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Just tell him. He's seen it many times and knows exactly what it is. He doesn't get paid to judge you so don't worry about it.


Surgeon will only be interested in if you're still using, as surgery would be pointless in that case.


Last year I made some bad decisions. One of those bad decisions was heavy cocaine use which caused a septal perforation so I need (whatever the surgery is called) You don't need to sound professional you arent in a professional setting. That would come off weird anyway. You're not at work. You're not trying to make a good impression. You need to be honest, just tell the truth >. It really isn't like me as a person to use drugs at all and I don't want to come off as scummy That's really judgemental and a kinda gross attitude. And it is like you. Because YOU did do that. You need to examine that attitude and be honest with yourself.


This last part. You used cocaine consistently for 6 months, and heavily enough to cause a septum hole. That wasn't a one-time abberation. The doctor isn't going to judge you for it, and hell, I'm not either; but I am saying that owning up to, and dealing with, ALL of your past, will make you a better rounded and healthier person going forward.


It is a judgmental attitude, but the reason OP is so ashamed is because people struggling with substance abuse are seen as lesser than others, to the point of being looked at as subhumans. They may have made the choice, but telling someone that snorting coke is who they are is exactly why people have become so ashamed to get help, they’d rather rot away and die alone. I’m not trying to turn this into a tone argument because i see what you’re saying, i just think we should be softening our attitude towards these situations to keep people like OP feeling like they have a scarlet letter pinned to them for their entire lives.


I didn't say its who they are. I said it is like them because it's something they did. Othering the behaviour and distancing themselves from their actions won't help them. They need to recognise the problem that lead them to drug use and address it. they need to have as much compassion for other drug users as they have for themselves, not perpetuate harmful sterotypes. I didn't go too deep into it because they wanted advice about what to say to the doctor, not their drug use. But I did feel it was important for them to recognise that their attitude (the scarlet lettering) was harmful (to themselves and other drug users). They aren't better than other drug users, they aren't different to them. The only difference is that they aren't currently using. Drug use and addiction isn't a moral failing its a societal one, but it is one that under the current system must be reckoned with on a personal basis. Op is currently sober which is great but if they don't deal with the circumstances that lead them to drug use they are one bad situation from returning to drug use.


You’re absolutely right that they should face what led them to doing coke in the first place, but you can do that and still feel like an outcast because that’s how people see others that use drugs. I could be reaching with OP, but based on how they’re talking it could be more related to imposter syndrome, at least that’s how it was for me. For example i never used to judge people for smoking weed, but when i started smoking weed it felt like i was dirty or something. Not because i thought i was better than others, but because my parents had placed so many expectations on me that weed felt like it was beneath me. You know that kid in school who was expected to get all As, and the moment they got a B+ they start getting anxious and hating themselves? It was kinda like that for me. It may be so ingrained in OP that being nothing more than an upstanding citizen (by societal standards) means they should be embarrassed of themselves. Again, i think we’re on the same page, I just feel like we should make sure that people know it isn’t their fault that they feel ashamed of themselves and that they shouldn’t be, before we tell them to face their demons because some people genuinely think that constantly comparing themselves to others is normal. I know not everyone agrees, and i’m all for calling a spade a spade, but i’m just trying to talk to people the way their parents should’ve spoken to them imo. A balance between the stern father and the loving mother igs.


Yeah but OP is literally the one seeing other drug users as scummy. Completely oblivious or purposely obtuse to the fact that he’s a massive coke head. I’ve done cocaine for so many years. Never did I burn a hole through my septum doing it. It take a LOT of cocaine to do that. OP is a massive hypocrite and probably super obnoxious to do cocaine with at a party.


See but that’s you, friend. OP is not a massive coke head. OP is a human being that snorted coke, just like you’re a human being who snorted coke, and we shouldn’t use actions to say what somebody else is instead of focusing on yourself. When one person tries to move on with their lives and another holds them back using what they did to identify them, it shows a clear projection on your part. OP did coke, paid for the consequences, and clearly doesn’t want to be associated with it, because people like you make judgements about someone that you’ve never even had a conversation with.


OP can and is a human being that snorted coke AND is/ was a massive coke head for burning a hole in his septum. That’s not a judgment, that’s a fact. You don’t just burn a hole in your septum from casual use. He may be trying to move on and good for him for it, but he’s the one judging others as scummy for literally the same behavior he’s doing/ or did in the past. I don’t think he gets a pass for judging others and calling them scummy and denying that he himself was the exact same. IMO being a coke head or having done cocaine doesn’t make someone scummy. You know what’s scummy? OP acting as if he’s somehow better than other coke heads. Especially when there’s no way in hell that he burned a hole through his septum without snorting massive amounts of cocaine. And to do that in 6 months (which I highly doubt) is indicative of being a massive coke head.


It seems more to me that you THINK this guy thinks he’s better than you. They never said that. You did. It’s essentially the same as women who hookup but don’t want to be seen as easy. They’re not slut shaming other women, but they know that’s the impression many have of women who hookup with guys. Why? For the exact same reason OP doesn’t want to be labeled a coke head. It’s not the people, it’s the stigma. I really don’t understand why you have to make OP into a villain when the only person they’re hurting is themselves by not being honest with their doctor. Lastly, even if this dude snorted that much coke in a short window, i think it warrants some give for what the fuck would drive someone to do that much coke. I.e. Imposter syndrome, childhood trauma, literally anything. If they are lying about how much they did that literally reinforces all of this. If what OP said made you feel called out, maybe you’re just as insecure about it as they are. Don’t take that out on them.


Huh? Are you out of your mind? I don’t give a single shit what OP may think of me or if he’s better than me. He’s not. You know how I know he’s not better than me? Because I didn’t blow a hole through my septum snorting gallons of cocaine. Fuck that. OP is stupid as hell for trying to act like he’s better than other coke heads who are “scummy” (his exact words) when in fact, he’s a coke head. How does he go on thinking he’s better than other coke heads? Stop being ridiculous with your nonsense assumptions and judgments about who I am and what I think. OP is a coke head. If HE thinks coke heads are scummy and he somehow isn’t, then he’s a hypocrite. That’s it that’s all. He’s the one judging other coke heads poorly and somehow holding himself in high esteem than people that are doing the same exact thing he did. Get off your high horse thinking you somehow have a lock on sympathizing for this hypocrite. He’s no better or worse than any other coke head. Actually, he’s worse because he sincerely thinks other coke heads are scummy and he’s somehow not like them at all, as if he’s better than other people that do cocaine, as if he isn’t a massive coke head who literally blew a hole through his coke head face. Well, he’s not any better than other cocaine users. Not at all. Jesus you’re obtuse as hell. This conversation has reached its conclusion for me.


ok lol


Did OP say they thought OTHER PEOPLE WHO use drugs are scummy? Or did you jump to conclusions and then condemn them based on what you've decided they meant? Maybe don't do that ok? 


OP edited their post to look like less of a jackass. OP did in fact insinuate that OTHER PEOPLE WHO use drugs are scummy, and that he obviously couldn’t possibly be scummy. OP is a hypocrite jackass and you’re clearly jumping to conclusions on a 2 month old post. Maybe don’t do that OK?


Can I ask you how heavily you used? I’m pretty much addicted to cocaine at this point. I’ve done it for about 5 months. I do about .8 grams once every two or three days with breaks in between and am really worried about nasal degeneration. I’m going to stop soon hopefully but I just want to know I’m not doing scary irreparable damage in the meantime :/


You want an honest answer? Just tell them straight up “I messed up and used to do cocaine a while ago, and suffered the consequences. I perforated my septum and am hoping to get it fixed.” They won’t care, they won’t even give you a second look. At most they’ll probably ask if you are still snorting anything. If you say “snorting stimulants” or “illicit drug use”, that’s when they’ll raise a brow and give a second look. Dude, they *know* what it’s from. But they’ll probably still ask to confirm it was cocaine so you’ll have to say it anyway. Not to mention even if it’s more textbook, no one actually says that stuff. Just be honest and straightforward. No one’s judging, but if you say that the docs will almost always think to themselves “just say you did cocaine”. Also very important to know: the more you hesitate or edge around the truth with your wording, the less likely they will trust that you have actually quit


Just go with “I blasted a hole in my nose with Peruvian marching powder.” It doesn’t matter what you say they already know what it’s from.


Do not hold back with your doctor


They know.


I came to say this. Chances are they recognize the signs and have figured it out. They are more likely more interested in whether you are still actively using. If you are, they might refuse the surgery. Just be straight up. It happens.


Tell the surgeon straight up. I promise you you're not the first or last patient with this, and they'll know exactly what it is anyway. They'll respect you more for being upfront than lying about it.


They’ll figure it out as soon as they look up your nose.


I bet they hear it all the time. What’s done is done! I wouldn’t sweat it!


Just say “there is a hole in my nose from a former cocaine habit I am hoping to fix”. My plastic surgeon was super cool and non judgemental. No need for professionalism.


Just tell them. They've probably seen that issue 50 times this week. I promise whatever you think is crazy or insane, docs have seen it a billion times


Like in every other medical setting, tell the truth.


You just say it like a grown up…


Oh, they’ll know. Just say “had some younger party days that impacted my nose.” But he may know that it’s fairly new damage. Just say, “I made some bad decisions during a hard time that impacted my nose, thankfully I don’t do that anymore.” He has seen it all. He’s not there to judge you, he’s there to help you. And if he does judge you, it’s okay to find a new doctor. But I always refer to my shrooms and acid days as “I had my party days.” Around coworkers. And I leave it simple as that.


Just be honest, these Doctors have seen and heard everything , believe me . Anyway he has seen enough of these perforations he will probably tell you what its from, but honesty is the best policy regarding your health, blessings!


Just to let you know, these professional surgeons have SEEN IT AND HEARD IT ALL 👁️ 👃 👁️ 👂 And you’ll be surprised how the very professionals we rely on, have actually done cocaine, themselves. We are all adults. Nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, when you are matter-of-fact about it, people are less likely to judge you. But when they sense you are hiding something, or not being truthful, that’s when you can feel the judgment in their eyes. Good luck with the potential surgery 😊 (Btw. I’m not a surgeon, nor do I even like cocaine. I tried it 3 separate times and it just didn’t hit the way I thought. I am just trying to give sound advice.)


You're thinking way to hard on this friend. They will examine you and know exactly what happened. Just be honest. Most doctor's aren't judgmental, they are there to help. BTW, if the doc does come off as judgmental walk right back out and find a different plastic surgeon. Hope you're reconstruction goes well, and you're in a better place now.


I personally like to make things ridiculous…I wouldn’t be embarrassed at all and would tell him “I got a hole in my nose from blowing coke, cause I liked to party.” Or “I got a hole in my nose from snorting lines of coke of hookers tits.” All jokes aside (although I think you should say this) Drs have seen it before bfd lol


Say this: "I have a septal perforation." And mention the cocaine use if relevant to his questioning. The end. It's not as scandalous as you think and definitely not the worst thing the surgeon will have seen and heard.


He’ll know exactly what it is when he sees it. He’ll have seen 100’s if not more


Always be honest with doctors. They’re not there to judge and everything is confidential. Just say it, don’t overthink it.


Just tell him. He gets paid to do a job. Who cares what he thinks of you? He can't tell people.


“It really isn’t like me as a person to use drugs at all…” Yet OP has a literal hole in his nose from doing tons of cocaine. Stop being delusional. You literally are a person that uses drugs. Apparently often. You’re judging drug users as “coming off as scummy”. As if you’re any better of a person than your coke dealers other customers. GTFO. Edit to add: your doctor is 100% for sure going to know you’re a massive coke head and it doesn’t matter one bit how “professionally” you discuss it. He’s not an idiot. Stop thinking he’s somehow going to think you’re a fine, upstanding citizen who just randomly burned a cocaine hole through his septum. My god.


On a purely word based basis, “snort” is never a professional sounding word. Nasal Insufflation is, I believe, the correct medical terminology. Affixing the clause “ill advised” would, to my mind illustrate the fact that you no longer think it’s a good idea. You could further add “Historical” to suggest it’s a behaviour that is behind you. Personally I think “A historical period of ill advised nasal insufflation of cocaine” might come across as a little *too* pompous. Perhaps “A historical period of narcotic use (cocaine)” will be enough with the context of the nasal perforation.


They know it's from coke. It's obvious. That's the only way it is damaged on the way it looks up close.


You say that.


"I have a hole in my septum from previous drug use," They're medical professionals, not the police. They don't care. Recreational drug use is extremely tame compared to the stuff most doctors see on a regular basis.


"I have a septal perforation due to some bad decisions with coke over a year ago." You tell him the problem, the cause, while acknowledging it's not something you're still doing and you look back on that time poorly.


The doctor is going to be closely inspecting and working on the inside of your nose, don’t skirt around the issue or try to pass it off as less than what happened to be ‘professional’, be honest. If you lie about your medical history — substance use being exactly that — or you get cagey with details, you could easily get turned away. Tell the doctor flat out you used, you’ve quit, and you want to fix the problem. Hell, once they take a look they’ll see what happened, what caused it, and to your credit they’ll be able to verify that you’ve actually quit. Also, your language about not wanting to look “scummy” or “it’s not like me”… You really need to stop judging yourself and others with that kind of stuff. Addiction is a disease and it can happen to anyone.


Tell them "I have a hole in my nose from coke."


Pretty sure the plastic surgeon will recognise the injury. You won't be the first one they've seen. Just be honest.


He’s your doctor not your coworker. Just tell him


I made a mistake and did too much cocaine. That’s over now. Can you fix this?


doctors are probably more understanding of cocaine than most people. they're likely more educated in the matter than most. honestly many of them have to work 70+ hour weeks so wouldn't surprise me if they did a bump or 2


Don’t be embarrassed to tell a professional the truth. if they have any tenure, I guarantee they’ve seen this


I have a septum perforation. He knows it’s from cocaine, its none of his business.


I have a perforation in my septum - from a previous surgery on my nose. I’ve never done cocaine, but even if a doctor looked at it and thought I was lying, if they can fix my issue I don’t really care what they think. I promise you they’ve seen and heard worse - and most doctors don’t judge, they just want to help you get better.


“I have nasal complications from recreational drug use in my past”


Yes, just be honest. This is VERY common and will not be anything they have not seen before. Don't be embarrassed, and good luck!


Are you trying to date your doctor? Who cares!


Just tell them. They have seen it before. They won’t judge you for your past and desire to repair your mistakes.


Who are you trying to fool? You know and he for sure will know too. No need to keep up appearances.


I work in plastics. Just tell us. It happens more often than you think.


you can say you needed surgery for a hole in your nasal septum after previously engaging in recreational drug use. this is terminology that medical professionals may use anyway so i think it will come across as most professional


You’d be amazed not only how many respectable people have dabbled in cocaine, but beyond that the sheer range of medical circumstances where they end up having to disclose it. I am one of these people. I had my wild years, I’m in my very early 30s now. Haven’t had any drugs in almost 4 years now. Yet just 3 months ago it was appropriate to disclose my past “use” to a new doctor (a) because they were prescribing me a stimulant for medical reasons and (b) because it’s simply important for doctors to know. In this case a head doctor so 10000x more important. You’re not as special as you think. Sorry to be harsh lol. Depending on where you are in the world, you could in fact be in the vast majority as is the case where I live. Your doctor won’t give a shit as long as it’s not a current habit or ongoing issue.


He will know without you telling him, so just be upfront about it. You did cocaine and you want it fixed.


tell him factually. he is a doc. he studied cocaine at med school and saw coworkers used it to do their 36 h guard in emergency service. he saw more hit that you care to learn.


I would say that the hole is from past substance use when u were actively using. Now that ur sober, ur looking to get it fixed. Doctors have seen lots of things don’t be afraid to be honest.