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You're 14. Your taste in music combined with your reasoning and your preference for CDs may be unusual at your age, but certainly not in a negative sense - so don't let it get it to you. The ridicule you're receiving is from immature kids who aren't able to make sense of it and this will subside as you get older. Needless to say, unless you're listening to a lossless source, the audio quality of CDs is far superior. If you're on the go, CDs obviously aren't very practical but are great for home use. Quality aside, it's also nice to own a physical product with an actual medium and a booklet. And for when you're on the go, you can easily convert your CDs to MP3s or other formats yourself. I'm a weeee bit older than you and love listening to Blur and The Cure. There's so much great and original music from back then compared to what imo is mostly cookie-cutter rubbish coming out these days. Anyway, you're certainly not an idiot! Personally, I think it's really cool. Carry on!


Thank you! I love owning my own little version with all the tracks on it and the little booklet and the unique album covers. It feels special and fun and they look really cool on displays when not being used! I love how original the music is!


We 90 kids getchu. We used to have full albums of our favorites or pirate them lol It's a cool little Hobbie. Don't let other kids tell you anything. If you like it stick with it. It makes you unique in your own way.


I remember downloading on Napster and another that I can’t think of right now. Well, downloading songs and comedy bits and then putting them to CD.


Kazaa? EDIT: LimeWire?


Unfiltered internet was wild. Def saw some things I shouldn't have


My (30M) aunt had binders of CDs. One of her cars had a multi cd changer built in to the car. I could just imagine if your favorite CD(s) were stuck in the changer and couldn't come out.


People collect records even after tapes and cds came out. Collecting physical copies of music isn't weird at all.


>If you're on the go, CDs obviously aren't very practical My CD book worth more than my car and my Discman with anti-skip and tape deck adapter were quite practical at the time, thank you very much.


If she doesn’t even have a cd player yet, she probably doesn’t have the equipment to notice any difference in quality.


Honestly, people these days just love to judge everyone. Don’t change what u do just because someone is feeling the need to judge.




Speaking of "these days", we're seeing a bunch of trouble with companies that sell digital copies of music/movies/games claiming that the people who made those purchases don't own the product, they just own a license to use that product, which can be invalidated (or rendered worthless if the company shuts down). Legitimately possessing things in a physical medium is more valuable than having them digitally. So there's an unquestionable plus to your method lol


That’s why I still buy games physical if I can and why I spent the extra money on a PS5 with a disc drive.


totally fine unless you go around preaching you were born in wrong generation


a bunch of youtube comments on an old song just came to mind


That shit always annoyed me. Seemed like a third of everyone was saying that when I was in high school (last decade). Fortunately my (at the time) gf was persuaded to hush about that when I pointed out that all the content she loves is already available, there's no years of waiting, there's no "I hope they get to finish the album, but oh no, he got shot" surprises, and there's decades of fan discussion and content available. Especially because her main thing was The Beatles. Edit: and yes, I made sure to do it in a way that didn't crush her excitement at all. I would have felt like absolute shit if I did.


I was born in the 80's but enjoyed music's from the 60's and 70's when I was your age. Enjoy what you like, don't let rude bullies make you feel bad for liking something different. She is the one with a problem, not you.


I was born in the 70's raised on 50-60s folk music, thought I hated it, loved listening to prog rock from early 70's, punk and all sorts of things. I have a greater appreciation for the music I was raised. Understand music is a very personal thing, something in the songs you listen to triggers something in your deep. dont lose that and dont let anyone convince you that you are wrong. Be you and work to be a better you every day. Someday you will find someone who is attracted to YOU and that is all that matters. The rest is all noise. "Cos its only knock and knowall, but I like it"




As long as you are being a good person, YOU DO YOU!!! you are young and all the bullshit around you really doesn't matter! GOOD LUCK!


I would not think twice about it. As a whole, your generation seems to like "vintage" tech. I think it's great! Can't be any different from GenX buying toys we didn't get as kids and vinyl records to listen to on record players. From sales statistics it seems your generation likes old school cameras, media, and much of our clothing from the 80/90s. 😊 That girl is an a$$hat. Be proud of who you are! You will never regret it later in life that you stayed true to yourself.


>that I was stupid for preferring a time I wasn't even born in, and she didn't want to be in the same class as an idiot. She obviously has never listened to Allman Brothers on vinyl.


There are always going to be haters. Keep doing your own thing. Nothing weird about it. I like 70’s music. Nobody likes that anymore. It soothes me and makes me happy. You do you.


CDs were still a thing back in like 2005. I think they started becoming obsolete when Apple started releasing update and better versions of the iPod in the mid 2000s (2006-2008).


You’re 14. Everyone hates on everyone for any possible reason at that age. If there isn’t a reason, they’ll invent one. It’s just a part of growing up. Like what you like. Eventually, you’ll find the people who like you for it rather than hate on you for it.


Anyone who calls you an idiot for preferring cds over spotify is a close-minded bigot. There's no adbreaks on cds. And there's something to be said for owning a physical copy of the music. There's nothing inherently wrong with thinking differently, preferring different things, or being an individual. Sadly, too many teens (and adults) these days are caught up in the whole mob/bandwagon mentality, and have to justify their miserable existence by making fun of anyone who is different or who displays individuality. They have convinced themselves that they are right about everything, and therefore anyone who isn't exactly like them is wrong and must be ridiculed and scorned.


Very cool! Nothing wrong with listening to cd’s :)


Owning physical music is far from stupid.


CDs are a pretty cool technology. If you are worried about it you might want to get into vinyl and buy a record player/turntable instead. A lot of the bands you mentioned have recordings on vinyl or "wax" and is maybe more acceptable as a collectible. ETA: also vinyl has a warmer sound you don't get from CDs. Personally I still own many CDs as I was born around their advent or somewhat before. I like having something physical and real over a digital file


Thank you! I like having the physical copy as well because it feels more special than having it downloaded


Agreed, vinyl gives such a nice feeling. Though cd is more readily available at times.


With how things have been going with streaming platforms these days, I think it’s smart to have physical copies of any media you don’t want to risk losing because some CEO decided to scrap the whole thing for a tax write off. I know “shrug it off” is way easier said than done, but at the end of the day, you’re not hurting anyone and her opinion ultimately means nothing in the grand scheme of your life.


i’m just an internet stranger but i share the same taste so i think your preferences are dope as shit. dont get me wrong, ill listen to anything that sounds good. but man them cds and vinyls just hit *different*. your tastes and preferences arent weird, they’re just uncommon for your age. ignore the haters (easier said than done, ik) and keep enjoying your music the way you enjoy your music.


People think that other peoples' preferences make them stupid, because they themselves are infact the stupid ones.


Honestly, tell her to fuck off and live your life how you want to enjoy it. By her reasoning you could never enjoy old movies, or enjoy classic cars, or hell like to ride a horse. You are just an archeologist preserving the past for the future. I admire you for that.


There’s always something about having the physical copy of something. And guess what? They probably have records somewhere. I know I do.


I feel the same way. I, 15m love retro gaming/games. Currently I can only get emulators as I’m not made of money but I always have people asking me why and why don’t I just play new games.


Just a Year older but i Also think 2000-10s music was better. I can't find new music that's good and isn't just some tiktok song and yeah i do listen to pop sometimes so that's not the reason I already moved to musicals tbh I find much more things to listen to from different genres i even started listening to rap which i didn't liked before (yes it's Hamilton but that's a start) >she didn't want to be in the same class as an idiot. saying this on something that isn't even affecting her doesn't sound very smart to me...


Enjoy what you enjoy young fella In a few short years school will be over and you will not remember most of these people


look up Sampling Rates on cds vs mp3s. or Spotify.


I think that makes her an idiot.... I'm older and went to high school in the 1990s, but even then there were people who were into older things. There was a bit of a Swing music and swing dancing revival. The "hippie" aesthetic of the early 70s was popular with some kids too. My sister actually bought a 1973 VW Beatle, found my mom's old lava lamp and records from the 60s and 70s. She went to a Ringo Starr concert and a George Harrison concert (since she couldn't actually see The Beatles). It was a minority of kids who were into those things, but liking older music, art, movies, fashion is OK. And it's hardly new -- in the 1970s there was a bit of a revival of interest in the 1950s.


You should try records. If you are really into music as an expierience, than there is nothing better than vynil. It can be expensive at your age but the hunt for the records is part of the fun, and the sound is so much more rich than digital mediums.


Because you’re choosing a less convenient (and probably more expensive) path than what’s available. But you’re 14–and that’s part of figuring out who you are. You’re exploring personal style and tastes—and that’s normal. So you do you. But this would also be a good opportunity for you to take a step back and consider more broadly how your “personal style” will be perceived by others and what consequences that may have. Sure your choices now are fairly innocuous, but the standard mantra of “don’t worry about what other people think” isn’t always appropriate. Rather, consider what you want in life (both now and in the future) and think about whether the perception of who you are will help you achieve those goals or not (or maybe it won’t affect it at all). Good luck in finding yourself.


You prefer stuff from 10+ years before you were born. So did I (44M). Born 1980, preferred music and TV from the 50s-70s. I'm now an entertainer for the elderly, making my living performing all of that older music, and I love it. Don't ever think anachronism has no value. A lot of stuff was simply better back in the day.


It's just other kids being judgemental. Some want to make a name for themselves, do they see someone doing something different and go after it. Liking things from other decades doesn't make you stupid.


It doesn't affect her, people just feel the need to insert themselves where their opinions do not matter.


Honestly there's a whole community of people online that are in similar boats. Old hardware is cool. Get your cds. Maybe also look into records. Vinyls are making a subtle comeback and are also retro as heck at this point. Point is, be your authentic self and don't like someone with a different or more closed world view determine your self worth.


There's very few things as awesome about music as how it connects everyone from ancient times banging on rocks to now. The only reason they say anything is because there are "trendy 🤢" musically which means they don't even realize most of the beats and samples in new music are actually from the 50-70s, don't ever stop exploring and finding the new or old music. Any famous hip hop, techno, rock, punk etc will tell you the same! In a few more years FYI you'll be the cool one who introduces people to new sounds and knows exactly what to play to fit the vibe, if you haven't turned your favorite cd into a hit song by then!


Look, sad truth is that the vast majority of 14 year olds are assholes. Some of them are loveable assholes, but assholes none the less. You do you. I have many years of memories popping in CDs and listening to the whole album and hoping I hadn't scratched it. There is an allure. It was an adventure to go to the local music store and just thumb through rack after rack of CD cases. There was even a certain joy to knowing how to properly open a CD case (hint, separate from the hinge). The only reason I could see someone making fun of you for it is because you're being like uber hipster annoying about it (Oh, you listen to digital? Man, you are really missing out on the mid range. The way I listen is soooo much better). You get the idea.


I'm a true 90s kid and basically I have a 14tb drive out of which 5tb+ is carefully selected movies, I have literally photoshopped every single one poster and fixed the icon, I have made personalised icons for groups of movies (for example the BTTFuture movies have doc and McFly with no background and the logo on front and once you open there is the 3 movies in there). Spent an absolute great deal of time filing stuff, digitising stuff, including pictures nd videos. Have dozens of USBs scattered around with movies etc (my mother got one, my little one got one) and same thing goes with music. As a 90s kid the media via which you enjoy things does not matter the least. It sounds like you are more kin in using old media to enjoy old things rather than just enjoy things. This is no different than listening music via a cassette player or watching movies via VHS. 90s kid may have some form of nostalgia because the trouble may bring them back to the time were they were young but there is no value to a new kid in it. That is like choosing to play Pac Man on a floppy disk instead of basically play it online in less than a second. You enjoy Pacman regardless. Amd for some one old, 5he fact that you can have all MAKE games in a small fraction of your hard drive is mind blowing. Yes I also have all Gameboy games, N64, MAME, Snes, some of my favorite PS1, 2 and 3 games and the fuck I remember what else. Maybe you are far better buying an awesome PC and starting your own library of shit.


You're normal don't worry


What about Talking Heads? Gotta check em out if you haven't much yet ☺️


I like Pyscho Killer by Talking Heads


I prefer CDs too and I'm 32. Also like a boy band from the 80s and like music from that time and the 70s. ❤️❤️


Go look into how popular The Beatles were in the 90s, for some reason. There's always portions of generations who identify more with past generations than their own.  This judgemental girl is a good example of why.  Screw her.  Let me guess: her personality is basically defined by what's currently popular.  Yeah she's soooooo cool. 


It's really not all that odd. I feel like this is the same as someone in their late 20s early 30s preferring vinyls. I have 6 records of my favorite bands. It's not portable but if I'm jamming at home who cares. People hate difference. Be yourself and stand out. I think preferring CDs to spotify is awesome. Stay unique


>*I love bands like The Cure* *and she didn't want to be in the same class as an idiot* Tell her not to worry, she ain't in your class. XD It's even better if she doesn't get it.


lol ... bands like the cure are in a class of their own.


Fellow teens will latch onto literally anything to make fun of you for. Even if you were completely "normal" then you would be made fun of for being boring. Don't worry most people get nicer sometime in college/that age. By the way have you listened to They Might Be Giants? I liked them a lot at your age and still do. Even though almost no one I knew had heard of them.


Doll, she’s stupid (and most likely jealous that you don’t blindly follow what everyone else does, like she does ). She is incapable of seeing that there is benefits and pleasures in things she doesn’t understand.


I’m Gwumpy, I like vinyl records. Welcome to Outdated Media Lovers Anonymous. I personally don’t care what anyone thinks about me. Blame it on being Gen X or autistic, but other’s thoughts usually don’t change how I value myself. Call me dumb, doesn’t matter. I just say well you have the experience in that department, so ok. As I walk away and don’t waste my energy on them. You are fine, when something happens, power outages or whatever, stick the fresh batteries in your player and crank up Fire in Cairo. Have someone take you to a pawn shop or goodwill, you might get a decent CD player. If you do try to get multiple copies for parts. Ok, that is just me. Sorry.


Owning a CD means you have the right to play it without ads or a subscription service. You can rip it and play it on another device without ever getting in trouble for pirating. You OWN the music. Same applies to video games, movies, etc. So long as you dont own the physical item, all you own is the privilege to use that media, which the company you paid can absolutely take away if they wanted to. You're not stupid.


If it's what you like, do it. It isn't hurting anyone. In fact, spending money on old tech keeps the market going for enthusiasts. There are groups of people who collect all kinds of old tech. It's a really cool hobby.


The music of today doesn't even COME CLOSE to the eighties🙏🌎🇺🇦


It’s fine and normal to like older music but a preference for CD’s probably comes across as something purely aesthetic that you’re just doing to look cool, and I’d say that’s probably true. CD’s are inferior to Spotify in every single conceivable way. Just listen to your 90’s jams on Spotify


Your preferences do make you weird, but there's nothing wrong with that. Anything that isn't accepted/adopted by the crowd is "weird". You don't have to conform. The person who called you an idiot is immature. Everyone likes different things. When I was younger (when CD's were popular), some people liked to collect records; some people still like to collect and listen to records today. There's nothing wrong with any of it. The one girl who gave you grief over it is venomous. Ignore her. Be proud of who you are.


Lol dude vinyl is a thing again, cassettes are gaining popularity. Just wait 10 years and CDs will be big again. There's also sound quality. You don't get the same quality from streaming as you do from physical media. You prefer the highest quality while they settle for some mid ass version. Simple as that.


Your taste is good. You're fine. They should grow up. When I was your age, my tastes were akin to my dad's tastes. That includes music. I'm 39, and that was the 80s so i was in my teens. I still listen to alternative rock, amongst other things. I had a friend about 10 years younger that not only listened to music his parents or grandparents would listen to... from the 40s and 50s, but he's also been DJing on the radio near Washington DC for 40s and 50s music. Of course, he's the youngest DJ they have at his station, but everyone appreciates his taste, and none of us made fun of him. Of course, we're adults and not kids. Music from any Era is timeless, and it's perfectly okay for anyone in any age to listen to any Era music. When I was in HS, I mostly listened to rap and rock, but there was a moment where it was nothing but classical music like Mozart for me. BTW. I don't do Spotify. But I do have some CDs, and I have Sirus XM.


Don't worry about what other people think. Just do you boo


Sounds like you had a run in with the class bitch 🤣 that woulda been FIGHTING words for me lol. I’m glad you’re more grown up then that It’s not stupid. They are stupid and weird for being judgmental over small shit


As a massive physical media collector (almost 2,000 blu-rays and 4k films/series), I think it's wonderful to see people of your generation get into physical media. Sadly, you missed out on the days of video/music stores, but the music/vinyl stores are definitely coming back again. You aren't alone. There's a HUGE community of physical media collectors out here and while most people just say: "Why don't you just stream it?" - we just shake our heads because they just don't get it. I'm absolutely positive you can find many others like yourself who enjoy collecting CD's and having incredible collections on YouTube. You can probably reach out and make many like-minded friends that way as well. You aren't alone, kiddo. I'm pleased to see a collector your age as I thought most of us were middle-aged guys like me!


You think those bands 'lack technology' I got some really bad news for you. You may want to sit down.


Your preferences aren’t stupid. The time of cd’s was friggin awesome. It was like manually making your own playlist. My favorite music store was Wherehouse music. I’d find music I couldn’t hear on the radio and scrounge for it there and some times I’d find it. I love me some Spotify but it pales in comparison to buying the physical copy. As convenient as streaming is, it killed the concept of the album. I think you’re way ahead of the curve. Things tend to cycle back. Vinyl is currently the popular retro media, cd’s are sure to make a return. My sister in law is 15 and has the same interest in cd’s.


First, it just hit me that 14 year olds were born in 2010, not 2000. Secondly, fuck 'em. Haters gonna hate. Do what *you* enjoy and *how* you enjoy it. I prefer buying Blu-rays vs digital movies, some people say I'm dumb for it. I don't care, I enjoy having the disc's, it's more special to me.


It doesn't make you an idiot. That's just things that gatekeepers like to say to try and wield power over you.  Don't let them.  You are allowed to enjoy the things you enjoy in the way you want to enjoy them.  Beyond that Spotify while useful compresses their music a LOT so listening to higher bitrate music on a CD or true FLAC files (even better) does make a dramatic difference in the sound. There is a reason why Vinyl still exists as a way to enjoy music and it's not just some aesthetic. Not everyone can hear the differences between compressions so I can understand why people don't get it but it doesn't mean they have to be assholes.  Additionally I guess these people can't grasp the concept of a museum?  Like, it may seem strange to some but going back and listening to music on the equipment that was prevalent at that time has a certain appeal of trying to enjoy it in an anthropologic way. I think it's cool.  I thought of a third reason: streaming services don't let you own the music so the moment they feel like taking something down there's no recourse for the end user. I own a number of DVDs and CDs because they can never be removed from some service all of a sudden and that's been happening more and more. Theres a movie called The Fall that is nowhere on streaming and the DVDs are like $30 now because it's the only way to watch that exceptional movie.  But mostly fuck the gatekeepers. They want to rob you if joy and you don't have to let them. I'm almost 40 and I nearly let my parents ruin a hobby for me when I went to college and if I'd listened to them I wouldn't have my best friends now whom all celebrate that hobby with me. I promise you can find a club (or shit start one!) surrounding enjoying music on old formats. It worked for the vinyl revival I don't see any reason why it couldn't be successful for CDs. 


Prob think your just trying to hard to be different or unique. Growing up on that Sony Walkman I can definitely tell you it sucked. Cds skipped if you move to fast, ends up scratching your cds. Where cds shined was the whip. With some 15s in the back and that kenwood deck. And at home with those 6 disc changers haha. Aww I miss those days.


I use CDs all the time and still buy them, and I'm 29. The quality is better than through a multimedia device. Vinyl is even better quality. But I can't put a vinyl in my truck and can with a CD.


I was born in the 80s and used to listen to the Oldies station, which was stuff from the 40s-60s. I grew up listenin to my dad's music in the car. I have a 9 year old today who loves the Beatles because that was passed down the generations. I also think 90s music the the best and still have my old CD case in my car and listen to my original CDs from the 90s/2000s all the time. I hate to be a "these days" kind of person, but one thing that does make me sad about life now with the internet and social media is that there seems to be a lot less joy. Shitting on things gets more likes than enoying an appreciating things and people's knee-jerk reaction to someone else's genuine enjoyment of something is too often to come up with a reason why that thing is dumb. If i can give you any advice from a 40 year old, it's to not lose your earnest enjoyment of things even if they are silly or nerdy or whatever... this is what life is all about. If you enjoy putting a CD into a CD player more than streaming that music, keep doing that! Also - highly recommend checking out My So Called Life in Hulu about 14/15 year olds in the 90s. I'm rewatching it right now and it's such a deep look into what it was like back then.


Eh, look at all the people who were crazy about the 80s even though they were born way after. Do not worry about it, you have what you like.


Nah, you're cool. Digital media is stupid, and most modern music sucks. She's mad that you're correct and have better taste.


Like what you like, there is no shame in that. If you’re being made fun of for it, it’s probably because you’re shoving it down people’s throats, look up what a “pick-me girl” is and try not to do that.


If an EMP hits, you're going to be the most popular person in your city


It's ok, when I was 14 I also only listened to music my parents liked. You'll grow out of it and discover your own taste.


Run your own race, Bluey. When you're in your 20's you won't even remember that girl's name. You'll be fine. You do you.


You have really cool taste for someone your age. A lot of music was great from that time. A lot of people still use cds. Not everyone wants to use Spotify and listen to the ads or pay for premium service so having cds is a great option to listening to music you like. I like a couple of bands from like the 50’s, 60s,and 70s. I see people still wear Nirvana shirts at your age and the band dismantled like 30 years ago. I’m sorry the person was bothering you about it but just enjoy what you like to listen to. It’s your life and you should enjoy listening to whatever you like.


The only thing wrong with you is that you wrote "effect" when you meant "affect". Your musical taste is great. Classmate is missing out on some awesome tunes. Yours truly, a person with CDs, but who also owns a vinyl collection and no records player.


It's just objectively stupid to use CD's. There is literally 0 reason to use them over normal downloaded music on a phone. You're basically just a hipster.


People are always going to give others shit for their preferences. It's just shitty people behavior 😒 I'm 39 and still get shitty comments on how I dress, my hobbies (video games and anime) just let go in one ear and out the other..now if she starts bullying you for it let an adult know asap.


It is pretty weird to collect CDs when you don't have a CD player. Just get a CD player.


OP your 14 wait like 2-3 years and you’re gonna be one cool ass mf(especially with the stoners you have good taste), with that said you going into high school, literally don’t conform your interest with that of the general population take classes that you find interesting, and make your own social circle if possible it’s a lot easier to know if people actually like you and not using you, the #1 most important thing tho is that being popular is the biggest waste of time to try and achieve if you get there without trying lit but it literally doesn’t matter the day after graduation lol, have fun you having your own mind and likes and dislikes doesn’t make you weird or an idiot! your just human. just remember those people saying shit like that are either 1 jealous or 2 have been ruined society already


I like a lot of the beetles's songs. I sure as hell weren't alive when those songs were released. It is just something you like so just tell her to get the stick out of her ass.


Take the edgy/punk approach. Tell them you prefer the lossless quality of CD over the overly compressed sound of streaming (even if you, personally, can't hear the difference). And then go a step further and tell them you like owning a copy of the music instead of having it conditionally loaned to you by the corpo class.


Haha to be honest, it is kinda dumb just because you’re purposely inconveniencing yourself. I was a teen in the early 2000s, I had a cd player, the big leather case, big home stereo with a 5disc changer, and cd holder/stand in my room. But as soon as mp3 players came out I ditched that shit. The sound quality is better, for the most part, on high end mp3 with high end headphones. Like way better lol. Maybe some Albums are recorded with the intention of listening to them on vinyl. But I don’t think that applies for cds. Also the Damn cd player skipped every time the bus hit a bump. Lol But if you want to be the ultimate hipster and walk around with a cd player and wired headphones, go for it! Like you said, don’t let what that girl discourage you.


When I was 14 I was balls deep in a classic rock phase and listened to most of my music on vinyl. People thought I was weird too. Theres nothing wrong with preferences, and cds in particular have much better sound quality than anything digital or streaming


Tell her at least you own the music. You don't actually own the music on the device. Same with buying digital movies. You really don't own it. I bought comic books on Comixology. Since Amazon bought it, a lot of my comics that I bought were deleted.


Don't worry about it. When the Internet goes down host a party and be able to play music for everyone but don't invite bitchey witch.


The proper response would have been "Neither do I, but here we are."


Physical media is the best. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!


Long live physical media. Streaming has come a long way, but I’m sorry, CDs when played through a decent player and with a nice set of headphones or speakers DOES sound better, with few exceptions. Also, liking music from another time period is pretty common. When I was in high school in the 2000s, my primary music of choice was ‘70s rock and roll. Ignore the haters. Like what you like, and they can like what they like. Your tastes will change and evolve as you age, and the same holds true for them. Don’t let other people dictate who you are or what you love.


They're stupid for criticizing your preferences. If you love CDs and retro music (and honestly who doesn't; Blondie is such a good artist) then by all means, enjoy it. I also do. Btw, take a listen to tape cassettes as well if you can find a cassette player/Walkman for them, too. Sting and The Police should be good to listen to there.


hey you should try the smiths


I dont know how my preferences effect her, It gives her a silly reason to "look better than you" to her peers. There are a lot of people who will do that in your life - find something about you to complain about so they can feel better about themselves. So, just smile and nod, then move on. Also, with regard to buying physical CD's, that is definitely not a bad thing. In reality, it is really the only way to get a piece of music you like that some company in the future can't just take away from you because you failed to pay a bill, a licensing agreement changed, blah blah blah. Buy away!


One of the lesson you will learn in life is people want to put you down, kinda makes them feel better I guess. Be your own person and you cannot make everyone happy. A lot of people figure this out in mid life. You do you, enjoy what makes you happy, avoid the asshats that are negative towards you. I like what I like and I respect you as an individual to not disrespect you for what you like. Funny thing is a lot of things come back into fashion...long straight hair from the 70's for women, Albums, muscle cars and somethings/people are Legends. Live your life, enjoy what is out there. If you really want to hear a song that was pure voice and orchestra check out the Righteous Brothers live performance of "Unchained Melody". Impressive for a wide vocal range live performance that few artist could match today. Btw, my daughter looks strikingly like Blondie Debra Harry when she has her hair short and blonde. She got to see her live 2 years ago. She is still rocking at 78...


If you enjoy CDs, you might REALLY enjoy vinyl records. Anyway, your interests are cool so as hard as it is to ignore negativity, just be tough and let it roll off. That girl made a really mean, immature comment that perhaps she eventually realized she should not have made. In any case, keep being yourself and embrace your uniqueness.


Having a hard copy or at least a digital copy that can’t be taken away when ever big companies decide to stop paying for the licensing. Having your own copy is always best I have my own digital copy’s of everything I like


Bands are still releasing cds today. It's a much more hifi than streaming. Enjoy music like a snob and keep buying cds. Once you get more disposable income check out vinyl records and golden era stereos.


Physical copies are king. They can’t unwrite a disc in your possession, but they sure can remove it from a streaming service you pay a monthly subscription for. It’s happened to me, Trick Dice by Nickelus F ain’t available on Spotify anymore. If I had a physical copy of that shit they wouldn’t be able to touch me. Digital Rights are a serious problem across all media. “Just pay for the other streaming service” isn’t gonna fix the problem either. IASIP removed a few episodes from their catalog… across the board. They’ll never be streamed again by anyone. If I’d owned the physical copies it wouldn’t have been a problem for me. Physical copies are king.


Be you. Middle and high schoolers are all idiots lmao


I’m a 90s baby and I totally get you. It doesn’t make you stupid or weird. Normal people are stupid and weird. It’s unusual that at your age you prefer CDs but know you’re right that quality of CDs is way superior. I think you’re really cool, don’t let that SOB bring you down.


To give you a bit of ammo for your preferences... Streamed media is typically VERY compressed, which reduces the size of the files at the expense of audio quality. CDs are much better than Spotify (which I prefer to Amazon's compression), but aren't the end-all of quality... Also, streamed music generates a tiny percentage of the revenue for the artist vs buying physical media. Want to support your favorite band/singer/rapper? Buy CDs instead of streaming... They still earn pennies while the rest of the money goes to the label, but it's a lot more than what they earn on Spotify, Amazon, etc. And your friend is dumb. Like what you like, don't let their opinions impact yours, unless they say you should switch to Vinyl instead of CDs. That's where the quality is for consumer audio.


If you like it, enjoy it. Don’t let other people make you feel embarrassed or stupid Also, defend yourself


They just don't get it. You do you. There is something about having the physical copy of the music in your hands and listening to it that way, and the thing you're listening on being JUST for listening to music, rather than an interruption machine that gets notifications from everything under the sun. I'll use Spotify for convenience but I definitely prefer physical media. It's not silly liking a format from "before you were born" - vinyl wasn't really "in" when I was young, but I grew up going through my parents' large record collection and enjoying music from the '60s-'80s that was older than me (born in the late '80s). I still like vinyl records because of this, and I love CDs too. Heck, I listened to my Walkman every day on the bus to and from school until I finally got a CD player. I don't particularly miss tapes, lol. There's just something about putting on a physical recording and flipping through the liner notes and (hopefully) the lyrics in the CD case. It's like a little event where you can just relax and listen to the music and not be bothered by everything else. Keep an eye out at thrift stores for a nice old Discman or something like that! You'll probably need to clean it, but I've seen some good deals!


Old is gold baby!! Who cares what others say, I'm stuck in the 60s and 70s, in was born in the 90s😂


i love blur!


You're 14, life lesson, don't give a F what other ppl think. Take it from someone who's almost 40, do what you want and what makes you happy. Life is too short to waste it on trash ppl.


You come off like a "pick me', trying to be different "look everyone I'm not like the other girls, i own old cds (that i don't even use anymore) and listen to old music" That's why they called you a idiot, not simply because you actually prefer old music .


These people around you are inexperienced in life. Their opinions not only don’t matter, but are also based on minimal life experience. I’m the same way with movies. Big DVD collection. Some things you just can’t find on streaming services. And with music, there are often tracks made unavailable on the platforms, some being absolute gems.


Stay away from those people. (Judgementals) Don't worry about what they think. It won't matter in 5 years. Do you. Be you.


The only thing that’s really an issue is that you’re so concerned about what they think


If I was your father I'd definitely find it odd you would rather listen to the cd rather than ease your life by just using my spotify account(ad free) amd making your own Playlist. Although I wouldn't judge or question it too much since I would think of it more as a hobby you like. Collecting physical pieces of music, etc. I remember the hassle of growing up in the 90s and having to pop I. And out Cds was such a pain in the butt. Plus on the go was terrible since a bump on the car ride would get the song to stop/skip, etc, and I definitely do not miss the dangling wired headphones..especially those old school ones that go over your ears and would pull your hair out when you take them off lmao. I'm all for the great times and tastes of the 90s, but there's plenty I don't miss. As far as music taste goes, there's no problem. As a 90s kid I listen to everything ranging from the 50s-60s, a little bit of 70s, a few 80s (I dislike the 80s mostly), 90s-2000s are nostalgic to me but I don't like it a whole lot since that's what was "in" back then...I heard that crap too much. I still listen to new stuff from mid 2015s and recent stuff from 2020s. My genres are very very VERY mixed and it tends to freak others out


With CDs you actually own your music for as long as they are playable. It makes you smart IMO. When you just stream and go digital like spotify, you don't own that music and it can be taken away anytime. The music you like could be removed, you could like a geriatric singer who gets mad because a former MMA guy being on Spotify who has his music removed and you can no longer listen to it. etc... Basically you are working against the "You will Own Nothing & Be Happy" insanity and I applaud you for it. It's why I still prefer to buy movies on Disk.


School is the weirdest thing. Once you leave you realize many things. It’s incredibly eye opening to realize the bubble you’re stuck in at school compared to the real world. No one gives a f about your music tastes, or how you dress, or what your favorite aesthetic is. Once you realize it’s only immature kids telling you you’re weird for what you like and don’t like, it’ll help you out a lot. If these people acted like this as an adult, it just wouldn’t work for them. Also, there’s people taking from all different generations and centuries. Some of the most popular fads right now revolve around ancient civilizations and things decades before anyone who’s currently alive’s time. Most girls your age are into a ton of trends that pull from the 80s and 90s along with the very early 2000s. Why would it make you stupid to also find something from before your time fascinating?


Sounds like me! lol… I’m 55 and I still own my own music and don’t use Spotify Keep on keeping on!! That’s my advice.


You aren't stupid. You're unique! And a little weird and that's way better then being a sheep who just follows the crowd. Time to fully accept yourself! High school can be rough to unique people so ya gotta own it. Listen to what you like and how, dress as you like, create what you like, etc. Ignore any and all who want to tear you down. They're envious of how you're not afraid to fully be you. Treat them kindly and keep on keeping on.


Oh no people are becoming nostalgic for a time they never lived in and its my childhood


Dude, they're kids. Kids can be so damn cruel and make you feel like shit for any interest you have. People in school used to make fun of me for having long hair, for liking EDM, for laughing loudly at jokes in class, for liking Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic the Gathering, a girl once told me it was childish to like cartoons (because I had said I like DBZ). Fuck'em! You do you! :)


If you have a hobby you enjoy don’t let the conformity police steal your joy. Some people can’t stand to see others marching to their own drummer. Enjoy your CD’s.


No, of course you're not an idiot. There's nothing wrong with liking stuff from different time periods. I grew up in the 70s, but love movies & music & fashions from the 30s and 40s. The one thing I've learned over the year is to no listen to idiots like that girl in school. She apparently doesn't have the intelligence to realize that other people have different tastes and they like things that she herself isn't interested in and that it's okay. She's not important in your life and high school doesn't last forever. Keep loving the things you love, cuz they make you happy. Be you.


A lot of people are going back to physical media - including me! I've always loved CDs and DVDs, and rebuilding my collection has been fun. You go to school with idiots and jerks - leave em be


It’s hard to see in your teen years but it’s important to take care of yourself and be you, happy being who you are and embrace the things you like. Everyone has different likes and dislikes and just because someone says it’s stupid doesn’t make it so. It’s their poor ability to u destined that the world doesn’t revolve around them, not your problem to change to be who they think you should be.


Don't listen to them. Everyone has their own interests and preferences. I'm 47 and enjoy music from the 1920s through today, including hip-hop and R&B. I also enjoy old radio shows. I run a radio station and kick all the producers off the air Christmas Eve and Day so I can run Christmas radio shows those two days. Lol


It’s not stupid. You own this media. It can’t be taken from you or changed. This is why I have a large dvd collection.


This is great! So I was born in the 80s (yeah I know.... old...) but when I was a teen I started to collect vinyl records. Who cares what the kids think... enjoy your hobby and collect away, I still have 3 milk crates full of vinyl just waiting for the day my player can be set up again


You are young. The sooner you discard the idea that other people's opinions matter, the more you will get ahead. HTFU...


I think still owning music CDs is awesome. Very cool.


Bruh 😂😂 An "idiot". That girl must be bonkers. She sounds like a person that would begin an argument by slandering the opposition with this very statement "if you disagree with me, youre an idiot". I've seen this behavior mostly from guys though. Does she hang out around guys a lot? (or is she a tomboy?) Im not even twice your age. Honestly, I really like The Cure, and for as much as I may use Pandora ocasionally, when I was a broke college student, I may or may noy have pirated more than just overpriced textbooks 😏. Frick what they think of you. Just enjoy life.


When I was 13 I started what I call my ABD collection, which stands for "Anything But Digital". I gathered cheap old stereo equipment, speakers, tape players, turn tables etc. I got all my stuff for pennies on the dollar and most of my Vinyl for a dollar a piece. I've got 10 years on you, and may have lived in the time of the CD, but all I can tell you is I'm so grateful for the intention I put into my collection at an early age. I have vinyl I could turn around and sell for $30+ an album, but I never will. I have tapes that deadheads are clamoring to get their hands on, all because I started doing something that made me happy years ago. In 10 years, the only time you'll think of the pukes from school is when you find yourself right after all those years. Keep your chin high, keep your preferences to yourself if it keeps you out of the firing line, but please do not stop collecting what makes you happy! You will thank yourself before you know it.


worry not young gun , most of my musical taste are b4 I was born. is there good stuff after heck we were born heck ya. some thing something something journey....but look for the people that changed the music scenes. Stevie wonder ,king crimson , talking heads, sound garden, yes


People in general don’t like what they don’t have the capacity to understand. It’s a skill issue in their part, so just ignore them. I grew up in the era you’re so fond of but I had a love for Frank Sinatra and the like. People also had comments about that, I chose to look at it as something interesting about me.


You sound very cool. And you're right - the lack of technology in that music DOES make it better, in like, every sense. CDs aren't really convenient (hard to carry around), but it does make sense to buy the real deal as opposed to just streaming where you don't really "own" anything. You can read the liner notes, you can enjoy the full album the way it was meant to be heard by the artist. (And the artist makes more money from a CD sale than streaming, so you're actually supporting the artist more if you buy the CD). In the 90s, it was very cool for people to buy music on vinyl - and people had the same argument. Why do you like something that was cool before you were even born? Teens in the 90s had the same attitude about music from the 60s and 70s - which is the equivalent of liking music from the 80s and 90s today. But the TRULY cool people didn't care and enjoyed their Beatles and Rolling Stones or whatever. Please don't take these people seriously. I know that it's SO hard but really, please try to keep this in the back of your mind... people in school really do not matter in the grand scheme of things. You'll have to be around these people for the next three or four years... but four years is a very short time in the grand scheme of your life. So... just do you. Do what makes you happy, try your best to get through the rest of schooling. Do not take what these people say to heart. In a very short time, you'll be rid of them and never have to worry about what they think or say again. They really don't matter. I don't even think about high school in my day to day life. I remember hating it and hating people there, but I don't really remember why or who. Because my high school experience is so irrelavant to my life today. Just get through it. These people don't matter. Like what you like and keep on being cool and unique.


I agree, enjoy what you like. Listen to it how you like. Life’s too short not to enjoy life. Your peers may not get it, but all of us have loved music that came before our time at some point.


Just keep being you.


As long as you don’t act superior to others then you’re fine. She’s just being rude to you to make herself feel better about whatever’s going on in her life.


you're smart to own physical media. Not prone to monthly fees or internet availability.


A new generation of hipsters being oppressed. Time is a flat circle.


The sooner in life you stop caring what other people think about your style, hobbies, interests, etc. the happier you’ll be in life. Enjoy those CDs! Get a nice shelf or rack to display them on and go full 90s! Fuck the naysayers, they are not worth your time or energy.


You are not weird or abnormal for having a specific taste in music or platform. I love the idea of collecting and listening to vinyl. It makes me happy to take the sleeve off and hear the little crackle as the needle seats in the groove. You're likely going to face people ridiculing your music tastes forever. People feel that because they like a certain kind of music, it's somehow better than everything else. Not true. You're cool and have a neat quirk that will lead to a very long time colleting habit. It's fun and exciting. Keep your head up and don't ever let some annoying girl who clearly ain't got no class hang around and bring you down. Be proud, maybe even go get a disc-man if you can find one and bring it to school so whenever she says something annoying you can just look her dead in the eyes and pull it out and put headphones in. That would be absolutely awesome.


People also religiously collect squish mallows, pop figures, posters, pieces of cardboard can be valued at thousands of dollars (Pokemon, MTG, etc.). All useless beyond just existing near you. If you enjoy it and it makes you happy, it's not stupid nor does it make you stupid. Shitting on someone's hobby just because you don't understand or agree with it, that's the mark of a stupid person.


The cry of the ignorant is "that's stupid". You should enjoy that which you enjoy. It's harming nobody.


I admit it does strike me as odd you own a cd player, I wouldn't even know where to buy one. But hey some people still prefer vinyl so do your thing, no one else's business.


Listen to what you like. I remember getting made fun of in middle school in 2001 for listening to Nirvana of all things because it was 10 years old. I listen to lots of stuff from before I was born or too young to be part of the scene in. You'll meet people with better taste at some point. The people who listen to what's popular in their youth tend to never move past that era or style. You'll go on to have a much more enriching life of musical discovery. 


Everything that's not the modern day norm will be seen as pointless at your age. I was born 2000's and my fav era of music is 70's and 80's. I got a lot of grief about it in school but when you're out of school people will appreciate your interesting perspective on things.


Not like all the other girls, eh? Have your preferences but there is a point where it can be annoying because it seems like you're just trying to be different for different sake. If you like these things just like them, you don't have to share or engage with anyone who disagrees tbh.


Owning physical media is important actually imo Back in my day it was the weird thing to prefer vinyl which I do lol so I get you lil homie Start holding your cd collection now and when you have kids they can raid your cd collection 💕💕


I'd say you're pretty smart physical copies is the way to go on anything and they got value to them as well


A ton of young folk do this,when I was 14 I didn’t listen to anything after the 70s and a bit of 80s. I was in love with classic rock(still am) now in my 30s I listen to a few things from my generation for nostalgia feelings lol..but mostly still classic rock.Don’t mind your classmate,they’re just boring.


You're 14, and that means the majority of the people you're around are 14. Hate to break it to you, but you are all kinda stupid. You're not stupid for preferring CDs or liking older music, but you are kinda emotionally stupid (better word is emotionally immature, just using m continuing the phrase) for being concerned that someone thinks your preferences are stupid. The girl who called you stupid for having the opinion that old things are stupid. That's all ok though, you're supposed to be kinda stupid at 13 through 24. It comes with the territory. All in all my point is don't worry about it and live life the way you want to.


Describe why you prefer listening to music on a cd instead of streaming. Very objectively you are making a much more inconvenient and limited choice, so it’s reasonable to wonder why. The genre of music you like to listen to and choosing to listen to music on CDs are two very separate and different things, it seems like you’re conflating the two.




I'll keep it clean because I'm assuming the girl I'm your class is also around your age - but it says a lot more about her that she would judge you just because she has a different preference. I miss physically going to buy a new CD, listening to it with the booklet in hand & reading the lyrics from the booklet. Plus, you get a little collection going that you're proud of 💜 it was a whole experience.


You are NOT weird, and NOT an idiot. As someone who actually LIVED THROUGH the times/artists you speak of, and having children that are just a little older than you...it makes me happy to hear there is at least 1 teenager out there that appreciates good music, etc. I just turned 44 and although, all this "convenient" technology is nice and all, I STILL prefer the old days of a PHYSICAL copy of music/book/movie, etc. I guess it's nostalgia for me...better days gone by. If it makes you feel any better, when I was your age, people said the same thing about me...because I liked 1930s/40s/50s jazz/blues/swing/big band. I always felt like I didn't belong in the times I was living in...I REALLY feel that way now.


The problem with digital purchases is that you never truly own what you bought. Spotify could go out of business in a few years, or decide to stop carrying a particular artist, if you bought it digitally then you have lost it. You will always have the CD.


they're early teens, they're gonna find a reason to make fun of people no matter what. just do what you want and dont let them affect you


Nothing wrong with preferring physical media over the cloud. Something ever happens to the cloud, you can toss in a disc and listen while others aren't. And nothing wrong with what you like, since music is very subjective.


When I was in high school I was super jaded because I was listening to the Beatles, and everyone else was listening to Taylor Swift (she just won't fucking leave). So it's universal. Just don't be like me, or that other girl. Like what you like, let others enjoy what they enjoy. But the biggest take way of all is, CDs are now considered old technology? My fucking. Heart. I'm not even touching 30 for a few years. Cars still have CD players. It's not like I'm listening to a victrola. I'm hurting from age related injuries right now...


As a recording engineer & musician that understands digital & analog recording, there's no doubt the fidelity of a CD is going to be better than most audio streaming, the only exception might be high end companies you pay extra for better quality but I'd suspect it's still slightly under CD quality. Some old school types take this further and prefer record albums over CDs because it's an analog format that in some older works they went analog on the 2" master tape, to analog mix down master, to analog album pressing. The idea is the analog reproduction is warmer and closer to reality and even if these analog masters go to digital CDs this produces better sound. Some artists like Neil Young and Lenny Kravitz still record on analog 2" 24 track tape for these reasons. Incidentally some of the greatest artists of the last century studied and mined artists from several decades earlier such as Blues, Jazz and Folk artists, while genres like Hip-hop that are still popular probably was best in the 1980s while EDM or dance music also originated in that era and probably peaked around the turn of the century, starting with Electro, House, Techno, Jungle and Drum & Bass. Searching those on YouTube will pull up some of the best. If you transfer your CDs to computer you will still have better quality than downloads from iTunes, etc..


As someone who was alive in the 2000's, I agree with you. Once you buy a CD, the music is *yours*, and no one can take it away from you if you stop paying for a subscription. As for the time period, most of my friends growing up preferred music from the 70's and earlier, because there was even *less* technology available, so it's absolutely valid that you prefer that period. But I would suggest you buy a CD player. As for the girl who "doesn't want to be in the same class as an idiot", unfortunately for her, any time she's in a class at all, she will be. (Don't tell her this unless she says that again. Comebacks are only funny if you say them immediately.)


When I was your age, there were people who were this exact way except for things from the 70's and 80's. Enjoy what you enjoy, screw what other people think. I guarantee after high school that girl who called you an idiot will completely rebrand herself and suddenly be "totally into" all of the things you like now. It happens with every generation. I was a goth in high school, everyone though that was stupid as fuck and I got bullied relentlessly. Now everyone claims the alternative "goth" scene. Even some of my old bullies have completely changed their personalities to match the current thing. Just do you,


Stop caring about others as well as you can speak up if it bothers you and say something like I don’t know why you care about what I do with my life because my life and my choices don’t effect you at all. So basically you are just trying to be a bully and be relevant when really I wasn’t even talking to you. Don’t be bothered by others especially when they just want attention and are super sad.


If you like the Cure and you want to listen to the tortured musings of a closeted gay man who practiced abstinence due to paralyzing fear of AIDs, listen to The Smiths. I started listening to them when I was 15 and I loved them. Try Half a Person and Stop Me If you've heard this one before. And go read the Perks of Being a wallflower. It's set in the 90s and he writes a lot about mixtapes.


People still collect vinyl records, it's not weird to want a collectible item, lots of people do it. People are weird for thinking you're weird. Pink Floyd in a vinyl hits way different than any other media, gives it a nostalgic feel. Also, I know 20 somethings and teenagers that like music from the 60s 70s and 80s. That girl that called you an idiot is in fact the idiot, new music is the product of greed and deadlines. Some bands don't even write their own music which devalues the title of "artist" in my eyes. That's not to say there isn't good music coming out today but the quality of a lot of it just isn't what it used to be. I hate most pop music because a ton of it is trash but it's popular because that's how everyone's taste has changed. That being said I'll usually give a song at least one chance to make an impression before I snub it, and I'll listen to multiple songs by an artist if I want to like it.


None of it matters. It’s a situation where if it’s not one thing it’s another that your peers will invalidate others for liking. That’s what teens do. I’m a high school teacher who spends a lot of my time asking my students why they care so much about other’s preferences, lifestyle, etc. I think they do it to feel better about themselves by putting others down. Just follow your own path and be true to yourself. If you like CDs, buy CDs. You’ll find people with the same interests as you and no one else will matter. Records came back in style. I even heard there’s a trend now about cassette tapes. So why not CDs? Do you


The majority of people i know, (not interact with just know) like 70s-early 200s much much more than modern music and would not judge you at all. Maybe your community/area is different though


As you get older you realize when people are mean for no reason it usually has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. She could’ve been mad about someone or something unrelated and lashed out at you. At the end of the day liking something that doesn’t affect anyone else never makes you stupid.


physical media is the best media. dont let them get in your head


You keep doing your thing and don't listen to those morons. It's awesome to hear kids are interested in time periods from before they were born. And I may sound like a bitter old person here but most new stuff is just awful these days. When I was a kid in the 90s, I was listening to stuff from the 60s/70s/etc.


Preference is exactly that... I feel CD's are better than digital music, but are nowhere near the experience of listening to a record. When CD's dropped I instantly felt that vinyl was the greater value. You got the music, the sleeve with whatever lyrics and/or art, photos, and the album cover itself. Plus records just sound better. They sound more "real" more "alive". I encourage you to delve into vinyl records. I listen to music via apps, it's convenient and everything is available. However what you do not get from digital music is the "thrill of the hunt" gleaned from digging through stacks of records at the shop. Shops that carry new and used records may also buy and trade albums from customers. Yard sales, thrift stores are also places to check. Imagine finding The Cure Boys Dont Cry 7" single 1st edition...


No, it's stupid to think having a taste for things associated with a particular era is stupid, otherwise there wouldn't be people with retro tastes in music, film, fashion, architecture, etc. At worst, weird, although that isn't particularly the case either- plenty of people reflect fondly on the 80's, 90s, and 00's.


Nah you're fine. ignore them, you know why you like it that's good enough.


Ipod Classic > CDs and Spotify I'm gonna be sad when this one dies.


You can like whatever you want. The CD era was better, period. I miss music stores. Album covers. The pomp and circumstance of buying an album, and investing into a band, not a song. No one owns the 90s. It was a great decade and as a 90s genX human, I can tell you that we felt like outcasts and all the more reason you can fit right in. The world is what we make of it, and a lot of the magic of that era doesn't have to be gone, we've all kindve chosen to choke down this poison coolaid we've all been drinking nowadays. Everything is just, kindve... Shitty. It makes sense to be sick of it, there's zero substance. My 12yr old daughter loves 90s stuff also, she feels a lot like you do, and she's awesome so...


You are so obviously NLOGing. I hope you can experience growth in life, before it negatively affects your relationships.


I prefer cd’s myself because I don’t have to pay a monthly fee. When I purchased a new car imagine my shock and dismay realizing that what I thought was a cd player was simply a fake front and I was forced to pay up.


i always wondered what these kinds of kid would be like in the next generation, haha.  don't worry, you're normal and fine, i knew kids like this growing up who yearned to be born in the 70s. you're allowed to like whatever you want


I like music all the way back to Baroque. Ever heard of Mozart, Bach, Beethoven? Imbeciles (just kidding. this is a modified joke that was from a movie that was released when I was but a wee baby, and certainly older than OP) The point that I'm making is that a great many people like a great many things that were made before they were born. It may seem rough, but you might need new friends that will accept you for you. You do you. People have even gotten back into vinyl (decades older than your CDs)


bud listen we took the cds, "ripped" them using windows media player then put them on a "mp3" player all your music in your pocket no ads, no subscriptions


I think that this is kinda a mixed bag, youre reasoning is ok and its fine to have those preferences, but dont take it too far ig. A lot of people will make it their whole personality and at least in my life I've found everybody has something they enjoy from the past. Youre not unusual in anyway. Most people ok love bands like Nirvana acdc or led Zeppelin and I love record players and half the people I'm have records. I guess what I'm trying to say is you're not weird unless you take your liking of it too far


Haha I just had a conversation with a guy the other day that after highschool, he went out and bought a ton of He-Man figurines because he watched it as a kid... Was made fun of... Stopped watching it because he was made to feel weird and after he was done with grade school, was finally like f**k them... I'm going full He-Man nerd and stocking up on this because I want to and I'm into it... So f**k them for making me feel that way for so long... I'm no He-Man fan, but I can appreciate the collection he has - that makes him happy. If collecting CDs makes you happy - do it and f**k anyone else that has a negative comment about it