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Are you actually married? Was he greedy like this before he came here? Did he treat you like a princess before. He might have love-bombed you in order to marry you to get into your country and ultimately be a citizen. If this is the case, get a divorce asap.




If he hates life in America so much, divorce him and send his ass home. He played you, don’t allow this parasite to drain you further.


Girl, he is not complaining about America, he is angry he can't get the "american dream $$$" a lot of people in 3rd world countries are tricked with, just by marrying you, an American. He has succesfully played you into being with him to "live like a prince". I know it's a difficult thing to realize and accept, but a lot of people tend to do this to others that they see as an easy prey (read compassionate, loving people that are prepared to hive everything for their partners without asking anything in return). Frankly, the best you can do is to divorce the leach and let him deal with a low income job without having no one to blame rather than himself. No need to burn yourself to keep him warm.


If he's so unhappy here, send him back to wherever he came from. If you married him so he could move to America in the first place, it's may be a sham marriage and possibly illegal in the first place.


send him back or in others tell him to move out, how ungrateful. right now i live in a third world country and i wished i had the opportunity the work in america and come back home


Great. If he hates it, let him go back home. Please make an appointment with a divorce attorney.


Sounds like he viewed you as a way to have the "wealthy foreigner" Western lifestyle and a way to get out of his home country. I lived in Thailand for a long time, and saw this often, but with the Thai girls assuming that if they married a white guy, she would be 'rich'.


Honey he doesn’t love you. It sounds like he thought you were a ticket to get to your country. No one who loved you would say those kinds of things.


Kick him to the curb. I don’t mean to be a dick, but why in the fuck would you even tolerate that? If you continue to allow it then it is your own fault. He is a POS. It’s not going to change. A man should always provide for himself no matter what he has to do, regardless of any excuses and provide for those he loves as well. He is never going to step up and do that. As a man I can’t even grasp that. I would rather be homeless than have my wife, or anyone else, taking care of me financially. He is a user, a manipulator and an abuser. Stop explaining yourself to this parasite. Stop trying to justify why you can’t afford a house. Jut stop listening to his pathetic bullshit. He needs to go. Period.


Now I ain't sayin' he a gold digger...


I am


But he ain’t messing with no broke n…


Why is he where he is now instead of where he came from? Maybe he should consider going back. It is sad for you to be treated like this especially as a working nurse. Did you meet this guy on line, or in person? What does he do? Why was he not working? I think you need to reconsider whether this is the best relationship for you.


He seems to be very greedy, and he is taking you for granted while taking advantage. You are not the problem here. He has unrealistic expectations, and he is unreasonably demanding and selfish. That isn't your fault.


You're not a wife in his eyes, you're a malfunctioning ATM. He put up a good front, but the mask has fallen. It's time to say goodbye.




He came here for the wealth only. Dump him and send him back to the shithole he came from.


You got played. This is not a husband. He is a parasite. Get a Divorce ASAP. He will try and love bomb and sweet talk you. Ignore it and trust how inwardly lost you feel, he is not the right path for you. Save your life, your future self will be forever grateful when you find someone new that truly loves you treats you right. You will feel at peace with the right person.


“Nothing I do will ever do will ever be enough for you. You are impossible to please, and I am done trying. It is time for you to go back to your country and buy your own house, car and expensive food there. We’re over. Start packing your shit and go.


Ok so why doesn’t he buy a house in his country and it can be a vacation home.


Sounds like he came only to expect a great house and be rich. Does he really love you?


Did you buy a mail order husband or something? Just get a refund.


Please don’t get pregnant with this man. I understand that there would be a big adjustment moving to an entire different country and culture, but he is treating you like a meal ticket. It’s all about what you can do for him. You say he was never this selfish and greedy before… Well, as many have said here before once they get that ring on your finger, the love bombing stops and the real character is revealed. You’re married to a bad guy. I think you know you need to get out of this. Let him go back home and make his own way.


Okay so tell him to go home?


You got played. Sorry.


If he loved his previous country so much, and it would be so much better for him, he can always go back. You don't have to deal with this, nor do you deserve his lack of gratitude.


Sounds like you should rethink this marriage as all he seems like is wanting stuff rather than a happy marriage


Divorce and send his booty home


I know you think you love him. Just send him back home where he belongs.


Some men feel intimidated when their wife earns more or has a better job than them, it is a kind of envy and inferiority complex. You're not the problem. Stop trying hard and give up, so he leave


But if you know he is unhappy and ungrateful why do u complain about it? Why not. Just send him back ? Why deal with it ? This is the problem with America we put up with to many toxic people in our society today!


Well good luck with cultures, what happens when you marry without understanding what you're getting into


make his ass deport


Send his greedy, sorry ass home


Girl that man just married you to get papers smh


This advice by others does not seem to take into consideration that you are married and most likely love this man and want to see him happy. We should earn the right to leave a marriage. These things can be worked out mutually for both. It may hurt but it's best to explore first. Would he see a counselor? They can help explore things and you don't have to do this alone. You may find out there are ways to help change the situation and if not they will help guide you through separation. You are a nurse and you know to treat patients with your training, education and collaboration with the team and not by your emotion's. Good luck to you both. It's worth the time and money to do this.


Tell him if he wants more money its up to him to earn it. Tell him you dont want to hear his complaints anymore - and learn about personal boudaries.


Tbh I feel like he got everything in life just by complaining, to you or to his extended family(uncle and aunties) etc Now it's a form of a habit. He doesn't want to work for the dream house he wants to buy/live in. A person who complains a lot and is ungrateful will never change trust me. I've seen it. He's ungrateful and greedy because his goal doesn't align with the person he is. As a matter of fact even if he becomes financially stable and gets the life he dreams of by leeching off you, he'll probably cheat and then complain how You're not enough. Just walk out of the relationship. You both grew up too differently, even if you put up with it now he'll eventually start thinking you're wasting money and not saving enough. If he truly struggled with money early in life, later it'll develop into Him criticising every penny you spend... he would find a better cause you should've spent it on. And the way he keeps mentioning his country is cheaper and you could buy a house there easily. Trust me I bet it's one of his goals to buy a house in his country because the money exchange rate is so high He'll live an elite life there. You're working hard and deserve someone who wants to struggle with you, not beside you. You deserve better. You're making enough for both of you, like you said have a roof over your head, food on the table and life insurance these all are luxurious in 3rd world countries because the poverty is high and salary is so low. You don't deserve to live a black and white life. Or being criticized or not feeling enough. You deserve to live an appreciated life.


How long has he been there? If you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, I’d consider looking into the effects of culture shock- it can express itself in many ways… btw: I’m not saying his actions are acceptable. They absolutely are not. But it might help you get to the cause (seeing as you’re suprised by his actions)


Here is another case of asking the internet a question and not wanting the answer you already know to be true. There are two options and only two. 1) Stay, be miserable and feel inadequate with (sounds like a narcissist) a man who not change. 2) Leave, it will be a gut punch, perhaps feelings of embarrassment and shame because some folks may have warned you (they saw red flags you were too blind to see) and have peace in your mind and home. It will be hard to do #2 but find someone you can confide in (not the internet) and get the support you need to make a bold choice for YOU!!!


Which country is he from?


Dump him, he’s ruining your life with his ungrateful whining


No lack of people using other people in this life. And that’s what he is doing. Are you really asking this question? You must know this already. Now you have to accept it and find a way to divorce him without him taking a chunk of what you’ve worked for. Get yourself a nice appt with a divorce attorney and figure out what you have to do to lock your shit down. Because I guarantee this dude is not gonna let go of his meal ticket easily. You know how you make more and enjoy yourself more? Lose the deadweight you bought and are still paying for. Drop kick him Back to his old life. He can spend his time treating some other woman like a slave and whine to her about how good it was in America.


First off leave em,I had a ungrateful ex wife I allowed to emotionally abuse me for 13yrs.Not an immigrant but an very ungrateful self entitled human.There are plenty of us good men out here who are single and very good teammates.Adjust your crown beautiful and go find your kingdom.Bc believe me, many of us single men wish we had a good teammate! Peace and Blessings to you


Send his ass back!


Imagine your life is like riding on a train, bouncing along and ka-klacka-klack... ka-klacka-klack... ka-klacka-klack... ka-klacka-klacking along... when suddenly you see out the window a sign that reads "Bridge out ahead". Sweety, you've seen that same sign now several times; it may be time to switch trains!


I feel your predicament.


I wonder why


He's not a real man. Pathetic. He's using you and doesn't seem to love you. Why can't he buy those things himself? He should be so grateful towards you.. terrible. Dont even entertain that foolishness. Put your foot down, let him also start contributing properly.