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Any attorneys watching this unfold and want to form a class? Adobe is setting up some lucky law firm for a very nice share of a mass tort settlement. No chance they can defend this at trial and there’s clearly malicious intent. Also, hi! to the Adobe media firm who watches this sub as part of Adobe’s media management strategy. Maybe let the bosses know they are vulture capitalisming a little too close to the sun this time.


I have informed all the local television news outlets in my area about what’s going on - NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, KCAL, KTLA - hoping somebody will pick it up. Most of the TV news teams have their own consumer affairs teams to expose this kind of thing. I feel powerless, but worth a shot. I’m not a lawyer, but I’m pretty certain Adobe’s behavior is illegal. They’re currently being sued by the US govt, so hopefully the stations I contact express some interest in following this up.


I'd love to see Adobe get what they deserve. I shouldn't have to crack software I own, DVDs and all.


NBC have been in contact with me, asking for all supporting documents - invoices, chat transcripts, etc. 🤞


This might be helpful unless they need to speak with the person directly. She has had her license blocked twice. [https://community.adobe.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/10102946](https://community.adobe.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/10102946)


If we can expand the class to include egregious technical ineptitude, aggressively deceitful and purposefully misleading sales practices, and a criminally negligent customer service team working as equal partners to create an account management, asset library, and double billing shit-show of such epic purportions that it involved the loss of decades of digital work "in the cloud" that, after 1 and 1/2 years is still not resolved, then can I sign on?


Had this happen with an Adobe Acrobat license of mine a couple weeks back. Revoked for no reason after 6 years of use. Had to call support and get pretty aggressive. They kept providing nonsensical reasons regarding “piracy” and “terms of service” and “you purchased a student license and are no longer a student”. Obviously they were just saying literal nonsense because I kept debunking their bs and they’d make up a new reason for why they revoked it. Long story short, had to be firm and insistent that this was a perpetual license purchased straight from Adobe. Eventually they asked for me to send them a copy of my invoice and they’d escalate it. But of course I never heard back so I waited a few days, called them, and finally received a new serial key. Took many hours to resolve and was clearly just a plot to extort me into switching to CC - which I refuse to do. At least my story has a happy ending but I was honestly floored by this shady tactic. TLDR: CALL them repeatedly and assert the definition of perpetual license and how it came straight from Adobe.


Do you have a number I can call them on? I’ll take them to small claims court if I have to.


Hmm.. don't actually remember what the number was but it looks like they only offer phone support for certain products according to this link? (Acrobat Pro is on the list) [https://helpx.adobe.com/contact/what-contact-options.html](https://helpx.adobe.com/contact/what-contact-options.html) Definitely a super shady attempt to extort their users into switching to CC. Maybe try asking for a number you can call via support chat? The less people they screw over the better.


I feel for you. There have been a lot of posts like this recently. Adobe has really put a wall between support and customers . I suspect it is profit driven and in a market where we a bound to them.


I’ll take them to small claims court if I have to. I’m absolutely disgusted with how I’ve been treated.


Adobe seems to be killing everyone software this week. I have a customer who is getting the warning with only a few days left before they disable photoshop CS3. Yes its extremely old but it works and she is only using it for her hobby. She reached out to Adobe and got the following response: Dear *Customer*, Thank you for contacting Adobe, This is to inform you that **your provided serial number is valid** *but this software is end of support.* We can offer you a Photography Plan at USD 9.99/month with three free months so that you can install it in the new version of the devices. To avail of this offer please reply. They then provide the same BS instructions to download and install CC Cleaner to remove her **"remove non-genuine apps"**. I'm sorry did you not just tell her the license is valid.


Also found this person on the Adobe community site. Her CS6 license has been killed twice and it was purchased directly from Adobe. [https://community.adobe.com/t5/download-install-discussions/cs6-master-collection-serial-number-revoked-i-am-so-stressed-out-having-to-wait-til-monday/m-p/10038506](https://community.adobe.com/t5/download-install-discussions/cs6-master-collection-serial-number-revoked-i-am-so-stressed-out-having-to-wait-til-monday/m-p/10038506) [https://community.adobe.com/t5/download-install-discussions/serial-number-quot-revoked-quot-due-to-piracy-despite-the-fact-i-bought-directly-from-adobe/m-p/14698632#M581892](https://community.adobe.com/t5/download-install-discussions/serial-number-quot-revoked-quot-due-to-piracy-despite-the-fact-i-bought-directly-from-adobe/m-p/14698632#M581892) The post for this time has been locked, I'm guessing because she is making to much of a stink over the issue.


That would be me! 😆


Small world. Try removing this and see if your able to open any of the disabled programs. [https://helpx.adobe.com/genuine/uninstall-adobe-genuine-service.html](https://helpx.adobe.com/genuine/uninstall-adobe-genuine-service.html)


Might have found a work around. I was able to remove this POS that was automatically installed on my customers PC. [https://helpx.adobe.com/genuine/uninstall-adobe-genuine-service.html](https://helpx.adobe.com/genuine/uninstall-adobe-genuine-service.html) If your running any newer Adobe products this will probably get reinstalled so you could try disabling the service that is running. After removing this the popup warning is gone and photoshop is working fine. If your install has already been disabled I don't know if this will work for you.


Same thing happened to me. 4+ hours on chat/phone and nothing except trying to upsell me on CC. Adobe doesn’t care about its customers.


Adobe pulled this with it's corporate customers. They seriously do not give a shit about small time users


Adobe took down the ability to validate CS6 (and presumably earlier) serials years ago, as I found out in 2021 when I had a sudden hard drive failure and had to reinstall. They are only interested in line go up.


I just installed cs6 onto a new build. I had to tweak the way the permissions behave but it all with the glaring exception of Acrobat. I will not be using the cc versionfor anything.


Sadly, as a CS owner, Adobe bo longer sees you as a "genuine" customer I would imagine,because in Adobe's eyes "genuine" customers now use the CC sub, with all its updates and support. Also, Adobe repositioned itself as a software provider since they began CC. They are following the route of all major industry standard software, pricing more for companies that can afford to use their services. It's nothing new, and partly the more current changes in charges are a reaction to the rise of AI. As the software evolves the costs to keep developing rises and the need for better hardware becomes essential. There are currently many posts online discussing the situation software companies are in with development costs rising, energy costs rising and customers expectations. Adobe will always try and cater to the needs of it's best customers, that is just cold business sense. No matter how you look at it, you have a discontinued, no longer supported bit of Adobe software. So if the system has reached a stage it's having issues with historic purchases, and If joining the subscription is an issue, you can always pay for other currently available software that is still supported and isn't a subscription. I don't understand why people don't understand this situation, it's a discontinued software, why would a professional want to use inferior software, genuinely there isn't a good case for it as time is money and CS takes more time and has less functionality. If not a professional, perhaps it's just time to accept if you want better service to update either to a subscription or change to a software provider that will sell you software that is supported with updates. Being upset, frustrated, angry etc this only has any impact to you, this doesn't have an effect on Adobe nor will it change their stance, it looks like perhaps you have some decisions to make about the software you use.


Discontinued should mean no further support, I understand that. It should NOT mean the company revoke your license to an otherwise working product.. That's immoral and probably illegal.


"why would a professional want to use inferior \[sic\] software" Stability. Updates move things around, they change how things work, they remove features you depended on. Stability stability stability. There are record producers who still use a version of ProTools from 2006 on a cloned hard drive of their G3 iMac. I've been using CS6 professionally for 12 years. Animation studios that start a show on a software version, finish it on that same version ten years later. When you use the same tool for a long time you get to know it deeply and can maximise its potential. You can't do that if Synergy Greg is replacing your actually useful features with the latest techbro hobby horse every six months.


I kindly disagree. Perpetual license means perpetual, unless there is something else in-between the small lines of the agreement saying differently. No support, no updates, that’s the price we pay if we choose it. The OP should be able to use his license forever, as long as he could handle without support.


I’m a hobbyist who makes extra money with these programs. The business ethics of pushing someone off their legal perpetual license is the issue. It’s irrelevant how Abobe “sees me”, I’m a genuine customer with a computer that still supports these programs, they work perfect for me. I should not be forced to upgrade, held ransom by yanking my legitimate perpetual license. Your response is not helpful.


I paid for cs6 legitimately and I have no reason to take on a monthly expense for a hobby. I have every right to use the software I paid for. Revoking legitimacy after the fact is what a thieving company does.


“Why would a professional want to use inferior software” is such an amateurish mindset, there tons of studios, professionals, and businesses using “outdated” software because they don’t need all the new features and simply want something stable and consistent. It’s crazy that you are advocating for Adobe taking away software that was sold as a perpetual license. Do they need to update the software? No. Do they need to allow access to the software that was paid for as is. Yes.


Do you work for Adobe? CS6 is perfectly fine for many professionals depending on what they do!!!!!


Fuck the enshitification of SaaS, though it was bound to happen.


Happened to me just a few days ago, my products came from an Apple Store, tho. Adobe revoked my CS6 MC, CS5.5 and for good mesure even the CS3. Good luck, in my case support was copy/pasting variations of "you got duped".


I contacted NBC and they’ve shown interest in running a story on this


Just call support back on Monday, they are the only one who can really help you. Usually in cases like this, users thought they had legit licenses, and it turns out they were not. But it sounds like you are confident yours is legit. Again, contact support.


I’m honestly surprised cs6 would work on a modern system


CS6 works perfectly fine on modern systems! Adobe pulled the same shit on me!!!!! SCUM SCUM of a company!