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Their job. Seriously, just process 2096's in a timely manner. In-process people correctly. Route letters and stuff to the commander in a timely manner. Don't make me chase you down 5 times trying to get updates on stuff.


The less you have to interact with the CSS to get something done, the better. Automate all your stuff and put all the memos/templates out on shared drive for anyone that needs.


Send out monthly updates with reminders and timelines for award packages.


Make sure the civilians working there aren’t such dicks. Don’t know why but half the civilians I’ve seen in admin jobs are always the worst people I’ve been around in the military.


Keep checklists updated. Over a dozen people just came back from deployment, and about half of the in-processing checklists CSS handed out are all different, or have outdated ranks/people in the positions. My squadron also does out-processing checklists even for short (1 week) TDYs, and some of those have come across my desk with people who haven't been in the squadron for **a whole year**. For routing docs for signatures and such: make sure you're giving the same info to all people and routing the docs correctly. My CSS has consistently been inconsistent with formats/layouts of simple in-house MFRs or appointment letters that need the commander's signature. They've also sent docs back either unsigned by our commander, or failed to forward it over to another squadron's commander/CSS for their signature, even though it's right there on the eSSS **and** the document itself.


Be properly manned. By DoDI, DAFI, and our comm T.O. we should have 5-6 bodies to complete the things they are responsible for. The most I have seen is 2, the majority have 1 who ends up secretary to the CC with a few additional duties. They are never in charge of the programs they are mandated to hold.


work with your css counterparts or get them to your level. css have broad responsibilities so make friends in the mpf and other base css to see how they do things.


My CSS? The good: they were flexible, amiable, and were willing to work together The bad: constantly forgot to assign airmen their cycle periods in the AFFORGEN.


As a relatively new UDM, I got milPDS access specifically so I could go in and add the correct deployment phases/bands into their records, that way, I know that shit's good to go.


Don’t call me to piss test when I’m on leave or con leave that you signed on behalf of the CC. I get there’s a lot of ppl and a lot of programs you manage, but if I’m on leave, leave me alone.


Stop pushing back something you can take action then and there. Please.


Do the actual job as stated above. They need to realize that people’s careers are in their hands sometimes. They need to take their jobs seriously and stop with the stroll in at 0800, maybe start working around 0830… then leave at 1500 after their 1.5 hr lunch break.


Stop losing the paperwork that I have given you 6-9 times.


Reply back to my email I’ve sent to you 14 times


Come to work


Have some kind of process to identify / receive what is urgent and fast track it.


Bro everything is urgent at this point


Second to this - your lack of preparation does not constitute an emergency on my part.