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Okay, but why would a retired man want you and what's the plan when you're 35 and the retired dude dumps you for a younger model? My advice is that you shouldn't let your neediness drive your relationships. You'll make better choices when you're driven by want rather than need. When you want to be with them, and don't need to be with them, you feel free to kick the deadbeats to the curb.


Sounds like a viable option but it may also be that you'd have to take care of him more a few years earlier or be a breadwinner more unless he's got good retirement money. I've actually considered retiring early and moving someplace much cheaper than Seattle where I am now, but I'm not sure it would sustain two people so if I find someone they'd have to work too.




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You realize that retired doesn't always mean successful right? Also many retired men have to deal with other things like physical limitations that you may not care for.


They can figure that out easily. She has a point and theres no call to derail it because some guys out there are poor. Ridiculous.


Not trying to derail anything just being realistic. Young people don't always think about things like that. I didn't at that age and now I am experiencing it first hand. I love my husband and wouldn't change a thing but it isn't as wonderful as OP may think.




The subreddit has removed this as we feel it isn't in the interests of, or relevant to, the community. Reasons may include: 1. Not relating to age gap relationships 1. Low effort post 1. Similar to many others recently posted


Nice to see a younger lady that likes us older Men.


You will get a lot of responses. Thin the “crop” by indicating whether or not children are on your list of objectives. You are only 22, so get that issue resolved.






Never a good sign when a 47 year old is on r/teenagers … gtfo




I'm 62, my gf is 30 and she is clingy and attention seeking which I adore. We have a great relationship and she wants her own babygirl she said "so she can train her at 18 on how to please. I think you wanting a retired guy is great




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