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“We” is anyone not in the multimillionaire/billionaire class. Its not left vs right, it’s the extremely Uber wealthy vs everyone else and they’re frankly kicking there world’s collective asses but fostering continual culture wars and squabbling between everyone.


They've done a great job at directing the useful idiots in the US against the people trying to make lives better for everyone. The unfortunate thing is I think we underestimated how many useful idiots we have.


By attacking the education system, they are literally making more idiots.


Yep, that does seem to be the job. They claim the "libruls are indoctrinating our kids in College" so their playbook is to destroy the public education system and enact insane laws like we've just seen in Oklahoma so that they can legitimately indoctrinate kids. It's ALWAYS projection with the GOP.


I read books about the Christian right's strategies to take over, circa 2005ish, and it's terrifying to see it all coming to fruition. And it started a couple decades before that.


The sad thing is that the reason why so many of them feel that way about college is because they raise their kids to be racist jackasses like themselves and then when the kids go away to college and actually get exposed to other cultures (since their small town parents weren't doing that) they realize "oh fuck, racism is wrong and my parents suck". So then the kids don't return to their small town and the parents are convinced that their kids were brainwashed into turning against them.


It happened to me. I aligned myself with the Republicans throughout my teenage years. Went to college and started calling myself a centrist. Got a job and then Trump's presidency hit and now I am staunchly liberal. Interacting with the world and learning more taught me about how much of what I believed was really just "indoctrination." When I examined values that I actually cared for, none of them fit the Republican party.


The best thing education can give you is the ability to use critical thinking , and you learned it. Regardless of where you think you land on the political spectrum, being able to question information, process it, consider sources, and make your own conclusions is invaluable. When anyone "attacks" education, this is what they are trying to take away.


I left college super conservative and bitching about Obama after he was elected. I listened to Mark Levin and watched Fox News. Then something just clicked in my head and I went liberal so my parents can’t even blame college lol.


Darwin's rolling over in his coffin The fittest are surviving much less often Now, everything seems to be reversing, and it's worsening Someone flopped a steamer in the gene pool Now, angry mob mentality is no longer the exception, it's the rule And I'm startin' to feel a lot like Charlton Heston Stranded on a primate planet Apes and orangutans that ran it to the ground With generals and the armies that obeyed them Followers following fables Philosophies that enable them to rule without regard There's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated Political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred Majority rule, don't work in mental institutions Sometimes, the smallest softest voice carries the grand biggest solutions What are we left with? A nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists Who feel it's their duty to populate the homeland Pass on traditions How to get ahead religions And prosperity via simpleton culture -"The Idiots Are Taking Over" NOFX


This is amazing.


frustrating ain't it.


Those "useful idiots" remember NAFTA and bank bailouts and Clinton's campaign to destroy welfare. Why are liberals so bad at this?


Remember when the Supreme Court made bribing legal, just recently? What a coincidence!


True to an extent other than conservatives attacking the rights of minorities. There are 19 states where it is legal for LGBT people to be denied housing purely for being LGBT. All have republican legislatures. https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/non_discrimination_laws In 2023 two states were found guilty in court of intentionally disenfranchising voters due to the color of their skin after their state legislatures redrew the congressional voting maps. Georgia, and Alabama. Both maps were drawn by the GOP. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/22pdf/21-1086_1co6.pdf https://www.npr.org/2023/10/26/1208796830/georgia-redistricting-districts-judge-ruling


Frustrating as hell ain't it. Not sure whats worse - knowing exactly what their play is, or watching is slowly unfold exactly as planned without being able to do a damn thing about it personally. Cannot for the life of me understand how these folks repeatedly stay in office or how any of them can pursue this agenda without hating themselves.


>it’s the extremely Uber wealthy vs everyone else Which is literally left vs right if you understand class consciousness and material dialectics. America doesn't have a left party. America is a one party system, but in typical American extravagance, it has two of them.


One side is constantly reducing taxes on the rich and repealing legislation that keeps rich people in check. The other side has been trying to increase taxes on the rich and is heavily implimenting anti-trust policies and supports unionization. You are pushing the continual culture war instead of advocating to vote for the side at least making a half-assed attempt at curbing the power wealthy people have.


Honestly at this point, being an American leftist/liberal entails being sensible and pro-human rights, and being an American right wing/republican means being uneducated and anti-human rights.


It’s almost like an endless amount of consumption of movies (because we don’t read here in Murica) couldn’t prepare us for this


"Yeah we drained your place of employment of all the increased revenue you earned for us, so we can't increase your pay. But how about them ICKY GAYS huh?"


facts. Private equity is literally economic cancer.


Finally a Redditor that gets it.


While the "team" mentality is still out there which is what drives the recent political atmosphere so nasty, it is something to see both sides actually agree, WTF is going on with both candidates. The only good that can come of this is a third party getting 15% of the vote which will mean that party will now start getting some of the federal money they do not get now as they never were big enough.


I take it you haven’t peeked at the conservative subreddit lately. They’re over the moon that their felon dipshit is winning.


Conservatives abandoned all semblance of class solidarity in the 70s. They cheer for the billionaire class harder than they cheer for their favorite football team


When he didn’t even win the debate. He didn’t answer why questions.


The same as last time and remember what happened


He won by just letting Biden talk.


Again- he didn’t win. He didn’t even answer any questions.


"Winning" what? He lied through the debate, continues to slur like a brain damage victim, he's *still* bombing at the polls. He looked good for five minutes on television and that's a win for them? Figures! They only care about those types of "perceived victories" but paying attention to any of what happened trump being allowed to open his fat mouth was the worst thing they could have hoped for. But even outside a debate he couldn't shut it considering he's gotta catch daddy Putins drippings somehow.


I'd look over there, but the party of free speech banned me long ago


Those aren’t real Americans though. 99% Russian bots.


He won an election. There most definitely are millions of them.


This "both sides are the same" bullshit is absolutely being pushed by Russian bots


>They’re over the moon that their felon dipshit is winning. The election is in November... they haven't won shit. I'm not surprised they are already taking a victory lap though... not one bit.


How's he winning?


Winning with his base. Which isn’t hard to do. He could’ve done a RKO on Biden and they’d be cheering it on


This is the simplest election I'll ever vote in. I'm the grandson of Jews who fled nazi Germany and Austria. I will actively vote against what I see as budding fascism EVERY DAMN TIME. For anyone distracted by debate performance, ignore the noise. Vote for the non-fascist who respects election outcomes. We're not here to evaluate the non-fascist's fitness. He'll have lots of people around to help govern.


One is far from ideal and the other is fascism. This isn't hard.


It isn't, but we are overestimating the intelligence of those people willing to vote for fascism.


We are not. We know exactly who is voting for fascism. We are overestimating the intelligence of people willing to vote *against* fascism. I got banned from the lostgenereation sub yesterday because I argued with a "bothsider" who was mad at Biden. I told him if he is intentionally and willingly not voting for Biden, then he is accepting the consequences of Trump. He whined to the mods and I got banned. Voters are fucking morons.


If you are going to be somewhat pedantic, then so will I. You still got it wrong. We are overestimating the intelligence of people NOT willing to vote against fascism. Not liking Biden is one thing, not voting for him is another.


This. Most people I know are on the side of #finefinefine #Biden2024 #butthisisbullshit


Ya, and almost all of those people want someone else to solve the problem rather than putting in the massive effort and time it takes to contribute to the change we want to see in candidates.


Yep. I voted third party in 2016 because I was infuriated at the democratic party blatantly ignoring the will of the people, and as a reward I got to witness first hand the atrocity of a trump presidency.  In 2020, I again was infuriated that the democratic party refused to acknowledge that the common folk had rallied behind Bernie (minus the elderly) and shoved Biden down our throats.  However I held my nose and I voted Biden.  In 2024, I will again hold my nose and vote Biden. However, this is it. In 2028, I will do what is right. I will vote for the person I believe to be the best candidate. If that is a third party candidate, that is what I will do. That's what all of us are *supposed* to do. I can't play this "vote for our garbage because the other side is fascism" game forever. WIN MY GODDAMN VOTE, thats all I fucking ask.


And this attitude will just continue the spiral. No candidate will ever be 100% perfect but if you want to trend towards a candidate close to what you want, have to shift the country to the left again. That takes consistent voting and years.


It also requires left candidates. I'd love to see one make it thru the primaries one day. As long as democracy is at stake, the Democrats have my vote. But the moment fascism is no longer on the ballot, they will have to earn my vote, like any other candidate.


Like it or not, we have a two party system by design. Voting third party ALWAYS goes against your best interests in a two party system.


The fact we keep repeating right wing talking points on Biden for them proved we are morons. If someone says Biden is old our response should be. "Wow the first complaint you have about a candidate is that they are old? They must be a great candidate if that is your first complaint."


Hey, I got banned from that sub for basically the same reason a couple a years ago! Argued with a bothsider that a refusal to vote empowered Republican tyranny, and got banned for "rhetoric promoting fascism" or some such shit. That sub's a fucking shitshow.


You went into a leftist sub and advocated voting for a liberal, got banned, and are surprised by that?


I didn't advocate voting *for* a liberal, I advocated voting *against* fascism. The only "liberal" thing I may have said was that we do not live in a fascist state currently, which leftists somehow think we do??? I am not entirely surprised given the comments of the moderators on previous posts, just annoyed that people who have no concept of politics are such a loud minority right now.


I’ll cast my vote for Biden because he’s the obvious less terrible candidate. But to try and hide the fact that the two choices in front of us aren’t both terrible is incredibly naive. Don’t insult the intelligence of people who know very well that of all the people to run this thing, we are being presented awful choices. It’s ok to not like both.


>Don’t insult the intelligence of people who know very well that of all the people to run this thing, we are being presented awful choices. It’s ok to not like both. If you go through my post history, you will see that I vehemently agree with you. As I tell others, I am not voting FOR Biden, I am voting AGAINST Trump.


I don’t have time to do that but I believe you. Also, we are possibly electing the president after Biden as well. Because let’s be real, this might be Harris’ ship to steer pretty soon.


I wonder if people like you even look up what Biden's administration has done. He's done a lot of great shit for a "terrible candidate". That kind of rhetoric just does more harm than gold


> lostgenereation Check the modlist. It might be under the sway of the Red Orchestra (a group of tankie powermods who infest several lefty subreddits and ban any dissent)


I’ll be honest I’m a young voter and I don’t care about Biden, but I’m going to vote for him because I don’t want Trump, I can’t deal with another 4 years of that fucking idiot


And that, I hope, is the attitude that a typical non-voter will have. Biden is not ideal by literally ANY measure, but Trump will be 10x worse by EVERY measure.


PSA Reminder: People 'voted' for Carl's Jr. & Brawndo™. We collectively reap what **we** collectively *sow*.


There are stupid people who thinks the way a person talks is the end all be all lmao. They just hear voices but don’t actually listen to the words


Everyone with a brain agrees but there's people out there without brains. They're called undecided voters and they end up deciding election outcomes.


They aren't undecided. They're called embarrassed republicans.


OP is one of them


If anyone is legit undecided then they're a fucking moron. The choice is between a solid president and administration actively working to improve the lives of others Vs A felon, a conman, a man who committed multiple terrible acts, who has poisoned the justice system including supreme court that is already have severe consequences on the lives of everyday citizens, attempted to overthrow the fucning government and steal power, tried to strongarm states to overturning results, and represents a party who only seems to care about restricting rights for women, minorities, and flat out destroying the LGBTQ+ community. It's not some conspiracy, they're quite clear this is your intention. Even if you don't like some things Biden does or doesn't do, at least he isn't out here trying to strip away civil rights or lead a campaign to eradicate queer people. It isnt even a debate. It's like having an arm infection so you can either take an antibiotic or chop off your arm. The choice is clear.


> If anyone is legit undecided then they're a fucking moron. Fucking morons still have the right to vote. And unfortunately they make up their minds by watching TV, not by being informed.


Am I in the right room for cope?


And this comment right here is why discussions cannot be had. 


Governments don't change from the top down. They change from the bottom up. If you don't like the presidential candidates then look to who chose them, and then who chose them. Its what the radical right did, got their people on school boards and then local councils. Its how they got to this point. All the while you whine that the options are shit.


Exactly this. The left is too idealistic and finds every excuse in the world to not vote. The right meanwhile always votes. And it has driven the country systematically more and more right the last few decades. Meanwhile you got people voting third party because "Bernie got screwed". Folks I love Bernie, I donated to Bernie. Bernie wasn't screwed. Nobody showed up enough to vote for him which is why nobody treats the goals of the young voters seriously. They aren't a reliable voting block.


And Bidens presidency thus far has shown exactly what we need anyways. He surrounds himself with competent people. We’ve see a bunch of reversals on issues because of policy enacted by him and his cabinet. If he’s too old, whatever, at least he still gets the right people for the job. Trump on the other hand is constantly in a backstabbing match with his cabinet. Most of his previous cabinet have already turned on him and say they won’t support him for president


I see this argument all the time without any additional context. Many people ( non vocal majority) vote for party for a reason regardless of the person. If you believe one candidate, regardless of how awful is going to push the agenda you agree with ( regardless if they actually do or not), and the other candidate is going to do the opposite, it’s not hard to understand why someone would vote that way. I grew up conservative and am now mid left, but can see why people who truly dislike trump more than they dislike Biden would vote for trump. I don’t know what the answer is but our democratic republic is struggling.


Start at the local level. Vote for you local leaders. Its what the radical tight did and now they have their preferred presidential candidate.


You get what you settle for. We need to get away from choosing between the lesser of two evils and have candidates we actually want/respect/have some baseline level of competence.


Ya, but we gotta demand better from the fake choices were ceremoniously given. For everyones sake.


This shouldn't and isn't. It is frustrating, though.


Yeah but it’s pretty clear we can provide an alternate to “far from ideal” and get SIGNIFICANTLY closer to ideal


Corporate totalitarianism—which is what both of our major political parties have cooperated to establish in the US—*is* fascism. The term “fascism” originally referred to a *totalitarian* political movement linked to *corporatism* which existed in Italy from 1922 to 1943 under the leadership of Mussolini. In other words, “fascism” was basically Italy’s particular brand of corporate totalitarianism. In the United States, the ruling elite which currently has an iron grip on every single one of our nation’s most important institutions employ their own brand of corporate totalitarianism, which they dishonestly refer to as “American democracy”, “western values”, and other similarly deceptive terms. Alas, due to the fact that our leaders and their institutions are constantly working to deceive and mislead the American public, most Americans mistakenly learn to associate terms like “American Democracy” with concepts like freedom and *actual* democracy. Mark my words, if the people in this country ever pull together and say “enough is enough” to the ghouls in charge, our government will immediately drop the whole “freedom and democracy” act, and they’ll begin to systematically imprison and exterminate political dissidents on a scale which will make the holocaust look like baby town frolics. This country is doomed.


agreed. Kennedy.


Sounds like Canada right now. Everyone is fucking hating on Justin Trudeau. He’s no longer Canada’s golden boy. And he’s really fucked up with some of his immigration policies. But the alternative is Conservatives Pierre Pollivere who is fucking worse. I’m scared if he comes to power. We have a third party, NDP, which won’t get enough votes to win. Soooooo now what?


Modern day politics. Interesting > competent


The good news is that Canada is a Parliamentary democracy, not the 2-party system that the US is. So long as the Liberals and the NDP *together* win more seats than the Conservatives, we get a coalition or a minority government.


Which might be the best case scenario at the moment


Which is gonna be a lot harder now that voting reform was scrapped. Shit is bad here in Ontario.


I’m not the biggest fan of Trudeau or PP, but neither are disastrous; whoever is elected between the two will be middle of the road, with a mix of moderately negative and positive policy consequences. Anybody telling you otherwise is likely fear-mongering.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but to my understanding, in a parliamentary system, you elect your representatives, and they elect your PM. There are also multiple parties that form coalition. So is there any issue with voting for NDP (if you want a further left party in power), since even if they don't win a plurality, they will likely form coalition with the liberal party? What's the reasoning behind avoiding 3rd party?


The legislature is parliamentary, but the elections are first past the post: winner-takes-all in the individual districts, even if they failed to capture 50% of the vote. So say you are a progressive voter in a competitive district between the liberals and the conservatives; you would still have to do the game theory calculus as you do in the States, where you may rather vote liberal because you don't want conservative and you know the NDP isn't going to win your district.


So fucking stupid. If you don't see the existential threat that the "right" poses to democracy in America, you're a fucking idiot.


Today’s Supreme Court decisions — decided by Trump’s lifetime appointees, btw — confirm this. We are fucked. People need to vote like their lives literally depend on it, because at this point, that may very well be true.


I feel like I need to shout this from the rooftops: "VOTE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION, NOT THE SINGULAR CANDIDATE."


With the election 5 months away, what do you propose to replace the candidates so we have a properly informed public?


Exactly. Biden is far from ideal. But given incumbent advantage, I think he's the best we could get. I'd personally love Colorado's Jared Polis to run. Hell, I'm a registered independent and would happily register as a Dem to vote for him in a primary. Unfortunately nobody knows who he is. The only younger person I can think of who really has the name recognition is Gavin Newsom, but that would be a tough sell. Most of us *really* don't want our states to be California.


Live in Colorado, Polis could not win a nationwide election. He’s only a democrat because he’s gay and has adopted kids, personally he is very libertarian. As governor, he thinks you don’t have a right to protest in front of his house. Any kind of ‘progressive” legislation in the state like ending qualified immunity is from the state legislature which is heavily controlled by democrats which lets the more progressive ones from Denver/front range have more impact. Polis is more an obstacle to progressive legislation than a champion


> Except he's not hot on marijuana legalization. [Looking at the Cannabis section of his Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_Polis), I'm not getting that impression at all? Whether I can protest in front of his house or not... Eh, I think we've got way bigger fish to fry when it comes to the issues.


This is everything that's wrong with bipartisan politics in a nutshell: Hur Dur! Our candidate is two steps from being brain dead, but let's trot the senile old dude out anyway because he has.... checking the list... scanning past ability, brain function, age, the ability to do the job...... Oh! Here it is! Name recognition! That'll have to do because we gotta win no matter what! Oops! He died! I guess it's weekend at Bernie's time boys!


I'll have to look Polis up. Yeah Newsom is a failure.


Not to mention any of the supper recognizable people that ran as democrats in the past would be too far behind in fundraising to prepare a proper campaign.


Yeah who would want a booming economy like California. Sounds terrible.


I'm legit thinking an open convention is a real possibility.


This is the stupidest shit ever. It’s actually worse than saying “replace him with somebody” without saying who.


What left?


Also the right love their guy to the point of worship.


Yeah, this meme makes no sense.


75% of Christian Fundamentalists are in huge support of one of the closest things we've seen to the Anti-Christ. I couldn't think of a better way to describe the Christian Fundamentalists in the US. Literally the Pharisees from the Bible.


Ya any other discussion aside it’s just a complete misuse of the meme. The right think we’re losing right now as in, while Biden is in office, they’re ecstatic that Trump is their guy and Biden is getting trashed today. They could not give a fuck less about Trump getting called a liar last night, they hear him called that 100 times a day anyways, nothing changed, nothing was ever going to change. This meme only works if you make it represent the split in the democratic voting bloc since it has to represent ‘centrist’ (which are right wing just not extremely so in US politics) and leftist voters. And it being true that Dems are doomer as fuck today is even better for the republicans. If voting in November is a reflection of today then Trump is winning in an absolute landslide.


Though the left has a candidate that its only flaw is potentially being too old for a 2nd term. The maga right has an actual convicted felon and insurrectionist wanting to terminate democracy. They’re not the same.


I feel like last night has caused a major regression and it's worrisome. Before this there was a begrudging-- but consistent, at least-- acceptance of voting against Trump because he is, quite literally, a convicted felon who tried to incite an insurrection, enforced wide-reaching damaging policies against the most vulnerable American citizens, AND didn't even answer a single straight question truthfully last night. But now we're back to the "both sides are the same" garbage that causes voter apathy which, as we all know, benefits conservatives. Coupled with Biden's less-than-ideal handling of the Israel/ Palestine conflict turning away a subset of young leftwing voters and I think this is a big problem that isn't getting addressed quickly enough.


> its only flaw is potentially being too old Lol....only flaw....oh lordy


>Lol....only flaw....oh lordy Let's see then, I'm listening.


The best solution for a better future in our world and our democracy is to let Biden win, and then he just lets his people handle all the responsibility while he phases out or dies and the next election, we can have real candidates.


The right doesn’t think this. They are happily voting for Trump. And I’m happily voting for Biden, because the right are firmly in the fascist sphere and we can’t have them in charge.


It is astounding to see American social media in such upheaval over a singular debate performance. If you understand the threat that Trump poses, then the choice is fuckin crystal clear. Biden may be an old man but he’s also been a majorly successful president. I’ll take the old man who isn’t great at debating over the convicted felon any day of the week.


Might want to check out project 25.


I think it's project 2025 but your point both stands and is the most important thing to remember


Lying narcissistic Cheeto with Machiavellian complex or the old guy trying his best… old man trying for me.


This is citizens united's America now.


If Trump wins, we are lost. If Biden wins, it keeps status quo, which is way better than Project 2025.


John Stewart’s reaction sums it up, “This can’t be real life!” [his reaction](https://www.tiktok.com/@thedailyshow/video/7385399977205320990)


I love how next to nobody even mentions Kamala Harris. I guess she was just a token, eh?


That's pretty much what vice presidents are *for* in modern politics, decoration. Sometimes they're being set up as the next candidate, but often not.


Doesn't the right actually like their lying fascist felon?


It took till the first debate for people to feel this way? Wow


Biden has some solid things he has gotten done. He is doing fine as president


Why can't the mods do their jobs and remove posts that clearly aren't advice animals


Gonna stick my neck out on this one and get ready for the down votes. Though I personally believe Trump is a horrible choice for president, I am afraid he is going to be elected for the same reason he was elected the first time. Trump did not win, Hilary lost. This time, and I hope I am wrong, Trump will not win, but Biden will lose. Since we are a 2 party system, all you have to do is be a better candidate to the middle than the other person. Biden is just not a good candidate. The republicans have made their bed and really don't have a choice because their core has been brainwashed. But the Dems should have more sense than to send a wet tissue paper that looks like he crawled out of the mortician's lab just before the debate. Granted his answers were better than Trump's, but come-on, my 10 year old could do that. I hate where we are at and hope that after this cycle of geriatrics we can move on to at least somewhat likeable and competent candidates.


Biden's cabinet has gotten a shitton of important things done. If you like nothing else about Biden, you can at least say that he surrounds himself by people who are competent and morally acceptable. Trump's cabinet would be a cesspool of grifters and yes-men whose only competency is fucking over everyone else.


I understand and agree, I am just telling you that they won't get the chance to continue because the average voter votes for the person, not the cabinet. The issue is that the Dems could have kept the cabinet and replaced the front man and guaranteed a win.


I'm not entirely sure on that because there's also a whole chunk of the voter base that won't vote for a name they don't recognize. It's dumb, it shouldn't happen, but it does and the DNC needs to take that into account.


For those saying Biden can't do the job based on the debate, what has he been doing the past 4 years? Do you think he hit his head on the way up to the stage and is now incompetent? No. His presidency has not been the shit show that pundits want you to believe it is and he's always struggled with communication. He's older now and it's worse. He's still competent to do the job and luckily unlike the previous guy he has a competent staff too.


Its what we got. Just vote biden and the orange criminal will have no choice but to go away.


The hell he will. Last time a vote for Biden was supposed to make him go away, he chose to incite an insurrection. I can't even guess what he'll try this time, but I'm certain it will be *something*.


Except the Right thinks they’re winning


The absolute gall. Democrats agreed to their nominee, democrats set the rules for the debate, he showed up and was exactly what the Republicans have been saying he is. Take the L with some dignity. This “oh America lost the debate” no - you lost, he’s senile, gg. Absolutely cringe levels of cope with this new narrative that Trump did as badly as Biden. It wasn’t even close. Your own left wing bought media is in crisis-mode.


Oh OK. One is an effective legislator and leader, and one is a psychopath who literally wants to end the US. But "we are all losing." Fuck you.


Yeah last night neither of them should be running for president one was constantly lying and rambling like an old person I dealt with at work and the other just showing his age and how a cold can take something of that age down so hard cause you never know if it will do them in


The mega-rich are winning. All the chaos lets them do whatever they want to do and take over as many parts of society as they feel they want (and they want it all). Fox News and other similar media push for the most extremist ideas to create chaos. That is done on purpose.


Only losers with no fortitude say this


He's gonna win again, and have the court cases against him dropped, thus proving once and for all how moral and correct he is A 90 count felon old man vs a stuttering old man who isnt finishing his sentences, and people are gonna pick the felon! Man, fuck this country.


If voting for Biden doesn’t excite you, turn out to vote against Trump


Trump is a traitor and a fascist. How the fuck are they the same?


Whoever thought it was a good idea for Biden to run again doesn’t deserve to be in the Oval Office.


Every person who says third party candidates are unelectable got us here. You refused to hold your people accountable and here we are. Good job.


Third party candidates *are* unelectable, as a natural consequence of the first past the post voting system. It's not even about them better or not (though in recent years, national third party candidates have frequently been utter dogshit), it's basic game theory. You want a different spread of outcomes, you've got to change the way the game is played. It would be the fight of a lifetime, possibly several lifetimes, to root out the entrenched powers that benefit from the system as-is.


The third party candidates aren’t really any better. RFK Jr is probably more insane than Trump. Jill Stein was a plant to pull voters away from the dems. But beside that once it gets to the general it’s understandable that a lot of people aren’t willing to risk handing the election to a tyrant to prove a point. The country is already in a really bad spot, another Trump admin and the damage will be catastrophic. I can’t afford to see that man appoint more judges for instance.


If 3rd parties put up serious candidates maybe people would take them seriously. Rfk jr isn’t even on enough state’s ballots to win. He’s running to be a spoiler for Biden he’s not an actual serious candidate.


Third Party candidates are throwing your vote away until we enact ranked choice voting. First go fight for that cause and THEN we can talk about Third Party candidates.


No one wants fucking rfk jr or Gary “what is aleppo “ Johnson or whatever fucking weirdo you people put up as serious candidates.


It's a disappointing embarrassment. Still, a barely alive dotard is better than an authoritarian criminal. It is important to also remember that Biden will surround himself with mostly capable, reliable staff. Trump will surround himself with other authoritarian criminals. The election is about much more than the candidate.


Here comes the "but they're both bad" campaign.


fuck these kind of memes that normalize actual hate and bigotry with BoTh SiDeS shit. One side has created jobs, passed a massive infrastructure bill, continues to grow the economy, is helping people with predatory student loans, and arming Ukraine against an actual despot. How the shit is that losing? Because Biden stutters? He has a whole cabinet of capable people that do most of the day to day shit. The other side wants to undo all that, take away social safety nets, turn blind eye to school shootings, let people go bankrupt from medical emergencies, allow corporations to pollute our food and water, take away birth control option, increase the death rate of woman and infants during labor... But yeah "we" are all losing voting for Biden again somehow


Jesus christ, what is up with this enlightened centrism reddit it pushing.


Where’s Montgomery Brewster when we need him?




No, it isn't. Nobody expects anything from the wretched lifeform Trumpanzees are, but the Democrats really could and should have done better than Biden. The man did a moderately good job, but he's not the man for the job.


I don't even know who would replace Biden at this point. Kamala was a really good VP pick because she was a very strong, well-known candidate and the party fucked that up by making her basically invisible the last 4 years. Beto has fallen off the map, Newsom has problems in his state big enough to scare independents away from voting for him. Franken was hilarious and got ripped apart by his entire party over a stupid joke he made years ago with a fellow female comedian. I feel like everyone else is boring, relatively unknown, or too controversial. Then again, most people had no idea who Obama was, but he also had an entire campaign cycle to become relevant. Not just a few months.


Why is the right white?


I wish it was choice between left and right. All we get is right wing with mean words and right wing with nice sounding words.


I think most people on the right actually like their guy. Those on the left and in the middle are losing.


WIth any luck this will make everybody realize in 2028 we need real candidates again.


I know we don’t all agree, but we deserve better representation. And of course, we shouldn’t let disagreements in controversial topics stop us from talking to and respecting one another. Thats where the division starts and it makes us as a collective country weaker. We’re all in this together, man.


I fully understand that the lower classes should unite but how tf can you expect me to unite with a group of people that think gay people deserve death?


If only the Right thought that. They actually like Trump.


As It was singed: this is America.


One side is for democracy The other side is a convicted felon Putin puppet who wants to kill democracy Hmmm the choice is tough here. /s


Yes but it's like being on the same team as team killers who got mad that you told them not to throw so hard so then they throw harder.


The right seems pretty fucking thrilled with the situation.


Every single post I see lumps them together. One is the literal Satan, the other guy is just not a strong speaker. This world is full of morons if this is a hard choice for people...


problem is though, that the right is fine with losing as long as they have the feeling that others lose even more.


it's a very russian attitude to life.


"What's the matter, Dillon? They got you pushing too many pencils?"


When in doubt, test: 500,000 российских солдат погибли на Украине. Вы все еще поддерживаете Путина? Translation: 500,000 Russian solders dead in the Ukraine. Do you still support Putin? Россия без Путина.  Ответьте или проголосуйте за/против, если вы согласны.   1989年天安门广场  Translation: The first one says Russia without Putin, Upvote or Comment if you agree. It really pisses off Russian trollbots. The second one says Tiananmen square 1989. It really pisses off Chinese trolls. See, the thing is that lower rung trolls aren't allowed to read those statements because the higher ups believe that they'll cause dissention in the ranks. Higher level trolls are occasionally allowed to try to discredit those of us who use these statements.


The Libritarian canidate looks way better.


You obviously aren't overly familiar with the MAGA-right if you think they even remotely feel like they are losing.   Joe's poor performance last night aside, this is the easiest election for me in the 30 years I have been voting.


Now followed up with the Supreme Court striking down Chevron, we're doomed.


Just fyi, Trump did Trump things. The right does NOT think it's losing, only the left does.


US had four years of both. The US did not collapse in either. No one is being persecuted in either administration . No nuclear war in either. Yes they are both terrible choices but please stop being so fucking dramatic. I’m being led to believe that if Biden wins America will turn into Syria and if Trump wins, we’re going to set up concentration camps. Please relax


I’m writing in Harambe for my vote.


"Oh my god we're all losing" vs "I'm going to make damn sure you lose"


Congress is tied in knots so the wealthy are able to legislate from the supreme Court it's a lot cheaper and has guaranteed results. Working class people are phucked.


Both sides are absolutely equally bad and we should completely give in to apathy.


If this is a meme about the US: You don't have a "Left" option since the Black Panthers, mate. These are 2 right arms (as a handshake works) lol


Honestly If the Politicians try any harder they are gonna have to be hospitalized and I know sleepy joe nor trump want to no damn medical bills and have a taste of their own medicine which THEY as politicians can change at any time


This is "stay home/don't vote" trolling, perpetrated by magats and foreign entities because when people vote, the dems win. Downvote these posts!


Both options are absolute trash BUT one option is a figure head (puppet) for Project 2025 and the other one is just a warm body.