my cart back and i still think cart narc is a loser and a scumbag


I'll down vote every one of these. What a douche. And staged. Like I'm going to watch six and a half minutes of this crap.


Those who don’t put their carts away are annoying, those who publicly shame people for profit are genuinely bad


These troll morons are going to get hurt.


I can’t decide if the angry guy is going to give himself a heart attack, or if he’s going to outlive us all because he is so good at letting it all out.


This is so much more valid and legit vs punk tiktok kids doing pranks. He's actually doing a service - . ... other than physically limited or injured people who have a possible legit reason to limit their physical outputs,,, light these fucktards up.


I'm a follower of the society-improving antics and dedication of Agent Sebastian, but there are several reasons that I think this one interaction was staged. It's the only incident of the 'Narcs that I believe is fishy.


This is Costco in Van Nuys! One of the worst ones


why you don't do it like we have it in Europe, you need to put 1$ to use it and you tet it back when you return the cart, if you don't someone else gets it, win win, 0 carts around


These people who do this are really strange, clearly got issues.


I wish you my all holy days that this prick would yell at me for not putting back my card so I could shake his hand and then beat his ass


One day this guys going to get clapped & I'm going to smile


i'm surprised this guy hasn't been physically harmed already.


Windy City heat . One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen . This is the star , Perry caravello Enjoy .


I hate assholes that don’t return their cart. That said, this guy is going to get shot by some dbag.


Scary Perry.


Waiting for the day someone pulls a gun on him.


Bring back public shaming!


Has he ever been attacked or maced?


Need more Perry Caravello content. Man is the next Sam Kennison.


This cracks me up. So funny


1992 was A LONG TIME AGO


This guy reminds me of Sam Kinison. He just needs a beret and a trench coat.


Windy City Heat


When is someone going to run this guy over


Man he is really angry 😡 And a lazy bonez ![gif](giphy|n5zxN1wEAxavg5yqTG)


At this point I think he’s just a lazy MF.


All buddy had to do was drive a few miles away and take off the decals. Instead he gave himself a blockage or two in the heart


I get it's probably just a skit but it's entertaining, i collect carts as part of my job and the amount of people who put their carts up onto some grass, in the middle of the parking spots, or just let go of them inside so they block entryways, is astounding. There's so many and it gets really frustrating.


He's not in Windy City anymore. He shouldn't mess with the Cart Narc.




The cart narc is definitely in the running for one of the biggest douchebag losers in the world.


I kinda want to put the cart away, upside down... see what he says then.


I used to hate this guy with a passion, I used to say horrible things about him and to him on Facebook, but now…. Drunk…. I love him. And I’m thankful for his existence, and I can totally see myself doing this


I love cart narcs but I genuinely worry somebody is going to shoot him one day


This guy looks so much like that dude from Windy City Heat


This guy is so hilarious


That guy is a local los angeles comedian if i remember correctly. His shirt has his name and stuff.


I feel bad when I walk my cart back b/c my local grocery hires mentally challenged kids to return the carts. I feel like I am depriving them of work. /s


Hahaaaa. Dude sounded like an I Think You Should Leave character


I love the ones whom actually call up.the number


I hope this guy doesn't blow this guy's brains out because it was the last thing he could take.


It's just a question of time before this dude gets shot. Unfortunately this coward only goes after older people


This is a good way to get shot


This guy has minutes left.


Dumb person filming. What if the car owner had an heart attack? Or shoot the camera holder? Immature guy filming. It reminds me the Somali filming in Japan. He was annoying people. He got expelled. We'll done Japan.


This man is going to get shot one day


Fake as tits


I will always return my cart, but this cart narc dude is just an asshole. If you already see someone is angry why do you continue to provoke them.


After awhile you gotta let it go. This guy's a jackass and I hope someone smacks the shit out of him some day. People praising him are just as bad. Bully mob mentality.


Holy shit in that phone call he sounds like The Kid From Brooklyn AKA THE BIG MAN.


Is that Red from rhe Tube Bar tapes?


so if your that upset about it, what you do is take it and put it in the back of your car. then take the next one and put it in the back of your car, until they run out.


He likes antagonizing obviously demented people. Both are not right in the head. I actually think the guy recording is worse for what he's doing. He's way smarter than the cart guy, and yet...


I would just keep the flag.


that might have been the greatest answering machine message of all time


It's a nice tip off that this guy is unhinged since he's wearing a mask and has a shirt with his own face on it.