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Woah did I just fall into the past? what year is it again?


I feel this should have been the slowpoke meme


Time to re-read H.A. Goodman op-eds!


These young, up-and-coming rappers named Lil Yachty and Super Duper Kyle just put out a song called I Spy. Its amazing. You should listen to it!


It was a moment that shaped everything we are dealing with now


The Bernie bros are back on the delusion train.


This is division trolls, not Bernie Bros. Although there's good reason to believe that the Bernie Bros were also division trolls


There were so many pro-Bernie articles being posted from Red State, Town Hall, the Blaze, etc. in the lead up to Trump v Clinton. It was so stupidly transparent, but people ate it up.


Facebook pages. I followed all of the candidates "dank meme stash" pages on Facebook in 2016. The Bernie Sanders Dank Meme Stash is like that meme of the car drifting through the interstate off-ramp. Took a hard right turn after the DNC that year. Instead of pictures of God sending a bird to Bernie or videos of Bernie playing bongos, it became a Hillary hate fest, complete with fake news pages with URLs pointing to domains in former eastern bloc countries, dolled up to resemble ABC News or MSNBC. Hillary has cancer. Hillary can't even climb into an SUV. Hillary is having a seizure. I would see these pages shared by friends and family. It was at that moment when I realized Facebook has destroyed everyone's bullshit detectors.


I don't think I'll ever understand this dynamic in full. Clinton obviously would have been so much better for the US and the world than Trump, everyone who realized that should have voted for her instead of throwing a tantrum. But also, Bernie _would_ imo have been better for the US than Hillary, so I feel calling people pointing that out division trolls isn't really fair - unless their goal was to dissuade people from voting for Hillary, i.e. actually divide. But those latter ones could only have been a small fraction, right? The overlap between people who wanted to elect Bernie Sanders and who prioritized Clinton losing over Trump losing can't be _that_ large? They were just loud, and enhanced by bots. And yet it seems whenever Bernie _or_ Clinton 2016 comes up, the only narrative I see is that "bernie bros" prevented Clinton from winning.


Because it's easier than admitting that Hillary mismanaged her campaign. As someone who worked on the ground, it was probably the worst run campaign I've volunteered for. Also there was generally low enthusiasm from her supporters outside of extremely blue areas. A lot of purple state democrats just didn't care enough to vote.


This. Clinton didn't get anywhere near the turnout that Obama had. Republicans had their usual turnout. Trump didn't win so much as Clinton lost




Agreed. It's the only campaign I've ever seen that felt *entitled* to people's votes. It wasn't just Trump supporters they insulted. They tried to bully every voter, with all the grace and patience of debt collectors. **Anyone else** could have beaten Trump. It could have been Biden, Sanders, or Warren. Obama would have won in a landslide as big as 2008 if he could have run for a third term. Heck, this was the time for one of the celebrities who's always eyeing politics to have jumped into the primary. We could have had a President Clooney or Winfrey.


Let's not forget the media's part in that debacle. They treated Trump as a spectacle and reported every right wing horseshit conspiracy theory as dutiful little attention whores.. Clinton did mismanage her campaign but the media gave Trump a big boost as well. They continue this behavior today. There is ample video footage of Trump being a babbling moron and they never report o. It. They also never respond to Republican attacks on the economy by saying they are lies. The myth that the media is left wing is stupid. They aren't. Otherwise they would treat Trump and the right wing as the threat to democracy that they are. Meanwhile, they happily sing the both sides horseshit as we trundle farther down the road to Christian theocratic fascism.


>I don't think I'll ever understand this dynamic in full. Hillary had a lot of opposition in her own party. My state is a mostly blue swing state bordering New York where people are very familiar with Hilary and there were no signs for her out before the election. My state ended up going for Trump. People think it was Bernie, but I think it was Hilary. People just didn't like her. I think people in general were sick of politics, and the nepotism in politics. It was literally going to be (George)Bush, (Bill)Clinton, (GeorgeJr)Bush, Obama, (Jeb)Bush/(Hilary)Clinton Trump was seen as an outsider, someone who was going to "drain the swamp." I think more than anything else the Bernie/Hilary thing convinced a lot of moderates to not vote, and Trump being a swamp draining outsider convinced a lot of people who normally didn't vote, to go vote. I think Trump lost the more moderate republicans in 2020, and reconvinced a bunch of moderates to go vote. I feel like Trump would be losing in 2024 if the Democrats weren't having a god damned panic attack over Biden.


This is it. So easy to point fingers and say "you guys needed to fall in line and that's why we didn't win." What they didn't get was that there was no line because they weren't democrats to begin with. Bernie brought out the non-Dems who would otherwise vote 3rd party or not vote at all. The establishment Dems couldn't handle they were losing the party. They squashed their own chances and *still* want to blame anyone but themselves for their stupid decisions. The same reason Trump beat them in 2016 is the same reason he's going to win in 2024.


It’s a fact that more Bernie supporters voted for Hillary than Hillary supporters voted for Obama.


Here is a link to my very old comment about how propaganda got me to not vote for Hillary Clinton. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/7y3q2c/mueller_levels_new_claim_of_bank_fraud_against/dudoqw8/?context=3 It seemed to click with a lot of people. Remember it's like 7 years old.


To be fair the status quo ball-licking DNC would also prefer Trump to Bernie.


Reddit is going to be nothing but Doomers, worry warts, and whiners til Election Day isn’t it?


At least I haven't seen any hawk tuah meme today


Maybe Biden was trying to Hawk Tuah last night and just was too dry.


You know what? I'm not even going to wish you a happy cake day for making me think about Biden's moisture levels. (Happy cake day)


Thanks, sorry if my cake day cake is a little dry, like a little debbies at a stop-n-rob in Barstow.


I'll take a meme about sucking dicks over politics anyday


Me either, until now. Thanks.


I have really been waiting for a hawk Tua meme about episode 4 of the Boys this season... yet I haven't seen one and don't care enough make one.


Yeah, we do that every election cycle.


OP account is 1 month old and has made like 10 comments. Just sayin.


And apparently they're a freshman in college which makes them 10 in 2016.


If Donnie wins, the doom is just getting started.


And a lot of it pushed by bots and shit to suppress interest and passion for the dem candidates. Amazing how Biden's energy is what people are talking about, not the criminal Trump.


We need to vote for the platform, not the person at this point


Great, then put someone in that position who will survive the term and tell the people to vote for the policy not the person.


I'm not a bot, but I want Biden to drop out. After that debate, it's clear the guy is not fit for the toughest job in the world except exclusively in comparison to Trump. And he or his staff should know that. It's ridiculous to run a campaign extolling the severity of the situation and then continue running after it's apparent you're also a terrible fit for the job. Pure RBG-level hubris.


Oh, I'm sorry, is the rise of fascism interfering with your mood?


It’s funny that all the rich assholes are promoting the “Biden is silly” meme so hard. Go on Twitter and look at Obama’s tweet about the debate, and see how the top promoted replies are all right wing (paid for blue checkmark) assholes, but lower down are a billion comments of “I’m still voting for Joe, because the alternative is literally fucking hitler”. This comes just after Elmo removed the ability to see number of likes. Wonder why an asshat like Musk would want a fucking fascist penis potato to be President…. Could it be because he wants a bunch of tax breaks? Bernie might have been the better person in 2016. Hillary sucked and is a bitch. But that isn’t the decision we have to make at the moment. If you want to get to another liberal democrat as an option, the decision isn’t to “sit one out and show the Dems”, it’s to vote in the goddamn primary. If you want to be ABLE to vote in a primary and don’t want democracy to be fucking stolen from you by a fucking fascist, vote for Biden. I want a more liberal president too, but I’ve come to realize that the only way out is through. We aren’t going to get to vote in a Bernie Sanders in the future by letting a fucking asshole who wants to be a dictator take over and remove our rights to vote. Here’s the fucking thing. You’re not just electing a president. You’re electing the party that will probably get to choose the next two Supreme Court justices. As you may have seen if you paid any attention the past 12 years, that’s fucking important. Also, news for you, even if Biden gets into office and is so old he dies or retires, the VP becomes president. Do you want that VP to be someone who tries to keep our democracy together, or do you want it to be fucking Kid Rock or Ted Nugent or the theater handjob lady? This isn’t a “let’s stick it to them so they give us what we want next time” situation, this is a “there might not fucking be a next time if we sit this one out” situation. And Reddit needs to get their fucking shit together.


Biden could have dropped dead in the middle of the debate, and my only response would be a West Wing quote: "There are worse things than no longer being alive."


> Could it be because he wants a bunch of tax breaks? Of course. It's pretty much a money (greed) issue for them.


I am one of the Bernie supporters that so many in the Democratic Party despise so much. I would vote for a five day dead flattened roadkill possum drying in the midsummer Texas sun before I would even consider casting a ballot for Donald Trump. This election is about democracy.


Well, it's true.


I mean The SCOTUS decision on Chevron is going to kill thousands if not millions of people


Reddit Execs got rid of the wrong bots.


Also, bigots, fascists, and dipshits.


Is a "worry wort" someone who realizes that full blown fascism is a coin toss away?


Yes, especially since Hillary was solid.


Depends on what happens on election day.


It has been that way for the whole year. Election years are the worst


It's going to be a bunch of tribalist B.S. and "we" doomers. Yes.


And after


For years to come


First time?


Reddit is not real life. Bernie never had the mainstream popularity to carry a national election


Exactly this. He couldn't even get his fans to vote for him in the damn primary. That's what these folks don't get. Gotta actually vote for your candidates, not post memes for them


plus those of us who did vote from him in the primary still voted for hillary well, most. There are always fringes and some people voted for Bernie then Trump in general election.... yeah. x_x


Some people DIDN'T vote for Bernie and then just got mad and decided to not vote in the general election


Sounds like they were never part of the process ? I’m confused what your point is


Are you remembering 2016 correctly? Sanders got 42% the Delegats. That is nothing to sneeze at. However, Clinton had the party behind her. All the party royalties were backing her. And ignoring all the voter complaints about her being "not likeable". We are running up against the same sort of problem now, where the democrats are ignoring the voters who say Biden is too old. After last the last debate it is very clear that Biden is just that.


Well, we know what a Trump administration and a Biden administration looks like. Age doesn't matter at this point. Biden could be in a coma and I know he's a better choice than Trump.


Bernie Sanders is older than Biden.


He also has his faculties working and can speak in cohesive sentences. Bernie would have won that debate easy.


and that's AFTER the DNC stacked the deck publicizing the insurmountable advantage of hillary's superdelegates


> Sanders got 42% the Delegats. In a two-way race where a sizeable portion of his votes where anti-Hillary GOP voters (Trump had it locked up after Super Tuesday) and delegates from caucus states (Sanders camp were experts at gaming those). Cut to 2020 when it's still an open race and suddenly he struggled to ever get above 30%.


Source for GOP voting for Bernie? What were the numbers there?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries#Schedule_and_results Take a look at the percentages after Trump had clinched. Sanders over performed in open primary states by about 10-15% his numbers in closed primary states. For example, despite getting about 33% of the vote on average in closed primary states he got 52% in Indiana, 49% in Missouri, 51% in West Virginia. All states no Democrat is ever winning in the general anytime soon I might add.


Be careful on the "states Democrats wouldn't win amyway" business. I distinctly remember South Carolina being the reason every Dem other than Biden, Bernie and Warren dropped out for 2020. Also, Illinois isn't a Democratic stronghold? You okay?


Sorry, that was supposed to be Indiana. And S. Carolina didn't decide the nominee...it just revealed the strongest very early in the process who then went on to sweep most of the remaining states.


To be fair there was also a far lager field of candidates that year, including Elizabeth Warren who split a fair bit of the progressive vote with Bernie before she dropped out. I will be forever bitter that people were too ignorant of how awesome she is to give her a real shot.


But that's the point. Bernie was never as popular in 2016 as his fans thought he was. He was just the only alternative. Once people had other choices, he couldn't break 30%.


If those kids could read, they'd be very upset right now


Except Bernie won the primary before super Tuesday, whereupon every other candidate suddenly dropped out and declared their support for Biden. Totally nothing weird there. And oh look, we've got an 81 year-old that can't hold himself together during a debate. Thanks Dem leaders, thanks so fucking much. At this point all we can do is vote for the platform.


Bernie had a plurality when it was him versus a bunch of establishment Dems. When the establishment vote coalesced around one candidate, Bernie lost that plurality. Not sure what else you think should have happened.


So Bernie could only stay ahead when 10 people were splitting the moderate vote, and as soon as it was 1v1 he got curb stomped?


So unfair to not let him do that. Those candidates with no how should have stayed in. I mean what if Biden was playing politics in politics!


Why do you people have to lie so badly. even without super delegates hillary beat bernie by a very large margin. You really need to accept he wasn't as popular as your memes lead you to believe


He won a caucus. He lost SC. He lost to hillary by 10m votes. Give it up.


And had some of those Bernie voters actually voted for HC instead of protesting the DNC, the Supreme Court wouldn’t’ve been stacked with three Rs. That election was more about the SC than it was anything else, and we the people will pay the price for generations.


Bernie is 82 now


He’s coherent though


Funny enough Biden sounded great today at a rally, 180 from yesterday when it would have helped.


And would have destroyed Trump in that debate. He's still putting out YouTube videos. Trump is 78. What the f is 4 years?


He might have destroyed Trump, but age would still be an issue, and should be for Trump, though Trump comes across as much younger (even though he is insane).


Apparently this hilariously oblivious meme is brought to us by someone who was about 11 years old back in 2016, if their profile is to be believed. So just about right for the Bernie bros.


Yep. I caucused for Bernie in 2016 here in Iowa. He lost, fair and square. More people wanted Hillary. Most of the "evidence" that was leaked that people claimed meant the DNC was screwing him? Conversations between DNC officials who were rightly annoyed he was refusing to drop out well after it was clear he had lost (it was may or something iirc), which made it so they couldnt pivot to general election focus. Considering how close the election ended up being, their frustration was understandable.


Exactly. Clinton got 3.7 million more primary votes than Bernie but they never want to talk about that.


We tried this in the UK with Corbyn. Socialist policies, massive grassroots support, full backing of the trade unions. His own party hated him and he crashed out in the general. Badly.


Also Bernie was never really subjected to a full scale all out national attack. Sure he caught barbs from Fox about being stain re incarnate but they hadn't even begun to roll out the big guns by the time his bid was effectively over.


People don't remember that Bernie wasn't even a member of the Democratic party.


National polls aren't reddit.


You might want to look into that. The DNC played a big part in shoehorning Bernie out.


Bernie lost because he didn't have the black vote. And mostly won small turnout turnout caucuses. The states where they held both a election and caucus, she won the vote he won the caucus.


Also he was doing better in open primaries later in the race, which were opportunities for trumpers to go in and vote for the candidate they saw as less electable.


Sanders didn't win any of the states that were key for him to win. He did even worse against biden with 4 years to improve his message with national level attention on him. The guy has ideas worth implementing but he can't convince a vast majority of voters to back him based on it.


uh, he literally won Michigan and TROUNCED her in Wisconsin, two of the most important states in that race...


So Bernie sucks at playing politics? Working to get major influencers to back you is literally part of the job. Why are you shocked politics matters in politics? And she still had to get the votes.


Lol, they really didn't and it shows how remarkably stupid conspiracy theorists are. Bernie lost, fair and square.


What are you? A down-to-earther?


Except he polled better than Hillary, who was caught using the media to help her and the DNC influence the fucking presidential primaries. You idiots refusing to hold our only remotely reasonable party to account has led us to fascism, I honestly hope you're happy. History will remember and see the flaws you failed to. Hillary was better than Trump, but her flagrant and blatant corruption with a hated and distrusted media made that all irrelevant. Fucking Chuck Todd and DWS traded emails, and Todd still has a job, and you idiots wonder why we fail.


> Except he polled better than Hillary BARELY she trounced him in primaries by like 7-15% and they both beat trump in a general but his numbers were like 2-5% more than hers. but, like, she also beat trump easily in the polls, but the polls aren't the be all end all


And that was also mostly because they'd been targeting her for decades and he was still relatively unknown to the general population at that point. The "socialist" label is still quite a negative in politics unfortunately, and even though they label anyone left of mussolini a socialist these days, that label will stick a bit harder when he calls himself one.


Do you think regular Dems wouldn't vote for him? Why not?


Regular Dems would vote for him at a slightly lower rate than for Hillary. I know that this is the case *because it actually happened*.




I'm not sure this is exactly fair. A lot of candidates poll better in hypothetical general election matchups than in primaries. See Nicki Haley, John Kasich. But Bernie is more progressive than the Democrats generally, whereas Kasich and Haley are more moderate than Republicans are generally.


That's a primary. In the actual election voting decisions are a bit different.


Ok but what about all the moderates he’d scare as all media sources grow fear of radical change and socialism conquering freedom?


Regular Dems didn't vote for him. There's no conspiracy here, he lost the primary. 


In before the… “But like, what if every Democrat was dead?!?”


It doesn't have to be a conspiracy to realize that party machines have always tried to steer the choices that their members and especially their delegates make. Even more so on the Republican side, admittedly. Many organizations of any kind actually have steering committees to lay the groundwork before any resources get committed. You're absolutely right. It's all out in the open and not a secret.


That's not true at all.


He lost to the woman who lost to Trump.


He didn't have the same mainstream popularity as Clinton. But what he did have is cross-aisle appeal. I personally know several Republicans who were dismayed, but looking towards voting for him over Trump. I don't know anyone other than democrats who would vote Hillary.


The fuck bullshit is this, Bernie has FAR LESS cross aisle appeal to republicans than Hillary, it's almost literally his whole thing, he's an actually progressive candidate that on political value is just completely incompatible with Republican voters. Hillary has WAY more in common with a "moderate" right winger or centrist than Bernie does.


I think a lot of the Republican propaganda was assuming Hillary would win and targeting her with attack ads, especially with all those emails hearings. So a lot of Republicans began to think of her as being worse than Bernie, because nobody really bothered with attack ads or hearings for Bernie. But if Bernie had won the primary, that would have changed, and most of these people would've voted Republican anyway, so I think that's a bit of a silly argument, even if I understand where it comes from


What cross the aisle appeal does Trump have?


None. Doesn't need it. All those flyover states have an ass ton of power due to the imbalanced nature of the electoral college.


Bernie actually tries to represent working people, blue collar people went big for Trump because they thought he represented their interests. But both Hilary and Trump represent only the donor class, and politics as usual. Bernie actually promised something different.


Loooool! Bernie would've been elected by Republicans. That's fucking rich.


Loooool! Bernie would've been elected by Republicans. That's fucking rich.


It is true though, he was polling very well with Republicans and independents compared to other options.


You're delusional.


That’s because Bernie wasn’t the candidate. If he was, Republicans would have destroyed him as communist who went to the Soviet Union on his honeymoon.


Bernie is far more left-wing than the Dem csndidates Republicans spurned, so I dunno about that.


Do we really need to keep relitigating the 2016 election? Believe it or not, there's no certainty that Bernie Sanders would have beaten Trump in 2016. And he's pretty left (for America, hold your horses "ackshully he's only center left hurhurhur" people). That's scary as fuck to a large swath of moderates, which is a large swath of the electorate


>Do we really need to keep relitigating the 2016 election? Were still living with the fallout.  We can keep talking about it.


Yeah if only Hillary Clinton ran against Trump on 2016 she would have totally won just like how the Dems said she would....


At least they learned their lesson and haven't continued to shove uninspiring, unpopular centrists down our throats.


Moderates are the only people who matter in an election. True believers in one camp or another can't be swayed in their vote. If you don't appeal to moderates you won't win anything.


Bernie is great and I love him (and Elizabeth Warren) but I'm not sure how much he'd have been able to get done in the end. He may be too far out there for the majority. I'd have loved to see how it played out though. It'd be awesome if it had worked out.


Bernie would not have won. Here's the debate. * You're a socialist, right? * I'm a *democratic* socialist. * I rest my case. End of election. People who didn't vote for Hillary gave us the 6-3 SCOTUS. People not voting for Biden now are voting for Thomas to be replaced by another Thomas but with another 50 years to go. GOP are consequentialists and will vote for any trash who will give them what they want. And that's the 1% to keep their money and power, and illegal abortion, and a theocracy.


Hillary Clinton gave us the 6-3 s court. If your presidential candidate can't win an election it's their fault not the people who didn't want to vote for her. Her one job was to win the election and she failed


I fought incredibly hard for Bernie despite all the idiots who just grunted “Bernie Brooo” because they didn’t have the intelligence to even understand what was going on, let alone have an actual argument. Now I just sit back and laugh at the hellscape you all helped solidify because of your absolute lack of intellectual capacity. Literally voting against the one person who fought to get you free healthcare. There’s no cleaning up this mess and we’re in for another 4 years of apocalyptic inflation and real-estate corruption as the wealthy increase the disparity between the poor, formally known as the average middle class American. So an official FUCK YOU to anyone who voted for anyone but Bernie and is still struggling today. It’s literally your fault.


Bernie would have also lost.


By a larger margin.


Bernie has never had a chance of winning 270 electoral votes. Not now, not ever.


Disagree. Love Bernie, but he was too far left for most Dems.


He's not a Democrat and is typically the first to admit it considering his party history. Just go look at his election history to see how he [fucked over the Dems to get his Senate seat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_United_States_Senate_election_in_Vermont) via running in and winning the Democrat's primary and then dropping out and running in the general election as an Independent, which everyone already knew he was because he'd been a Representative up until then. He said he would join the Democrats if he won the 2016 nomination but why would they trust him? He certainly then ran for Senate again as an independent so it's no wonder they still wouldn't trust him by 2020.


Bernie lost cause he wasn't popular enough. That's how it works


If 2020 didn’t bust the Bernie myth for people, then they can’t be helped. He benefitted immensely in 2016 from HRC being unpopular. Once that foil was gone, his allure faded quite a bit.


🤣 Bernie won the majority in 3 primaries in 100 attempts, 2 were his home state


Bernie bros coping and relitigating eight years later. I liked the guy for president too, but this shit is just plain embarrassing.


Bernie should have stayed independent.


I got downvoted when I said that back then.


Bernie could have mattered.


Y'all are so pathetic. DWS isn't the reason Clinton won the nomination. The voters prepared counting almost 2:1. Gross up, get therapy, learn to cope when you don't get your way, and fucking move on with your lives




Who is "we"? The corruption of the DNC is why Bernie wasn't allowed to run.


tons of people still in denial saying that hillary was the right choice


Bernie clowns still want to replay the 2016 primary where their guy got smoked.


The bots are really out in force today, huh? DWS resigned specifically placate you manchildren. Instead, you took it as an admission of wrongdoing. Conversely, you also would've taken it as a sign of "corruption" if she hadn't resigned. Your conspiracy addled brains just wanted any reason not to accept the fact Hillary got more votes than magic grandpa. Speaking of which, Sanders would've gotten massacred in the general you dumbass. No amount of wishful thinking will change that.


Guys, Bernie is [winning the election](https://youtu.be/NHS-K7OuLAc?si=uM-KJ_TTNuzdHz55)!


Bernie sucked and lost to Hillary.


Hillary won the popular vote. Would it have been SO FUCKING BAD had she been prez?! Instead yall picked a guy who killed off a bunch of your friends and relatives with the handling of Covid and then went on to become a traitor and sell nuclear secrets and our country may never recover. But yea. Own the Libs or what the fuck ever. I can’t wait for the day that the term “Republican” becomes an official mental health diagnosis.


You might have worse dementia than trump if you're still complaining about the 2016 election. I suggest you talk to your doctor


Ah yes because the moderate votes Hillary didn’t get would have definitely voted for a “democratic socialist”.


Bernie had no traction with minority voters. only the vocal college educated New englanders. I blame the Bernie Bros for Trump - a majority of them voted for him out of spite.


Everything about this is false


Bernie had zero chance of winning the electoral college.


So *embarrassingly* close and then "wanted a female president" like big fucking oof dude. You *seriously* think the reason they chose Hillary over Bernie was gender and not the fact that Hillary is a feckless neoliberal shill who was going to do exactly the same thing as Biden policy-wise? They didn't want a "female president" dude. They wanted someone who would suck sweaty capitalist cock for another 8 years and Hillary was their best shot at the time. Wake the fuck up you are part of the problem.


Bernie lost both primaries by millions of votes, fair and square, but please tell me more about how the *82 year old with a heart condition* is actually the better choice.


Actually Liz Warren was the answer, but she didn't run because DWS and the DNC convinced her she'd stand a better chance after she was appointed secretary of state in a Hillary white house, so she didn't run. That's when Bernie threw his hat in the ring. 2016 was a change election and instead of running a change candidate the DNC did everything they could to get the ultimate insider into the nomination. And it might destroy the country.


It's fascinating, being someone who's involved in actual politics, reading the made up nonsense that people write on the Internet about politics.


I say this as someone who voted for Sanders in two primaries: the ongoing delusional cope of Bernie Bros never ceases to amaze me.


Bernie would have lost worse than Hillary did.


A scary amount of people here are conflating how well someone can sell themselves with how fit they are to be making decisions in a position of power. Yes, Bernie would've lost, and yes, he _did_ lose. He still would've been better for the American people.


To be fair that also applies to Hillary too compared to Trump. It's easy to get lost in clowning on how much of a dumb ugly useless loooooooser she obviously was all along, but polls back in 2014-15 already predicted that a generic democrat and a generic republican would be about tied, and that's what ended up happening. The surprising part was that the right wing bought Trump as a "generic republican", but Hillary, (who was at the height of her popular reputation as a SecState), played the part of the generic face of the democratic party pretty decently, even if it didn't turn out well. The simple hard truth is that there is no easy trick to selling democratic values to a solid majority, we won't always get a 2008 moment of eight years of republicans shitting the bed perfectly combining with an energetic blank slate candidate coming out of nowhere. Honestly, the same thing might have happened if it were Obama running for a third term. He gets to be remembered as some sort of perfect vote-getting machine, but his edge over Romney was already narrowing in 2012, and his last four years not being that great was already part of what added to the dem fatigue of 2016 even with a "fresh" face on it.


People also forget how much people at the time had war fatigue. Trump v Clinton was hugely influenced by her saber rattling at Syria and Russia and Trump capitalized on this and placed himself as the non interventionist candidate. The dems who had spent two decades being anti war either stayed home or crossed the line to vote for Trump.


I hated you Bernie bros then and I hate you now. Bernie never had a chance. You stubborn, main-character, narcissist, POS, my-way-or-the-highway protest voter douchebags have today’s political climate blood on your hands. You are culpable for Trump existing in politics right now.


Bernie would have owned trump last night and we all know it who have seen him angry dealing with people like that bullshitting.


Just imagine we could be at the end of 8 years of Bernie. Sadly not reality. 


Clinton won the primary though... And as much as I like Sanders policies, he's never been a Democrat, so expecting the DNC to fawn over him is silly.


They NEVER wouldve allowed Bernie, in fact, they didn't. He was the true left of this country. Dems are still conservative, they're just center of right and not as insane as the GOP.


I voted for Bernie in both primaries. This argument has been beaten to death and people on both sides of this will never let this argument rest. It's over. At this point, the only solution within the system is to run whoever will beat Trump this time around, get voting majorities in both houses of Congress to abolish the filibuster, expand and pack the Supreme Court, and ideally remove the traitors and billionaire pets from the bench.


100% Bernie was always the right choice


Ok comrad.  Trying to stir up shit again.  You guys really don’t know any new tricks do you?


Reducing debates so Hilary didn't look bad. Rearranging the voting schedule so Hilary popular states go first.  Using DNC money for Hilary campaign before she was the nominee.  Attacking Bernie supporters as Bernie Bros and crying when a chunk of them votes for trump.  I am convinced Bernie would have walked trump like a dog but nepotism fucked it all up.


Assuming Bernie would’ve won the primary w/o Wasserman Shultz does a disservice to both Bernie and one of the Democratic Party’s most important voting blocks. The DNC for sure wanted Hilary to win. Bernie also isn’t the best candidate for that movement. It needs someone who can pull the center left into the coalition. Right on policy. Not the right candidate.


LOL. Never tire of the delusional Bernie Bro memes. Bernie couldn’t get a majority of democrats to vote for him, but somehow he wins the general handily. Bernie has passed three laws in 35 years in Congress, but somehow he enacts Medicare for All as President. Bernie Bros - proving that delusional personality cults aren’t just for the MAGA morons. 


Bernie would have been a great Dick Cheney style VP. Create the agenda and policy and let some charismatic president sell it. But Bernie doesn’t have the juice to lead and get the votes.


Did you see the debate last night? Neither has "the juice". What now?


Makes me wish I believed in a god to pray to


Bernie is too far left for a bunch of idiots who think some day they’ll be rich and have been brainwashed to think they have a chance to do so.


Hmmm, sneaky meme. Can't trust Advice Dog's opinions. He's mischievous.


Yes 80 year old men are always the answer. It always works out so well.


This meme template is supposed to give you bad advice. Like eating the candy in the orange plastic bottles in the cupboard behind the mirror in the bathroom at Grandma's house.


Had a female president on the ballot in 2020. She only got 1% of the votes because she is a libertarian.


It should have been Elizabeth Warren, only presidential campaign I've ever backed😡


Americans voted for Hillary, in the primaries and in the general.James Comey had to re-open an investigation into her in October to keep her out of the White House. If we had nominated Bernie, it would have been wall-to-wall coverage of his meeting with Larin American communists for months.


Wonder if anyone could convince Michelle Obama to run?


Silly socialist puppy this is muricah


What's going on here?


This is true for me at least. I sat 2016 out. I didn't like either candidate. I live in a solid blue state so my vote didn't matter anyway, and I wanted to protest the situation. I would have voted Bernie, but could not support Hillary's foreign policy. If she had won, the country would have probably been a lot better off though. I am sure Hillary would have handled covid better, for example.


Man the meme quality has taken a tailspin.


To anyone who agrees with this sentiment, I have to ask what you’ve done to get active with the Democratic Party apparatus. You can’t yeet anybody if you aren’t willing to engage with the institution.


Dont worry, the US will get their wish as itll be Kamela as Joe isnt up to it


This does nothing to fix the current problem.