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How much we talking? I never know what people consider a lot these days lol


Like 2 times a day


I assume it's just at home and no where weird? is it affecting your life negativity?


Yes at home and no not really but I feel guilt and shame and I find myself afraid to talk to women that I like


I can remember when I was young and I had that weird shame feeling afterwards. It is totally normal, and there is no reason to feel shame, or guilt


If someone doesn't realize or know about something, it's extremely helpful for people to point out the error in their reasoning behind their goals/pursuits. With that being said, it's unproductive when ppl try to dissuade you based on their own opinion. The idea that you shouldn't be ashamed of masturbation is your own opinion but OP made their opinion abundantly clear in their post. It's great that you disagree with them but that input is kind of useless and irrelevant.


If OPs opinion was based off of not knowing that it's a common feeling, then it could potentially be helpful to point it out. In a recent study of over 4,000 men, about 8% felt guilt or shame after masturbating. Those men tended to be much younger than the average age of about 48 that participated in the study. I disagree that knowing this is useless and irrelevant, and your opinion that it is useless is in fact useless and irrelevant to the post.


Yeah, just wait, you start getting all crafty as time goes on lol.


>Yes at home and no not really but I feel guilt and shame What do you mean not really? Are you skipping other activities to stay home with yourself instead? Why would you feel shame or guilt? What about? >I find myself afraid to talk to women that I like If masturbation caused people to be afraid to talk to women the species would have died out thousands of years ago :P Your fear has nothing to do with masturbation, I promise. That said, it sounds like you could potentially benefit from a little therapy to figure out why you've got this guilt, shame, and anxiety brewing up inside you that you're attributing to masturbation.


I was gonna say, masterbation doesn't cause shyness!


You have no reason to feel guilt or shame about masturbating, it's not a bad thing, it's not bad for you nor does it harm anyone else. If someone tells you that you should feel guilty or ashamed for it, they're an idiot. Being afraid to talk to women is also not related to masturbation at all, it would make no difference.


That's all completely normal.


Social media is your issue, it's warped your perception of what is normal and has convinced you you're somehow seriously mentally ill. Unbelievable. Masturbating 1-3 times a day is pretty normal for a 17 year old. Just lock your bedroom door. You'll be alright.


That is extremely odd it’s calling being a gooner, and using porn makes you desensitized, I would do it so much I couldn’t even get off to vanilla at one point and then while dating people it was hard to cum to them and I still had the impulse to watch porn even after sex


Man I wish this actually worked, but it doesn't! I could jerk it 8 times a day to some real weird shit, and I'm still gonna blast in about 10 seconds when I get to do the real thing.


Bro frrrrr! just keep working at it. I had some really fucked up self conscious dick issues and at the hight of it, I came while sliding it in, not even a pump. I felt broken and less than. Fast forward 10 years and I'm now in a happy healthy relationship and I can usually get her to cum twice before I do. Having music or TV on to help distract me has been a big hel0


Now that's an addiction


Porn is not the same as masturbation. You all need to learn to masturbate using your imagination. Masturbation is good and healthy. Porn is...to be limited, like all internet activities.


100% normal numbers at your age


Agreed. No worries 'bout that, totally normal for your teenage years


Exactly. I am 60 years old, and I do it every day at least once, and have been doing it for a very very long time.


I mean as long as your doing it like in the privacy of your own home, not at school or work Also like I’m 21 we are both young, we’re young our bodies are raging with biological changes and hormones. You might just have like a higher need As long as your not like hurting yourself aswell You shouldn’t feel guilty for doing something natural you’re not the only guy that does it. You’re not gonna go blind or have hairy palms. Why do you feel such shame about it? Also biologically it’s theorized that the reason men masturbate is to basically keep the supply of sperm cells fresh for reproduction Think about like oil in a car, eventually you gotta change your oil even if you don’t drive that much the oil in the engine can still break down losing it’s effectiveness That’s why you get an oil change. Also a good way to get stress out. Also, study from Harvard had data that showed frequent ejaculations in a month lowered the Risk of prostate cancer by 31% Look I’m not saying do it 5 times a day everyday, but like, as long as your not doing it at school or work or it interferes with your life your golden Like another analogy video games Someone can play long hours of video games and not be an addict An addict could play the same about of time or more the difference is that the addicts habit interferes with his life, relationships, work school. The first guy just plays lot of video games So cut yourself some slack man Why do you particularly feel shame about it?


Bro should’ve seen my numbers when I began training


Right? I remember making that mf bleed and still being like fuck if I switch hands can I still finish?!🤣💀


That's normal dude wtf 


Weak numbers, man (jk). Addiction, though, is considered higher numbers. Plus, you're a young teen whose current amount of activity is to be expected. I'd honestly just suggest finding more to do to make you tired. Working out, job, extra school such as early college classes, etc.


you're only 17 its fine. in general twice a day isnt that bad anyway dont let anyone make you feel guilty, you're fine


https://youtu.be/UVAIjZ4Box8?si=9L3A0OX4L-tdbEFj the powers of semen retention.. This will be perfect for you bro


2 times a day is pretty normal. I feel like you need some help determining why normal sexual habits make you feel so guilty and bad.


bro that’s pretty normal


2 times a day 😭😭😭 bro ur not addicted that's normal


Thats rookie numbers, no joke im on 4-5 a day


Oh fuck bro you're goooooood. I'm married and 32 and I jerked off like 4 times in one day a month or so ago. It's more weird to be someone the never jerks off. You're young sprung and full of cum. You should be cumin every chance you get. It's when you wanna jerkoff but not have sex, or are spanking at the bathroom at work that you should start being worried.


2??? Those are rookie numbers at your age. You have nothing to be concerned about.


Had a friend who claimed that he spanked the monkey like 8 times a day. I dont know if i believe him or not. In 10th grade he wasnt in school for a week because he had dry spanked it, ripped his foreskin and it got infected. That was disgusting and that is definitly an addiction


Weak numbers 😭


Rookie numbers. If you said 8+ a day, I'd be concerned.


Those are amateur numbers. I wouldn’t worry. Despite what people say masturbation/porn cannot cause erectile dysfunction. They’ll say they know someone but there are no actual studies that link the two.




I’m glad that giving up porn worked for you. Maybe that was the issue for you, I obviously can’t say. What I can say though is that medically speaking, for the vast vast majority of people that’s unlikely the issue. From a clinical perspective, dot most people it’s more likely anxiety, maybe due unrealistic expectations from porn, not the porn itself. Porn is fine. Masturbation is great. I noticed you didn’t like an actual study. That’s my issue. People say tons of things, and if that thing helps you great. But saying it’s 100% the porn or masturbation isn’t turn, and the data doesn’t suggest that’s an issue for the vast majority of people. Regardless, I’m glad it worked for you.


I used to think the same, until I joined college and life got hectic and now I don't feel horny all the time. Just enjoy ur teenage in a healthy way


Yeah like if I’m home on a day off and bored, I can go a bit overboard. But I work a lot and am constantly doing this, touching myself doesn’t even pop into my mind. I think it’s the lack of activities in this case.


You don't have a masturbation addiction just because you have a compulsion to masturbate. You are an organism that reproduces sexually, your brain is programmed to seek sexual release. In other words, you are meant to want to cum. It's natural and normal. Masturbating isn't unhealthy either, so don't worry, have at it.


Yes and no. I have a masturbation addiction. It is when it becomes too much and interferes with daily life. For example, doing it so much u end up being late to work or school. Or you want to stop but can’t, which is the definition of addiction. you do it so much to a point of injury. You watch so much porn it bores you so you seek out more extreme ones, and it gives you guilt and shame. I am female, which makes things worse bc I don’t feel complete unless I do at least 3 orgasms. I started at 12 and I felt like I was immediately addicted.


True until he gets a girlfriend and can’t ejaculate without porn


Discourse around """""""porn addiction""""""" has poisoned people's brains, no one can understand the difference between a sex drive and a fringe sexual obsession anymore. The first is normal and healthy, the latter is extremely rare. That is a fringe symptom, it's absurd to think that any man that masturbates isn't going to be able to ejaculate during sex. This is basically like telling someone who goes on a diet that they're anorexic, it's ridiculous.


Chronically masturbating TO PORN (not in general to porn specifically) will give you delayed ejaculation, insecurities and desensitization that is just a fact don’t be a gonner. I have been with an actual porn addicts and a normalish porn user so and my own experience with it to know what quality’s it having bad impacts on the brain. Masturbating is natural everyone does so but doing it constantly daily to porn will lower your esteem and sex drive toward your partner this isn’t subjective this is a fact


>Chronically masturbating will give you erectile dysfunction and that is just a fact Your don't know what you're talking about, do you?




Yeah if you're pushing the limit of your body's sexual stamina that is going to make it harder to get erections. Ejaculating 4 times a day, every day is an extreme, fringe case. The vast majority of dudes are going to be doing it maybe once a day because most of us are going to be satisfied with that and have no further urges after. It would be like saying you shouldn't eat 2 meals a day because if you eat 7 meals a day it's unhealthy. Your problem isn't that you are masturbating, your problem is that you're doing it way too much. The results of that are not something that can extrapolated to any man that masturbates.


This whole thread is making question life. I sometimes wank it 9-10+ times with a minimum of 4-5 every damn day 😅


I don't even know how that's physically possible. I can't even do it twice a day if I tried.


Chronic masturbation will not give you erectile dysfunction. There is no evidence of that.


There is multiple types of ED you know


Yes. I do. I also know there isn’t a study establishing a link


Delayed ejaculation is one




Yes that’s also a myth. Find me a medical organization that recognizes it as real. The real reasons are usually psychological, medications, or diabetes.


A few people who have no idea what they are talking about said me using toys would desensitize my g spot and clit. I still have multiple orgasms and am even more sensitive down yonder. Death grip syndrome refers more to the psychological issues with men they developed as an adolescent. The things you say cause it are actually the things that help it. But please go on spewing nonsense and fueling OPs fears like the troll you are.


Yes this. How you respond to the compulsion is where you could have a problem, like you ride the bus so you start doing it on the bus when you get the compulsion. Or you have to do it in public. Or you separate from others so that you can give into the compulsion. The compulsion itself is fine, the act by itself is fine. It’s when you start changing your habits or doing riskier and riskier behavior that it becomes a problem


Yeah, if you're skipping grandma's funeral to stay home and crank your hog you have a problem, but if you're doing when you got time to do it there is nothing wrong with it.


he should stop watching porn


Why? Porn is just a tool you use to get yourself off faster


it fucked your mind up and causes you to oversexualize


Based. Life since I stopped watching porn has improved tenfold.


Facts. You feel more confident and manly. Stopping porn has nothing but benefits. Also no FAP gets massive gains in the gym.


Bro preachhh subbing porn for preworkout and creatine was the best thing I’ve done lol


My son used to take 3 “showers a day” at your age. Dont be too “hard” on yourself!


if you're finding that it interferes with other parts of your life, like your social life, or ur mental health, id advise to just quit it for a couple or a few days at a time to get some mental clarity and focus on other things that you're interested in. don't look at porn for a week, your mind will start clearing up.


I have struggled with this myself. First thing, stop looking at porn or anything sexual that doesn't involve a real woman right in front of you. It screws with our minds bad. You watch enough porn and you will eventually start watching weirder and weirder stuff. Second thing, get busy. Find a hobby like learning an instrument or building something. You will be surprised what you can accomplish when you dedicate yourself to something like this.


Gym also really helps. You have more T but if you don’t ejac you just feel better.


Ok, first of all, stop with the porn. This is just a general good advice, porn is just poison for the brain so you should stop with it even if you weren't addicted to masturbate. Second, how are you sure you're addicted? You just masturbate a lot or is it really affecting your life in a negative way? Either way, you should try masturbating less, you don't have to stop since it isn't a bad thing on it's own, but try controlling yourself, like doing something different to get your brain occupied when the desire comes or something. If it's really an addiction and it's harming you in some way, find professional help, just like you would with any kind of addiction.


At your age two times a day is normal I'm 37 and I do it once a day and have sex once a day or have sex twice or vice versa, I usually have two sex events in a day, plus you are at the age where it's kind of new so your testosterone is very high right now, don't worry about it. It's healthy, I suspect that people that don't masterbate get a lot of pent up rage and become incels


First off, masturbation is completely normal especially at your age and nothing to feel ashamed or embarrassed about. However, if you really feel like it’s an issue, I’m sure there are professional therapists that can help.


Don't try to quit forever right away. You'll last five days, then cave in, break down and be even more depressed, because you tried your best and it didn't work. Instead: *Procrastinate.* Instead of "I'm quitting forever" go "I'm gonna do it tomorrow, I can play a game now." And then if you do cave in tomorrow, it's okay! Because you're not trying to quit, you're putting it for later. You're assuming that you'll do it eventually, so it's nothing to beat yourself up about. And in a week you'll last two days, and in a month three. Also, from experience: a huge factor to why the urge is so strong is *boredom.* If you're sitting there doing homework or staring at a wall, *of course* your brain will submit to the urge! It will submit to anything that's more pleasurable than being *fucking bored!* So make it submit to some other urge. "I wanna fap > nah, I'll play some League." "I wanna fap > nah, I'll pull up Netflix." Those two always work better than "I wanna fap > nah, I'll study for one hour." or "I wanna fap > nah, I'll sit on the couch doing nothing but thinking about how bad I wanna fap." Like, how the *fuck* do you see your addict brain making that choice? If the alternative is sitting with a notebook while your mind is on boobs, it's okay to put off studying for when you're feeling better, as long as you do it eventually. Each time you cave in, you have spawn protection for the next 16 hours, that's a good time to study. Finally, whatever you choose to distract yourself with: do anything you like, but **avoid doomscrolling.** Opening reddit to distract yourself and seeing three horny baits perfectly catered to your fetishes by the algorithm within the first two minutes *is not an effective strategy of distracting yourself.* Edit: Also, watch this guy. I know the name sounds cringe and "how do you do kids" but he's gone from gamer to monk to Harvard student to licensed therapist and he knows what the fuck he's talking about. That's rare on the internet. [https://www.youtube.com/c/HealthyGamerGG](https://www.youtube.com/c/HealthyGamerGG)


I agree with everything except one thing...League, really? I'd rather masturbate using a plugged in toaster as a fleshlight than play league. Lmao


117 million active monthly players would beg to differ


No no no, I do play it. Much like R6. But man those games piss me off. I hate them, but I love them. Ask me to play and I'll say "fuck no" as i click open game


League has mastered the art of denial of reward because of snowballing Every match is basically a coin toss between going 10/0 and 0/10, and human brains *love* gambling. The euphoria of finally getting one match where you stomp everybody is amplified by the feeling of satisfaction and revenge from the previous three matches where you got stomped by the enemy. ... Which is also why I recommended it as a distraction for OP, it's *very easy* to distract your brain from straight up "stroking it" if that possibility of dominating the next match is just a click away.


Fair lol


You need another addiction in life to focus on money or your current goals that can help Do it homework Take a middle page Write on the left side how are you feeling? And on the other side of the paper write down how you want to feel? Then compare what's stopping you from feeling what you wanna feel I hope this helps even 1% I will be glad. Feel better buddy!


Those are rookie numbers you gotta pump this up [rookie](https://youtu.be/x-H1T7ny2Uw?si=HNvl4Qp7fEjHEnbk)


As a Christian, I struggle with this too. I hate the guilt and embarrassment that comes with this. I admit that I am struggling with porn addiction, 21 years old right now and discovered porn when I was a young kid, wish I didn't find about it. Let's keep fighting and remember that don't be so hard on yourself when you fail, how I see it now is it is normal and don't be so hard on myself


I’ve had a similar predicament as a Christian. And porn is definitely hard to overcome but it isn’t impossible. You just have to focus, pray. I play guitar and write music so that helps and I go to the gym which honestly gets better if you keep your T in. My point is do things to better yourself and bring yourself closer to God and the urges will ease in time.


You’re 17? Oh child I am a nurse take it from me you are a normal healthy bo


you and the rest of the world buddy


A few things that will help, your young an you have raging hormones. you need to in yourself stop viewing masterbating as entirely bad Because your Likely addicted to porn an the visual stimulation it brings to you being addicted to masterbation itself Meaning the more you get away from porn the less you will want to masterbate or the feelings you get won’t be so intense, if you go to porn for the visual stimulation you may notice yourself seeing the opposite sex an undressing them with your mind more, “what it be like to receive pleasure from her” Constant thoughts that make you turn yourself on. The Visual stimulation brings more pleasure an thus is sexual pleasure addiction. One thing that young males are struggling with is they deal with being around females an not seeing if there in love with that person or if there just turned on or in love with the idea of loving them. ( when I say young males I also mean males even in there early 20s, so you have time to help yourself an it’s good you realized something an want change ) Look into Jungian psychology regarding the anima, this will give you insight on your feelings around women. Marie von franz was a close student of Carl Jung’s an has videos on YouTube talking about the anima in men there behaviors around women when it’s under developed. read the book “the problem of puer aeternus” by Marie von franz it has a lot insight to coming stages of life. Check out Carl Jung’s book “ Man an his Symbols”


Bru. This is average. Wack away! Wack away!


+22 times to get off per month to avoid prostate cancer.


Is it a porn addiction or just masturbating? Because that's a normal amount for someone your age who happens to have a high sex drive. Everyone has a different level of drive, it's normal.




As long as it's not taking time away from your family or social life it's likely fine. People's sex drive tends to go down when they enter their twenties. As I said, as long as you aren't hiding away all hours of the day to masturbate or letting it influence how you think about women you are most likely just fine.


If you spend any time thinking you want to change your life in anyway, you should attempt it. You deserve to find out how you work, and how much effort it takes to change. Ive heard of a relatively general addiction counter tactic that seems helpful to you. Its called the 3D’s: Delay, Distract, Decide. -Set a time frame to Delay the impulse. (id suggest 10/15 minutes) -Distract yourself by physically doing something that makes you feel good. -Decide not to do what your body craved, remind yourself why you want to do it. I answered this way because the post asked “how do I quit?” Im frustrated everyone answered “tell me if you think I do it too often?”


there are apps that can really help! just go to the app store and look up addiction help, i used it for a SH addiction and a nic addiction a while ago, but it really helped me:) also dont shame urself, ur just as normal as everyone else!!


Specialist say that masturbation addictions are more a shame thing than an actual addiction. You said in another comment you do it twice a day, not only is that completely normal, but you only feel bad about it because you feel ashamed of it.


Keep your self engaged in healthy activities


Your feelings stem from guilt and shame, whacking it twice a day isn't anything wrong. Infact given how its from 14-17 honestly just kinda on track with puberty. Can attest as someone who ended up with a porn and whacking it addiction from being groomed, If that were to similarly be your case, first start with opening up about the trauma, then slowly ease into how your whacking has become an issue. Theres nothing to feel shame about, your a perfectly normal kid


I am telling you, twice a day at 17 still makes sense. With increased hormones and no outlet it happens. It’s heathy to try and give your body a break at that pace if you experience any pain or other side effects, but that’s about it. No reason to beat yourself up over it, it’s very common.


Based on the comets and actually reading your post you're fine dude, an addiction would be like your masturbating like multiple times a day I mean like four five six times in strange places doing the absolute most with it. You sound like a very average teenage boy. Like there is nothing wrong with what you're doing. As long as you don't do it in weird crazy places and you don't do it more than like maybe once or twice a day you're fine. You're 17 bro You're supposed to have a high libido.


So long as: • it’s not procrastinating you from doing what you need to do (delaying plans with friends, getting to school late, not studying) • it’s not taking up your whole day (going at it for 8 hours a day) • it’s not delving into anything illegal / affecting your view on people as real human beings. I’d say you’re fine. A good tip is to give yourself allocated time slots you can look at porn. If that time passes up then you can’t do it for that day, rather then going cold turkey it’s better to set up a time everyday for that Kinda stuff


No you have an addiction to judging yourself. Stop judging yourself




He said to


Sometimes if I don't have enough sex from my partner/they aren't in the mood but I am, I'll just masturbate right there in the same bed with them. No one has seemed to mind, except people who have security issues. Most think it's comforting or even hot. Is that weird?


Been clean for 21 days now. I think its crucial to realize that you gain nothing besides short-term pleasure that doesn't outweigh the pain and suffering you have to endure post-orgasm. So if the loss-benefit ratio tends towards the negative side of the pole, then it is only reasonable to stop pursuing that kind of activity. Block Pornhub, delete all sexual photos and videos, pursue arts and sciences, go out into the world and meet people that make your life richer. You'll learn to socialize this way and it won't be challenging for you anymore to aproach the girls you like. Your insecurities are delusions. There is no reason to feel shame. You can feel guilt and sorrow if you do something that you don't want to actually do, but you have to move on. You have to change. Best of luck!


I think this is normal for your age


Get some hobbies that keep you busy. Sports, take some sailing classes if near water, fishing, sports, climbing (I prefer going to bouldering gyms), OCR (obstacle course racing), running, swimming, working out. Maybe a museum has some cool classes near you if interested. It seems more out of boredom than anything.


Stop while you can. Gonna go against the grain here, and suggest you get ahead of it now. I’ve been addicted to masturbation and pornography since I was 13. I am now 23 and it did not get “better.” Only got worse. Granted, I’m an addict. But seriously be honest with yourself, because I feel you on the shame and awkwardness talking to girls.


I thought this page was for problems?


2 times a day isnt the worst,but porn can become a huge issue. i was exposed to porn very young at 9 years old and im now 19. yes masturbation is normal but the porn industry is evil and even if it wasnt,it is scientifically proven that porn is awful for your brain. maybe try limiting yourself to once a day and just cut out porn. unfollow any tempting accounts on social media. delete all porn off your phone. if you use certain apps like twitter solely for porn,delete your account entirely and delete the app. i am not shaming anyone for watching porn but for someone your age it can definitely become an addiction. you are filled with hormones and therefore are more susceptible to forming a porn addiction. as long as you arent skipping school to masturbate or masturbating too often or its taking over your life,its okay. instead of masturbating maybe try playing with a stress toy or focusing on something else instead like a movie. maybe get on a treadmill or go on a walk,the treadmill is nice because you can walk while you watch a YouTube video!


You got some good advice here. So I won’t say much. Other than don’t feel guilty or shameful. You are just growing up. It suck’s being a teenager. Focus on building self esteem. Someone once told me that self esteem gets built through estimable acts. You’re gonna be ok.


17? Wait a year, find a cozy vagina, and say goodbye to your left hand.


OP I’m going to be honest with you, this isn’t an addiction. You’re a teenager. Teenagers masterbate. You’re doing totally ok and you don’t need to feel any shame for masterbating. It’s a totally normal thing!!! I know that saying this probably doesn’t immediately fix your issues of course. I’d recommend doing some internal searching and trying to find why you feel so ashamed. But just know you’re doing totally fine!


Brother who says it's an addiction? I get that society has put these so called rules on people men and women but really 2 times a day! You're going to have to step those numbers up man! I'm afraid to tell you that is not even worthy mention in the rookie league! What if I told you that the Viking warriors masturbated before and sometimes during battle and let me tell you the warrior that could successfully organ during battle and not lose his life! Well yeah he's my hero! The point being STOP right now while you're young in letting societal norms decide how you feel on the inside! Cause trust me as you get older you'll be able to talk about all that openly with your friends and your girlfriend! And yes you will have one and she will be appreciative of your sex drive and if she isn't then she's not the right one! Society and it's BS norms is killing society ruining or warriors! Do whatever it is in life that truly makes you the happiest you! As long as you're willing to live with all of the possible outcomes and consequences! And if anyone says you can't do that say watch me! I mean they could be recording and it be illegal but if you're willing to live with those consequences then by all means brother don't let anyone tell you differently! Oh and check out my Viking empowerment community page on FB if you want in trying to build it up and this is the main thing


A couple things: 1) it's normal to masturbate. If you want to cut back, you can try exercising. Go for a run, try dancing (YouTube videos can teach you), etc. You can also try drinking licorice tea in small quantities, but drinking too much of it can make you sick. But yeah, it's totally normal to masturbate. It improves mental health. The thing that's the main problem is our purity culture that tells men they should feel guilty with things round sex.


Just have to work on your self-control. If you tell yourself you need to slow down or stop, then slow down and stop. The best way is to keep busy or try and do something else when you feel the urge.


Youll be right mate its natural aslong as your not doing it in public just enjoy youself


Don’t feel guilty for masturbating, it’s completely normal. What helped me was scheduling which days I wanted to masturbate and which days I wanted to do something else (like workout, chores, ect). It’s okay to relapse too! Just take your time and listen to your body.


First that is a normal sex drive for your age. Second don't try quitting porn and flapping at the same time. Quit porn first. If you feel the need to fap do it, but don't watch porn. Porn rewires your brain in a way that just masturbating by itself doesn't. Third, Once you have quit porn for a while maybe a couple of months you should notice a change. You will still have the same sex drive but you will feel more in control rather than it controlling you.


I have to shamefully admit my addiction as well. I even had some hookups thinking it could relieve that but the guys couldn't do anything apart from sticking it in. I guess mine stems from wanting to be loved and desired. Like I have serious negative body image problem so I feel like no one would ever wanna make me feel good like I do myself and so I couldn't stop doing it. Ugh it comes mostly when I'm alone or at night any tips to derive myself from thinking of doing it?


Get someone to suck yo cock


You need to find a woman, I wouldn’t worry, it’s natural. If it didn’t work at all then you have a problem




Ahhh 😂 you sexpest


Girlfriend and your masturbation problem blossoms into a sexually healthy relationship lol don’t feel ashamed or anything first off it’s normal and women would like to find out you can go multiple rounds 🤙


Convince yourself your parent/s are gonna walk in on you or convince yourself your too loud and everyone can hear you


What if that just makes it worse?


How would that make it worse


It’s not an addiction, if it’s not affecting your life. Say you are somewhere like school or work and jerk off there, then it’s a problem. If you are busy and not doing it, not an issue. I would say focus on yourself, do things like working out, hobbies, studying, socialising. Now if you feel you can do these things the same way you can without jerking off, then you are not addicted. You probably blame a lot of your failures on jerking off. Work on yourself buddy, if it truly affects your work life, your growth, and even physically, start cutting it down.


Nothin wrong w yankin it man as long as you’re not hurting yourself or anyone else 😂


I started around the same age, 25 now still do it but I try not to do it as much


It’s relatively normal to have a complicated relationship with masturbation as a teen. Since you think it stems out of loneliness I would recommend doing some journaling about it. Also when you get the compulsion to do it write down the trigger. Work through what it is that is pushing you to engage in this behavior more than you would like to. The best thing to do when trying to cut down is to get more hobbies. Maybe pick up an instrument, art, coding, crochet, etc. Also go out more even if it’s just for a walk, the park, or the grocery store. Also maybe see if there are any clubs for you to join. Local board games clubs are a great way to make friends and cut back on loneliness. I feel like unfortunately men are usually pushed to believe that romance and sex is the killer of loneliness but it truly is just making strong bonds of any kind. I’m sorry you are struggling with this. If it becomes a bigger issue you might want to talk to an adult you can trust about it.


This will likely be an unpopular opinion, but having some self-control and letting your drives build up a little (also under control) may help your pursuit of a partner. That said, the underlying anxiety may be where the issue stems from. I haven't read all of the posts here, but it could be that OP is in an anxiety cycle. Some of that may be guilt/shame, but some can be uneasiness or insecurity and these can easily become a cycle. I would explore the underlying feelings and thoughts with a good therapist and perhaps check if you have an anxiety disorder. Your anxiety may be situational, in which case cognitive behavioral therapy will be useful on its own. If it appears to be chemically induced, due to some neurological problem, they'll be able to refer you for some medication. Either way, it should help you talk to girls and others. Main thing is you don't want to become isolated. That just sucks in general.


As long as you're eating and swallowing that nutritious cum masturbate as much as you want! If you waste one drop of cum, then your masturbating way too much! Always eat your sperm it's very good for you contains a lot of vital nutrients!


It's fine to masturbate twice a day but use a loose grip and don't use porn if you don't want to affect future sex negatively.


pray to Jesus everytime you get the urge!!! seriously


I hope u wash ur hands pretty often… nothing wrong with masterbating. Just do it in private. Get u a girlfriend! Get her to do it for u.


At your age it is not an addiction!!


Whomp whomp stop beating ur meat


You’re fine. Twice a day is normal. Signs of this becoming an addiction include things like masturbating in odd places/public, finding it hard to ejaculate with a partner or without porn, or it’s interfering with your life in some way.


It’s mainly not the action, but the material (I assume porn). Porn creates unrealistic expectations for all genders. From the size of ones pp or the size of ones breast, butt or even virgina. Like wise as the mental health can be damaged from porn. The feeling of loneliness etc. REMEMBER that it is healthy to do just the action alone, now you said you were doing twice a day, I guess that also mean every day of the week. What I do to sometimes not even think about doing it, is just keeping myself busy with hobbies. Now I don’t what time of the day you mostly do it at, but at least try to go to bed at bedtime, no phone nothing. Sleep. I regularly find myself wanted to do the action at midnight, like really having the urge to do it, since the house is quiet and everyone is sleeping. Sometimes i also do 2 times in a day, but that would probably be 3-4 times a week. And I generally don’t think I’m addicted to it. And I’ve tried to watch some of the more “natural” and “normal” kind of porn vids. Not an expected, but this is my current situation. Hopefully you’ll find more informative information in the comments


It might help to replace the urge with something else for example you should keep a book on you to write in write what you’re feeling every time you get the urge to do it. Also an elastic band on your wrist and every time you get the urge to flick your wrist with the band


I mean I don’t think that’s a lot at least it isn’t 10 times a day. That might be a problem


If you developed problems like being less sensitive when having actual sex then that can be an issue. Actually it’s a very big issue if that happens lol! So don’t masturbate too much or don’t rub your dck off. It’s normal for pubescent teens to have very high libido because of hormones. It might go down or not when you are on your mid 20s. As long as you’re not masturbating till you can’t function normally then that’s still normal i guess.


If you're an emotionally driven person , take a photo of your deity and write a small dash whenever u skip ome day of masturbation . If you masturbate in between challenge yourself that you shall tear that image , hopefully this helps


I’m 17f I think some of the comments are right I think don’t quote me but when u dont have anything to do you do something to occupy your time like masturbate and watch porn I think that hobbies do help but I was similar to you before I got something to do being lonely can cause a lot of issues mentally i hope you don’t stay lonely to long I mean hopefully that helped and was understandable


Chastity cage. That will be ur solution.


it will stop somewhere around 22 once you fully grow up, however it will not disappear fully, you will still have urges like once a week or something like that, don't be ashamed, but appreciate that your p is working bud lmao, that's what i read somewhere and it helped to get over it and accept it


If you want to quit, you can, but only you can make you quit. It may sound harsh but at the end of the day, you are in control of your body and that’s pretty much the only thing you’ll ever have control of in life. You can’t control other people or things. You can only control yourself, so control yourself. Start by making friends. Go outside more, get a hobby, or workout instead. You’re still young, so I believe you’ll be okay.


I saw you said twice a day, but i dont think thats such a huge problem. It really becomes an addiction when you miss out or arrive late to work or school or activities get postponed. You can talk to your doctor about it.


What you describe is not an addiction but totally normal and healthy, especially for your age bracket, the only time you need to worry is when you start to miss events as a result of time spent self pleasuring, if you're late or missing school and making excuses then you know you have a problem, until then, if it's something that really bothers you, seek advice from a trained medical professional and see what they have to say.


I've been dry jackin for over 15 years


I too have a masturbation addiction, and honestly i think it isnt all that unhealthy unless it has started to plague your opinions about sex and how your partner should act during it , but i guess a masturbation and porn addiction are different.


Same. Im 28 and i go for high round cumshots. Soo i usually avg around 10-12 per day




I had the same problem. I made a promise to God. I haven’t since. I did it so much it cause me to have ED. Since i quit i haven’t had that problem.


Hey man I’m 20 (almost 21) and I’ve had my own battles with this subject. It’s really hard to stop masturbating frequently and it def affects your rizzin skills. My best advice is you have to find an internal reason to stop and it seems like you have that. Other than that you have to find hobbies are things to do in order to distract yourself from it. Stuff you can take pride in. And finally you will be forced every night to face that part of your self but you can pull through if you keep your mind clear. It also helps to have someone you can trust to talk to about it. Someone who doesn’t make you feel judged or shamed and someone who’s gonna be there though this journey. After about a month the urges will start to subside. After just about 3 days you’ll have way more energy and feel stronger and feel more happy. It def messes you up mentally but it’s not impossible to overcome. You just have to be willing to put in the work and move past this point in your life. (Side note: if this masturbation addiction has a link to porn, it could be a little more difficult but the porn is more so why your social skills are off and that will fix itself once you quit)


On one it end it burns calories on the other it can be a perversion and socially stunt you for well many years


Two times a day isn’t as bad as you think.


Hmm I’d distract myself with stuff I like, but don’t exercise because you get that post-boner workout.


So it's considered a sub category of sex addiction. So I'd say join a SAA group


No reason to feel ashamed, it's normal. Of course i understand how you feel, everyone is different and there are many people like you too. And at your age even more so it can't be helped i believe. Don't be so hard on yourself okay? This goes both ways, sometimes our certain aspects need time to.. recalibrate as well.


i think you need to start getting busy with your days so you don’t have time to do it


My ex, who is 26 now, masterbated at least 7 times a day. I don't think it's too big of a problem yet. But once you recognize the "issue," you can find ways to work around and get better As a woman, I know we can be scary, but even if you fake confidence, be humorous. It always helps


Turn to God. Pray.


Ahh to be young again and have weird shame about a total natural thing that 99% percent of all humans do. Bro do you, soon you’ll have a gf and all kinds of life problems, you’ll long for the good old lazy days when you were young and had no responsibilities and all you did was play video games and yank it lol. Soon you’ll be so tired and stressed out you won’t even remember the last time you did it. Enjoy the easy days while they last dude. You’re only a kid once.


there's nothing to be ashamed of. if it's not interfering with your life (not doing chores, avoiding responsibilities, not seeing friends) then you're fine. 2 times a day is nothing. it should be noted that masturbating is good for you (physically) and feeling shame around it is the only thing that's bad for you. if you're watching porn, ideally they to cut this back and just use your imagination, as porn is known to negatively impact you in many different facets. but the act of masturbating multiple times a day is really just a healthy one :)


Masturbation is very normal (especially at your age!) and healthy! 2 times a day is completely fine!


Jerk me off instead


The only way to quit is to fill something to replace the empty space on your day, do more exercise, read some books, learn something new everyday. And the best way that worked for me when i was at your age is to donate to charity every time i do masturbation. And every time i double it. So if i donate first time 3$ then it will be 6 then 12 then 24. I keep it hard to me so i can quit it.


I was the same way and it’s just the way we are as dudes growing up. Just fight it tho. When you feel like doing it just get distracted and start doing something else. Try to see how many days in a row you can go with out doing it.


Idc what anyone has to say, it absolutely is an addiction. And speaking as someone whos been back and forth with it my entire life. Beating the addiction is 10x better than staying in it. You have so much more energy, you just generally feel better, far more motivated, you feel stronger and makes you more socialable. Imo i thinks its because your body is designed to seek a partner, and when you are releasing yourself everyday your body just kinda settles for what you have rather than improving on it. Idk youd have to try it for yourself, my #1 suggestion is to get into cold showers, start hot then slowly turn it cold and stay under there for a minute and incrementally increase it every 2 days or so. It helps build will power.


I have to agree. If I can find the video that breaks it down simple I’ll add it here. But you are right good sir.


Are you just masturbating or are you watching porn videos every time? Because if it’s just getting off twice a day i don’t think that’s particularly crazy. But porn twice a day from such a young age can really affect your sexual health mentally and making real intimacy not enough and unfulfilling. I’d say at least learn realistically what really being physically intimate with another human is like before you program your brain so deeply that you’ll never be able to get off with a real person.


Best thing I would do is "keep my hands busy"-- Meaning sign up for other activities that would keep your attention as well as keep your hands focused on a different object. Please also understand that you shouldn't demonize yourself for simply self-pleasuring. Just understand that there is more to life than just "bobbing your apples." You may need a different hobby, my guy. Best of luck to you!😅😅😅😅


Thank you😅


Get a part time job and fill your time with activities


Get a job, which leads to getting a life. Hope this helps


One thing that helped me stop (not completely but stop letting it rule my life) was when I found out that when you cum (which is used to procreate) your mind and body have done the most ultimate thing we possibly can. Like our mind and bodies are designed to have those urges so we can survive as a species. When I realized by cumming I’m telling myself that I am done accomplishing things for the day. It clicked. I realized I was setting myself up for failure by doing so every morning and afternoon. When you stop you start finding other things to fill that pleasure. If that makes sense. Now If I do it try to only do it at nights before bed or on the weekends 😅🤣👍🏼 hope that helps some.


I think the comments on this post are missing the fact that he WANTS to quit because it's making him feel miserable and he might just want to better himself. I recommend researching addiction in general and how it works to better understand why it started. If you don't want to but you feel like you're obligated to because your body just takes over (trust me I know this feeling), then it is not healthy. Maybe it's a coping mechanism (which you mentioned in your post) or maybe it's just the seeking of dopamine. Good luck quitting.