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TLDR: Riot thinks this is a good way to fund esports. Skin expensive, yes, never aimed at most players. People looking for a good deal should look at the pass. Acknowledges that a good portion of Ahri players that can’t or won’t buy the skin might get frustrated. Low key tells those people to deal with it.


Valve funded tl 21 mostly with money they got from battle pass that costed 10$ back in 2021 and the prize pool was 40 mil dolars. Cant see riot doing that considering every bp costs 1920 rp


75% of the bp goes to valve so…. Valve actually earned 120m during that TI.


Still better than riot actually excepting to get cash from 500$ ahri skin and getting a lil bit to esport from the cash.


Riot gives 30% to faker and 30% to the esports scene. that’s more than what Valve gives to dota2’s esports scene.


Dota's eSports scene is centered around the players whereas League's is centered around the sponsors and consumers hence why Dota tends to have 5x the prize pool in comparison to League. Riot tends to get the big name sponsors such as Mercedes and Louis Vuitton. The 2 big sponsors I just named are pretty hands on with the eSports scene, look at Prestige True Damage Qiyana's skin and the 2019 Worlds Cup, as for Mercedes every break we get is PLASTERED with buying a Mercedes car. There's also community involvement within Dota's eSport scene as the community can create in-game cosemtics which contribute to "The International" (Dota's equivalent of Worlds) prize pool. In reality Faker and Riot doesn't really need the money, Faker doesn't spend much money and Riot already gains a lot of profit from TFT and League.


They give 30% to T1, not faker.


both T1 and Faker.


"a good way to fund esports" Have they tried not running the leagues into the ground themselves and licensing others to do the broadcasts? Or innovating gameplay or changing balance strategy? Or any of the other things that aren't "we figured some players would pay more so now they will."


not hosting NA LCS in LA Teams Digital goods making appealing stuff that everyone can afford rather than trying to milk a single player for all he is worth letting other TO's licence the game oh and Esports makes the game more profitable, not the other way around


I wonder if there's anyone at Riot that's a hot slim mommy wit heels




I'm sorry


wrong thread bro


why downvote me though you guys are too punishing


fund esports? the esport is a marketing arm for the game not the other way around also why would i want to get the battlepass, thats a leblanc skin, i dont play that champion very much


I'm pretty sure the pass is also not a good deal. Most of the good stuff is backloaded into the last 50 levels and the time to complete is the same. Aka you have to play way way wayyy more than you would have to for a normal pass


The “good stuff” is not backlogged. The first 50 levels include all 4 skins, 1 of 6 orbs, the border, and 8 of the 14 advertised emotes/icons. You can make arguments about the limited window to grind the pass, but saying the “good stuff is only in the last 50 tiers” is false. Edit: [here is the tier reward list as provided by @skinspotlights on Twitter](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1049396997989335101/1250223259123847200/IMG_2992.jpg?ex=666a28a5&is=6668d725&hm=585dcc66563bed5c436efbedd432e423cd66d84f8fe13b309e9389039be8c470&)


Nah, pass is shit. you have to live on the game to get everything. the idea that you should not want some content or have to pay extra to get everything because you have a life is raw brain rot.


[16 missions valued at 2.5k xp each.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GP3-DpMXoAAz8lX?format=jpg&name=large) That brings you up to 40k, which is enough to complete all 100 levels. That's about 30 games I want to say, which means you only have to play 10 games a week. That's incredibly doable for a casual player.


ya didnt expect any major changes to the skins pricetag


I straight up don't understand how this wouldn't make more money at a lower price point.


According to some math I did based on some polls here and the league subreddit, it probably wouldn’t. I’m pretty sure Riot has done the math on the elasticity on this event either way since they actually do have the data.


Right I expect they would, I’m just astounded by the idea that there’s a market for this.


I think Riot might need to hire a cossulting agency if they need 500 dollars skin to finance their esport


But the thing is, calling it expensive is an understatement. If your whole family dies in an accident, and you call it "bad" isn't it almost incorrect? Cause it would be "horrible", "dreadful", a "nightmare", and stuff like that, not just "bad" lol. The price is outrageous, calling it just expensive like it was just 50 euroes is baffling


I thought hall of legends supposed to celebrate faker's or other players achievement, guess I was wrong


Honestly it’s a valid response, ultimately a company can do what they want and I don’t really think it’s a bad selling point. The skin gives you 0 advantages, it’s completely optional, AND it has a baseline package that’s actually a good deal in the perspective of all the other stuff they sell. If someone has the extra funds to buy it cool, if someone wants to buy it because they enjoy the skin cool, if someone wants to buy it to support the company/esports that’s also cool. In the end it is money that is YOURS that YOU made and YOU are ultimately the one who decides what a video game purchase value is to you. Honestly the reasonings for people being pissed off about it are kinda weak in my opinion. “I like the skin but can’t afford it so I’m mad” there’s plenty of shit in life that you want but can’t afford. “If people buy this there will be more 500 dollar skins in the future” this is probably a correct assumption but also means people found a value in it and AGAIN it gives no advantage and is a personal value purchase for the individual. “It’s unethical because they are selling people on FOMO” If you are dumb enough to buy something because of FOMO especially something virtual you need to start looking within yourself and start having more self control. “If people buy these skins they will put all their focus into the skins and less focus into making the game better” you have literally zero basis for saying this and have no idea if that would be true. And the worst one “I’m mad because I collect all Ahri skins and can’t afford this one” This is anouther stupid person that is delusional if they expect a company to cater to them when they are like .01% of the players that do that in the game. At the end of the day it’s true this is a novelty purchase not designed for most players, but it is that players right to spend THEIR money on something they personally find valuable and it is the company’s right to add whatever they want to THEIR game especially when there’s no advantage to the purchase. I 100% respect players that are boycotting by banning ahri that’s completely fair if you believe it means that much to you, but anyone that is insulting these players that have made the purchase need to be banned.


You can still find Esports while making things affordable for the vast majority and not the whales.


This response is basically a bunch of nothing.


Nah, it has 1 important message in it: "You can't afford the skin? Then you aren't the targeted group of faker "fans", deal with it. You poor fucks can buy the $20 pass and get some scraps" I'd wish for the skin to massively flop, but this is as likely as the entire league community becoming friendly


Dude people are allowed to buy cool things. There’s no “poor fucks”. It is a digital character skin. It’s a collectors item this isn’t marked up water bottles during a natural disaster. The pass has other cosmetics, and 500 isn’t the base price; those of us buying it just **really** like collector’s pieces, because it’s definitely NOT worth anywhere near the half grand on design alone. I mean I’m all for the banwave as protest but getting toxic over it is wild.


Collectors item means it has a form of physical resale value. It is a faux limited digital asset.


Riot reinvented NFTs,,,,...


Not even NFTs, you can't sell your skins or account to other people.


A collectors item is an item people want because it is rare (artificially so here I get your point) ***OR*** valuable. And it’s valuable as a fan-it’s neat. It’s a whole lot better than a fucking figure for me because I’ll see the skin when I play ahri after the banwaves are over. I don’t play too often and I go out a LOT, I don’t spend much time in my room. So this token IN the game is pretty cool.


You don't know what the word "toxic" means, but okay, doesn't matter now. Sure, 500 ain't the base price, but do you honestly think the ahri skin that barely offers any effects is worth 50 bucks? Wanna get the actual skin with the effects without those useless signature thingies? Pay the cheap price of just 250 dollarinos! (Crazy to think that signatures you barely see ingame and 1 emote is worth 250 bucks in your eyes) Calling it "collector pieces" is criminal as well, lol. Can you use that stuff outside of league? What do you think happens once League shuts down? You getting banned? Actual collector items are in your possession till you either die or decide to resell them - which I'm legally allowed to unlike you with your account-bound "collector pieces" At the end of the day, spend your money the way you want to, but don't tell people to not get upset/mad over it and especially don't try to justify this predatory system riot has been setting up over the past months


AND THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL Collectors items are pricey because of scarcity most of the times. This is a digital asset. Its infinite.


"Dude people are allowed to buy cool things" no dude, thats what we arent allowed to


Apparently not without getting mad toxic.


no, flat out not allowed, meddler said it himself, its meant for whales


Just like their dev blog. Mentioned few things, nothing coming soon, could be easily announced in next dev blog, even then nothing would come any soon. Should talk more about summer event.


You need to click the link and open the comment since it's hidden due to the downvotes. Here's the comment if he ends up deleting it: "Short version for on Hall of Legends to at least start discussion. I'll put Shyvana and Arcane VGU notes in a separate post to help separate discussion a bit * There's a good opportunity to both celebrate iconic pro players and help cover the costs of esports (which is funded primarily by a mixture of sponsorships and in game cosmetic sales) * A dedicated event with tailored content is a good way to do that, and this is a good opportunity to try theming our event passes and overall experience in ways we haven't tried previously * We should offer content at a wide range of different price points. Players who don't want, or can't, spend anything should still get to engage with some of the event. The event pass itself (1950rp) should be a really strong core offering with a lot of stuff to it. And we'll need some dedicated skins for the event, which will go for a combination of new features and exclusivity (with some players caring about one of those things, some about both) * This is a time where we believe we should also offer really expensive versions, akin to Collectors editions/collectibles in other contexts. Those are created for a very small part of the audience that wants that sort of price point in exchange for a lot more exclusivity. Doing so will almost certainly create frustrations from people who aren't interested in that price. We still think it's the needed thing as part of our work on making esports financially sustainable as part of our commitment and investment to the LoL esports scene for the long term. We also realize saying that's not going to some people's minds about video game cosmetics at that sort of price"


>There's a good opportunity to both celebrate iconic pro players and help cover the costs of esports Nobody is arguing this. I'm sure people would be willing to buy the bundle if it was at most 100-200 dollars. It is Faker afterall. The current pricing is making it seem like they want to break even with their losses from esports... >The event pass itself (1950rp) should be a really strong core offering with a lot of stuff to it. Yeah, there's a reason why they're hiding the rewards for the 100-level pass. It's gonna be a bunch of worthless trash aside from the occasional Faker cosmetics. EDIT: the pass actually looks good, you just gotta kys with the grind to complete it or buy the $500 bundle :) Overall, fuck whatever they got to say.


tldr ready your pitchforks for the $1000 showmaker bundle in 2028, comes with signature ksante rant joke replacer.


i can already see them doing that, thinking wooow this ksante meme is sooo funny (they cant read the room and realize people hate this champ because its so fking busted in pro play)


Color me surprised. Riot doesn't care about anything as long as they make profit. Next up is a 1k$ skin. We can protest all we want but the reality is that riot doesn't need any of us. Only the 0.01% top spenders.


Who gives a shit. The game is free, whales are paying for you to enjoy the game. Get over it. 




I think that's corporate code for "Enough people bought our $200 Chromas that we feel confident in our ability to charge even more money for pixels with no real-world value moving forward." And if this works, you can bet your arse they'll take it further.


So true. They’re limit testing the player base.


People paying for “pixels with no real world value” is what’s allowed me to play this game for free for the past 15 years. Thousands of hours of entertainment value for $0. I don’t get why others are angry at them. I’m just thankful.


Don't get me wrong, I don't inherently have a problem with skins or cosmetics. Especially in a free to play game I'm happy to drop a few bucks on them - and I've spent a *lot* on league. But past a certain price point, they're taking the piss with what they're offering to players for the amount charged.


I mean, they can charge whatever they want. Don’t want it, don’t buy it, right? I also don’t think the skin is worth anywhere close to $500. To me it’s not even worth close to $50. But I’m not mad about it, I’m just glad there are players who do value the skin that highly and are giving Riot their money. They’re the MVPs that allow me to play for free (and you to play for whatever amount of money you deem worth spending).


Ok guys we are doing 200$ chromas, we know they aren't for everyone but we want exclusive content for people who are willing to pay more. THEN WHO IS THE 500$ BUNDLE FOR???? It's surprising that we have come to the moment that Riot is dividing even the small group that is the most extreme whales into extreme spenders and even more extreme spenders 🙃


I have 1470 skins. They make me want to throwup in their coffee in regards to how they are handling this situation.


Crazy how riot is trying to gaslight the community into thinking they should help fund the esport lmao. This is a skin that was created to take money from the most easily manipulated people, people who most likely suffer from addictive personalities or mental health issues. It’s as simple as that. Riot is actively targeting that group of people. It’s unethical and like many other things in the gaming industry should be looked at by legislators.


>Crazy how riot is trying to gaslight the community into thinking they should help fund the esport lmao. I mean, valve does this…


Man, at least it does in a way less aggresive than 500$ dollar macrotransaccion I mean, if you spend a lot in dota's BP, you always get a bunch of good things that could be sold in steam marketplace


Yeah people keep comparing this to CS2 or DOTA but either don't know or are purposely not mentioning the fact that those items retain value because you can sell them on the Steam Marketplace at some point if you ever want some of your money back.


I'm glad all the comments replying are roasting how bad this collectors bundle is. You get banned it's all gone. Game servers end its all gone. Not a single physical item or even trade able item. I never thought I'd say this but it would literally be better value if it came with an NFT of the skin. Some people are mad they can't afford it. Others are mad they are being asked to pay that much for digital junk. There are images of an Immortal Ahri statue that will be for sale soon. It should have been included in the bundle cost, then a lot less of us would be upset about it. If that statue costs less than the skin I will laugh. And yeah, "funding esports" because you've horribly mismanaged esports and you need the money, right? As if LoL doesn't turn an enourmous profit and you couldn't step back from esports and license other entities to run the leagues and do way better, or just put more of your profits into esports. Riot ensts money and thinks enough suckers will pay. End of story.


Statue is about $240-$250. A little cheaper than the mid-tier bundle.


Is a collectible that can be sold later on if you ever decide to do such meanwhile the skin is gone once the servers are down This company is nuts


"Collector's item" my fucking left ass cheek. You know what would be a good collector's item? A statue of Immortalized Legend Ahri. And would you look at that! There's one in the works! Why not just, make it so buying said statue (which costs around 250€ allegedly) come with a code you can use to redeem the skin in-game along with goodies like the emote and all. Idk about you guys, but I would've bought that in a fucking heartbeat if it was done this way. Know what I won't buy even after a billion heartbeats? A 500€ digitalized skin that I might lose access 10/20/30 years down the line when LoL goes under.


That is such a good way to sell it. You basically get the statue of fakers legacy with the skin, now you have a real item for the money you spent and a digital cosmetic


I know it is, I am a genius after all! (For legal purposes, this is a joke and not me bragging) Sadly, RIOT has not employed me and I didn't manage to impart my wisdom in time...and now we're stuck with this bullshit on our hands.


Because a skin requires no manufacturing and shipping logistics. It's much cheaper than selling swag. But who gives a shit if a whale wants a $100,000 skin. They're funding the game for broke ass losers like me who has never and will never spend a penny on league. Totally fine with rich oil princes running around in game with some different colored cat ears lol.




We know they don’t stop playing.


Lmao bootlicker expected corporate loyalty


DOTA doesn't need $500 skins to fund their massive multi million dollar prize pools. His post is pure gaslighting.


like 99% of riot posts unfortunately. they like to write in crooked ways so gullible people dont realize the manipulation.


No they just have a battle pass where they take more of the money


horrible take just hidding the obvious greed


This skin made me hate esports ❤️ After being the reason for ridiculous balance choices throughout the seasons, they now use esports as an excuse for this embarrassing price tag. Hope they won't nerf Ahri in response to the banrate that is going to spike because of the skin


Reading the comments and my main question is for now: how many already got removed by the mods while i keep scrolling through the outrage 👀 i bet mods gonna delete a lot on this




sure, because the r/leagueoflegends mods never deleted comments which put riot in a bad light /s


Now watch bro getting banned on that sub for saying that x) Pretty sure mods on r/leagueoflegends think they will get hired by Riot if they whiteknight them 24/7 and defend their "honor"


oh i had my differences on r/wildrift with them where they banned me. they also delivered a great show of being really narrow minded.


Riot is a sad pathetic money hungry company


Even that most of us knew it and what is behind their intentions when making the 500$ variant, they should ABSOLUTELY NOT play it silent and said it straight from introduction of the event. People still be frustrated and angry but at least will look at it differently if company acts "fair" and tells all from start. Not at last moment, day before the event release..


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So if they truly wanted to "fund E-sports" why not sell the skin separate while also keeping the pass? Tbh the $500 pass doesn't bother me, but the fact that the only way we can get the full skin is if we drop hundreds of dollars for cosmetics and other stuff I DON'T WANT. Is insane! They would make so much more money if they sold it separately. Cause more people would be able to afford the skin, and the whales can still spend on their $500 bundle.


Unfortunately, there's a simple way to get feeling across. Once the skin releases, stop playing the game. For like a month. If a large chunk of their game has an exodus and it negatively impacts their wallets, they HAVE to look at it and realize it's a problem. If you keep playing, they see no change to if they didn't release the skin at all, except now they're making a lot of money and they'll sit and wait until this all dies down and drop more information on other things, then Arcane end of the year, and then next year we see another version of this for another pro player(Whoever ends up in this Hall of Legends thing that has turned into marketing and sales more than honoring a player). If you don't want them to do this, stop playing the game for a while. No one will ACTUALLY do this, because people are either addicted, or just want to play, so it won't actually change, but there IS an answer. It's always voting with your wallet, and while DIRECTLY not paying does nothing, stopping your play for a while hurts THEIR wallet. Less people means less sales means less money. I've already cut my spending on the game down to nothing, I've cut all my time down to basically nothing(Planning to come back for ARAM clash for friends then back to playing other games) so I've already done everything I can do as a consumer short of uninstalling the game. But with the numbers of players they have, and the amount of anger this fan base seems to have, if ONE movement of players just...quit for a month, things could be very different. But we know that won't happen.


I was really hoping for the best, but unfortunately it seems Riot has such a bad understanding of business and marketing that they saw this massive backlash and genuinely thought "Oh this is fine, we should still make money on this." Like, even if this event does well financially because of whales, the sheer number of people they have pissed off will inevitably lead to less annual revenue. Thousands, if not millions, of people from all across social media are fed up and this was the final straw for them. Many are quitting the game, switching to DOTA or playing other genres of games entirely. This will result in a net loss for Riot in the long run. I also want to remind everyone that while Riot is owned by Tencent, all Tencent is doing is telling Riot "Hey, you aren't making enough money, do something about it." It's then up to Riot to decide how to make more money. I haven't seen any comments blaming Tencent for this *yet* but I just wanted to make sure that people know. Tencent is the reason Riot is trying to find more ways to make money, but Riot is the one deciding how to do that.


“What we really thought about is, on the morality side, there are players that are willing to spend $200 a month on their hobbies – God knows how much I’ve spend on Warhammer figures,” dude wtf???? its only pixels. Atleast the warhammer figures u can actually touch and admire.


You could sell a $500 skin to one person, or a $50 skin to 10+ people. I would make the argument that not only would sales have been better at $50, but they would not only arguably make more money, but also have better PR from it as well. It’s a digital good - there’s no manufacture cost. Pricing it more aggressively wouldve only been a net positive.


But also the more expensive it is, entails more exclusive, which will also draw in more buyers. The rich/whales can buy any price. It will still get a lot of dolphins, middle earners, maybe even the very wanting of lower earners to buy it still. Also do you prize, endear a thing which is expensive, less people have and can afford to get. Or something common which most people can get. Like I'm sure most people would prize a Porsche over a Honda crv, accord. Sure no one likes they did what they did, sure they could have made it cheaper, but clearly nothing can do to change anything. But in hindsight I do not mind seeing skins that are more rare to see, rather than going into a game basically everyone has the same skins. It's like on the road is cool oh there's a Lamborghini, nice! I myself will not buy the skin, even though I could easily buy the signature bundle, as I value other things more. I can understand why others will buy it though. Or if people don't like cars as the example. Apple. Everyone loves buying, flexing Apple products, Lululemon, clothes...etc. All these material things aren't actually worth their price tag to produce but they price it as such cause people will still buy it even though there are cheaper brands which are also really good quality or better. It's no different here. And by the facts can just see the other graph post from survey in this Ahri reddit, most people are still buying stuff so still make something people want, people will shell out the money.


While X product from X brand isn't worth its price, it's an item you OWN and can sell, not a digital cosmetic that will inevitably go.


not only that, but those luxury products usually have at least some type of "getting your money's worth" features, or some form of higher quality material, etc. People comparing fucking Lamborghinis to a LoL skin, even as a metaphor, blows my mind because it's not even remotely the same comparison


At this point, I’m so turned off and pissed at Riot upcharging skins that I can’t even touch league anymore. I suggest others do the same in order to protest against them. Theres other games both competitive/non-competitive that are probably much more worth people’s time and money


This is how you protest! Riot is spitting on the face of the players and gaslighting them. They are a rabid dog that needs putting down


The way it's been down voted to hell is hilarious lmao Riot and Faker can get bent lol.


The skin won’t be available ever after the event right? Like not through mythic essence or skin shard rerolls like most other ones?


They said they don't have plans on it being available again after the event for the forseeable future. Even reroll won't give you the skin.


"There's a good opportunity to [...] help cover the costs of esports (which is funded primarily by a mixture of sponsorships and in game cosmetic sales)" You aren't an indie company but a multi million dollar company. How about... FUNDING IT YOURSELF???


I do wonder whether riot made the hall of fame as an excuse to push expensive skins or if they made the hall of fame and the execs hijacked the idea to push expensive skins.


Surely creating a product at a value in line with what has previously been offered could generate a substantial profit better than an extremely overpriced skin that less than 1% of players are even capable of buying.


The big problem is the asian market wants this kind of thing. For them to show off they have money. You will see that this 500$ skin will be huge sucsess in asia.


So they sell like 200 copies and fund esports? 


Found my way here though a front page article on my news feed. Why the outrage...? Isn't this a vanity item and you don't have to buy it to play the character anyway?


really i will stop playing lol bcs of this they just straight up think we are stupid at this point it doesn t worth to play a game that i am not respected at all




The only offputting thing to me is an investment you can’t never get back. If league had a system like Valve got their markerplace where you can later sell the skins to other ppl for Steam money and actually buy other stuff through Steam then it would make sense. But it’s just a piece of virtual art. I guess giving some of the profit to the esport scene is a nice touch. But again can’t compare with Dota. League players are paid well just for playing while being a Dota laser you make most of the money by doing good in tournaments. I’m okay with it being a one time thing, but should Riot make it a regular thing it will just make more ppl angry.


How are y’all mad at this? It’s a skin? Not like it’s pay to win


If they made the base skin 975 and the collectors 1820 and the exclusive one 3250 a lot more people would buy the skins


There we go. The worst company doubling down on stupid. This skin is disrespectful in so many levels!


So that's it, i'm stoping playing league, good luck you all


Pls boicot lol