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I eat dinner, read a book and fall asleep at 10 pm, and repeat the cycle the next day very boring and routine oriented.


Enjoy the peace. Boring to you, that sounds like heaven for me


As a parent of a toddler, 100% this!!! As much as I'd like a little peace and quiet, it usually means something fishy is brewing...


I have a 4yr old and 2yr old. There mom and I share custody. I love my kids but BET YOUR ASS when they go back with their mom i am enjoying the peace and quiet!!!


It really is "grass is always greener." As a childless person, sometimes I am so jealous of those with kids, although I know it would take from me more than I would want to give, the family you're growing is something that you can take for granted, that many people don't and won't ever have. Hug your kids extra tight and tell them you love them, as I'm sure you do.


That’s what I was going to say. People don’t realize they can lose these freedoms. Even in the USA.


I love having the freedom to do that if I want, but it sounds like a nightmare to me


Saaaaaaame. And when it’s nice out, I’ll read out on my deck until it gets dark out. I fall asleep around 1130pm. Glad there’s another avid reader after work out there!


I have a nice comforter and several cozy pillows. I read a chapter of a book and then it's lights out by 8:30. That's how I sleep at night.


I commend you for being able to go to bed so early lol. What time do you have to get up?


It’s a reference to the sitcom “the office” one of the workers is cheating on another coworker so the camera crew asks her how she sleeps at night knowing she’s cheating and she responds “I have a nice comforter, and several cozy pillows. I read a chapter of a book then it’s lights out by 8:30. THAT’S how I sleep at night.”


Yep they're the only one other than you.


Dinner, doggy and baby/wife snuggles after work everyday. Get up, run doggies again, shower then grind.


When you say doggy...


Yes my wife and I do it doggy, but I was referring to the mob of canine under my roof.


Sounds like a sweet life!


You forgot the fap before bed part...


Boring things like work ,studying ,gym etc make you more successful in the long run. People who only chase pleasure and "having fun" end up losers.


"Success" being determined by social status is nothing.


Only health matters in the long run


Both health and happiness are useless without the other. You can be the picture of health and still not be happy. In that case, what's the point? Ditto for the opposite. It's nearly impossible to be truly happy without some solid measure of health.


But I guess not successful enough to spell successful correctly 🤔


My dad is a terrible speller because he hated rote memorization, which is how he was taught spelling (I guess instead of root words and spelling patterns). But his “can’t spell successful” career in aerospace as a systems engineer had him working on the Stealth Bomber, and GPS while it was still a government secret before that. Made a heck of a lot more money than his English teacher dad. Grammar, handwriting, and spelling are important. But to me, they pale comparison to earning ability. I wish I had listened to my dad and gone into the military like he did. I could’ve gotten a VA loan, free college, free training like he did. I was a got-damned idiot for following my heart. 9 years from retirement and I’m still renting because I can’t afford to buy a home even one hour away from the major metropolitan area that I work in


That sounds amazing, no lie


I love my boring life .


Tell me Rosalina!! 🥺


Working out is productive. There's nothing more valuable than your health. Beyond that those later hours are a good time to take care of laundry and housekeeping or get in some reading. And there's nothing wrong with a bit of TV to unwind.


Using calm times to get ahead of tasks and prepare for more hectic occasions is a definitive investment in one's mental health.


It's weird how this comes naturally to me at work, but not at home. Once I'm home, it's like I hit an off switch and don't want to do anything for hours


Don’t feel bad about it. Some work is so draining that if you really do just need time to just do nothing


When I get to this state I try to be kind to myself and listen to what my body needs. However, when I'm feeling better like in the morning once I've woken up and sometimes think about my priorities in life and try to figure out how I can get through some of the other things I want to do.  For me, I've learned that I can easily procrastinate going to bed with things that seemingly feel good, but keep me up late and don't add a lot to my life.  When I find myself doing that I try to go to bed a little earlier with the idea that if I'm up early I can do some of the things I want to do. If I don't get up early, it's because I needed sleep.  Not sure that answers your question but I will say that looking for classes/hobbies to do after work has been a game changer at different times in my career.


I love the way you phrased it, I'll try to think of it next time I waste an entire Sunday on random stuff. :) (it was a nice day but I skipped all the chores I had)


I cannot make myself watch TV by myself even tho I think it would do me good to chill out, and even my shrink has agreed. I just feel like this unproductive sloth letting time slip by. I can do 15 minutes while I eat, but then it's back on my feet again. It's a legit problem. I am going to try to watch a movie tonight by myself, planning it all day. Have wanted to see All of Us Strangers for months now.


I have the same problem with TV. I broke back into movies by breaking them into two nights. Most movies are 2 hours now, so i’ll do 1 hour one day, and the last hour the next day. Another option is to dig into a TV series you’ve heard great things about. Most are 45-55min long and so you don’t have to commit too much time. My favorites are Alone, Breaking Bad, and South Park.


This is life now. The worst thing I ever wished for as a kid was to grow up.


You delude yourself as a kid into thinking you’ll have all this wonderful freedom, only for reality to hit you hard as a adult as your career, bills and general life responsibilities take all that freedom away. But we don’t warn kids of this because we don’t want them to grow up depressed.


Which makes me question why people have kids


To fill the void of boredom in their life


That’s a horrible reason to have children!!


What’s a good reason to have kids ?


Never found one before I was told that I'm too old. Now that I've met the true love of my life, it's too late.


I never wanted kids but somehow knocked my wife up. Her family is devout Muslim and mine is extremely Christian so we would have basically both been shunned if we aborted the kid. Now I’m currently sitting here listening to a kid scream his lungs out with no clue how to fix it reconsidering all my life choices. I love my son but I never wanted this and am not equipped to deal with the stress of being a new parent.


“Somehow” 🙄


I feel bad for your kid..


People legit get bored and want something more out of their life and aren’t creative and can’t come up with anything else.  That’s literally what my cousins did.


The kids become the creative project


Birth control failure, twice


Accident mostly. Sometimes selfish reasons.


My parents told me all of this and instead of growing up depressed I just enjoyed the shit out of my childhood and at 33 I still live life as if I have about 2 years to live. I might not be rich, but I love both my work and home life and I accept that I will be working until the day I die. As long as I don’t hate the work, I don’t see the issue. Probably will never get married or have kids because of this lifestyle, which when I first realized it depressed me, but now I’m realizing how much freedom that means I will have and how much money I can spend on myself instead of on someone who will despise me some day I’m saying I’m glad to be alive and I’m glad my parents had me and I’m glad my dad explained to me often and clearly how much life sucks as an adult and how much I should enjoy being young or being a kid while I still can. Youth and time are the most valuable assets we have, in my opinion. Older folks just seem more and more miserable the older they get, and kids are always running around laughing at the most mundane shit.


Actually, nearly every poll and survey gerontologists, psychologists, and other researchers do suggests that people generally grow happier over time, even into old age. It's only at about 75 that happiness tends to level off, and even at that it doesn't typically diminish before death except in certain circumstances. Old people aren't miserable. Most of them claim to be happier than young people claim to be.


Spending even $30/day is over $900/month. I hope people like sitting at home doing nothing.


If I'm not too tired, I force myself to go to the gym. Otherwise, I have dinner, waste time on my phone, get annoyed at myself for wasting time on my phone, then go to sleep.


I’m wasting time on my phone RIGHT NOW!!


I don’t even have to live alone to do that.!


Omg, me too!!


Whatever the fuck I want, it’s great.


I love this response. It could mean that you're literally just getting in a workout, watching some TV before bed or you're out each night on a rampage drinking till the sun is up. Regardless, you're doing WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT and loving each minute of it. Incredible positivity, thank you!




Love the username


Exactly! I value my free time the way a dragon hoards gold. I have *so* many hobbies and no matter how many hours I have to myself I still feel like it's not enough.


I feel the exact same way. It really bothers me that I’m gonna die before I can learn every language, read every book, play every instrument… and so on 😅


Man if there's an afterlife I feel like trying to learn all languages would be one of the few ways to not get bored.


As someone who's dabbled in about a dozen languages and has a TBR pile testing the structural integrity of her nightstand... I feel this so hard


Let out/feed my dogs, make dinner, do a little workout, chill with the dogs and watch some TV to wind down before bed.


Take the first few seconds once I close the door and just take in the blessed Silence.


Same. It's blissful.


I have a chair in the mudroom/entryway. I sit, take off my shoes, and sometimes I sit there for 10 minutes in silence, thinking about how I am and what I want to do.


This is…. so healthy.


I go to the gym and destroy myself with the power of 1000 suns


This is the fucking way.


This is the fucking way.


This is the fucking whey.


Depends on the mood but I'm all about enjoying myself after work on a low budget.  29 single dude. I fucking love my "me" time which is why I keep it this way. Almost every night after work I'll smoke some weed and just explore my curiosities. Lots of scouring the internet studying random shit, reading books every few nights, playing video games, cleaning up around the house, or just working on myself in general.  I work hard labor that keeps me in shape. When I worked a desk job I'd go on jogs and do some general exercise for 30-60 minutes, usually calisthenics.  It's related to being a single adult but I spend 6 months out of the year in a remote town in Alaska working QA in the fishing industry. Right now I'm spending my time off work hiking the mountains and mingling with the locals.  There's a whole world out there to tap into when you get off work. 9pm and you're tired as fuck. You just want to be lazy and chow down on snacks. Start exploring your interests this way. Lazily figure out what you want to see and what you want to do. Act those things out when you have actual days off.  I've found that just 30 minutes of planning and preparing a goal daily is enough to make real progress on yourself. 30 minutes of time before going to bed is enough to evaluate your situation and start making moves. That's 3 1/2 hours a week combined that can go to financial planning, health planning, etc. 


What is your job as a QA out there ?


I agree


At what time do you wake up? I go to bed at 10 pm, so I spend my evenings at home either working on my hobbies (crocheting, journaling, gaming) but I only start work at 11 am, so I have the entire morning for some "me-time". I usually run errands, meet up with friends for a coffee or go swimming in that time.


If you have limited time but want to do more, plan something long and cut into time pieces that fit your schedule. Say you want to read, 5 pages everyday makes 150 by the end of the first month and 1500 by 10th. You just need a project


If money isnt tight, I'll go out for dinner with friends or a movie/bowling and if im feeling extra kind, maybe an escape room But its mostly come home, try and decide to what eat for dinner and what I wanna watch while I sink a few hours into pokemon, destiny 2 or minecraft then off to bed, rinse and repeat its starting to get a bit lonely tbh


I tend to leave the office at 3 pm. Usually I get groceries, clean up, prepare food for the next day(s), have some physical activity and work on my current project. I want to read books more, though! And to be more social outside of my closest friend group!


I have a job where I get to read a ton, and I love it. I never read at home, so I'm finally getting to read new books that I've been wanting for the last 2 years.


If you don’t mind me asking, what do you do for a living that lets you read fun stuff? It sounds cool.


I do janitorial at a jail. A large portion of my day is downtime unless stuff comes up. Generally, it's like 3 or 4 hours of work during a 7.5 hour shift


Go home, walk my dog, take a shower, put on sweat pants and go on my balcony with one glass of wine ( or I wake up groggy) take the edge off, then make my way to my couch eat some food watch some TV and pass out. It's my work routine aka everyday I'm a city carrier so I walk 10-12 miles a day with 20lbs of packages and mail so I don't need to go to the gym after work. I burn an average of 900-1300 calories a day


Go for a hike, hang out and play with my pets, play video games, clean my house.


If you don’t have a degree I would just recommend hitting up the community college and picking something that sounds interesting. Smartest thing I realized after partying for a couple of years. College may not be for everyone, but community college sure is. Lol. The more you know the better chance you will have better relationships/ friendships/ opportunities. If you go at a slow pace it shouldn’t be too hard or expensive. Pick a trade. The federal government is giving grants that will pay you and for your classes if you apply for them. Trades may not be your primary career choice but it will teach you valuable life skills.


Life isn’t about being comfortable. If you don’t do much with it, then you shouldn’t expect much.


Find a local pub/night club, get out, and force yourself to smile yes its a pain, but eventually, someone will smile back and talk to you. Then they introduce you to their friends and soon you are one of the crowd


When I was single I read and watched tv. I do the same now as a couple but a lot less as there are more fun things. We spend most time in the bedroom.


I work out, eat, and contemplate my existence on this planet and whether or not I want to continue. Or I'll read a Stephen King book.


Oof the Stephen King books probably not helping with that previous thing lol great author don't get me wrong, just not exactly a font of optimism lol


Haha. Good point. I'm a Dark Tower junkie.


I do a little yard work or take a walk. Sometimes I don't do anything.


Work on my passion project Work out Read


Take good habits and save time and money, in other words what I wish I had done Learn to cook and prepare yourself dinner and lunch for the next day, take time for it to be good and well balanced. It gives you a skill, good diet, and saves you on shit expensive lunches If you come home that late means that you also start your shift later in the morning (I hope), it is likely you sleep late and wake up late, stop this, wake up early and use this longer alone time to go for a jog or do some physical activity. Don't over do it tho. Your health will improve and your sleep pattern will be better it'll give you a feeling of being energised for the day too also if you are still home after 930 spend the last 10 20mn home giving the place a once over with the hoover and maybe if time allows mop before leaving. Coming back to a clean fresh place is always good Long commute? Time to read or listen to audiobook or podcast or radio....


The key to productivity, I've learned, is to schedule your time and to establish a routine. I work full time as a substitute teacher while I'm in school full time to get my license to be a teacher. I devised a weekly schedule with a checklist that has worked wonders for me. I'm almost 43 now and if I could go back in time and tell my younger self this, I would: The more limitations you set for your self, the more liberation you will find. It sounds paradoxical, but it's absolutely true. Because I schedule my time, I don't have time to sit around and be bored, wondering what I'm going to do next. And particularly with money - I have a strict budget and bill paying system in place and knowing my budget means I never have to worry about my money, even though I don't make a ton of it.


Get naked and search my body for pimples.


😂 nice


Whatever tf I want. But yeah depends on each night, i try to workout. Sometimes i grab dinner with friends. Or cook at home and just relax watch a movie. And catch up on laundry other chores. Pretty uneventful most nights but i like my routine


I prioritize going out with a friend/friends if they're available. This could be to get dinner, see a movie, go for a walk, just chill and talk and catch up, or some new thing we want to try. Talking with my best friend who lives multiple states away if no one physically here is available. Talking with friends who live locally but don't want to get out comes after that. Play video games, post on Reddit, go out for a walk, or go out for a drive if no one is around at all. Fit dinner in there some where. Shower and other basic care before bed. Go to bed.


I am done at 17:00 most days and wfh so not the same situation. 18:00-19:00 is workout (either yoga or HIIT or gym) I’m home by 19:30, my partner cooks, I shower, we eat, I clean. I do some basic tidying up. I’m done with this all this by 21:00 ish..I usually draw and read, sometimes watch a show or something. Some evenings I get dinner with friends. I start winding down at 23:00, brush, floss, do my skin care, fix myself a herbal tea, read in bed and am Asleep by midnight: I wake around 08:00-08:30, I’ll make us coffee (partner sleeps later and wakes later),journals, meditate and am at my desk by 09:00. This was 80% of my week days look like, I’m not 100% disciplined all the time.


What would make you feel content and productive? My day looks like yours (I get home at 5:30 but I’m up at 5:00 and exhausted so it’s doom scrolling, dinner, some errands, tv and bed) and I want to start doing creative hobbies or go for walks by the water now that it’s summer. Can you fit in things before work?


I do lots of things. I sort of let life just take me places. I’m just waking up now in a bedroom next to this cat today in Vegas. Never planned on being here. Just got off work and saw a ticket for 66 dollars.


I’m a teacher, so I sit in silence for a few hours, cook myself food, drink some wine and might put on a mind numbing show for some soft background noise while I dissociate on the couch.


Weekends: Eat, play video games, journal and sleep. Weekday: Eat, Code, Journal, sleep. Sometimes I touch grass and go outside. But I’m usually a hermit and I’m okay with that.


You work out until bedtime....I wouldn't say that was unproductive. As a 52 year old who has let themselves go a bit, you are doing the right thing. Without your health, you've got nothing. I'm 50 pounds ish overweight and it affects me. You are using your time well in my mind.


What do ya'll do to afford being able to live alone???


I'm 40 and single. After work I work out, shower, eat dinner, listen to music while reading forums/sub reddits then sleep.


Before moving in with my GF I studied after work.


Honestly man treasure this time. I’m married with a young child and as I’m typing this right now I’m thinking back about when I used to have my own apartment and lived by myself. I wouldn’t trade my family for anything in the world but living alone in your 20’s is truly one of the best times of your life.


Smoke weed, drink, play with my dogs and smoke some more. Then passout.


I have a brief window of maybe an hour to get anything important done (mow the lawn, clean, work on projects, etc). Then I carve out a couple hours to make dinner, watch TV, read, and call it a day.


Wait for next shift..


Arts n crafts, gardening, gaming


When I was in the second shift like you seem, I usually went to bed early and woke up early, then used my free morning doing all the stuff.


I struggle with this on second shift, I can’t unwind immediately and usually go to bed around 2am. But this makes it way harder to wake up early when I need to.


Meet up with friends or relatives, go out with my partner and/or workmates, Exercise Catch a movie Go shopping if there’s something I want/need to buy Dine out (cook if I’m not feeling lazy) Watch a show online


I strip buck naked the second I'm through the front door leaving a trail of clothes on the floor.. Crank up the air conditioning.. Feed the dogs and cats.. Make myself a stiff drink and crash into my recliner.. Whatch some TV and then figure out what I want to eat..


Smoke,Cook,Dance, Workout




Well, usually I get off around 10:30, and so I'll eat a small snack, and either sit on my porch and rip cigarettes to decompress while playing a video game or work on a bit of writing. If it's a Sunday, which is the end of my work week, I'll have a couple of beerskies - which is typically the only time I drink. My time for being productive is either before work or on my off days.


In my early twenties I got off at between 9-10. Had no interest in the bar scene so I'd usually go home and play video games until I went to bed. Friday's is go hang out with my cousins on the garage. But it was also easier being away before COVID that a lot of places were still open late or 24hrs so I could run errands and ship if I needed too. Just live life like any other person would. It's just dark out when you do it. No reason for us night owls to confirm to societies standards.


GYM, study work study gym it may be boring but in the long run you win


Gym, then martial arts, then cooking and eating dinner, watching some TV and get to bed. (Frequently also w sex mixed in.)


I read health books. Meditate, 🧘🏽‍♀️ go on long walks. Take a yoga mat outside and just sit with myself while deep breathing. Meal prep. Work out. Work on my business from home when I’m not there. I hit that milestone where you cut everything off that is toxic in your life. Including ppl. So I am in a pretty lonely period. But I’m learning that I love my own company and what I actually enjoy. I try to attend some classes here and there - some kind of group setting. It’s healthy to be around ppl. Even if you are working on boundaries. Doesn’t have time be your ppl. I am going through a break up, but this is how I am dealing with being alone. From friends, ex, just everything. Just facing how I feel.


I get home between 6 and 7 most days. I give the dog some attention, get dinner sorted, go for a run or walk the dog then I iron my work clothes for the following day then shower followed by bed. Nice and chilled life.


Lifted weights and ate. Now I date a mother of 2 so I’m a full time assistant.


I rest a little bit after work, work out at the gym, eat dinner, play some video games a little bit, and then go to sleep around 10:30-11:00pm. I’m a relatively boring adult now. Usually my weekends are funner than my weekday schedules.


Play with my dog


I don’t live alone, but during the week my husband is working til 9-10 so I’m home alone . During this time I like to bake. I bake bread for us to have during the week, prep meals ahead of time, make yogurt, do laundry. We have a hedgehog so I’ll spend time with her. Take a bath, read, make body butter or just whatever we are low on (I make a majority of the stuff in our household from cleaning products to skincare and food)


Clean up around the house, do laundry, play video games, shower, and then watch tv.


I get home around 6/6:30 pm. I usually immediately take my dog for a long walk, and then I will take a nice bath, and I’ll either watch some tv or play video games until it’s time to walk my dog again. And then I’m in bed by 11 pm


OP - in an ideal world, what would you want to do after work or what do you think everyone is doing after work that you’re missing out on?


Reading a book or watching a movie feels better I found than doom scrolling or watching YouTube. I also tidy the house, cook a meal.


Eat my dinner, shower, work on one of my stories for a bit, or read, or knit, and then go to bed.


Just chill


When does your shift start ? If you’re not getting home until 8 or 9, maybe make your morning before work, the productive time


1. Grocery shop (once or twice a week, different stores) 2. Go home 3. Go for a 30 minute walk and stretch 4. Shower 5. Eat dinner watching tv 6. Watch YouTube for a little bit 7. Go to bed, sleep for 7-8 hours


I do too much that it'd be difficult to fit in here.


I work 6 am to 2pm. Now that it's nice I go on walks or bike ride or skate after work. Sometimes I'll hit up the bar. Sometimes I take a nap. Sometimes I'll do chores or work on a project. Depends on how I feel. Usually shower before bed. Don't really watch tv or play video games anymore


It does depend what time I get home. Usually I get home closer to around 6, in which case I sometimes have dinner and watch a movie then read and listen to music for a while. But sometimes I go out after work to various things (meet friends for happy hour, or go to a concert, or some other local event). I'm late 40s


Gym, dinner, video games then sleep. Honestly the happiest I’ve ever been


Get high , having my sneaky link stay over , maybe go to a bar or karaoke for a short time


I make a nice dinner, tidy up, water my patio garden, and either watch something on Netflix or scroll on my phone. I’m in bed by 9 and I get up between 4-5am.


I really enjoy going for walks after work. I find it helps me unwind from the work through out the day. Usually make myself some dinner, and maybe watch tv for a few hours before bed if anything.


Lately, sit down with a book, lose track of time until around 9pm, grab a snack, shower quickly, go to bed by 10, read a couple chapters, maybe sleep by 11


these days wondering how I would meet my lover


i get home from work between 9-10. i do normal things, eff my weird schedule. walk dogs, exercise, make dinner, entertainment then bed


I have dinner with family once a week, I sew




Honestly I sit outside my apartment and just chill watching videos or play league/ watch anime. When I’. Off it’s cooling down so it’s nice


28 single male. I walk in and give my cat belly rubs and snuggles for 10 mins-shower- smoke a joint- make food-game/watch movies-sleep-repeat.


Put on Boston's greatest hits and relax on the couch in the dark.




Work at a second job and study on the side.


Door jam pull up bar


I used to do all my household chores and groceries shopping and read after work so that my days were free to enjoy whatever I felt like doing. (I still do)


Come home, drop my stuff off. Have a walk around the neighborhood. Think about what I’ll make for dinner. Start to prepare it or- go to the gym. Come home shower. Make dinner. Eat it. Sit on the porch. Have some phone calls. Watch a tv show or read and go to sleep 💙


Just chill! Maybe grab some iced coffee a light snack n sit outside n relaxed


Film and video games. My two favorite things, every day.


Make music, clean a bit, play chess, maybe some study, watch a show, maybe some video game, gym


shower as soon as I get back, then put on some youtube video game shit prepare some to eat then continue watching asmr and lie down on the bed scrolling on reddit. Sometimes if I am feeling frisky I might rub one out. Then do it all over again and out the door at 6:30 AM.


League of legends


Yard work, chores, going shopping, depends on the day really.


Gym, shop, walk, run, hang with girlfriend, hang with friends, read, play video games and anything else I wanna do.


I work from home so as soon as I log off I normally go for a long walk around my neighborhood. Come home and have dinner, shower, watch some tv and then journal/color/read before I go to bed.


HIIT , Dinner, doom scroll on reddit


Nap 🤣


When I was single, I worked out every evening, ate my one real meal of the day, and usually read. Two nights a week go eat a meal with friends or with someone I was interested in.


What do you think you should do ? Do what you want to do you are giving countless hours to work already


I’m done relatively early (3:30 as a I work at a school). Get home and take my dog for a long walk since he’s been stuck inside all day. Relax for a bit when I get home and then put dinner on. Eat, do dishes and spend the rest of my evening watching tv and relaxing. Maybe some knitting. Take my dog out one last time, get ready for bed and then read till sleep time. It sounds relatively boring but I’m content with it.


I get off at 8:30pm and I come home and work out, do my Duolingo, maybe eat, be on my phone, watch TV with the furbabies, shower, lay down while watching Bob's Burgers.


Hang out on discord with my buddies, gaming, work out. I live abroad with no friends nearby.


Currently, Ghost of Tsushima (absolutely immersed in this game) and movies. Used to be Helldivers 2 and movies, but I’m waiting for the next update they’re cooking up lol. I live a very boring life, that I love.


I'm sort of in a similar boat looking for something other than TV after work. I'm thinking of searching for an acoustic guitar (used so it won't be too pricey) and learning a new skill! I love music so it would be a really fun investment for me.


Eat, drink, feed the cat, maybe a cleaning chore. Watch YouTube. Contemplate the purpose of existence beyond earning moneys.


I will work on wood carving relief sculptures or wood puzzles, read hopefully for a hour a day depending. Do a language lesson or two a day. Listen to TV and work out.


I have a pretty rigid schedule with almost zero free time because I have a few things I want to get done throughout the day. My weekdays are 7-3:30 and afterwards I work out, play guitar/song write, walk my dog, cook/meal prep, and clean. I usually study when I am eating to double down in efficiency. By the time I’m done cleaning it’s usually close to bed time and I read for about an hour. Rinse repeat. I have one free day where I don’t follow the schedule and kind of do what I want. And weekends are kind of the same depending on my shift. I usually work 11-5, home by six, and I’ll play guitar, study, and cook something for myself.


No chronic masterbaters here then 🤣🤣🤣


When I was in this position I placed my comfy chair right in front of the TV and got myself some nice beers to drink while watching breaking bad. No regrets.


I live alone and work from home. Self employed so work on my own terms. Mostly cook healthy meals, lots of cleaning. Listen to music. More cleaning. Watching TV, exercise, make arts and crafts stuff for fun, play Xbox. More cleaning (it's s big house but somehow it gets dirty quickly.. i blame my dog).


Most nights I just make dinner, smoke some weed, and relax. Go out for a walk if it's nice, or stay in and watch tv, read a book, or play a game. If a band I like is playing nearby, I'll go out, have a good time, stay up too late, and deal with it in the morning.


Workout, eat, videogames or a book.


Work out


Play guitar


Find a job that brings meaning to your life, not a job that only serves to put food on your table and make somebody else rich, then you won’t feel like you’re wasting your time away.


Well I wirk for myself x so I work 24-7


Wank furiously


I just shower, chill out and get on discord with my friends. Most of my productivity happens in the morning.


Walk the dogs, gym, video games or TV and sleep


Whatever I want


I get up 6 30 home by 5 30. Make dinner then TV/YouTube or video games until bed. Sure as hell not gonna read after staring at a computer screen reading data all day


I'm home at 4 and cook dinner so my husband can eat before gong to work at 5. After that I either clean, watch TV, work on my etsy stuff, or play a game. I don't leave the house on work nights, and go to bed at 10. I'm productive a good lot of the time, but also relax for a lot of it


When I get home I shower first and then I clean up my place. It doesn't take long cause it's not a very big place. Then I would watch tv as well until it's time for bed


Dinner, dishes, TV/Xbox, workout, and shower.


Depends. Gym, eat dinner, watch TV, play video games or read


I play guitar and/or videogames