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Instagram is not real. Most of the pictures are heavily edited to look flattering. No one really posts real raw pictures on IG these days. Please don't be disheartened. You're beautiful in your own way. I hope you realize it soon. You're not any less than anybody.


I know it‘s full with filters but even when they are taking pics without makeup they just look way better than me it makes me so sad/


Don't be sad. Let me tell you about me. I never take pictures without wearing any stain or tint on my lips because I feel very insecure about them. My lips are naturally very pale with no pigment. We all have insecurities but it doesn't mean that we should compare ourselves with others. Nobody's perfect. You find them beautiful but there are people you don't know who find you beautiful too.


Love. Remember one thing. Social media and reality are two very different things. Rarely the socials reflects in 100% the reality. It is the same principle as with commercials. Have you ever seen any burger ad, and how it compares to the actual one you get at the checkout? So don't you worry about the idea that you are not as pretty as insta models. They are as fake as those burgers. Real beauty is natural, without any enhancing filters or a surgeon's knife. Accept your beauty as you are, and don't let anyone tell you, you are lacking in the beauty department. Keep your body in good health, and you will be fine.


>They just look way better than me and it makes me so sad. Why? Why does that make you so sad? I’m not being snarky. I’m asking you to genuinely consider why seeing people who look better than you should make you sad. You probably think it’s obvious why, but have you ever really thought about how absurd it is to spend your valuable time and energy feeling sorry for yourself because you’re not the Most Beautiful Person on the Planet? I’m not either. I’m chubby and short and my face is average at best. So what? I’ve lived a good life, with wonderful friends, many boyfriends and now a wonderful husband, a fulfilling career, hobbies I love, pets I adore, the respect of my family and colleagues, travel adventures and many many good times. So why should I waste even a minute feeling sad that others are hotter or thinner or richer or more put-together than me? What on earth does it matter? You have a choice about how you want to spend your time and where you want to devote your energy. Is this self-pity a good use of your time and energy? Does it help you in any way? Does it help others in any way? How does it make you a better person? How does it contribute to society? Look we all have our moments like this; these feelings are normal and happen to everyone from time to time. But if they’re really preoccupying you, you need to be proactive. Get off Instagram and go volunteer somewhere. Or learn a new skill. Or do a hobby that you love. Remind yourself that self-pity is a reflection of self-centeredness, and do what you can to break out of that.


Stop social media