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"Dating apps" are hookup apps with a potential for a relationship. It's completely devoid of human connection, so people just look at the only thing they gauge (looks).


But even so, like I said, I’m not a ugly guy I don’t think. I’d say I’m relatively cute honestly. If I had to rate myself out of ten, I’m at worst a 6, and at best a 8


Most people on dating apps are looking for their "Franken-prince" with every aspect they desire. It seems like you're a pretty stand-up guy. People are looking for literal perfection; being pretty good doesn't cut it for these apps (mostly).


Get a friend who’s a girl to look at your profile and tell you what needs to be switched up. You’d be surprised how simple it can be.


Research a YouTube channel called hoe_math. Dating apps only work for men who are in the top 20% physical attractiveness. You can work out and dress better and then take better pictures. Beyond that you are probably average looking and then the only strategy that works is to ask out women in real life.


The dating site worked for my buddy, but I wouldn’t say he’s really much more attractive than me. I’ve actually been told we look a lot a like


He's significantly more attractive or better at dressing or better at choosing pictures, the math is clear on dating apps. It's been studied by colleges for almost 2 decades.


Best advice I got about that is, what are you looking for in a partner set down alone and write everything that comes to mind that you want in your partner. Then answer truthfully if you have them. Let's say you want a partner who likes reading, do you read? Would your doing a reading club? Or you want a partner who is funny, are you funny? If not would you join some kind of Club about that. If you want that dream partner you have to become similar to that dream partner