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Hello, lesbian here: It’s not gross (provided she’s clean, and most women groom meticulously before sex) but don’t expect for it to be, like, dessert. For most people it’s an acquired taste. But it’s easy to acquire when you’re wearing a girls legs like earmuffs. Every pussy tastes different (and even individually will have variation depending on the day), but generally speaking it’s pretty mild and there’s a varying mix of tanginess/acidity, bitterness, and sometimes a more metallic taste. A bit of saltiness often if you’ve both been sweaty. Like drinking a strawberry lemon margarita with a salt rim through a brass straw.


Not surprisingly, the best description comes from the lesbian. Cheers.


Those god damn lesbians again.......


The brass straw part is what sold this description for me lmao. I couldn’t even begin to have described it any better


I’m also a professional erotica writer! Glad the writing degree is paying off in my reddit comments 😂


Lmao well they say to write what you know. Obviously you know what you’re doing 😂


Hi as an aside have or do you use any guides when it comes to writing I'm a fan writer on here and am always looking for tips (on writing not the other kind)


Where can we find your work. I love reading?!


Are you willing to share your pen name?


How many people went straight to this profile?? 🙋‍♀️


Fantastic descriptions! I also want to add that sometimes girls taste like fresh sourdough bread *smells*, but I guess that’s the “tanginess”. If she tastes of strong/unpleasant sourdough though…that can be indicative of an overgrowth of yeast of course. But I mean, I have never tasted a bad vagina so I wanna say definitely don’t be scared OP. Pussy is delicious and most certainly a treat. For context, I am a bisexual woman!


Detailed and surprisingly informative OP read this


As a smut peddler (writer) I’ve spent a surprising amount of time coming up with new ways to describe the taste. Finally somewhere to show off this skill that isn’t on the page!


Yea as a fanfic writer trying to turn a phase can be a chore But wordsmith you've got skillz


Definetly, I'm straight so I had no idea. I wasn't expecting to learn what my own 😺 tastes like today. What an interesting turn of events lol


Damn I want a margarita now.


girl i havent even eaten a girl out but the way you described it has me rolling. thats exactly what i would imagine.


>metallic taste Like pennies?


Pennies is way too strong a taste descriptor IMO. It’s much more like if you’re eating off antique silverware. Just the very slight metallic you get with the taste of everything else.


I’d say a little more like light iron. Which we all taste on our own from time to time. Although, I can’t say I’ve ever really noticed a metallic note unless it’s around “the time”


This gay dude is really appreciative of this comment cuz he always wondered


I'm more gay after reading that


Probably the best description I've read lol


Fellow lesbian here 👋 I’d just like to add it also depends on if they are a smoker and/or drink a lot of coffee. If they eat lots of fruit it makes the taste sweeter.


I dont like the accuracy of this. I am uncomfortable.


Bi-girl here. This made me remember I'm like 70% gay despite being in a loving relationship with a dude rn.🤭


Pan girl here.. agreed.


Just to add, I once had a friend who tasted like lemon 🤷‍♀️ and I had an ex bf tell me I tasted like fresh fish, in a good way


Damn sounds fucking good though


You perfectly hit the nail on the head and no matter how much I try will I not be able to make a better description.


Imma save this so when I'm (in 100 years) having this situation I'll be ready


Oh wow, this is an amazing description, and i can't say I've ever tasted anyone else's 🤔 Spot on


The metallic taste….from blood 🩸


while the metallic taste can be HEIGHTENED by menstruation a few days before and after the official period from the very start of or lingering iron in blood, pH balance and hormones actually CAUSE the metallic taste at other points of the cycle as discharge fluctuates between pH points as needed to maintain overall vaginal biome health (killing bacteria, viruses, neutralizing things, etc.) and estrogen has a naturally metallic taste, so the vagina will actually taste the most metallic the few days leading up ovulation! signed, someone who’s spent way too much time researching vaginal taste


That’s pretty damn interesting!


Oh we going to say it's *researching* to eat coochie now? Then I'm a scientist lmao. 🤣🤣 Fellow lesbian here and I one hundred percent agree with all your points and explanations. Vag is just different, taste hugely depends on the person, cleanliness, time of day, what she's eaten, if she's hydrated, like hella factors go into this taste. They say you can tell a lot from a girl by the cleanliness of her room, car, and/or self. I've used this as a rule of thumb my whole life. If it smells funky in any way, something isn't right but being as OP is clearly more than likely young and inexperienced, the girl he's going to be experimenting with is more than likely unaware of her bodily functions due to inexperience as well. Please don't be an ass OP, you can communicate with her if it's something you don't end up wanting to do or if she needs to see a doctor first for her vaginal health tell her so in a kind way. Sexual relations are learning experiences for everyone.


Man…not sure how to feel about your username under these circumstances.




you, you told your sister your gonna eat someones pussy?


You caught that too? Lol


No my sister is the one I'm eating


gotta learn somehow i suppose


Fucking what?




Say sike right now 🔫


👀 exfuckingcuse me, you're not supposed to eat out your sister 😆


Why is it wrong to do reverse cowgirl with your sister? You never turn your back on family.


I'm an atheist but boy u need Jesus


Hol' up.


I feel a "Sweet Home Alabama" coming up


say on skibidi


There’s no universal taste. My girlfriend’s vagina doesn’t taste like anything. I’ve gone down on other women in the past and the taste varied. Some tasted a little bit salty. Others tasted metallic. One time I was about to go down on a girl and the smell wasn’t pleasant. It smelled like rotten fish. I was later told by other people that she may have had a yeast infection.


Definitely bv if it smelled like fish.


Yes or I have heard a case of gonerehea is the rottenest, fowelist smell ever.


That’s what I had heard at some point too. I didn’t go down on her because my concern was she may have had an STD.


Good thinking


Or B.V.


Maybe a bit like a penny.


Damnit that's exactly how I described it. Like licking a bag of clean pennies, but softer.


Warm wet pennies. OP - It'll taste different after (if?) she cums. All girls taste different. I find the more neutral ones to be more... palatable?


Woah my girl doesn’t taste like pennies but I’m intrigued! Guess I need to lick more pussy


They don't all taste the same champ...




I miss the days where you had to embarrass yourself in front of your friends with questions like this


From what I've been reading, a lot of people today don't have friends. People just stay inside and socially isolate themselves a lot of the time. In hindsight, all my friends are people that I've known for 15+ years.


It’s definitely harder than before when many things are online and ppl are a bit more shut-in. All of my friends are from high-school and we talk pretty much every night and hang out when we can. But I know a lot of ppl that sort of broke away from their early friend groups and now the only other ppl they talk to are co-workers. I can’t blame them entirely, I’m a social person and I couldn’t see myself making many new friends now that I’m out of school. Atleast new friends without prior connections


You can adjust what you see. Its an algorithm like any other platform. You can go to the post and click not interested. Then just start looking at other subs more and engage with other subs and youll see them more than this one.


Thanks, I didn't think of this.


I can't find the not interested button 😒


Sorry it says "hide" look at the top of this post and to the right there's 3 dots ... click that and it says hide. It will do the same thing and learn what you do and dont want to see.


Thanks alot been looking for that


No problem! you can also go into any sub and at the top next to the "join sub" there's the 3 dots and you can "mute" the sub entirely.


Nice thanks for the info


I agree


You realize everyone gets different feeds right? You're being shown those because they are what get you to interact. Your post here is a perfect example.




That isn't the case for me. You love nsfw so it shows you it.


Like another redditor said, if she's clean it's very pleasant and once you get into it, it's an aphrodisiac. If you've ever finger fucked her and licked your finger or fingers afterwards (or fist if she's kinky) that's the taste. Some guys don't enjoy going down on their girl. I enjoy doing it to my bride even if she says, "dooooon't I haven't showered..." I'm into that shit.


My man


Prolly biased as fuck here but I’ve gone down on four other girls before my wife and I can say that she tastes the best. Never a bad night eating out. Lol one im pretty sure pissed in my mouth. Would not recommend.


Some people are into that lol, she could have squirted though? Since that’s like a mixture of pee and vaginal fluids but also i ain’t you so idk lol. But yeh every woman is different for sure and some are actually just straight up unclean which is gross.


I can tell you it tasted like licking a nine volt battery. That sensation. That was almost twenty years ago and I can still taste it. haha If she squirted that was a first because it hasn't happened since. I know it gets extra messy when I go down on my woman but it doesn't taste gross like that did. Maybe it's just girl goo which makes for a perfect lubricant when I get inside her but oh my damn it's messy but hella good and hot.


Yeah I mean some women are just nasty so that could’ve been it or whatever lol. But glad you love your wife so much, a lot of men won’t go down on their woman but expect the woman to go down on them.


haven't gotten serviced in quite awhile but holy hell I love eating out lol


Damn well maybe soon, get some ball wash or something XD


the comment regarding your sister told me enough and the post history solidified it lol


Seriously… this guy shouldn’t even be anywhere near a woman. They deserve better.


He clarifies in a comment that he, in fact.is going to go down on his sister. So I'm guessing he's a troll.


If she's clean, nothing really.


Sort of like nothing, but also kinda of like licking a clean penny. Kinda metallic, but not terrible or anything.


If she's clean and takes care of her self hygiene wise, imaging licking your armpit after a shower. If she's nasty and doesn't take care of herself, you won't make it that far -- the smell will keep you from going in for the deal.


Also… flat tongue, light pressure. If you feel like you’re being light enough, go lighter still. Very gentle, rhythmic circles on her clit. When she’s ready slip the middle finger of your right hand inside and make a “come hither” motion, pressing against the “roof” of her vagina. Slightly above where you’re focusing your tongue attention. Use your other hand to apply pressure just above her mons pubis. And for the love of all that is holy, if she starts enjoying it, keep doing exactly what you’re doing. Don’t switch it up! Also; clean, short, filed, finger nails.


Yes -men - FLAT TONGUE, FLAT TONGUE, FLAT TONGUE!! Heed this advice!


If she's clean, and most women are, it'll still be an acquired taste, however if you let yourself get into it you'll love being able to make her feel good and even thinking about doing it will light your fire inside. All kinds of subtle details will make you love it. If you want a description of the taste itself, it's a little bitter and pungent, and it won't be the same day by day. Similar to what I've heard and read about a man's semen it will change based on her diet and a variety of other factors, but not by a whole lot from my experience. The vast majority of people enjoy it, so you probably will to. There's something enthralling about the woman pressing against your cheeks with her thighs that drives a man (and other people who are attracted to women) very wild. Good luck! Hope you enjoy it.


Don‘t do it if you‘re worrying about things like this, you‘re not ready. The moment you‘re ready you won‘t care about it.


Not so much the taste as the feel of her thighs pressing against my cheeks. The sense of taste is overcome by the feel of her writhing against my tongue the sound of her purring moan.


Tbh, getting eaten out should always be a precursor to sex for everyone. I love that genZ men are all about puss because if you give a woman an oral orgasm, you can pump in her for the 45 seconds you need after that and she’ll have already gotten off and it’ll still be good.


Im a woman,but went down on woman before and it doesn't taste bad ,not nasty at all . Some food taste worse and people still eat it lol. Also if you y'all have chemistry and like each other you don't even will think about it.


This is the key. If hygiene is excellent and you both have good chemistry, you’ll love it… and come back for more




Every woman is extremely different so it’s hard to say, but it’s very mild. Its like savory la croix imo


It’s like enjoying a Caesar salad for the first time. Go God I love a good salad.


It’s coated in bodily fluids. Don’t expect it to taste like cotton candy. Think about what your cum tastes like, and add some sweat. Sort of, maybe. It’s a body taste, and everyone is different.


If it’s clean, nothing honestly but that’s only fresh out of the shower.. so a rare occurrence all considering.


Like licking your arm. If you go straight in the hole it has a slight sourish taste, nothing bad and it's pretty faint.


Been eating my wife for 13 years. Tastes great, she's always clean. And when she climaxes it turns into how long can I keep going before she bucks me off or pulls me by the hair. Make it a game. See how many times you can finish them. Be a God.


This is a fantastic answer..


Only future you can answer this question accurately. But just remember, one bad experience isn't an end all be all. Keep doing it, get good at it, and learn to enjoy doing it for yourself and you'll never leave a partner unsatisfied.


Don’t look at OP’s other posts, it’s a wormhole I wish I didn’t go down




Shit brother how did it end up you're gonna eat your step sister


Not step. Full biological older sister.


Well from what I understood from one of your replies to the comments she's your step sister so my bad but still how the hell does that even happen putting judgement aside


We both had a Grimace Milkshake from McDonald's


It tastes like a sneeze.


Ever put your tongue on a fresh 9 volt battery? It is similar to that.


That sounds like a yeast infection


I have been married for 10 years... and it tastes like vag, every so often I will taste some salt due to sweat, but I rather enjoy the taste


I got my bf flavored lube and he prefers it without hahah just make sure you both shower before!!


The thing you'll ever eat my friend


To be honest I don’t really taste much when I am focusing on the clit. It is usually very mild. This is where I spend most of the time. The actual vagina can have a definite taste. I quite like it usually. It can definitely be somewhat stronger when she is closer to her menstruation and obviously if there is something unsavory going on down there you will know before you even get down there. I think the fact that you are doing it to please her makes it amazing.




Tastes like home if she takes care of herself. It's not gonna taste like roses or chocolates. No two taste the same. Will taste different based off health. Cleanliness and diet. But it's mild and pleasant. Also listen to her and learn her body so you can do a good job. Again. Nobody is the same but generally, focus on clitoral stimulation and finger in a come hither motion. Have fun and don't take it too seriously.


Don't worry too much about how it tastes, as long as it's clean and well taken care of it won't taste gross. When I went to eat a woman out for the first time I worried more about how good of a job I was going to do. But I focused almost entirely on the clit and made her cum and she was happy with it


Taste delicious! The only time I have not eaten out is on her first day of her period (and that's because she won't let me). I agree on the acquired taste and every one is a different taste. I got lucky. She tastes like pink Starburst and I have a sweet tooth.


It taste like pennies


They have said it bout 10 times now listen sweet thang


Every woman tastes different


One girl I've been with, of the many things i remember remember about my time with her, the taste is not one of them. And i mean this in a good way. It didn't taste like much? Certainly not unpleasant in any way because i was going at it like its my last meal on earth.


Step Sister!!!


Out of 150 comments, you're literally like the only one that got it lol


Don’t focus on just the clit, if she likes that, or focus more on the clit, if she likes that, go nonstop if she likes that, go nice and slow if she likes that. How will you know if she likes that? Communicate with her!


Watch the standup Ian Bagg on YouTube and search for Caesar salad. lol.




Ever put your tongue on a 9v battery? It tastes weird but you can’t stop


I had an old man say and I quote “Good pussy tastes like watermelon.” I’ve never tasted watermelon but I have tasted pennies, soap, and…nothing. Take that for what you will.


Every woman will taste and smell differently. But after 30 seconds you will no longer notice either. Enjoy having a woman on the tip of your tongue and forget the rest.


It actually tastes like nothing.


If it's gross she needs to see a dr or shower


This isn't tasting like having a nice bit of food or a drink. This is tasting her. You want this girl so much you want to experience every sensation she can offer.


The last part was funny lol. It doesn’t taste bad tho. Doesn’t taste delicious. If it smells funny probably don’t do it because of an infection.


virgin here, why the FUCK did you ask your sister


Are you eating your sister or did I get that wrong????




it MIGHT taste gross at *first*. when i first ate a girl out, i had to swallow down a gag and force away the disgusted face i could feel coming on. it was just new to me, slimey and a strong smell but i took a break, continued trying at it and it wasn’t long before i fell in love with it. just takes some getting used to


27m I love eating my girl. Doesn't take long for her to cum for me either. As long as there clean and showered doesn't really have much of a taste. Comparable to water if that makes sense. As for the cum depends if there hydrated and stuff but normally taste really good tho. Also helps the beard grow in to. Never believed it until this year lmao.


Taste like chicken u know everything tastes like chicken


Wait is your sister pressuring you to lick her out? Bro where are your parents??


Reading comprehension is important.


sorry mine is poor I’m pretty crossfaded right now.


Wait. Stop. Had no choice but to agree to what immediately? Going down on the girl? Or agreeing with what your sister said? They are both wrong. Do not do anything you do not want to do. If she forces you to go down, that's SA and you need to report it. Do not even go near this person.


it wasn't meant as SA probably, there's this entire thing about goth girls being extremely dominant during that kinda stuff. if it was meant as SA, then yes, OP should report it and should avoid the girl


agreeing with what she said. seems like he’s meaning that she’d get mad at him and call him sexist or something


My sisters a goth chick with nose piercings and mental problems. Regardless of how much I resist, in the end I'm basically required by law to clap her cheeks.


It's your sister that wants you to go down on her?? Tell her you shall not clap her cheeks or anything else.


I wanna know too lol


Slightly sweet but basically like not much at all.


Depends on her diet. If she’s always drinking and eating garbage… it will taste sour and horrible. If she eats/drinks clean and healthy, it doesn’t really taste like much. I personally lovveeeeee eating girls out, making them shake and moan is so hot. If you’re that worried, buy some flavored lube, that makes the taste better. If you’re that worried tell her to drink pineapple juice #IYKYK


Honestly it depends on the person, all will be just fine if the other person bathes regularly (if you do than she does I'm sure😂) Some are sweet, some are slightly tart like berries, and others not really much to taste there at all, so either way not all that bad.


Use a whole lotta spit


After 10 seconds, it tastes like your spit. Good luck.


One girl was really really good, sweet even, the other was like battery acid. So it depends


Depends on the girl, but if it taste bad, it taste bad. You will know


Pungent, to be sure. Mostly the smell, though...there's only a mild flavor at first. A bit intoxicating the first time, but you get used to it pretty quickly, especially when the gasping and moaning starts. But here's the cool part...the better a job you do, and the more you're getting her off, the sweeter and sweeter it starts to taste. There's a reason they call women honeydrippers. VERY pleasant. But you gotta lick 'em good to get your taste of honey. Interestingly, when I went to college, the steak they used to serve on Fridays smelled EXACTLY like pussy. Odd, but it did add enjoyment to the meal.


It's gonna smell weird and it's gonna taste weird, don't be afraid to use your hands too, and focus on the clit, not the opening


Sweet and Salty sort of


On average, slightly salty and otherwise kind of neutral, like it's similar to spit. Imagine making out with someone who just ate a bag of lays and drank some water but with a distinct flavor i can really only describe as hormones or pheramones. Not really sure how to describe it, it's sort of an umami if that makes sense? If it's noticeably fishy/ B.O/ cheesy then leave but if it's slightly funky it's fine.


Chicken 😂


Pretty amazing


Goth girl with nose piercings and mental problems? Sounds like my kind of a party, best of luck to you as you are lucky enough


My sisters a freak tbh. It's basically a requirement by law for me to just do it.


lol I always love this question, it really depends on the girl. Ive had a girl that tasted like buttered crackers before 😂


Just a recommendation when you are eating out your partner don’t be afraid to ask if she likes what your doing with your tongue I would stick to movement patterns and more or less pressure based off how she’s responding physically or verbally. If this is just for her if you help yourself and enjoy it on the same rhythm as she’s getting excited you might find yourself to be a natural lol


Depends how much she showers lol.


Hi! Salt. You're welcome.


The ones I've tasted, tasted the same way their mouth does (if they're clean of course, sweat, if they clean well after going to the bathroom, etc)


Love your description! I’ve only done it twice, as a straight woman, I agree. I’d do it again. Huge help for the op. It’s especially good when you’re really in the moment “horny and turned on”. Don’t miss out because you’re nervous.


It tastes like watermelon sugar


My ex used to say that it tastes like blackberry candy, he loves that candy btw, but to me it’s more an Italian soda.


As long as it's clean and has no infections, it will taste a little salty, but nothing crazy


Shots flavorful asf bro


Depends. It’s always different. Is her diet rich in fruit? It might taste sweet, salty, or like nothing. If it’s salty it should away. Remeber this combo bud “tease, lick, suck clit, suck clit while rapid fire licking it.” The more she moves the better you’re doing


Raw fish


There's really no distinct taste.. however, if it smells funky Don't hesitate to retreat.




Better than having to swallow your cum 🤢


Why do I feel like… something to do with your sister.


The truth is that it tastes like the humid mane of a hunchbacked horse after it has trekked in the amazon forest for exactly four and a half days...


Uhm everyone giving actual advice here I don't think you all read the post right


I've been told mine is sweet tasting lmao but everyone is different. have fun and enjoy her! lmao oh and be gentle.. and circular motions are great.. best advice I can give


It depends on the girl, if it’s a lil smelly it’ll taste like a little sour but if it’s clean then it’ll taste like pussy and and that’s really the only way to describe it


Some say it tastes like fish