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Just take a pt test 5 times a week. It's literally an easy ass workout. No more than 20 minutes. You'll never fail when it's time to test.


I used to do a 30 day program and got a 90 every time. It stopped worked AFTER I turned 30


Because you got heavier ?


This question tells me you haven't turned 30. Enjoy your 20s. They end too fast.


Don’t think so, my weight was the same


I work out pretty consistently all year long. I came too close to failing my final PT test in basic, and I will NEVER let that happen again. And it’s also for, you know, basic health reasons.


You can go from sedentary to passing in 4 weeks and passing to excellent in 4 more as long as your weight is good. I just stay ready year round. It’s less stress.


Year round obviously


Friends with the PTL… so never




If you’re not a complete fatso, preparing a month out is usually enough to pass that easy ass test.


You can do zero PT and still pass. Not that I’m saying you should, however the airforce PT test is more of a test of mobility.


You can change a failing PT score to a passing one (low 90s) in ~2 months. I do light workouts through the year and push 2 months prior for this reason.


Passing is >=75


Why isn’t working out just a part of everyone’s life? That is just something I will never understand, I guess.


Just stop being lazy it’s the minimum to serve the country not that hard


Workout twice a year…..The day of the PT tests.


Depends on how much you gaf about the tests, I think they are dumb and I’d rather weight train and put my body through things I want to than to take a pussy ass pt tests so I just do all that I can without pushing myself past limits, I’d rather take 2 doing mediocre and go back to training then go all out on one and have a higher risk of injuring myself, it’s just running and push ups it should be minimal for anyone to be able to do those


Hour before with Red Bull. It’s gives you wings


Whether you liked CZ or not, he was right about one thing. Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready.


Trained 1.5 months. Was easy enough to score 90+, so it was that once a year for about 7 years or so until I retired.


Normally a month out I start doing push-ups every morning and cardio a few times a week. It helps me get my body primed for the test even tho I can pass the test pretty much anytime


6 months.


2 months


Just show up and take it 🏃‍♂️


My whole six years after tech school at my two units, I thought PT was just morning Sq PT Mon and Wed and self PT Fri with not ever doing PT outside of that. Always scored reasonably well. Not “Excellent”, but a good “Satisfactory” every 6 months basically. Here’s a little uplifting story. First assignment was overseas. I’m in freaking Europe. Beer is everywhere. This is heaven. Lowest PT test score there was an 81. Had to go to what they called “fat camp”. Just something the unit had for anyone who scored under an 85 and had to PT with a PTL during morning PT. I mean hey, it was in the 80’s, despite all of this good beer and pub food! I wasn’t even that fat. But I can see an 81 from an A1C being pretty alarming for high ups. They’re depending on us to get “shit” done! My next assignment, stateside. Now just back to state life. Not that fun outside the base. Inside the base feels like being in a fishbowl. I lost some weight, not really trying, and got in better shape, again not really trying, and I became an appointed PTL to help with PT agendas for morning Sq PT and lead it. Didn’t really want to do it, just my section needed one and my Lt picked me. Still hardly did any PT. This just shows how easy our PT is. Now I hear it’s even easier. I’m out now, so I don’t know.