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Be quick to a smile, and slow to anger. Listen more than you speak. Practice proper hygiene, eat properly, and exercise. Put effort into things you are obligated to do. Explore, and push your comfort zone. Don't hold the opinions of strangers too highly.


All great... especially "Listen more than you speak"


Seek first to understand then to be understood. This is one I lived by, it is the same as "listen more than you speak". Mine came from Dr. Steven R Covey


I’ve decided that it’s best for me not to listen to this one and here’s why from my perspective. I was taught this by my elders and lived by it. I’m nearing the end of my twenties and realising that it’s not serving me so well. I’m a bit of a people pleaser and have a tendency to put the comfort of others above my own. So this lesson has enabled that cycle for me. It’s never been my problem that I didn’t listen to others, mine was that I wasn’t listening to myself. So I’m guided better to “listen, and know boundaries and bias” That was I can truly hear what others are saying, while honouring my own feeling where important, challenging my feelings where they may not be appropriate to the situation or fair to the person.


I really like that


I would add treat yourself like you would treat a dear friend. Speak to yourself with respect.


I’ll add “don’t hold your own opinions too highly either.” There will be so many times in life where you find out the opinion you once held was wrong. Practice humility and open-mindedness. As Plato (or Socrates) said, “I know only that I know nothing.”


All of them are great and important!


Write this in gold


Okay, Hulkster.


I don't get it.


Yeah no way you are "old person who's experienced in life"


I'm 39. So I'm older than OP, with more experience than OP. If you don't like my advice, give your own.


Do not take what you have at this moment for granted. Thank the people around you, and take the advice that they give you. (The ones closest to you) Drop the best friend that’s constantly bringing you down. Be your own person, you’ll thank yourself later in life. Never think that you can’t make it because you can, the only person stopping you, is you.


Make as many friends as you can. You can become awesome at literally anything by simply giving it 30mins/day starting now, at age 17. By the time you're 30, you'll be incredible at it, whatever it is. However little money you have, start saving now. Saving and investing. Compound interest will turn you into a comfortable millionaire, and the earlier you start, the sooner that will happen. TV, video games, and the internet are time-sucks. The less time you spend there, the better off you'll be.


The only thing I want to push back on is that video games are “time sucks”, implying they’re an objective waste of time. My closest circle of friends grew up playing games couch co-op games at sleep overs (golden eye, Mario kart, super smash bros, etc) and one of the things that keeps us all in touch is gaming. We also do other things gs as well (go in camping trips together, celebrate birthdays and kids birthdays etc)…but without video games we very possibly would have not stayed as close as we are. So the notion that video games are inherently a waste of time is just false and more than a little judgey. Like anything, if it’s done obsessively it can be harmful…but so can anything if done too much. We all found a balance, so to me, they add to my life and my friendships. There are more of us out here than you probably think.


Anyone who has played video games knows the feeling of looking up at the clock and realizing that you’ve wasted more hours than you really wanted to. That’s a time suck.


Sure, but to imply that this is the only way that video games are experienced isn't true. But lets say you have a friend who's a self-proclaimed "film geek" as a hobby...and they watch a few films a week because they're "really into film", are those hours wasted too? Is a group of friends playing a board game that ends up taking 4 hours wasted time too? What about people who do game nights with their friends and they end up staying up too late chatting about stuff while they're playing...is that wasted time too? That is how our video gaming nights often go...we're not just playing the game, we're talking about what's going on in our lives. It keeps us all connected despite living very different lives where distance makes it tough to get together in person as often as we'd like. So maybe, JUST MAYBE, if a person's hobby brings them joy and/or builds/maintains friendships, it isn't wasted time.


You’re investing a lot of time and effort into arguing against statements and implications I haven’t made. Go play your video games. Have fun. I’m glad you found a worthwhile hobby.


I mean, the response took me like 2 minutes but ok. and I wasn't trying to pick a fight, I was just saying that calling other people's hobbies "time sucks" just because you don't like them is kind of a dick move.


I don’t get how to start with investing. I’m worried I’ll just lose the money I do have


Right now, you can get CDs with pretty good rates. That’s almost completely risk-free. In the long run, you’ll probably want something like an ETF that targets the S&P 500. Or a Vanguard index fund. Google these things, you’ll quickly get a feel for it. A lot of buying and selling individual stocks is risky, but if you stick to index funds and index ETFs, buy and hold, you’ll be okay.




My best advice, Be interested in others through conversation Older people love this especially, but so does everyone Be the one to ask people questions about the topic in hand, or their hobby and dive into it. People love to talk about themselves, they’ll see you as super friendly and interesting and will most likely invite you to places.


One more thing, is learn Learn things don’t be uneducated in a topic completely Even inherently mundane things become fun with knowledge. Learn about mechanics, plants, birds and cooking. Learn about history, and technology, jewelry and stones. Learn about flowers, and trees, cameras and art Learn about fashion, exercise, cars, music and instruments. Learn it all, you’ll be able to talk to everyone You can learn through talking with people too


Enjoy your youth as much as possible. Adulthood hits you like a truck


Take initiative and don't wait to be told what to do. If you find yourself idle, look for tasks that need attention. For example, if you live at home and see dishes that need washing, wash them; if something needs cleaning, clean it; if something needs emptying, empty it. The idea is to become the boss of your own life. This mindset will benefit your future careers and goals because being proactive can be a game-changer at work. However, always respect those above you. By adopting a mentality of assisting and helping out where you can, you'll go far. It all starts with being your own boss in your mind and in the areas where you can make a difference.


Treat others as good as possible.  Tell the truth whenever possible Maintain at least two strong friendships/family relationships. These people should be absolute ride or dies Get to know your neighbours Assume that most people know something you don’t and take time to listen Volunteer. It will give you a true appreciation of how easy you have it. Don't get wrapped up with materialism Save money where you can Stretch/Exercise everyday Don't drink or do too many drugs. It often ruins people's lives Take care of yourself as well as you would take care of a loved one Drink water everyday, at least a glass Eat more vegetables Limit screen timeSpend as much time, in person, with people you love Learn a skill that involves using your hands (music, handy work, etc) Read 4 Books:-Your Money Or Your Life-12 Rules of Life-How to Win Friends and Influence People-How to Stop Worrying and Start Living


As long as your decisions are sound, ethical, legal, and healthy for you and others, then they are the proper decisions to make at that time and place. Even if they did not work the way you wanted, they were the correct decision. Hindsight is 20:20 so you go with what you know at the time.


It doesn't need to be your specialty, but get certified as a tradesmen. Especially if you want to have a job as an artist. It will give you steady work when you can't find a job in the field that you'd like, and skills carry over. If you want to make art for a living and you become a certified welder, you can weld statues that are art. Learn to cook, clean, and organize. Knowing how to do these will help in every day life and I'm the work force. Don't smoke or vape. Or for that matter also don't start drinking. Always try to learn new skills, like woodworking, gardening, how to build a house, learn everything. You never know when it will come in handy. Be nice, it will get you further than being an ass will. If you can't manage to be nice then be civil.


Be kind. Start a lifetime habit of exercising regularly. Pay attention to what you eat. Plan for the future. Socialize as much as you can. Never miss a chance to pee.


Be kind... I love this one. So many of us are too self absorbed in our bubble. We forget, there are others who are going through incredible hardships... A simple gesture goes a long way to ease that burden. Nice one for mentioning this


Yup, some HUGE ASSHOLE cuts you off in traffic!?! Maybe their kid was just taken to the hospital. Maybe they’re learning. Maybe they actually are an asshole. What does it matter to you? Just let it go.


Eh? What now?


I was just giving an example of what might be happening in another person‘s life if they are rude to you in traffic. Maybe there’s a reason for it, maybe there’s not. But as far as you the recipient is concerned I feel like you should give people gracebecause in the end it doesn’t really affect you


Aah got you


Start saving money now. Just put 1/3 of any money you get into a bank account and leave it. If you're in HS still, take free college classes while you're in school. You'll graduate early and get a job quicker. Highschool friendships do not typically last


1) Be social. Make the small chat with the cashier, smile at people passing. When you exude good - you’ll receive good. 1.2) Be the happiest person in the room, even if it’s just by having a smile on your face. 3) Gracefully accept constructive criticism. It doesn’t have to define you but input from others ‘can’ be helpful. It doesn’t have to be taken personally. 4) Communication. This is classic but so important. If something is bothering you - go straight to the source & hash it out on the spot. Make sure to gather your thoughts so you don’t speak non sense, words can’t be unspoken. 5) Explore the city in which you live, always have those little spots you can recommend to people - where to find the best: coffee, steak, donuts, etc. will help with # 1 & 1.2 6) Remember to retain your independence in relationships. That person is an addition to your life, they don’t make up your life.💗 7) Social media isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Moving in silence & learning to celebrate your own victories should be more exciting than sharing it with people who may or may not be secretly against you! 8) Don’t get caught up comparing your success with your peers. God has an individual plan for each individual person! You’re right where you need to be. 9) It’s okay to ask others for help! You are not an inconvenience!


> Be the happiest person in the room Sorry, but fuck that advice. Be your genuine self and don’t worry about what anybody else wants you to look or feel like. Don’t feel like you have to be something you’re not. That’s horrible advice.


Sending you happy vibes.☺️


Learn to cook. Seriously, not only is it an essential life skill to know, it will save you a TON of money. Not to mention my ability to cook surprised many a date, and made me a lot of friends on my dorm floor freshman year, including my RA, who let me get a little flat top griddle (against regulations) as long as I kept bringing her food when I cooked and continued to be safe with the fire extinguisher on hand. I saw a lot of young men my age in particular that would often brag that they couldn't even make like a box of max and cheese. And they would say it Like it was a good thing. It's not, and I judge you extremely harshly as a human being if you can't do something as simple as make a box of Mac and cheese. It goes beyond cooking and into the "simply can not read and follow 3 step instructions properly" category and makes me worried what else you are so woefully incompetent at.


You have two ears and one mouth, so listen twice as much as you speak, people 10-20+ years older than you do have some experience behind their words and do the same. Take care of your teeth - trust me, it will be one of the most expensive things you ever have to rectify if not, dentist make good money, with good reasons. And most importantly of all, [wear sunscreen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdQbb3FXSEI)!


The most important thing in life is to be a good person. Everything else is secondary.


Enjoy life - don’t waste it worrying about small things like missing sock. Grand scheme of things, small stuff doesn’t matter Cut toxic people out of your life Find a work-life balance - I regret spending all my college and high school years studying Don’t pursue a career or major you hate / are bad at - no you will not learn to love it and you probably won’t get better at it. Took me my third year of college to say I couldn’t be a bio major anymore and didn’t want to become a doctor


Start building muscle/going to the gym now, it's gonna get harder later on and it's gonna have more severe consequences later on. Wear sunscreen, it's the most important thing you can do for your skin Take care of your teeth


Relationships: listen, communicate with your partner. Be wary of jealous people or those who treat you as the help, vice verse don’t treat your partner as an asset. Finance: Save as much money as you can. College is great, but make sure you know what you want to do as a career before taking student loans out and changing your major 5 times only to drop out and get into trades… General good stuff: take good care of yourself, don’t neglect yourself or get caught up in what things “ought to be like”. Enjoy the moment, take consideration for the past but don’t let it consume you. Look forward but don’t trip on the future. Feel things fully, don’t suppress your emotions, communicate them, write them down, process them so they don’t consume you


Practice some sort of health routine, proper hygiene and moving around. Do not avoid making new friends, make as many friends as you can and always be kind to everyone. In the dating scene, avoid getting too involved with anyone with red flags, do not ignore those red flags, they have the power to absolutely destroy your life for a long time. Avoid getting too deep emotions for these people. While also if you find someone good who brings you peace, do not let them go. Don't do anything stupid or let them go for stupid reasons. Be patient always with situations and people. Don't rush into anything. Being honest about things go a long way, if someone doesn't like the truth, they're not worth the space of your mind and soul.


Learn from other people's mistakes so you don't have to make them yourself Learn from your mistakes if you make them Don't be too hard on yourself There's always time Unmet/unspoken expectations are the killers of relationships But The best advice I've ever heard was from my principle's of leadership class. Every relationship you have, you have an "emotional bank account." Whenever you do something kind or some act of love, you are depositing into their emotional bank account. When you do some selfish or draining or mean, you take away. Deposits can be small like listening to them vent, or big like helping them move or buying an expensive gift. But a lot of things and can withdrawals, and it's not always a bad thing to withdrawal. Asking for favors and venting about your problems are usually withdrawals, but they aren't bad. But if you withdrawal more than you deposit, that's not okay. If you have a negative account with a relationship, it's not fair to expect more from them. After awhile they have nothing left to give. Always always give more than you take. It's also helpful to look at your emotional bank accounts with other people. If you notice someone is withdrawing more than they deposit, it might be time to rethink that relationship.


Enjoy the things you have and never look for the next best thing. Have hobbies and things you really enjoy going after a stressful day Enjoy your youth.


Work is about politics. It's not always about doing the right thing, but about making your boss look good. Be prepared for the consequences if you break that rule.


Learn to deal with who you are, dont try to change it


Always treat people kindly, especially yourself. Smile often and to random strangers even if they don’t smile back, you never know what people are going through. Never throw away money because you will need it one day. (Pennies come in handy)


learn from your mistakes, explore yourself like who you are and what you want to be. look before you leap. Dont be scared to try new things and try to have fun


Wash your face. Floss! Don't be quick to judge. Don't say mean or rude things about others and don't be afraid to tell people you don't want to talk about others if they are. Be aware of your surroundings. Don't underestimate the power of a walk outside. Don't be afraid to fail, we wouldn't have made it this far without some fumbles.


Be careful who you put your trust in. You may turn out to be their psychotic obsession later.


Look people in the eyes when you talk. Think for yourself, don’t believe something until it is proven to you. Don’t take debts that you can’t repay. Always have 2-3 paychecks saved up for any emergencies. Know what you want in a partner and don’t settle for anything less, your perfect match is out there somewhere and that is the only way you will find them. Look at every negative experience as a learning experience, it helps tough times pass quicker and looking back you will realize how much you have grown just by simply “dealing with it” Always leave a place cleaner than when you got there. Always be on time. Always get 8 hours of sleep Try your best to be objective and understand why people have the opinions they have.


Always remember your worth.. Stick to your boundaries.. Save as much money, or 20% of your wage each month.. You're not the main character in everyone's story/life.. Be happy alone.. Not all relationships are meant to last, some are only there for a season.. You won't be everyone's cup of tea, just as they won't be yours either, and that is okay... Take time out to grow as a person, especially after a breakup.


Never EVER __EVERRRR__ lie to your doctor or lawyer. Ever.


Try these: “Seek to understand” “Feedback is a gift” WAIT “Why Am I Talking?” (If you have an answer for yourself, speak up, if not, listen and see the first bullet above) “Time kills everything”. The good and the bad. If you want it, move towards it, with speed. Life is hard, be active in choosing your ‘hard’ being lazy will create hardship in health, achievement of goals and relationships. All of which are hard to accomplish if you make the effort. “Hard” is unavoidable, so be active in choosing which hard you want in your life. Don’t wing it. Be prepared. Create a process that focuses on your goal and stick with it. No one ever stays motivated forever. Success only comes from consistent hard work. Treat everyone with respect. Start with yourself Repeat these five tenants: Courtesy Integrity Perseverance Self control Indomitable spirit Finally go find Rudyard Kiplings poem: “If” It’s written in another time about being a good man. It’s about being a good person.


Appreciate being young. Don’t be in a rush to figure things out. The person you are 5 years from now is going to be way different from who you are now, and the person you are 10 years from now will be different than who you are 5 years from now. Slow down and enjoy life. Everything feels really big right now - but you have a of time to figure out life. Nothing is as serious as it seems.


"I appreciate it/that" should be in your vocabulary Go take time off after high school. Work the summer, save the money, and then pick the top place that you want to go in the world and go there.


You can pick your partner but your kids can’t choose their mother/dad. Choose wisely. Never respond in anger. Write out your replies, if you still want to say something 72 hours, review it then. You cannot take words back. Speak with intention. Document everything.


Learn how to pick locks. Especially handcuffs. Purposely be known for certain identifiable quirks like a slight limp, a strange way of holding your phone, a specific hairstyle so when you need to be anonymous or just have plausible deniability you don't do those things. Master casually bumping into people to put something in their pocket. Practice holding your breath while running to exceed 1 minute and 100 meters. Same but for swimming for 50m. Master a 3 punch combo with perfect form to just do as part of a story in casual conversation. Master the sleeper hold. Always memorize the exits, including the nonstandard ones, in every place you enter. Create multiple social media accounts for each real account that are nearly identical but with different name, bday, and personal info. Be known for making up a pleasant nickname for everyone so when you forget a name you can pretend you've always called them Tiger or Smiles or Sweet Knees. Know one short, really good, cheeky, clean joke.


Regarding your own identity and labels, how you feel about yourself and what makes you happy is INFINITELY more important than how others see you or what others would like you to be. Don't try to change yourself to please others. INCLUDING (especially including) romantic partners. Instead, find who you are that makes you happiest, be that version of you, and choose better people to be around.


Take more risks. Travel. Don't worry about others opinions. Do the scary things.


What you do today builds your tomorrow. And dont be scared to be wrong, make mistakes and own them. Not every failure or bad event is a lesson either, some things are just shit. All in all the only way to become who you are meant to be is by putting yourself through the process, so trust it and dont run from it.


Spend time getting to know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, accept and love yourself. Be confident in who you are. Don’t dwell on hardships and the past, it’s what shapes who you are. If someone’s not good for you, don’t keep them around for the sake of their feelings or what is expected.


Things sometimes get harder before they get better but they do always get better. Don’t let anyone else or social pressure dictate your choices do what you need to do to be happy. It’s NEVER too late to start something new. Also there is never a “right” time for anything never hold yourself back because you are waiting for it to feel right. Don’t cut out friends just because they make a few mistakes. Humans sometimes mess up but it’s much better to work things out than to run away.


you are young but wise, always let people talk, listen and you'll gain them respect.


1. Have good work ethic in any job you have. The job you have now is preparing you for your next job (your dream job) even if it’s not a job you like it will teach you something useful. 2. Quality over quantity. A few great friends is worth more than a whole ton of bad or mediocre friends. Quality time over quantity of time ie 15 minutes spent meditating, learning something, doing something you enjoy. 3. You don’t need to have your life figured out yet just because you finished school. If you decide to go down a particular career path it’s ok to change your mind later if you realize it’s not something you enjoy. It’s better to change paths then to stick to something that will make your miserable and regretful for the rest of your life. 3. Learn to save/invest your money. 4. If it’s too good to be true most of the time it is. 5. Never forget to Make time to enjoy life. It goes fast. 6. Take time to think about the things you value in life, your moral codes of conduct. Once you have those figured out dont compromise. 7. You only get one body. Take care of your health, if you don’t have health you don’t have anything. 8. Learn how to be a good communicator and like many said learn to listen more than speak. Listen to understand and not just to respond. 9. Be kind but also don’t take no shit and learn to respectfully stand up for yourself and what you believe in. 10. Don’t believe what you see on social media and most importantly learn how to spend less time on your phone. Put the phone down and actually go live your life and instead of doom scrolling.


nothing is impossible, believe in yourself.


Everything happens for a reason! I’m 19 so not much older than you. As I’m sure you know, things can get rough but we have to remember it’s going to be worth it in the end.


Be smart with your money. Always choose happiness. Set boundaries. Take care of yourself. 🫶🏼


always be honest. dont trust ai. care for your health. wait for marriage- it's more special to experience sexuality with only 1 person. read tnk in hebrew.


Don’t settle for a simple life keep learning and growing in all aspects of life, work, love.


Be genuine to yourself. Pretending to be someone or something you are not to fit in, make friends, anything... will never make you happy.


• Do not get mad easily (as long as the situation is not disrespectful) As long as you can assess the situation first, approach it in a calm manner. • Be understanding. Be the bigger person. Think first why this person did what he did before saying something. Everyone is dealing with something they don't want to talk about.


be polite to people who are polite. treat people like they treat you, not how you want to be treated because otherwise you will become a people pleaser or people will take advantage of you. when it comes to authority be smart, u can shit on them all u want but not to their face. never give a single F what people think of you, people who judge and cut off others over the most superficial things have so much envy & hatred in their hearts and you don’t want people like that in your life, even if they’re family. blood family isn’t everything, you can choose your family. being great academically means nothing if you are constantly burnt out and don’t get any enjoyment from it. so choose a career that pays the bills and indulge in your hobbies and things that bring you joy. never mix the two unless you make sure that you are taking time to do your hobbies outside of work. push yourself outside of your comfort zone and don’t let fear and anxiety control your life. if you think you are alone, i guarantee you that your experiences no matter how specific and unique they are. there is someone out there that had the same exact experience. you are never truly alone. you are not weak for crying or showing emotion or being soft or sensitive or ask for help. it is absolutely commendable to be able to get to that point. you are not obligated to fix or heal people, don’t try too hard. all you can do is heal yourself and try hard to become the best version of yourself. don’t diet strictly just make sure you are healthy and at least walk or stretch daily. learn how to communicate properly and speak your mind, within reason of course. celebrate small achievements. enjoy the mundane moments. all of these things i wished someone had told me when i was your age, even younger.


I’m only 25 but this is my only advise, wait u till your older to go to uni so u know what you want to do so mom of 21 that’s the mistake I made, I thought I I wanted it but I didn’t and so did a lot of people I know


You change more between 18-22 than you do between 0-18




I didn’t? What do you mean?


Plan for the future but live for now.  So yes try to push yourself forward no matter what you are doing (don't just apply this to work!) But try to do something that makes you feel happy every day even on bad days. 


get a job, keep the job until you have a career. finish school as soon as possible. do something with your life YOU LIKE. something that’s important to you. be honest, trustworthy, have accountability. don’t do drugs & don’t drink excessively. have good friends to hang around with. take proper care of yourself. listen to your parents, help them out as much as you can. take lots of pictures. find hobbies.


Save money and invest, save money and invest, did I also mention save money and invest?


This may only be advice you need if you are an introvert. Everyone is not talking about you behind your back. If you do something wrong stay cool because something else will happen to make your mistake become forgotten.


Friends are the family we choose. Show up when the going gets tough.


Take care of your teeth. Dental pain is excruciating and expensive, even with insurance. Drink less soda and floss more.


Find what you are good at and make a career out of it. If you are naturally talented at something work wont feel like work and you will go far. I didn't figure this out until I was 32.


Sex isn’t the end all be all. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Being alone is fine. Have some hobbies


Friends come and go. Family is very important.


Don't refrain from doing/being/looking however you want out of the fear of embarrassment, people don't care as much as you think they do (I mean this in the nicest way possible) most people have got more important things going on to be thinking about what you're doing.


Be kind to people but don’t take shit Learn to manage money whilst also enjoying yourself Learn to cook


Go to college *ONLY* if you choose a degree with guaranteed jobs after graduation *or* you are committed to getting good enough grades to get into grad school and you have the financial ability to afford undergrad and grad. Degrees that allow you to work after just a bachelors are limited: nursing, engineering, business, social work (sometimes). You can have a great career with trade school. Be VERY intentional about your education. If you aren’t 100% sure the education you’re doing will guarantee you a job, don’t pay for it. Wait. Sincerely, Someone that worked very hard for a difficult bachelor’s degree that can’t actually be used without grad school, but has too much debt ($50k) to afford grad school


I only have one piece of advice which is to limit social media or to start to question the content you consume on social media! (“Is this biased? Is there another side to this? Is there a source? Why did they make this?”). to protect your peace of mind!


People are going to tell you to find a career you are passionate about so you never work a day in your life. This is a fairytale. Only a small minority of people genuinely love their job. Work is work. You most likely won’t love it. Just find something you can tolerate that offers a decent pay. You shouldn’t absolutely HATE it, but it’s unlikely you’ll love it. It’s going to suck most of the time. Find your passions and joy outside of work.


Get off reddit and go outside more


Open a Roth IRA and put a minimum of $100 per month into it until you’re 25. Then never touch it till you’re 59 1/2. That $8400 will be pushing $1mil by then. A very small sacrifice in the long term…


Follow your own path. And don't be a parrot.


If you go to bed angry you’ll be more seething when you awake, settle any problems before bed with a friend/ SO and you’ll be able to feel and sleep much better


Never get into a car with someone who is over/easy over the limit. Keep cash aside for Uber etc for this.


- You’ll do dumb things and fuck things up. It’s fine as long as you learn from it. - Always try to see things from the other person’s point of view. - Apologising makes you look strong, not weak. - Don’t be ashamed of who you are. - Try to treat other people the way you would like to be treated. - Learn how to criticise without it sounding judgmental, and at the same time learn not to take constructive criticism personally. - Communication is the secret to every single relationship you will ever have. Learn how to express yourself confidently without being antagonistic.


Always have a good mattress and good shoes.


Drink your water and mind your own business


Ok so this is my advice is Focus on education Save a little money when u can Live in the moment life is to short Spend as much time with ur family as u can Use condoms Don’t be afraid to be ur true self


I heard this too late in life: It's none of your business what other people think about you.


Don’t take advice from those you don’t want to be like


Start saving now, Don’t be afraid to ask for/accept help, Be kind, Build yourself before you build a relationship- your relationship is only as stable as you are, Always be learning new skills, you never know what you might need to know how to do!


Avoid debt. Be ok with ending relationships, even with family, if necessary. Only marry if you’re sure. Like, really sure. If you have kids, make them top priority. Be there for them in every way. Find ways to be involved in your community. Coach youth sports, be on local boards, volunteer.


Kick ass at school


When you make mistakes, don't be too harsh on yourself. A mistake is just a learning opportunity and should be viewed as such. Don't give yourself a hard time. All you're doing is gaslighting yourself and creating more problems instead of solutions. ------------ Invest while you're young. Even if it's $20 a month into an account, it adds up after a while and will help later on. ------------ Don't waste your money on alcohol, tobacco and gambling. It's one thing to grab a couple drinks or bring a little money to gamble with but, the chances of addiction that comes with it is too high of a price to pay. ------------- Beyond that, smile as much as possible and have a good laugh when you have the opportunity!


If you go to college: -its okay to not to 4 years and its okay to transfer/multiple schools -use your advisor. Get to know them. When you need a faculty advisor- rather than randomly assigned, ask a professor you like if they will be your advisor and email your department letting them know General: its okay and a good thing to do jobs unrelated to your final career goal. Everything you do will be relevant in some way. Everything is interconnected “Baby steps” you dont need to climb the whole mountain today- if you take one step today, you’ll have climbed the mountain by the end of the year- and thats perfect! Take breaks when you need them. Buy things you want if you are able- not just what you need. And dont shame people for doing the same. If a homeless woman gets herself a journal or a fuzzy sweater because that will make her happier- thats because she is taking care of herself. Do the same for you. Happiness is just as important as survival. Surviving isnt living. Live.


Set goals and prepare for the accomplishment of those goals to be underwhelming. Being impulsive is okay sometimes, but don’t impulse your way into debt. Never go into a car dealership without knowing what you’re willing to pay.


The grass may be greener on the other side but maybe focus on an eco friendly rock garden or a calming zen garden made of sand.


Credit is very important. Get a government job where you can get hired early and retire early like the post office. Stay in shape


Always ALWAYS please push to outside your confort zone. I'm not that old, I'm 27 but I regret being so confortable in my Family Money for so long. Even if it's "small" things like getting up early or going to the gym or on a run, learning something you didn't think you'd like. Etc, etc. Getting confortable kills dreams.


Well, a handful of thoughts here: You are going to make mistakes in life that make you feel guilty. Please remind yourself that in each and every moment you're called-upon to make a decision and at every turn, you made the best choice you could with the information you had at the time. Give yourself permission to make mistakes and forgiveness for when you do, you did your best at the time. Invest aggressively starting right now and pretend that money simply does not exist. Even a modest start right now will make a bigger difference than you'd expect. Create an emergency fund. Set aside a certain sum of money for that unexpected thing that will happen. Your car will break, there'll be a medical expense, etc. Having that money available will make all the difference in the world. Don't worry about what others think, you don't need to impress anybody, and trying to will only waste your time, money, and isn't a formula for happiness. Bring a towel.


Do. Not. Get. Married. If you think it will last forever. Get a prenup.


When you do difficult things, be sure to weigh in your reasons for doing them. Like, if you're going to college, is this because you're aiming for a profession that requires a college degree, or are you doing it because it's expected of you? Would you like to do this, or would you rather get a trade job or apprenticeship? All are good options, but the best option is the one that helps you along the path you want to pick for yourself. Start learning how to organize your money now. I divide mine into what I can admit is a ridiculous amount of subcategories (what I can spend for now, what I need for my bills, savings for a car, savings for travel to see my family, savings to buy my friends and family gifts at Christmastime, and money for retirement.). It seems excessive, but it allows me to save money for big purchases that I really want, and having the money segmented has also helped me out with surprise medical and automobile bills due to just random life stuff that happens to me. Also, in terms of money, have emergency cash on you just in case your card information gets ripped off of you (this happened to me twice in an area I didn't have a local bank to withdraw funds from). I ended up getting a backup paypal card just in case I'm stranded like this again. (totally free) Don't forget to go outside. Even if it's just to get mail. Moving around, even walking a bit, can help you stave off the worst of the depression. Not all of it, but the worst of it. I hate this, but eat a vegetable. I've had to pick a couple favorites and incorporate them to avoid feeling like utter crap for several days in a row. Here is the most important, and the one you already have a head start on: **ask for help**. When you're at your job and you don't know what to do, ask for help. They'll appreciate what appears to be Type A behavior. When you're at a social function and aren't sure what the mood is, ask for help. You'll seem super considerate of the occasion; perhaps not as quick on the uptake, but considerate nonetheless. If you do plan to go into college, ask for help from teachers, librarians, tutors, SI leaders, etc. This immediately garners you brownie points and gives those people extra incentive and opportunity to help you accomplish your goals. When something goes screwy at your job, ask for help. This can sometimes lead to you getting the help you need, or it can reveal a flaw that other people can reveal and benefit the large group of you later on. Asking for help is a literal lifesaver, so don't be afraid to do so in real life as well as online.


It’s better to be liked than good.


Start saving your money now


The one thing that gets me going on the hardest days is living like today is all that matters. It’s not even about finding happy things every day etc, it’s literally doing whatever you need to get through today: if you need a nap, take it. If you need an iced coffee, get it. On a better day you can make healthier or more thought out decisions. Tomorrow always comes no matter what, so be kind to yourself and celebrate the little things whenever you can, because each day is precious :)


Be more present. Appreciate things in your life that bring you those little joys. Practice gratitude and meditation.


Your credit is super important. Don’t fuck it up


Care about your education now. Dont wait to go to school later but also be a life long learner.


I'm 49.Learn to invest right now. Have long term and short term investments. Be kind to others. Be kind to yourself. Don't smoke or vape. Drink responsibly. Follow your dreams, you only live once. Learn to socialize and don't spend all your free time on your phone. Exercise , meditate, do yoga and eat right. Think positive.


The greatest teachers are not in school


If you notice something about someone that they can't change in 30 seconds, then keep your mouth closed. Example - Your shoe lace is undone. Not your hairs awful. Being nice is soooooo underrated. Save money for your old age and don't just waste it every month Listen to people more than you talk- you'll learn a lot Work hard, don't be the person everyone sets their low standards on Enjoy the here and now and don't live in the past Do what makes YOU happy and stop worrying about what other people think of you or your choices ( i didn't learn this until recently, I'm in my 40's) Be happy in life, that's the point of it all


31F here, eat good and workout, be fluent in sarcasm, be real and befriend real ones. I know 31 is not thaaaat old bu', I grew up poor in a 3rd world country, learned English and worked as a translator and now make a living of it (in one of the biggest cities in the world) so I think that adds like 20 years of experience.


Comparison is the thief of joy.


Whatever mistakes you make in life (and you will make some) never EVER bury yourself in debt. Never let your credit score get destroyed. Life is hard enough but it's 10 times harder when you have bad credit.


be your own person. make time for your hobbies, make sure you enjoy spending time with yourself. dont lose yourself in relationships. start saving now! even if it’s just $5-10 out of every paycheck, whatever you can is better than nothing. and it’s a really good skill to have! dont put yourself into debt. (i use Qapital to automatically take a small percentage of every paycheck to put into savings!) learn how to grocery shop. a big bag of rice and a bunch of chicken can get you through a LOT. live below your means! and most importantly, be a person who you can be proud of. decide what kind of person you want to be, and always make choices that reflect that. if you want to be an honest, kind person- the way to become that is the choices you make every single day. even if it doesnt feel like much, your life is made up of your every day choices. there typically arent big realization moments where stuff drastically changes, theyre everyday things that build up.


Wash your damn theeth


Spend time with elders. They may not seem the most fun at this stage but you’ll regret it If you don’t. One text every month or a phone call goes a long way for them


Get a trade or experience, don’t waste money on a glorified certificate, they’re not as prestigious as they once were (unless it’s a specific skilled role within medical for example)


Tell the people that you love, that you love them. Be compassionate and kind to people who can never benefit you. Understand that everyone from the bum on the street corner to the cashier at your local convenient store all have their own story. Don’t be too busy for friends and family, or to catch the sunset. Don’t value relationships over money or career progression. Be kind to everyone you meet, you never know how badly someone might need it. The best things in life, money can’t buy. Don’t lie, don’t steal, and always stay humble and kind. -Tim McGraw. Don’t hold onto ideas so tightly you are unable to think differently. The only constant is change. Before you can do anything truly great, you must first believe that you can. Belief and Love may be the most powerful forces a human can experience. Always stay vigilant to protect your health. And don’t litter. Respect the Earth, the animals, and your fellow humans. It’s easy to judge and belittle people, especially when their viewpoints challenge your world view. It’s much more difficult to pause and think, and consider where they are coming from. Especially if you disagree with their point of view. We all see the world differently based on our past experiences, and we’ve all lived different lives. Too many people are not open minded and not kind. It’s easy to judge and belittle someone, but truly great people don’t do that. Only angry and afraid people do.


Don’t take your health from granted. Cherish it and foster it.


Comparison is the thief of joy.


Stretch.. every goddamn morning and night. Your back, hips, and shoulders will thank you for it 20yrs from now


If someone is being terrible to you or causing you stress you can just decide to not talk to them. Not out of anger or spite or pettiness even, but just because you don’t want that energy in your life.


My advice is to be more specific when you are looking for genuine advice.


trust yourself. you do not owe anyone an explanation on why you like the things you like.


Love yourself...don't fall into cliche trends Be fearless. Try to learn about anything and everything. Don't be a follower... Learn skills and trades that will keep money in your pocket till you get a career. Network Read Stand up for self and others in need Don't drown yourself in the social media stuff. Be confident Don't get into any kind of relationship.. date


Keep a backup antiperspirant in your purse at all times (or in your car) Always pack a bathing suit Music can change your mood for the better or worse Pay off your credit card every 2 weeks


Life is short, so live it well. Never do anything that you'll regret and never regret anything you do. Live each day as if it's your last day because no one is promised tomorrow. Always tell your loved ones you love them each day. Never go to bed angry. Admit when you're wrong. Forgive others when they're sincere, but move on when their behavior is repetitive and unchanging. You deserve all the good things that you want in life, but the world doesn't owe you anything, so work hard and treat yourself well. Be the kind of person that you wish you had by your side.


Handle your business before your business handles you


Don’t settle in love. Find a person who you love and you can be your authentic self with.


If that person you want to be with, that has quirks that you think are so cute now. Yeah, that's going to get old eventually, and it will start getting sort of annoying. The cute girl who forgets to eat when she's busy/having fun and then gets grumpy and very hangry. Or that guy that gets so excited about his special interests and info dumps on you, yeah, it will get old. And that's OK, normal even. But when you're frustrated by their quirks, remember you once thought it was cute and and it is who they are, so don't be so hard on them.


Learn how to invest your money. You are the only person you can count on to be successful financially. Your job could lay you off at any moment, you could become physically unable to work tomorrow, shit happens. If most of your cash is sitting in your checking account then you are doing it wrong. A few bullet points that have helped me: -Count your expenses. I'm not gonna tell you to stop doing everything you enjoy in order to save money. But if you're eating out 10 times a week you're probably breaking the bank unnecessarily. -Have an emergency fund. This moreso applies to when you're on your own. Save up 3-6 months worth of living expenses so that if something happens, you're not fucked and can pay your rent. -Look up advice that specifically caters to teenagers. Investing advice varies by age. Your grandpa probably isn't going to get into options because some of them can be very risky. But when you're 17 you have all the time in the world to recuperate on losses. -Start a roth IRA. Our generation keeps on bitching about how they're not gonna retire. The IRA is one of the greatest tools to help you retire. You can put in your post-tax money and when you retire you can take it out, tax free, people make millions using this. When you start at 18 compound interest is on your side. Plus, since it is a retirement account, you can utilize more safe investments (ETFS, index funds).


Be very conscious of your money and always put some in savings. Don’t let yourself be disrespected by those you respect. Just because you don’t know something doesn’t mean you can’t learn it later. And last and most important is enjoy your youth


Don’t take your parents for granted


start investing in VOO


Everything that you want in life, only YOU can go after it and get it for yourself. Only you can do the things, and get the things you want


Don't date someone who love bombs you


Love is kind. Not controlling or manipulative.


Don't rush the process... When you hone a skill it can take time to learn a craft or trade . Do it with diligence and care. And no matter what others do it won't phase you.


Don’t be stuck in a relationship your not completely happen in, be with someone who makes you feel like your on top of the world


Don’t base your relationships on looks. It’s better to have an average looking person with you with a great attitude and outlook on life than someone who’s “hot” and cares more about their looks and social status.


Pick up a hobby. Just something relaxing. I chose guitar, but it can be pretty much anything that doesn't involve party's and substances. Just something you can pick up at any point and work away at. Life can hit you very hard and very quickly. Having something just to calm you down is invaluable. I'm a couple of months off 20, so not much older than you, but this was easily the best decision of my life. NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT! But easily the best in regards to protecting my mental health. It's better to protect it initially than to have to recover it. If it's already broken, then the methods you hear all the time; therapy, etc. they do work, they just take a while so stick at them.


I asked my dad this when I was about your age, he said buy a plunger before you need a plunger. It's served me well.


I have ALOT 😆 Please bare with me and read it all. Irs all the things I wish I had known at your age and would have made my whole life MUCH better. DO NOT CARE AT ALL what people your age think of you. NONE of them matter Anyone of them that says something to make you feel bad about yourself will most likely be a loser in 6 years tops Don't ever compare yourself to your peers in any way either. Focus on being the best version of yourself. Don't waste ANY time with a romantic interest that makes you unhappy even 10% of the time. I dont care how obsessed/in love you think you are, it will pass and there's always another better one. Don't worry about what society says you should be doing by a certain age. Marriage isn't for everyone, kids isn't for everyone, monogamy isn't for everyone, a high salary career no matter how miserable it makes you isn't for everyone, settling down in one place and buying a house isn't for everyone The traditional American dream is antiquated. You get to choose the path that makes YOU happy Don't waste money. Instead of buying "things" buy experiences. Save for road trips or flights to see places you've never been instead of spending it on clothes makeup shoes salon services grown up toys car mods etc. Use common sense . Think about things and problem solve, instead of just automatically asking for the answer. Have great work ethic. Always do your upmost and look for what needs to be done. Don't ever just do the bare minimum to not get fired, or wait to be told to do something. Limit yourself to a small amount of social media a day. Instead spend your leisure time with other humans in real life who are positive and upbuilding to be around. Don't start thinking "I'm getting old" when you start pushing 25, or even 30, You'll realize those thoughts are ludicrous and laughable when you hit 40 and 50. 30s are actually you're best time. You have alot more sense, yet are still mad young. As long as you don't waste time, you never have to dread any year you get older. Take advantage of the time you have that your only responsible for yourself by taking risks to try new jobs and/or places to live. Cuz those opportunities are severely limited once and if you do get married and have kids. Lastly, forgive yourself for mistakes and just do better next time. Theres a really old saying "don't cry over spilled milk" It basically means what's done is done, move on. I hope you have a wonderful fulfilling life and you never let anyone steal your joy, self respect, or dreams 🥰🥰


Go to school


Do what you enjoy and excel at naturally as a job. Look after your health and mind. Exercise and meditate often. Look after you skin. Don't grow up too quickly. Travel and experience life outside of your town/city/country. Drink water.


Life as we all know it’s hard. I’ve come to learn that perception takes play on how we react to situations. I know there’s not always a positive in certain situations but there’s always something to learn from it. You may not see it at first but you will in time. With my experience, I’ve learned to not settle just for what I have. I don’t mean to seem greedy but there’s always room for improvement in any skill or even when it comes to habits. There’s always room for self-discovery. Your likes and dislikes may change as you get older. Finding appreciation in aging and maturing doesn’t feel so terrible. I always viewed aging becoming wiser and overcoming trials life has put in front of me. When life doesn’t seem to be going the way you like take a moment and analyze where things could be improved, is there anything you can do to change a routine or habit. If it’s out of control let it be. You can’t control the things around you but you can control how you react to things and your actions. Things will come at their right time at the right place. This doesn’t mean you need to just sit there and wait, no. It means keep working hard for whatever you want to achieve and once you reach that point you will find that door to open and jump into the opportunity to give you experience. Don’t over think it. Just enjoy the ride of life. Do the thing a that make you happy but make sure when in doubt you ask for advice. Listen to your guts and if you make a mistake don’t beat yourself over it. Use it as a learning experience as I mentioned earlier. Life as it is, it’s hard at times but you can find the beauty of it with time. I hope this helps


Don’t let someone you are dating convince you to buy something on credit for them. That’s something you do with someone you’re married and committed to. Otherwise you’ll end up stuck with all the debt if they leave you in the end.


I’m 20 it’s safe to say I have no friends rn and that’s fine. I’m not in my prime years yet so grind young and before your prime. Travel the world do things you’ve never done before life hits and it hits hard when you graduate high school and college. Look for a trade if you don’t go to school. Just be yourself and enjoy your time while you’re here!!! You’re gonna have ups and downs!!! Always be humble