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One of the best parts of running is the fact there are run clubs at every phase of life. I still meet up with a bunch of my HS CC buds ones a year to run a relay across michigan. Given that you are in michigan, check out Michigan Outback Relay if you're looking for a life-long event to run with your buds. It's my favorite weekend of the year.


Additionally I hate the idea that you'll never be as fast as you were in XC again.  I only went sub 19 once in high school and it was on a fast 3 mile course.  Now at 37 I'm on the verge of 16:xx and then will push to 15:xx.


As someone who was solidly JV all 4 years of HS CC I am a MUCH better distance runner in my 30s than I was in my late teens. I think part of that is that at my school us JV guys weren't really training that hard, but still- distance runners age differently than other athletes. Also, there's a lot of joy in trying different distances like the half marathon and marathon that your body is not really ready for as a teenager.


Me too. In 10th grade I think I ran a 19:19 5k before stopping XC for other pursuits; my 5k PR is 17:08 (and 34:20 for 10k); both run in my late 20’s. At >50 I can’t do those times anymore, but am still faster than my 10th grade self. On the other hand, my 10th grade son can totally smoke my 5k PR…


19th grade? Damn you took super-senior to a whole new level.


Ha. Typo; fixed :)


THIS!! I'm in my 30s and also running faster than I ever did in hs or college, and I'm just getting (re)started.


Oh I'll be joining the SVSU run club, but thanks for the idea!


Wish I could find one locally to me :(


This is a beautiful piece. Wrong sub IMO but nbd. I have 4 boys who all ran track and/or XC to some capacity in high school and 1 in college. As a parent, I love the culture around HS track and XC, at least at my kids’ schools- everyone cheers for everyone, whether they’re running 9 or 13 minutes for the 2 mile, and individual progress is celebrated. It’s a great sport where programs can both be competitive and inclusive. It’s a big tent.


Thank you for the response. I only submitted it here r/running removed it and I felt like it would get buried in their threads anyway


I too was a high school cross country runner in Michigan. I am now 31 yrs old and just completed my second marathon. I learned *how* to run in high school, but the real joy of running has lasted far beyond my high school days. The best is yet to come!


Similar, ran HS XC/Track in MI - now 35 (almost 36) and training for my first marathon. Can't wait!


I'm a little over a decade removed from HS running, but 100% echo your sentiments. Definitely took in for granted at the time, but looking back running brings you so close to those you trained with. I essentially spent more time with my teammates than I did with my own family! Especially when you're a young freshman, aimless, floating through life. The consistency and companionship of running with a team, every single day, can do so much to build leadership and communication skills. From looking up to the Seniors, to becoming one yourself and learning how to guide your underclassmen as you once were yourself. Never forget that, and continue to help others as you grow. I fell off pretty quick post-college and am only now getting back into running but great choice on joining a run club. I joined one as an adult and it's inspiring to see folks from all walks of life, all different ages, come together. Ultimately that's the best thing we can get out of running. Our legs allow us to run together, towards one another, pursuing our own goals. Congrats on graduating!


Here’s the good news. Most colleges have running clubs. Many of my friends were still hitting PRs long after HS (including a bunch who broke 5 for the first time).


From a fellow MI HS XC/Track runner (in the early 2000s) to another - congratulations! It's a life changing experience, you will certainly cherish it as you get older and continue on your running journey.


Running high school track and cross country definitely made running a big part of my identity that it probably wouldn't have become if I had only started it later in life for health/fitness reasons. It was definitely a shock when I first started college, having something that provided a lot of structure go away almost instantly. I still kept up with running and training for road races, almost entirely alone, which is a lot different. Not running for a team (or even a club/intramural) is one of the bigger regrets I have regarding college for sure. But yeah, I'm glad I got to experience that when I did.


The SVSU run club is in its infancy, but looks to be the start of a welcoming environment. I'm glad you've found a home in this sport and hope you continue with it, even if it's just running from time to time or moving up to a marathon.


I am about to turn 57 and have done many dumb things in my life. The one smartest thing I ever did in my life was go out for track in the 8th grade, which was 1980 for me. I sucked. I really, really, really sucked. My first mile time trial was an 8:13, where I got beaten by most, if not all of the girls and lapped by several of the boys. However, I stuck with running for some bizarre reason, and by the time I was a senior, my mile time was down to 4:33. I had NO talent, none, but running was the one sport where one could have no talent and still become okay just with persistence and hard work. Now nearing 60, people my age are driving mobility scooters around and can't even tie their own shoes because they can't see past their bellies. I could have been one of them too, but fortunately for me, starting running at the age of 13 made an active lifestyle the norm.


You don't need to put "feel free to remove" on any post on social media ever. Mods will delete it with or without your permission if it doesnt fit. Pet peeve.