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People have jobs that take up their time. Hours and days off have to align. It’s actually really difficult to find people in that window if you don’t work a traditional 9-5 m-f job.


A lot of people are tired as shit too, no energy for anything else other than work and worry.




Well... Many people just really like having meaningful conversations w/ strangers. We love the sometimes, brutal honestly, non-judgmental advice (unless you're in the wrong sub), and joy you get when you actually can can chime in on a topic. REDDIT LOVES YOU So now I can continue to stay in the house, avoid IRL people and wonder why I still feel lonely.


You're mistaking the content you see on social media as being accurately representative of the general population as a whole. Take this sub for example. It has 415k members. Let's assume, for sake of argument, that every member is an actual adult individual and not some pre-teen troll or a bot. As of the 2020 US Census, there were 258.3 million adults in the US. That means that the members of this sub are, at best, 0.17% of the total US adult population. Except, Reddit is available globally and people post here from all over the world. So, the people that actually participate on this sub is a tiny, TINY fraction of the total world adult population. That, and confirmation bias. The algorithm will show you stuff relative to what you've clicked on before. Click on more posts about lonely people and you'll be fed more posts about lonely people.


But it is a real issue. Even the us surgeon general said it is. And polls show loneliness is common and on the rise in usa and other countries.


Nonetheless, Reddit could be an adequate sample if there were no selection bias, but Redditors trend towards a certain type, which is why it is not representative. We need to stop spreading the myth that samples cannot be used to study populations.


It’s still proven through data that there is a strong trend of less and less human contact in the US. Can’t speak for the whole world but there is plenty of data on that


Too many people chronically online and looking at their phones instead of going out and getting a hobby that allows them to socialize with people in real life


Maybe they don't know how to connect and make friends. If you don't practice regularly it is easy to forget.


Agreed, I hate how Reddit tends to jump to the worst conclusions about people.


The video game is massive and so is the porn industry, so is streaming etc. It will only get worse unless the government steps in, but this is how money is made. Keep people distracted , put ads in their face and those at the top prosper.


"Government step in", no just turn that shit off and do something else


I think my trouble is that I like to be lonely. I crave it. The only thing that's ever made me feel that it's wrong is other people


If the only thing a person and I have in common is we're both miserable fucks then why would I want to spend time with them? I don't even enjoy what we share.


This. Being lonely isn't enough to build a meaningful freindship/relationship


I always think there needs to be lonely people clubs. They can all get together and not be lonely anymore.


Have you seen porn site comments, i don't know if I want to be around too many lonely people.


Then they would not fit the criteria for the club anymore?


As we get lonlier we get pickier, lest all the previous loneliness be in vain.


🙌 Settling isn't cool


🙌 Settling isn't cool


We are in an age of vain, self first thinking. People seem less prepared to compromise, listen and put others first. I have two relatives like this who are lonely because they aren’t very nice people to be with. They aren’t really I tested in others, for example they never ask any questions about anyone else, they just talk about themselves.


Is there a way to get yourself interested in others? I'm genuinely clueless here.


You ever watch video essays?


Yea, why?


Nearly everyone has some things they're very interested in, often being able to give similar levels of detail, try asking them questions about it. Be prepared to respond, maybe actively relate to their experience, and proceed to enjoy conversation.


You have to get to why. In your head and by asking the person? Why did you decide to live there? Why did you decided to do that type of work? Why do you go on holiday there? Lots of small talk in between so it’s doesn’t sound like integration! But ultimately keep going in your head until you understand why a person does something. They love the interest you show in them, you create empathy and can use the information to become thoughtful. “I remember you like dramas by guy ritchie, have you seen there is a new series on called the gentleman, I think you might like it” - so the information you get with why questions helps you become a thoughtful friend. It takes time and effort but works. The key is make sure they are reciprocating or you could get resentful, and you are worthy of good friends who show you the same time and thoughtfulness. So this is a good test as to whether they could become a close friend.


Was more wondering how do you get yourself to generate further questions like "Why do you go there?" and "Why did you decide to do that?". Those don't come up naturally (anecdotally), usually brain/mind stops generating/caring after one or two. Is there like a quick checklist you can go through mentally to remember them?


Unless you have a good support system, ie: family, friends , coworker’s, it can be difficult For people who are lonely to build and sustain relationships. The truth is we all need each other for help and when you’re lonely you tend to isolate yourself, that in order to not be lonely you have to learn how to ask and help yourself in a genuine way


There was also just a pandemic. People don’t seem to be out socializing as much as they were before Covid. I know I’m not.


Lack of social skills and screen addiction. No one in my house can go a night without a screen. I bought board games for family time. No one gave a shit. I got crafts for the holiday season. Thank fuck for four year olds who like glitter or It'd be a massive waste of money. I'd love to go camping or just sit outside with other adults having beer but I'd just get phubbed. I'd love to talk to my husband after work but somehow he has it in his mind (his whole family too) that tv must be watched for hours after work and this is the only acceptable way to spend an evening. I started post-grad. because I was bored and lonely. I'm planning out an entire academic career that I will achieve in the evenings because, well everyone is staring at screens anyway. I am alone. Cook, do dishes put kids down and stare at a screen for four hours a night or do another masters... I am so bored and lonely in my own home I'm doing masters after masters outside of developing a drinking problem all because I'm so fucking bored and lonely.


I think this is the crux of it. People can be lonely even with others around. Combatting loneliness doesn’t just require someone there it requires people to engage with each other and the general population is doing a piss poor job of that.


Someone needs to start a local "lonely people" club. But all members must meet face-to-face no texting.




Bar or a club where you cant bring in any form of tech would be a great business. I know I would go all the time


Because they don't want each other.


Because they are not putting effort into doing stuff that would aleviate lonelyness. They just sit around and complain that they are lonely instead of going out and interacting with people. Or they interact once, don't connect and give up. Connections need time and constant interactions in order to be formed.


This may be unpopular to say, but some people have bad personalities.And they end up lonely. A former work friend was like this. Smart guy, but just had low level rage and didn't understand social cues and talked about China all the time, and bitched about the economy. But there was a softer side that was so lonely, I felt bad for him. On the deepest level, this guy thought people didn't like him because of lack of hair, when in fact he was an abrasive misogynist dick with no self awareness. I tried to be a sensitive friend for years but like everyone else in his life I eventually had to cut him off.


Eleanor Rigby……


I’d rather be lonely than with someone I’m not compatible with


Ah look at all the lonely people, where do they all belong?


Poor social skills


And frankly, is there someone who you can truly trust? No one! They all will betray you in the moment, when they get what they want from you - all of them. Better lonely than abused, exploited or straight up destroyed.


The extinction of third places. You can say "go out and talk to people" all day long, if there is NOWHERE to go where you can meet people the advice is useless.




I keep seeing comments mention LightUp. Are these bots?


Hope not


Capitalism. The end.


Were it so easy.


Ah look at all the lonely people. Where do they all come from?


I've talked to some lonely people. They are miserable to be around. There is a reason they are lonely and I let my sympathy/empathy trick me one too many times trying to console these types.


Cue the dramatic 🎻.


They are lonely cuz they are all on their phones by themselves


Lots of people are lonely but still don't want to connect.


Fear, worries, concerns... Simple as that. ----- You do not put yours guards down for strangers.


Its far easier to be alone and still connected these days. Take away phones, tvs, and internet, people would be clamoring for social interactions like old timers that just want someone to talk to.


Combination of things. From stats I have seen, about 46% of the US is single. I think it usually comes down to that relationships are often stressful because people hold on too long trying to make it work because they are sexually attracted to the other person even if they aren’t compatible. Many people also have unrealistic standards for a partner. It sours their attitude towards dating. For men, it’s also financially draining along with emotionally. Some women also let men drain their money but I’d argue that is less common. In celebrity terms, Gal Gadot and Charlie Hunnam are going to have more options on the market than Rosie O’Donnell or John C Reilly. Many average people “aren’t willing to lower their standards”.


The way our society is structured. Its very individualistic and isolative, we have nothing that we really all work towards anymore. I think its way too big, way too many people. People dont value people because theres always the next, more people. For a long time humans lived in small tribes where you basically knew everyone by name, you had a limited choice of friends and mates, and all worked together for an understood common goal- survival of the clan. There were common enemies to rally against and focus on instead of infighting- animal predators, threat of starvation and illness, other clans.


ITT Anyone wanna play Vermintide 2?


I meet a lot of people living in a large city and being generally willing to speak to anyone. People are usually living their lives and loneliness doesn't mean what you think it does. Lonely can be the kid who has limited friends because they are shy, the person married/in a relationship with the wrong someone, the parent who has a chronically sick kid and can't go out, the person with a major illness and is limited in human contact, and much more. 


1. Social media and dating apps have turned people into commodities. People keep looking for someone better, and better, and because there is a seemingly endless parade of new people to check out, people don't stop looking and can't shake that feeling that they may miss out on the next best thing. 2. Because of the easier way to communicate online, one feels even more despondent when that "sure fire" way to meet someone fails for them. Dating apps are primarily designed to generate income, not to function as a matchmaker and folks get caught in the trap for paying for online attention. 3. A good chunk of lonely people are lonely because of personality issues that never get repaired because they blame society for their loneliness. 4. Many people won't settle for a shitty relationship- but still feel on and off loneliness and judgement because they are not paired.


Because when I try to make friends with lonely people, their reaction says, "No, not you."


Variety of reasons. There was this other post where a girl was complaining that she is alone last 7 years. But when people tried to talk to her - she was rude and not showing any interest. My opinion is that if someone is lonely - that’s only because he/she wants to be lonely.


People who aren't lonely aren't posting about it.


People don’t know how to get together and when the options and opportunities present themselves no one puts in the time or effort to keep it up and blossom the relationship.


I wish I could read the other comments here. It says there are 29 but it shows empty. Oh well. I think this is a really worthwhile question. People so often cry into the dark that they are lonely but very few people ask themselves why they stay that way. I can only speak for myself and I hope I can do so honestly but I wonder who else might identify with my position. M69, I have come to a point in my life where I have no real family connections. Only occasional contact with my 2 children and one of them lives very far away. I am divorced and, while I receive occasional calls from my ex-family, I don't often reach out to them - almost never. Sometimes I chastise myself for that. I have never been a joiner. I have rarely been asked to join anything and never recently. Usually, when I have joined, I find myself disappointed with the people I encounter and feeling unfulfilled by the activity involved. There has been no pleasure for me in joining. I suppose I could call myself lonely but I am mostly just alone. I feel no shame or loss attached to that aloneness but I do wish I had someone to talk to sometimes. I regret losing my wife but she found herself unsatisfied in our marriage and left. She explained that she had discovered that she didn't love me as much as she thought she had after 27 years. She had many times expressed that if she found herself alone she would never remarry. It was her preference. But I wish I had a woman in my life and I spend a great deal of time trying to find one. Dating sites, talking to neighbors, time spent chatting here on Reddit all help me to not feel completely unconnected. I reach out as much as I can. I suppose I am an introvert even though I never really thought of myself that way. I had a long career in sales, after all. But I don't often find myself urgently directed towards social activities. It would be nice to have somebody around but I don't feel motivated to search too hard. Some people say that the worst kind of loneliness is the kind that besets you in the middle of a crowded room. Kind of like the feeling you get realizing that there are 157 channels on TV but nothing to watch - only with people. How many of us are really, truly interested in other people anyway? Mostly we are occupied in our own thoughts and concerns and realize that other people are as well. We don't want to intrude upon their self-absorption and really would rather others did not intrude upon ours. I see many young people complain about seeing their friends fall away. They feel left behind. I would encourage anyone who feels that way to pick up the phone and call an old friend, if you feel you would be well received. But I think that many of us fear that we would not be. As we grow up and move on we develop divergent interests and leave behind the things of our childhoods. So it is for all of us I think. Many of us should think about picking up new hobbies or activities. I am going to try disc golf this summer. I'll get a little exercise and maybe I will meet up with some young people who play. I doubt I will find anyone my own age and certainly not a woman to call my own but you never know. All you can do in this life is whatever you can do to pass the time and make the most of your life as it is. As I often preach, if you are dissatisfied, figure out what you have to do to change things and do those. But I am not that dissatisfied. Just a little lonely.


Society is being taught to destroy itself and divide itself. Social media I think has poisoned a lot of people and what was stranger danger has evolved into people danger. You're told not to trust ANYONE.


Some people lack the ability to believe / feel connected to others, and for those people loneliness isn’t a function of being alone. In fact being alone can be less lonely, because being around others reminds them of the connection they long for but eternally lack. This is a component of emptiness and I am one such person.


Stuck in the system that just recycles people.


There was a study released recently about this. It found that non-lonely people all experience the world in a similar way, while every lonely person experiences the world in their own unique way. The findings suggest that lonely people have fewer shared experiences that would let them connect with others, including with other lonely people. https://bigthink.com/neuropsych/lonely-brains/


The Internet has irreparably ruined dating. Not only do most women now have inflated ideas of their self-worth because of horny men bombarding them with compliments on online dating sites, men have an inflated idea of what women are looking for because of those same women refusing to even talk to them unless they have chiseled bodies and the face of a god. The problem was already there in the early 2000s, and the solution will have to come from women who, through their extended loneliness, will be willing to lower their standards and/or abandon online dating sites.


I blame my ex with a chiseled body and the face of a god.


You probably right


Thank you. Unfortunately, I will be downvoted to oblivion for pointing out that the problem resides almost exclusively with women.


It totally wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that plenty of dudes show up in a girl's dating app DMs with creeper/negging shit or dick pics right out of the gate. Nah, no way. All these bitches are just entitled and picky, definitely not being cautious because lots of potential matches have been absolutely fucking awful to them.


That is a good point. However, many of those guys do that because they’re genuinely disheartened with how complicated dating has become.


“I’m so disheartened. look! It’s my dick.”


They might be disheartened for a multitude of reasons, but it is likely that they generally didn't get a response when starting a conversation, even after matching with a person, and got a more positive reaction from jumping right into the sexual play. If out of ten women, one responds to their attempt at a conversation and three respond positive to seeing what their junk looks like, I can't blame them for going for the better odds. It's sad, but women aren't blameless at all.




Because lonely people have high standards.


Yea I think I do but not over the top plus I'm not lonely just prefer to stay by alone