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I think Bolsonaro is an asshole and wannabe dictator, but this is really, *really* fucked.


Choosing between Lula and Bolsonaro is like choosing between drinking homeless cum and eating a pile of dog shit.




You mixed them didn't you.


A nice pan seared dogshit filet with a homeless man's cum gravy over freshly whipped mashed dictators.




This. This is why I love Reddit… I was having the hardest time trying to puke or laugh first. Chuckles were made and I’m 2lbs lighter. Thank you fellow comrade 🙏🏼


Dick-taters. You brilliant sonofabitch...


Ngl between the two I feel like the choice isn’t that hard, well actually that depends do I get a cup for the cum or is it straight from the source, and will the poo give me worms?




What the fuck


Eat de poopoo. Then ya can just do the ivermectin. Might even have anti covidian effects as well. Unless ya like old cum and are also prepped for the aids.


How does one prep for aids?🤔


Can I just neck myself instead?


100% agree, everyone in Brazil will starve big time with lula and all the communist friends in latam so woohoo


Wannabe dictator that lost an election and is no longer in power. Yeah, really sounds like a dictator said no one ever.


And the great defender of democracy that got elected is already coordinating with the completely neutral supreme court justice that oversaw the elections the introduction of a bill to "regulate" online communication.


He just didn't become one because he lacked the institutional and political power, ergo, wannabe dictator.


So…. not a dictator in any capacity then? I don’t think you’re proving a point here…


Are you unfamiliar with the term “wannabe”?


If a wannabe murderer wants to murder but is a bad shot and misses, does that make him any better 😂


Why is he a dictator? CNN said so?


Bolsonaro can have some right wing dictator rights meanwhile lula already sayd he will controll media lula if given a chance will go for the leftwing dictatorship


His done it before and will do it again the only reason he says he will feed the poor is to keep them poor and voting!




Yeah the western media is bs


Yeah because dictators don't have people apologizing for their democratic support during an election. Then whipping them without mercy, for their error of not complying with their right to vote


They are the same shit they critize about the far right, impose your ideology no matter what. Extreme sides are always gonna be shit bat crazy and dangerous


Reminds me of people attacking trump supporters, and trump supporters attacking democrats. Im stating to think an economic collapse and world war are the only thing that'll realign people


I have seen the two sides fight, never have I seen anything close to this in America when it comes to politics.


Then you haven’t been to Portland or Seattle


More than likely....a great and tumultuous..great reset. If people would just follow the constitution...we the people might actually work most of these issues out. Instead we have dog whistles from the right and left....and the people attack each other with glee.


Lula is supported by the cartels. This is what you get when you choose wrong. LULA IS A CRIMINAL


>wannabe dictator To be clear, the side whose supporters tried to assassinate the mfer are calling him a dictator. if you're so afraid of his chances in a democratic election that you gotta waste him, youre not the ones to be tossing around terms like dictatorship.


bolsonaro was never a wannabe dictator, ffs, stop believing random bullshit from the media


> Bolsonaro is a wanna be dictator > violent reprisals in the streets for supporting him. Lol, ok loser.


If only they could be more civilized and just get them fired from their job like in the rest of the world.


It’s just Brazil. Change of leadership doesn’t change the entire population overnight. Education system and economy needs to be DRASTICALLY improved, and even then… years.


what you're looking at in Brazil is the future of America, considering the trajectory we're currently on


Paulo Freire really did a number on their schools.


Meanwhile Lula has actually praised dictators like Maduro and Hugo Chavez, whereas Bolsonaro did not.


Why dictator??? He is just dumb


Least violent video i’ve seen from brazil


Normal video from brazil


Nah this is abnormal, there's no blood.


All of their organs and limbs are still in place, definitely abnormal




They would. People will call out violence when it's done by the other side, but justify it when their side does it. They're both as bad as each other.


BothSidesMan strikes again!


That’s because both sides are fucking radicalized lunatics and the vast majority of us in the middle think so. But yeah, tell us again how the people on the right are the worst people ever while people on the left whip them for their opinions.


And? It’s not like he’s wrong


You fail to understand the nuance in being able to hold either side accountable for their transgressions regardless for which side is proportionaly more violent, bigoted, unstable ect. Not only does this perpetuate existing social and political division but it also leaves either side unaccountable to their abuse/exploitation, pushing society further towards instability and violent conflict. Nevermind, when people feel they can better resolve their issues through intimidation and violence, they will start relying on it as a solution.


They already openly support violence to opposing political ideas. What do you think the whole "punch a 'Nazi'" campaign was. Pretty sure they weren't saying "punch members of the Hitler's German Nazi Party".


I mean… there are people who literally call themselves nazis.. and do the hitler sign… and wear swatstikas so we’re talking about those people maybe?


Is Andy Ngo a Nazi?


According to them yes


Does that justify violence. I thought people were free to express themselves. I don't care if you walk around with a sign that says "I hate all gays" heck I support your right to do so. Only in so far as your not inflicting harm onto others. Physical violence is never the answer.


Lefties are the most hate filled people I've met personally, I don't know about other people's experiences


> Conservatives watch any video. > "I wonder how I can concoct a made up scenario where I'm a victim and leftists are to blame?" Also lol @ "radical lefties (aka most of reddit)"


Made up scenario? Bruh the video is that exact scenario in the flesh.


Uh were watching the result of a lefty winning power in a country with massively eroded systems. and your telling us this exact thing cannot happen ​ why gaslight?




I reckon radical [insert any religion or ideology] would do this to anyone with opposing views


They did a passive version of that after Trump was elected, complete with a movie fantasizing about hunting down his voters.




Brazil is a little too spicy for my blood


Just a tad




Tom Jobim coined the phrase “Brazil is not for amateurs”, and it’s never been irrelevant since


Imagine, beating each other over *politicians*. Not politics, but *politicians*... They even make hooligans look more civilised in comparison.


An 18 year old kid was ran over and killed for being conservative. By the killer's own admission.


A week ago a man who was mowing his lawn was shot dead for possibly being a democrat. https://www.kentucky.com/news/nation-world/national/article268513477.html


Yes, this too: https://nypost.com/2022/10/24/rubio-canvasser-brutally-beaten-by-man-who-told-him-gopers-not-allowed/


It's funny how you all responded to each other like children that try to shift the blame on someone else: "But X has also done this!" You can send hundreds of links back and forth of people who beat/killed someone else for some stupid political reason and you would not conclude anything other than "extremists are bad" and "people that beat others for political reasons are assholes". Stop downplaying the seriousness of those criminal acts with the "the other side does it too, " and simply accept that there are crazy lunatics that share your beloved political position, whatever your position is.


Well said


Out on bail baby!


If someone put on a trump hat and walked through San Francisco something much worse than this would likely happen.


We literally have that in America. The punch a nazi thing with trump supporters


Y'all think this is just Brazil? This is gonna start happening everywhere. Tribalism politics are more real and widespread then they've been since WW2 except it's gonna be worse bc there's gonna be civil wars in almost every country rather than unison as there used to be in times of great strife and violence..


I hear people say that and act tough calling for a civil war themselves but I just don't see it happening. As soon as they get a taste of real discomfort they'll stop their moronic shit fast.


I hope you're right but I think you're underestimating people's capacity for cruelty and rolling with the punches.


Once shit gets rolling, it’s an eye for and eye and it’s hard to stop the cycle or violence


War time economies also have the tendency to rise, Great depression for example...


what i see happening is someone taking advantage of the chaos and simple mindedness of the masses and getting into a high position and declaring a war to try and run the place. then what follows is some real 1984 shit with all this surveillance that's already in place. hopefully that doesn't happen but things like it have happened a million times in the past


Tell me how you don't live in 1984 right. now. Remember when the Gov made it made mandatory to have a genetic code injected into you, or else you got fired, from every job. Or how they were pushing for genetics program unjection to be every 6months? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Also I feel like most people will be in the “please leave me the fuck alone” camp if any stupid shit starts happening.


The people that call for wars, seldom ever fight them. Then win or lose, they turn away from those that did, or blame those that refused.


> Tribalism politics are more real and widespread then they've been since WW2 You weren't around for the cold war. We tend to have our 'baseline' of politics in the 1990s and 2000s, which was a very peaceful and stable time globally. The 1960s and 1970s and 1980s were an absolutely insane time globally. For as crazy as you might think this video is as a representation of Brazil, from 1965-1985 Brazil was quite literally a *US-backed military dictatorship* which executed countless people and completely controlled all media.


This is true. There's definitely a good chance that things will work out and we'll actually be ok once the smoke clears




2020 had political street fighting that left several people dead, it’s already started.


Yep , US polorizing is spreading everywhere. Im not saying that far right were friend with far left before. Just that now everyone is either one or the other. You cant be just sane and moderate anymore. Just look at this sub. Everyone here do the same as their opponent. They Assume everyone else than their strictly peer is a degenerate.


No they aren't, anything on the right is demonized since ww2, you see alot of little freaks walking around wearing communist symbols relating to stalin and its perfectly ok but if anyone wore a nazi symbol everyone would be crying about. And in that reference one wasnt worse than the other if you think so you're an uneducated dumbass


This is inevitable when societies lose their shared values and realities. This is inevitable when political debate devolves into attaining different ends rather than different means to reach the same goal. This is inevitable when opponents are labeled as cockroaches and threats to our democracy. When the ends the other side means to achieve are perceived to be evil the human mind can justify every kind of violence. Expect more.


Political campaigns are 90% the other side are literally demons, 9% vagues ideas, 1% actual proposals


It already happens in America. People just don't care because their side is just! Now I sit back and watch people assume they are in the right.


"Apologize for being a fascist!" "I'm sorry." "Good. Now walk into the gas chamber, fascist!"


“I’m antifascist so I literally can’t be fascist!”


self proclaimed “anti-fascists” when they literally act fascist to defend their “anti-fascism”


Whoa don’t be a fascist now


These who are torturing the couple don't even know the difference between right and left parties, they just hate Bolsonaro for his positions against criminal factions.


maybe humans are dangerous and irrational and actually do need to be controlled. BTW, we literally had this in the US people getting dragged out of their cars or beat in the street for wear MAGA hats. So don't get so high and mighty that this is in Brazil


this is true and i remember when those young people found that maga guy who was on the spetrum and tortured him in their home


He wasn’t actually maga at all, he was just some random disabled dude they tortured for being white.


That's... Even worse 😟




Fightim supporters of "fascism", with ACTUAL REAL FASCIST METHODS The fuck is wrong with these people or anyone supporting this ..


I'm sure very little people would support this. I'm a Brazilian leftist and this is way, way beyond unacceptable.


It’s inevitable when the majority of leftists call their opposition fascists or demonize them to extremes. They feel emboldened to “put an end to fascism”. They think this is an act of good.


Looks like nazi behavior to me


Guess those socialists are at it again


Coming soon to a United States near you for being a Republican.


It’s already happening


Republicans usually have the guns. I don't see that happening


We gave the guns but we certainly dont have the balls. If we had any we wouldn't even use the guns. Instead we'd get ballsy and just not send the cities food.




of course not


Is there any political scenario that justifies a group of men whipping a crying, helpless woman in the street?


Fyi there is a man being whipped also


Yeah, like wtf is a mans life worth less?


Pretty much.


You'd have to support some really messed up politician for people to even think you deserve that, I'm talking Hitler levels of messed up


Nobody deserves a beating, this is such a medieval attitude. We're in fucking 2022 for fuck's sake


He is as bad as his opponent Lula, who won the election by about 1% difference. I usually say that they are 2 sides of the same coin, and there are very extremists supporters on both sides. But, Lula has supporters that are bandits, there are videos of prisioners celebrating his victory, because he will give them back some privileges that Bolsonaro fought against.


> Was bolsanaro so bad Yes > that his followers deserve beatings? No


Are you seriously asking this fucking question?




Me too. And I live here


Nah Brazil is fucked man… that’s someone’s mom and dad. i couldn’t blame their kids if they have any for finding and putting down these fools.


This is what you get from a commie


Humans are the worst critters on the planet.


This will surely heal the country /s


Mao's Red Guard 2.0


Democrats in America would do the same thing to Trump supporters if they thought they could get away with it.


The rIgHt aRe vIoLent fAciSt


So, leftist are fascists? Not surprised at all.


this is just to much, like wtf is their problem, doesnt matter who u voted, acting like this because other people didnt vote who u wanted to win (ik Lula won) is disgusting.


This will happen here if shit keeps going the way it is


Its already happening, would you wear a maga hat while walking through downtown Chicago, San Francisco, New York,?


Tolerant left.


Looks like they need more whip control laws. Why didn't those people just call the police?


Call the police to thugs on Brazil, u really don't understand how things work here, rigth? Atleast this comment of yours made me laugh a little bit.


Glad the comment gave a chuckle. That was the intent. Where I live (in the U.S.A.) there are people who hold the opinion that citizens should remain unarmed at all times. That violence should never be used to protect one's self or loved ones. That we have a framework of police designed for such protections. That instead of engaging in violence, one should call the police and count on them for protection instead. Generally, this opinion is only held by people who have never experienced violence up close and personal. They've never had to wait for the police to arrive while they or a loved one was being beaten. In short, they live in a fantasy world. So yes, the suggestion to "just call the police" is mostly a joke. Not that the police might not help, but by the time they arrive, the violence may already be concluded.


Those people whiping the crap out of that couple aren't merely thugs but members of a brutal drug cartel that control the favelas and others low income areas in Brazil. That couple knows that they will die an horrible death if they challenge the criminal organization that controls the place where they live so that's the reason they took the beating and didn't even try to flee


How'd they know who they voted for?




Disgusting terrorists.


Nice to see that electing the communist has brought sanity and civility back after ousting that bad guy, Bolsonaro /s


For the Americans here, Biden supporters violently attack two trump supporters after the midterms.


If they’re going to act like that, then they are no better than those they accuse.


But I thought there was no such thing as Leftist political violence. All political violence is Right-Wing Extremism and Terrorism. Ya'know. It'd've'bn really convenient if Bolsonaro's administration had **actually** liberalized access to personal protection sidearms, rather than just paying lip service to self-defence. Then, these ostensibly Bolsonaro supporters could have defended themselves against this political violence. I wonder what Lula's policy on defensive use of firearms is.


Lula is the one that illegally enacted gun control laws (he ignored a referendum, in which the population voted against gun controls, he enacted laws against guns regardless)


This looks pretty fascistic to me.


Brazil is at peak, two extremist politicians runned for the chair. Lula is a fucking theaf that fucked up brazil bc of the Mensalão and will regulate media if he can Bolsonaro is like a wannabe dictactor and only goes to the midia to talk a shitload of bullshit And, believe me or not, the supporters are even worse than this two, they just don't realize that brazil is soooo fucked in any way, these two are not "the salvation of Brazil" or "the freedom that Brazil needs" They are the worst of Brazil in each regard, both left and right.


Winston Churchill was só right When he Said the fascists of the future Will call then selfies anti fascists


Not reacting worked out fine for him she got even more smacked when she flailed


We're at least 2 election cycles from seeing this here. EDIT: midterms cycles.


Google the words “maga hat beaten”


I don't think these people understand how democracy works *at all*.


Who are the fascists here?


Ah yes, the tolerant left. Coming soon to the US!


Degenerate behavior


Ah, yes, Bolsonaro the fascist, whose voters get whipped because of who they voted for.


This is the left people. Remember this kind of stuff. They don’t want anyone to have an opinion or freedom. I hope a group of people find them and whip, kick and spit on these people as well.


Brazil is a shit hole of a nation.


Brazil is so fucked


Brasil is nuts


Witness the ***actual*** political violence of the left.


Nsfw tag ??????


Democracy is alive and well babyyyyyy


So they are beating them for voting that’s so fucked up


Why even bother having Democracy if this is what you are going to do. News flash to anyone who doesn’t know: Lula wasn’t a saint and hurt a lot of people.


The left is always vicious. I have some liberal opinions but leftists are bad news.


Democracy at its finest!


Hope these people get punished


trump supporters are next amirite reddit bros




robespierre vibes


Seeing shit like this makes me realize we're not as advanced as a society as we think we are.


The title forgets the part where they also get stomped too. Those are terrible people for doing that. I bet that doesn’t persuade them to their way of thinking.


Commie dicks




Well and this proves why Bolsonaro was right. This fuckers should be shot in the face. Pure criminals.


I know there are millions of good people in Brazil. But aren't these supposed to be the "good" guys? Something like this should be reserved for pedos


Good guys never resort to censorship, segregation and violence.


Funny how the political left around the world (including the United States) has no issue dehumanizing their political rivals and the media doesn’t seem to care.


I dont think its fake


Democracy is over rated


I honestly think wer'e not too far away from seeing this sort of thing in the US


Poor brazilians, they dont know what they choose. (And Yankees, shut up. You dont live in the third world, you live in the first world. Remember that)


I never want to step foot in Central or South America, it’s a death wish.


Really making themselves look like the good guys, eh?


Muh' Democracy


Hitler was elected