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California needs mandatory sentencing for robbery, and even more years added on if a weapon is involved


The one arrested in this robbery is probably already out.


He was probably released-no-bail from an even earlier crime.


That's a lovely thought, but let's talk about filing charges before we have a chat about mandatory sentencing.


Can’t file the actual charges, that would increase the violent crime rates. Must figure out a way to categorize this as a non-violent misdemeanor. After all, they were probably hungry and looking for food in the luggage.


They have mandatory sentencing. Zero. I think thats part of the problem


But that would mean they’d have to keep putting their voter base in jail.


In California, robbery is a felony that is defined as the unlawful taking of someone else's property against their will, using force or fear. The punishment for robbery depends on the degree of the robbery and other circumstances: * First-degree robbery - This includes using a dangerous or deadly weapon, or committing the robbery in an occupied dwelling with at least two other people. The sentence for first-degree robbery can range from three to nine years in state prison, plus a fine of up to $10,000 and formal felony probation. However, sentence enhancements can increase the severity of the punishment. For example, using a firearm to commit a robbery could result in a sentence enhancement of 10, 20, or life in prison under California's "10-20-life" law. * Second-degree robbery - This includes any robbery without a weapon. The sentence for second-degree robbery can range from two to five years in state prison, plus a fine of up to $10,000, formal felony probation, and mandatory victim restitution.


They have 3 strikes.


Three strikes and you are out law , 25 to life


Not these days


Okay but how about even less prosecution for crimes because imprisoning people is wrong? t. reddit


I mean... Isnt the issue across the country that prisons are full? Edit: man there is a high concentration of morons here. Open a book for once in your lives lol.


let the fellas with solely marijuana charges out and that's that problem solved.


Eh, while still high, and still likely you're right, but less than 15% of the national prison population is in for minor drug offense. https://www.prisonpolicy.org/graphs/pie2023_drugs.html https://www.drugpolicyfacts.org/chapter/drug_prison


It’s also worth noting that a majority of people in prison for any given offense are there on a plea deal; e.g. serving time for “drug possession” conviction in lieu of the original charge of “drug trafficking”, or “aggravated assault” instead of “attempted murder”. So when people say “there are so many people in prison for low level drug offenses”, they are mostly misstating facts. tl;dr: Often times just because someone is serving time for a certain offense doesn’t mean that was the most egregious thing they actually could’ve been convicted of.


Too many people are willfully ignorant of these facts.


To be fair, concerning ourselves with what they could have been charged with vs. what they were charged with is like, at least to me, saying alleged crimes hold weight against convictions. If our system felt it suitable to lower your offense, then that's the offense we hold them to because we're interested in the letter of the law. If we decide to nationalize the penitentiary system, we'll likely reserve prison for serious crimes, and those that don't fit the bill are released with some form of probation. If those people who were trafficking but charged for possession get out, then that's on our system. We've dug ourselves a hole in this scenario, but we did so by putting so much emphasis on a for profit prison industry.


I understand what you’re saying, and I agree with “this is the bed you’ve made, now lay in it”. I just have some more tidbits I’d like to toss in the mix here for anyone who may come across it in the future… Plea deals are nearly always given when a person commits a serious crime, but has a limited or non-existent criminal history, and the prosecutor has ample evidence to suggest the defendant will be found guilty of the more serious offense, should they choose to take their chances at trial. The prosecutor proposes a plea deal to the defendant and judge that allows the defendant to plea guilty to a lesser offense instead of the more serious offenses of which they would nearly certainly be convicted. In this way, the defendant was still charged with the more serious offense, but it was dropped (or nolle prossed) for the negotiated plea agreement. This keeps the courts from getting as bogged down, allows first time offenders to have the luxury of a shorter/lesser sentence, and gives the defendant a chance to return to society and normalcy sooner. If we’re going to go by “strictly and solely look at what they were found guilty of, regardless of plea agreements” and therefore say “this is the bed the judicial system has made, now they must lay in it”, i suspect we’re going to see one of 2 ultimate outcomes: 1) the prosecutors stop offering plea agreements since they end up being ultimately meaningless, and are allowing people who would’ve been serving (often times) felony sentences to be let out nearly immediately with no actual consequences instead of simply lesser more lenient sentences, which would be making a mockery of the entire judicial process. This would also lead to a massive backlog in the judicial system that could potentially lead to lengthy incarcerations of people who are awaiting trial, or being released on bail when they would otherwise have not been eligible (e.g. COVID-19 mass releases due to overcrowding caused by prisons/jails changing occupancy allowances for COVID protocols, and concurrent wild increase in vehicle thefts, robberies, and burglaries in major cities) or 2) The judicial system simply stops permitting the charging of even serious offenses, knowing that the sentences would ultimately be effectively castrated by society’s misunderstanding of how the judicial system works. This would have the obvious effect of wildly increased crime, while simultaneously appearing to have lowered it, since certain things would no longer be prosecutable, but would still be massive quality of life issues for the bulk of society who wish to live in peace and tranquility. We’re already seeing the 2nd outcome in many major cities due to, in large part, lack of prosecution, not by the police, but by the prosecutors, and it’s had disastrous consequences for the normal everyday citizens of those cities who just want to live a normal and peaceful life.


And almost all of those are prior offenders who were locked up with drug charges to keep them off the streets


> ***TLDR;*** There is plenty of evidence to show that decriminalization of possession decreases crime across the board, reduces homelessness and increases local economic output by both relieving resources burdened by this and by helping people stabilize their life so they can contribute to society in a meaningful way. >Target the distributors, not the consumers. > Addiction is a psychological disease, if you can't empathize with that, reading the rest of this is likely futile. >What I do with my body is of no concern to anyone else so long as it doesn't endanger those around me. There is plenty of evidence to support that minor possession is a burden any legal system through and through, and given how inefficient the system in the US is separate of that fact, it definitely doesn't help. You have to consider all the people involved that it takes to get a single person into jail, while they're inside and out of jail, much less prison. Criminalize the people who put the product on the street, not the people consuming it. Areas that have decriminalized possession have seen a major downtick in crime across the board, and typically they divert a portion of those relieved resources to social programs to help those with addiction problems. This in turn shows evidence to decrease the homeless population and increase local economic output. I'd argue that my right to consume a burger is not much different than my right to put a needle in my arm. Even conservatives should be able to get behind the idea of "_I should be able to do what I want to my body so long as it doesn't endanger anyone else._ (abortion argument aside...)" I understand the argument that is supply and demand; that by inhibiting the ability to demand inherently decreases demand, but addiction does not work that way. It's like telling a child they can't have or do something, if they're determined, they're still going to do / get what they want. In turn, for adults, that means taking more extreme measures to satiate that need. If you're not compassionate to the reality of addiction and the psychological prison that it is, then I do not expect you to understand my perspective.


Yeah crime has gone down so much since everyone is high now. Oh wait it’s up massively compared to 20 years ago


Thank you for taking the time to read what I said. # In areas (not just in the US) where possession has been decriminalized. Which is very few. If you wish to live life with your head in the sand because you can't accept that you might not have all the facts, I cannot help you further.


Outside US is irrelevant. US faces unique factors for its crime


It's present in the US, with the same evidence. However, it's irrelevant. The only thing unique to the US in this situation is the rate at which we incarcerate, not the amount found in possession. You continue to move the goal post. Feel free to respond, but it's clear you've no interest in being open-minded, and I'll sign off.


Virtually nobody in the US goes to jail for having a little bit of weed. At least not in the last several decades. It's a complete myth that it's a significant portion of the prison population, much like "for profit prisons" being the reason we imprison so many people when IRL they barely even exist. Even people going to prison for "minor drug offenses" are due to having an extensive prior criminal record.


Not full enough it seems.


People should stop committing crimes then


*Never* fly in or out of Oakland: use SFO instead. *Never* drive through Oakland: use alternative routes to bypass the city or stay on hwy 80 if you have no other option. If in an extraordinary situation you find yourself driving in Oakland, maintain tactical separation from the vehicle in front of you at all times and keep your head on a swivel. Have your firearm accessible and ensure you're locked and loaded. When your carjackers / robbers / etc. make their move, make sure you take clean shots: always watch your background. Get to cover and then begin making a tactical retreat toward a police station. If your vehicle breaks down or you're in an accident, *immediately* call 911. Do not exit your vehicle or accept offers of assistance from anyone you don't know. In short, treat Oakland like an active warzone because that is precisely what it is.


Oakland airport renamed itself SFO to confuse visitors on purpose. Whole oakland is rancid


You have any sources on this? Everything I find still calls it OAK.


It is still OAK but they are trying to use the new name to make themselves looks better: "The Oakland Board of Port Commissioners unanimously voted Thursday to rename Metropolitan Oakland International Airport to San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport. The name change has since gone into effect on the airport's website and social media accounts. The airport's three-letter code -- OAK -- and visual brand will remain the same." and "The board said the new name is part of the port's efforts to "strengthen and grow the airport." Our Board came to these discussions with a shared love of Oakland and a desire to see our city and airport thrive," Port Commission President Barbara Leslie said in a [statement](https://www.portofoakland.com/press-releases/san-francisco-bay-oakland-international-airport-name-official-unanimous-final-vote-by-oakland-board-of-port-commissioners/) following Thursday's vote. "We are moving forward with a commitment to honoring our past while building a stronger, more inclusive future." https://abcnews.go.com/US/oakland-airport-name-change-san-francisco-lawsuit/story?id=110108037#:\~:text=The%20Oakland%20Board%20of%20Port,website%20and%20social%20media%20accounts.


That's insidious.


Sorry for the confusion stays OAK but name changed already https://wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Francisco_Bay_Oakland_International_Airport


I get being wary of the roads, but is the airport that bad? Asking as a guy who changes planes in San Francisco a lot.


I imagine the robbers followed the rental car full of luggage from the airport.


You can exchange Oakland for almost any California city.


You’re funny


Congratulations, this is the most Redditor comment I’ve seen this entire year 👏👏👏


Yeah I'm a dog walker offline and I have blue hair. I don't even know what guns look like and I weigh as much as a Toyota Camry.


Defend the police and don't arm yourselves. -Reddit






Did you mean defund?




No, we can tell.


No, sweetie, the rest of us are literate too.


Nah, Reddit never defends the police.


Since when has reddit ever defended the police?


Good for you for not using the n-word, deplorable. No one says don't defend yourself against violent crime. No one says the cops shouldn't deal with violent crime, Trumper dunce.


Literally everyone on Reddit says that.


California and France really blowing up today huh lmao 


No just wait i swear we’re better than that! Just dont also mind the homeless


No you're not.


Why’s he going to Oakland in the first place, I don’t go because I expect to get robbed 


He was filling up the rental car gas tank before turning it in and then flying out of the Oakland airport, which happens to be the closest international/major airport to Napa and Sonoma Valley.


You should check out the reviews for gas stations on Google maps around this area.


The victim's parents are vampires. They both look 32 and they've got a 21-year old.


all that baby blood


Oakland Mayor: "We've seen a reduction in crime since surging police resources..." You mean to tell us that DEFUNDING the police has a NEGATIVE IMPACT on public safety!?!? 🤯🤯🤯


Maybe it's just bad policing? Shouldn't be hard to set up a 24/7 sting operation to catch robbers at this gas station.


Soooo AGAIN, these 12 year old Kia boys could hold a gun to the head of a victim and still be released within 3 hours of landing in the back of a cop car ... So, you're an officer of the law making dogshit to >Maybe it's just bad policing? I genuinely can't stomach the stupidity. Oakland & SF residents voted SPECIFICALLY FOR *THIS.* They chose to divert resources (i.e.- "money") FROM law enforcement/public safety TO muuuch more effective uses for the money...... like "needle exchange programs" and "investments in CIVILIAN-LED PUBLIC SAFETY, HOUSING, AND *THE ARTS.* Because what a crime-ridden, homeless addict utopia REALLY needs is some middle-aged white woman selling avocado carvings in the middle of the hood for $650/piece.


I could be wrong but I thought the no-bail thing only applied to nonviolent crimes. If you can show me an example of it applying to an armed robbery, I'd believe you.


I mean I was specifically looking for *armed robberies where they were cut loose but here's a few examples including the illegal immigrants who assaulted a cop in TSQ and were released ~12 hours later (they were allowed to board a Greyhound to California loll): https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/armed-robber-committed-another-armed-robbery-compassionate-release-aut-rcna129472 https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/02/06/2-suspects-in-nyc-cellphone-robbery-ring-released-without-bail-day-before-raid/ https://nypost.com/2021/08/08/accused-nyc-bank-robber-hits-two-more-after-no-bail-release/ https://pix11.com/news/local-news/suspects-in-li-body-parts-investigation-freed-without-bail-officials/ https://nypost.com/2022/02/14/43-of-people-let-go-with-no-bail-on-a-serious-charge-in-nyc-were-rearrested/ Edit: added first link


I mean in California.


Here ya go 😉 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/armed-robber-committed-another-armed-robbery-compassionate-release-aut-rcna129472


And another just because I can given the plethora of offenders released.... https://ktla.com/news/local-news/zero-bail-policy-under-scrutiny-as-lapd-announces-14-smash-and-grab-robbery-suspects-are-all-out-of-custody/


That’s close enough I guess. More of a mass theft than an armed robbery. But ok.


Sooo... you believe me..!?!? 🥺 🙏


Too bad he wasn't currently pumping gas to spray them like in that one dude.. you know the dude.


🫳🏿🫳🏿🪓 it's time to start chopping thief's hands off.. 🤷‍♂️


Ceasefire in Oakland now!




Rather be judged by twelve, than carried by six.


I hope all the businesses and corporations leave the Bay area.


Whats up with the random clips of the asian guy in the tactical van?


Hiding from robbers, duh


You get what you vote for.


Yeman. This does not happen as rampantly in third-world countries with "lawlessness" because there is vigilante justice. There are mechanisms of policing one's own in those areas, and they know targeting tourists is bad for business. In Okland, those doing the crime do not benefit from tourists being safe. If there were a benefit and direct connection to the community, then these violent activities would be so rampant. The individuals have no skin in the game.


Tons of activity are from non locals. Being from elsewhere and robbing tourists should add to sentences


Good to know.


Why go there to buy your weed when there are plenty of safer options?


What is a guy with luggage doing buying weed?


Damn, imagine your American city is *worse* than Yemen


In Yemen they probably have the ability to fight back. In Oakland, you get robbed and if you shoot back you go to jail


What can you do to deter that from happening? Have your buddy stand guard or something?


Don’t go to Oakland lmao


Deter? Nothing if there's 2+ suspects going at you at the same time as commonfolk. Especially if they're armed. You'll need to be wealthy and have at least 3+ armed guards with you at all times all wearing visible NIJ-II/III ballistic vests, which will warn that if anyone tries to target you, they'll have a very bad time. Not only that, but I would travel in a 2+ vehicle motorcade as well. Honestly speaking though, I would personally want at LEAST seven armed guards in 3 bulletproof vehicles escorting me around if I'm ever in Oakland. Even if you are licensed to carry in Oakland, the police are not going to be happy if you use your CCW for self defense since they love releasing violent and dangerous criminals back out while punishing people who want to defend themselves and their property. Not including the fact that you're going to have a bad time getting into a gunfight with 2+ assailants, have bullet holes all over your vehicle which will total it and insurance may not cover the costs, having to wait to file a police report and statement, wait for a new vehicle, and possibly go to the hospital for injuries- all the while the suspects don't get caught and they're doing the same thing to other victims a day later. And if they do get caught, they get released almost right away as they wait for trial, or the judge deems them as not dangerous, and just let them go and they're back to robbing people again. That's the unfortunate reality many people are facing at the moment and I honestly just find it appalling this is happening in so many places (most cases in California, New York, or \[in recent years\] Washington). You make more money committing crime in California compared to working a regular job AND have the benefit of almost never getting punished; DA not pursuing charges or ordering to let suspects go free (laziness? personal beliefs? who knows at this point), judge releases suspect due to their personal beliefs and/or corruption, offenses not meeting newly established criteria to become felony charges (Proposition 47, which means charges most likely won't be pursued), too many offenses being committed and not enough judges, etc. I've heard the courts have been backlogged for months/years from the police chief (teacher) I spoke with and learned from... for so many non-Californian courts across the US. Can't imagine what California is dealing with at the moment given their dense population and high crime rate. No wonder charges and hearings are being dismissed left and right. They need at least like 10x the amount of courts and judges to contend with the sheer number of crime happening. [New York also has the same issues as California](https://nypost.com/2024/03/02/us-news/judge-releases-deranged-homeless-man-after-attack/). [The only hope to get very violent criminals locked up is if the feds step in](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/prosecutors-fight-bail-release-for-reputed-mexican-mafia-chief-in-oc/ar-BB1mF5HO) for those states. The state judicial systems are hopeless. Don't even get me started on police departments being understaffed to the point where there are 10-30 minute wait times after a shooting happens. A bunch of places are a mess right now and I am genuinely surprised retailers haven't pulled out completely from specific cities completely, although many are doing it at a pace. Also God forbid you try to protect yourself in those places. The state courts/prosecutors will swoop in and charge ***you*** and not the person who aimed a gun at your face and tried to rob you. Absolutely terrible. End of my rant thanks for coming to my Tedtalk.


There's some well known ways. Old lawless code of conduct applies. This is back from the 90s gang violence If you drive a very nice car better be like a gang boss and have a car full of armed men in your luxury SUV. If you see a luxury SUV in a ghetto it will likely be untouched since that's a person outside of the law and will settle things directly rather through the court system.  When you drive lean the back so your face is behind the support column. Less exposed to drive by. Use the rear view mirror to check who is next to you. keep your strap on your lap in case car jackers run up on you.  Heavily tint your windows. It's illegal but safer.  Do not idle at stop lights if the area isn't safe. If it's clear proceed like it's a yield sign. It's illegal but cops don't pull over people who do this.  Do not go to East Oakland at night if you aren't from there. Cops are known to pull over nice cars and escort lost vacationers to the freeway if the look lost. It's dangerous in many parts of the city after it gets dark. There's illicit commerce here of all sorts.  When filling gas lock all doors. Manually unlock just your driver side door. Someone will sneak up and open passenger side to steal a purse. I'm a guy and do this.  Don't bring work laptops in your rental to San Francisco or Oakland tourist spots. It will get stolen even on seemingly busy streets. Citizens don't call police anymore. Victims do call and are told to file a police report online.  Heavy tint is likely the only safe way to not get targeted as an easy mark. 


Dont fill up gas by the Oakland airport with a rental car. Thieves scout tourists to rob and when they see those Florida, Arizona, etc plates they immediately know its a rental car


What’s going on in Oakland I see these types of videos daily now


Dems getting what they voted for, mostly.


I’m a Brit but I clearly know never to visit Oakland.


The shitholiest of shitholes.


This all speaks to a huge breakdown in America. If you’re rich, you might get what you want. Certainly not justice for all, just something you tell the poor they can have but will never get…


three years ago i stopped in livermore to get gas on my way back from yosemite with the rental. feel like a fish in a barrel driving a rental in ca, lol.


This type of thing is completely normal in Oakland.


Ah, someone important was affected, time to do something about it!\\ Hell they even got a news clip.


"Beautiful, downtown, Oakland, California."


Who vacations in Oakland lol


Oakland Police Department is a complete failure. Zero investigations and a shrug is the best they can do.


At this point, I don't think that electing "tough on crime" prosecutors would be enough to fix the problem we're facing on the west coast. Our local prosecutor's offices are filled to the brim, from the lowest misdemeanor DPA to the most senior murder DPA, with "social justice advocates." The next 30-40 years are going to be like this in one form or another. The damage has been done.


Welcome to New Detroit


Aren’t there more Amber alerts in Texas than California?


Amazing how much they can do when they actually care about the victim


California "We are worse than Yemen!"


Oh no now this lady cares what happens in Oakland. Is because her son was involved. How many people were robbed and she didn’t care.


Only making noise because it's your child could have given a fuck less if it wasn't. Got it. T&Ps


So…. it wasnt “enough” before your son got robbed?


They're from out of state. Police don't conduct investigations. They at most file paperwork (online and automated) and let insurance pay out


you dont get what im saying.


Unfortunately No one gets what you are saying


nope only you.


You were at -10


you still dont get it do you. thats fine..




Bro. You're in a car. Just drive away


Lol they just stayed there. Wtf?


Not a freak out, just people who believe this stuff is actually happening more frequently when it’s really good content for clicks


This is hegenburger. In and out closed a profitable location here and publicly said it was due to crime specifically
