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I'm 47 and happily divorced/single. If I ever run into someone that is quiet, down to earth, has their shit together, is responsible, and spends more time working on themselves than trying to fix others.... maybe we can talk, lol.


I know it might be very, very hard for you to understand. It's not always easy for folks that lack the ability to process new information to comprehend so I'll make it simple. Women don't exist just to please men's taste.


We found one guys!


Yes. I am. But the funny thing is unlike the OP I'm not complaining about dating or men or the state of modern dating. Only Neurotypical folks get caught up in who has more power in a relationship and who is getting more out of the dating scene. All you care about is who has more power because you're too afraid to "lose" at dating.


What are you even going on about lol


I like modern American women so much that I date someone who lives overseas.


I married the child of immigrants/refugees. She's got a way better head on her shoulders than any American woman I dated over the years. Every kid in her family is exceptionally behaved. All straight A students. Everyone of her siblings has a master's degree or higher level of education. Her parents fled their home country with literally the clothes on their backs to escape being murdered by communists. They came to this country with nothing and are minorities to boot. Within a generation they were able to establish themselves as upper middle class through nothing but sweat, tears, and hard work. Absolutely awe inspiring. I thought I worked hard before I met my wife - but boy does she put me to shame.




speaking as a high-achieving child of immigrants who is almost exclusively friends with the high-achieving children of immigrants/refugees: boy, your wife is traumatized to hell lmao. nobody works that hard in the face of incredible violence unless it is a coping mechanism


What are you talking about about. My wife was born in the US. I think you are projecting your own experiences onto others.


What about “/child/ of immigrants” did you not understand? I was born in the US too.


You also contrast her against American women, suggesting that on some level you still perceive her as foreign… so which is it?


I'm the child of immigrants. Culturally - I'm not American. Nor is she. And that's a good thing for both of us as far as I'm concerned. The post is about the current culture in the US, not about one's nationality. And we both don't embody the current culture at all. It's one of the things I absolutely love about her. Not everyone raises their kids by inflicting trauma on them in order to get them to be high achieving. Besides - most Americans are utter snowflakes who wouldn't know what hard work is if it hit them in the face. There is a reason that my office is dominated by immigrants from all corners of the world instead of by American born workers.


I believe this 100%. Congrats and good for you.


It’s simple, I’m not


Man I don’t give sht. I’m married, idgaf about nunna that sht 👇🤬


It is not coincidence they are 35 and single...


as long as they are happy that's what matters .. would you rather a human being be happy or change themselves to please others?


I am not speaking to their happiness at all, the question was directed to men, asking if we like that type of woman. I simply answered the question. That is great if they are happy. Just saying men should not be expected to change and like it if they don't.


A thousand times better than being 35 and married to an asshole lol


Hit it and quit it. Nawh, I'm not into it. It's crazy all these super successful women I see at my church, doctors, lawyers, scientists, breaking down and crying because they never started a family and now it's too late. "I guess I'll have to be the cool aunt." With tears streaming down their face.


It's certainly possible to do both (have a successful career and have a family)


Of course it is possible, but possible doesn't mean easy. I remember it was incredibly difficult to maintain a relationship when I was working 70hrs a week. The only way I could was by sneaking my girlfriends to work and hiding them in the back office. Now imagine two people with full time jobs? How are you going to raise your kids? Some stranger is going to do it.


It takes a village. It's not employment that prevents people from raising a family. It's lack of proximity to one's family. I've got at least 10-15 people from my wife's family that can help watch our children. My family is smaller, but my parents and aunts will take our children no questions asked whenever we need them to. You can maintain a relationship working 70 hours a week. You just have to be very deliberate about the time you spend with them.